As of today, the Hell Pit NPC is not giving the quest anymore so I can't participate in the event.
I have checked with alters and the NPC is not giving the mission to them either.

Not sure if this is the same bug that we had last year that left many of us out of the event for many days.
As of today I'm still out of the event and I can't play it at all
I had this problem until my companion came back from training and the quest re-appeared.
Last Hell pit event, I had the mission but the portal would not open so I was left out of the event for 8 days, this time I don't even get the mission.
I'm upset that I paid not to play. Cash money for that buyout too! Support tells me I'm HAMSTER outta luck and that I've wasted my zen and they will not refund the zen. The first buyout I ever did was Tales of Old. This event followed it, why would I expect it to be any different?
as this Hell Pit has mostly ended, so this problem doesn't happen ever again, could you please ask whoever is in charge of the Zen store to make all items from events that affect the playability of the event have a clear statement about that fact if you buy the items?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hello I have a problem or a question, I kill the last boss of hell pit and I could not enter the event anymore, but at the end of event, they did not give me the achivment scroll or scrolls, or whatever the reward they give at the end. What can you tell me about it, is it a failure ?, where it is reported or what is done.
On Day 21 (after killing Wilfred), you get some "regular" tokens. The last 7 days are "bonus" to get more "regular" tokens.