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Patch Notes: NW.122.20200614a.9

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Patch Notes for tomorrow's launch of Neverwinter: Avernus are now available.



  • abdalonangelabdalonangel Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Nice devs, you just did nothing with GF dps. Just copy / paste the last change you made on it.

  • tuna#6129 tuna Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    you buffed the cleric dps i literally just got on and jumped in a party with in my opion is the best tomm group on xbox and have proceeded to listen to them laugh for an hour about how you buffed the cleric when there already grosly overperforming (the all play arbiters). i am seriously baffled this makes me think you not only dont play the game but put no effort toards listening to the community or watching community streams ect. the barb buff on privew was good and thats know where to be found and the arbiters are buffed. literally the best arbiters in the game are 20% higher then any other dpos from any other class the best of the best can't come close and your buffing them. DISAPPOINTING!
    Post edited by tuna#6129 on
  • xavior44xavior44 Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2020

    @nitocris83 these changes are from mod 18....you are too lazy to write the new changes?

    Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine @fireball310 like always... anyways considering she would be copy and pasting (i would assume) i doubt it has anything to do with laziness and more to do with a simple mistake
  • tuna#6129 tuna Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    even if there was a simple mistake made and there are class changes missing from the notes arbiters do not need buffed. i do not know if the only ppeople who can actually play the arbiter well on all platforms are the ones i play with or if whoever is in charge of making these changes just dosn't pay any attention to the game but the abiter getting buffed is atrocious!
  • brb89brb89 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Thanks for your works, but most of changes (almost in warlock section) was from mod 18^^
  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    I think they have given you the wrong patch notes...

    Cleric: Arbiter
    Lance of Faith: Increase magnitude from 80 to 85
    Sacred Flame: Increase magnitude from 70 to 80.

    We already *HAVE* these magnitudes for these At-wills.

    Go back to them, and tell them to give you the correct information. Because what they have given you is wrong.
    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User

    Perfect Balance: Add "Burning Shift Effect: Increases damage dealt by 1%." & "Radiant Shift Effect: Increases damage dealt by 1%."
    Wizard: Arcanist
    Class Features
    Arcane Presence: No longer grants 5% recharge speed
    Chilling Presence: Now grants 0.5% damage per stack
    Storm Spell: Now has a 20% chance to trigger
    Chaos Magic: Now has a 5% chance to trigger
    A Step Above Mastery: Now grants 0.5% damage per stack instead of 1%
    Wizard: Thaumaturge
    Icy Rays: Magnitude increased to 300-450
    Chill Strike: Magnitude increased to 450
    Shatterstrike: Now does 150 magnitude to control immune targets
    Frigid Winds: Now does 1.25% extra damage per chill stack on the target
    @nitocris83 It's changes from M18 patchnotes. Where are M19 changes like a new effect of Chilling Advantage feat on Thaumaturge Wizard?

    Ranger changes are also not in line with the last pass on preview...
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • sam551#3407 sam551 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Where are the new Barbarian DPS buffs?
  • stormkeep#9618 stormkeep Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    @nitocris83 I'd like to have patch notes for the class balancing that is actually IN this patch.....I already know what changes were made 6 months ago, which is what you have here.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    tuna#6129 said:

    you buffed the cleric dps

    Not really. Some of the changes are actually M18 changes, which should not have been listed in those patch notes.
    They seem to have been copied from the Jan 20th patch notes. Not relevant. Others affect only specific powers or rotations, which might not even be used by the "top DPS" Arbiters.

    Hoping for improvements...
  • stormkeep#9618 stormkeep Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    adinosii said:

    Some of the changes are actually M18 changes, which should not have been listed in those patch notes.
    They seem to have been copied from the Jan 20th patch notes.

    Is it only "some" of the changes? So far every toon of mine that I compared the listed changes to what is current ALL of what they list already happened.
    (Edit: obviously the seperate document on healing related changes are new, of course)
  • This content has been removed.
  • stormkeep#9618 stormkeep Member Posts: 13 Arc User

    All this changes to Fighter didn't made into the live version?

    We don't know what made it to the live version because their patch notes for class balance changes are from Mod 18....in other words, the actual changes that will be in today's patch are a Mystery.
  • lilbittypretty1#8021 lilbittypretty1 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    @nitocris83 with the new changes to the leadership of guilds, are you changing the way the votes are when moving alliances or positions within the alliance? I mean at this point all rank 7s have to vote on whether or not they will leave or remove a guild, including useless alts of the same character. To speed that up we usually demote alts and afk 7s to make the change and then promote them back up after the move. Are we changing this voting system as well or do we have to wait to remove a problem guild til a co guild leader is off vacation, returns to the game or is off cool down for demotion? Moving guilds with in an alliance for bonuses and discounts are going to become a hassle with this implemented. I get the reason for the changes , but I think the voting system needs to be adapted to fit this as well. I know people with over 20 alts that are all r7 and have to vote on each one. That's stupid and time consuming especially . At the very least it should be one vote per account rather than each r7.
  • shugenshashugensha Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    I still laugh every single time i read "we believe that the Warlock's Soulweaver paragon path was too wildly different from the Devout and Oathkeeper, making it hard to compete in some cases and significantly better in other areas. We also felt that their kit lacked a lot of meaningful choices, with many mechanics like curse feeling abandoned and out of place when choosing the Soulweaver path. " cuz, while the soulweaver there was "good", only needed increased mag. Curses abandoned? Life Pact + Warding Curse (and in some cases + harrowstorm) were a good combo to help the team survive a little more. Now we have 6-10 seconds buffs with looooong CDs, and lame barriers/HoT with sad healing magnitudes.. DCs had burst heals and pallyheals had broken shields, just by knowing that you KNOW every healer was "too wildly different" from eachother. All we asked was "get rid of bluebars or give us increased magnitudes", not "destroy everyone and make us a frankenstain of them".
    All that is left is wait and hope all the feedback we give them will be taken into consideration for the next 6 months.
    The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.

    Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
    Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour

  • spinnytopspinnytop Member Posts: 163 Arc User

    Ricochet: Shield Throw now bounces to up to three nearby enemies dealing 10% less damage to the second target, 20% less damage to the third target, and 30% less damage to the fourth target. Attacks that hit more than one enemy allow Shield Throw to be used without triggering a cooldown.

    Can anyone explain this part of that change to me? Does it mean that if I use any at-will/encounter/daily that hits multiple targets, my next Shield Throw goes off without triggering a cooldown, meaning I could do reave/shield throw/reave/shield throw/etc... over and over? Or does it mean if Shield Throw hits multiple targets it doesn't trigger a cooldown, meaning I can just spam Shield Throw? or something else?
  • crusthelvetecrusthelvete Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Nvm ^^
  • thesadiathesadia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    What are the real changes to the wizard, what is listed in the patch note are from mod 18
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    spinnytop said:

    Ricochet: Shield Throw now bounces to up to three nearby enemies dealing 10% less damage to the second target, 20% less damage to the third target, and 30% less damage to the fourth target. Attacks that hit more than one enemy allow Shield Throw to be used without triggering a cooldown.

    Can anyone explain this part of that change to me? Does it mean that if I use any at-will/encounter/daily that hits multiple targets, my next Shield Throw goes off without triggering a cooldown, meaning I could do reave/shield throw/reave/shield throw/etc... over and over? Or does it mean if Shield Throw hits multiple targets it doesn't trigger a cooldown, meaning I can just spam Shield Throw? or something else?
    From what I noticed, it only works once, then Shield Throw has to complete a cooldown before it can happen again. Didn't test it much though as it felt "meh".
    Post edited by evemj on
  • spinnytopspinnytop Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    evemj said:

    From what I noticed, it only works once, then Shield Throw has to complete a cooldown before it can happen again. Didn't test it much though as it was felt "meh".

    Ah okay, that makes more sense. The way I was reading it made it sound super nuts. Twice per cooldown sounds kinda neat maybe.
  • bigman99#8273 bigman99 Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    djsxe said:

    Where are the new Barbarian DPS buffs?

    Lol I saw these patch notes posted last night and had to rush to the preview server just to make sure. The buffs were still there, just old notes.
  • only99coins#1928 only99coins Member Posts: 1 New User
    So I'm rather new to the game, but for everyone saying that these are not the patch notes. . . it's my opinion that they are. It just looks like they re-worded it to make it look like they did something. Again this is just my opinion, but lets look at MOD 18 vs MOD 19 for Fighter.


    MOD 18__________________________________________________________________________________MOD 19
    Cleave: 35 (up from 25)_________________________________________________________Cleave: Increase magnitude from 25 to 35
    Brazen Slash: 75 (up from 55)______________________________________________Brazen Slash: Increase magnitude from 55 to 75
    Shield Bash: 30 (up from 20)_______________________________________________Shield Bash: Increase magnitude from 20 to 30
    Guarded Strike: 85 (up from 60)____________________________________________Guarded Strike: Increase magnitude from 60 to 85
    Heavy Slash: 135 (up from 100)_____________________________________________Heavy Slash: Increase magnitude from 100 to 135
    Tremor: 340 (up from 250)___________________________________________________Tremor: Increase magnitude from 250 to 340
    Griffon's Wrath: 1050 total (up from 840)_______________________________Griffon's Wrath: Increase total magnitude from 840 to 1050
    Onslaught: 420 (up from 300)______________________________________________Onslaught: Increase magnitude from 300 to 420
    Earthshaker: 800 (up from 580)_____________________________________________Earthshaker: Increase magnitude from 580 to 800
    Shockwave: 870 (up from 620)______________________________________________Shockwave: Increase magnitude from 620 to 870
    Momentum: +300 to Bull Charge (up from +200)_____________________Momentum: Increase magnitude from +200 Bull Charge to +300
    Heavier Slash: +300 to Heavy Slash (up from +200)_________________Heavier Slash: Increase magnitude from +200 Heavy Slash to +300
    Prepared Slam: +280 (up from +200)_____________________________________Prepared Slam: Increase magnitude from 200 to 280

    Here's to hoping they'll prove me wrong! Cheers!
  • egedoga#9111 egedoga Member Posts: 4 Arc User

    Patch Notes for tomorrow's launch of Neverwinter: Avernus are now available.


    I want to say something but have nothing cause I am TR :I We have nothing for change or improve
  • shugenshashugensha Member Posts: 191 Arc User

    Patch Notes for tomorrow's launch of Neverwinter: Avernus are now available.


    I want to say something but have nothing cause I am TR :I We have nothing for change or improve
    The meta it's just a guideline. And guidelines are boring.

    Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
    Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour

  • vattaravattara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 280 Arc User
    [PC] Went to the reward agent to claim the 20th anniversary gift only to find that the agent no longer lists my account bound Legendary mounts ! Its not amusing to find that "bought" items that were supposed to be reclaimable in perpetuity are no longer there.
    Could use a little reassurance from the Devs that this is a mistake and will be fixed asap. Ty
  • lopov88lopov88 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    @nitocris83 any updates regarding the class updates in patch notes? Obviously the wrong info was posted.
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