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April Fowls & Fight of the Fowls Feedback

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
edited April 2020 in News & Announcements
UPDATE: We are aware of the issue with consumables and are working on resolving it as quickly as possible.

Greetings Adventurers!

Fowl things are afoot! The new April Fowls and Fight of the Fowls events are now available. We would love to hear your feedback on the event itself and any issues you encounter. Please leave a comment on what you enjoy, what improvements you'd like to see, or any bugs.

Thank you!
Post edited by nitocris83 on


  • jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    I think it's great fun, I tried both the PE quests and also PVP, even tho I really don't like that usually (and have no idea about it), and I liked it a lot, thank you!
    - bye bye -
  • sprat140#6166 sprat140 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Have some event reward for doing the PVP. Like offer some chicken feed 5-6 for the winning team and 2-3 for the losing team. This will provide some repeat-ability. After the quests are done I cannot get any more feed and I like some of those consumables. Or make the consumable account bound so I can farm on multiple toons.
  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User
    I tried the PvP... the enemy team had one player running around without chicken transformation... my team got slaughtered by that player over and over again... Just fortified my opinion that PvP is not much fun and should be avoided.

    Anyway, nice idea to spice things up.

    Just... could you, please, finally chase those reappearing ghosts that infest all the PE events lately? (I do not remember which event they belong to - as they appear as a bug probably in all the rest.)
  • rev#7881 rev Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    i played pvp for the first time in years and actually enjoyed it, go figure, and the map reskin looks better than the old boring one.

    Edit: it was actually a good idea making it so your stats/lvl/enchants didn't matter and being able to pick a role every time you re spawned
  • nova#2306 nova Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    The Fight Of The Fowls, PVP Event for April Fools, seems to have an issue.

    In the description it states that "Compete in exhibition matches against other players for April Fowls Rewards"

    upon completing either loosing or winning, no rewards for the event are given.

    edit: Using the Caprese before queuing into the event will allow your chicken to have 15kHP+ sometimes even 16k+ HP
    - allowing you to practically be invincible, up until you decide to defeat yourself or someone magically kills you.
    Post edited by nova#2306 on
    Nova - Thaumaturge Wizard
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  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    I expected very little from this event from the things we knew before, but it is suprisingly interesting.

    My 2 notes: New event foods do not really explain themselves and marginal point, but their price is not consistent as well:

    But if I just dismiss my companion, I can see how it works anyway, but there is an item that really goes below he line.

    The problem here is that even for mildly geared players, it gives numerically less than other items, not even comparable to level 80 profession potions. Also, the stats are just less useful as the power or/and HP ones. I maybe would make one of the stats HP for a simple solution, but probably the 10% could be tweaked as well.
  • froger#9967 froger Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    I thought the PVP event was a nice change albeit goofy. I'm fairly sure stats were normalized which made for those of us who don't do PVP to stand a chance. One bug though, we had a player who didn't transform into a chicken, not sure why. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AnUakg2k5eUXkHOfScOvOGn1VttY?e=JQz3hA

    Running around PE as a chicken was a clucking good time. Though, I did have some trouble. I collected all quests at once, then consumed the seeds, which made it so I couldn't do all the quests without dropping them and restarting. Giving these one at a time would have made it easier. Also, many players were asking in Zone how to transform back, not sure if RB was explained anywhere.

    Overall the event is a nice change. Incorporating Chandler's farm would have been cool too.
    Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone

    Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
  • nova#2306 nova Member Posts: 152 Arc User

    I expected very little from this event from the things we knew before, but it is suprisingly interesting.

    My 2 notes: New event foods do not really explain themselves and marginal point, but their price is not consistent as well:

    But if I just dismiss my companion, I can see how it works anyway, but there is an item that really goes below he line.

    The problem here is that even for mildly geared players, it gives numerically less than other items, not even comparable to level 80 profession potions. Also, the stats are just less useful as the power or/and HP ones. I maybe would make one of the stats HP for a simple solution, but probably the 10% could be tweaked as well.

    the event food scales, if you're a low level it will be low stat increase. if you're level cap it will be about 5k+ increase to your power.
    Nova - Thaumaturge Wizard
    Bardtholomew - Minstrel Bard
    Mariah Carries - Devout Cleric
    Darth Bane - Thaumaturge Wizard on Xbox
    Neverwinter's Prophet - MMO Specialist
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  • tigerdrsk#8993 tigerdrsk Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    The PVP aspect while different is a bit off with how it throws others in and barely explains what to do but somewhat fair with the different chickens used.

    The different chickens do have uniqueness and you get to see that in the dailies you get. Though I would suggest making the dailies infinitely able to be done like the new year event. Getting to 25 for the mount is rather a chore when the PVP gives no currency and you have to wait another day to do so per character. Those of us that have 5, 10 or even far more + characters makes this rather tedious in how long it takes and it would be much more beneficial if did not have a cooldown and do it as we felt like it and no matter of the 5 we chose but all could be done how we wanted to get our feathers and therefore our mounts.

    Especially with what's going on right now, not everyone will be on every day due to circumstances and it may be best to allow the player to do decide their own cool down time in attempting to get mounts.
  • mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    Most likely not an issue for most, but being colorblind makes the pe event really quite frustrating.
  • trgluestickztrgluestickz Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Color me impressed, I love this event so far! Took me few tries before the initial learning curve frustrations wore off but now I'm enjoying this event immensely. I ended up playing nonstop till 4am in the morning, didn't plan on it but got hooked.

    The chicken classes are well done and everyone is on a fairly even playing field with no gear, this PVP is very balanced so far. It also has successfully appealed to both casual and competitive PVPers so far from what I'm hearing and seeing people do in game. 

    I also like that this event isn't solo que and lets you que in with a group if you so choose. A lot of PVPers want to be able to do more premading and premade vs premades and this chicken que actually pops enough to make that possible for us.

    I personally prefer playing the white chicken, black chicken, and green chicken so far. The other 2 classes are also very strong though so this is purely a preference thing.

    This PVP could have been improved from providing more information on what to do, a tutorial on domination PVP basics if you will + mentioning the class change huts at spawn, ect.

    Providing some kind of reward for actually doing the PVP part of this event would have been nice but this event is enough of a hit so far that it wasn't vital for there to be any rewards for the PVP.
    It only grants glory right now. Being able to earn some extra bird feathers through winning PVP matches comes to mind as a good reward option for the matches. Being able to acquire titles through various accomplishments in chicken PVP also would have been a cool idea.

    I will say the fire chicken gets unpleasant when a majority of people on the opposing team use them, especially because of their beak stuns they can constantly keep reapplying, but it seems to be counterable so far so not too worried about it.

    I do find the class changes that drop on the field while you are fighting very annoying though, I wish that wasn't a thing and I think it would have been better to make it so you can only change your class using the huts at your spawn.

    My only major complaint is the current bug with consumables. Right now, multiple HP granting consumables actually work inside the chicken PVP matches if you applied them before you queued in. I've seen tons of immortal chicken players today with higher than intended HP, were talking 1,000 through 20,000 HP on players who are only supposed to have 20 HP. Please fix this bug ASAP, especially since it appears to be very widespread and I can't seem to go two matches without encountering multiple immortal players.
    Post edited by trgluestickz on
    PVP Rogue,
    --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
    Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
    Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
    Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
    Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
    Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
    Platform: PC
  • durugudesudurugudesu Member Posts: 555 Arc User
    The quest in PE is quite good in terms of the respawn rate of the things needed for the event. There is still a wait - but it is not as bad as let's say, the halloween and the fireworks one.

    Improvement is improvement, for that, you get my thumbs up.
  • aragon#8379 aragon Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    The event is great, especially the fact that there is the new food "Seed Bread" which is a viable option instead of Moshi or Watermelon Sorbe, for end game players. The PE quests are nice and fast paced and the PvP gamemode is epic with decent balancing.

    However, I would love the option to be able to complete the quests from Earl while doing the PvP game mode, to be added. That way there is a purpose to do the pvp besides fun. And perhaps the ability to earn more currency when you win or play a match.

    Also, the ability to change your class while fighting by running into the enemies ashes is more annoying than anything. Would prefer if you removed this.
  • polysatyr81polysatyr81 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    Not the biggest complaint per se but I've noticed that every time there's an event in Protector's Enclave besides Siege of Neverwinter the Spectral Tricksters from the Masquerade of Liars is always there. I'm guessing all these events are being built on top of each other?
  • sunshinehappy#2439 sunshinehappy Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Event companions and mounts should always be legendary or epic.
  • jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    Alright, after I gave it a bit more tries, I just wanted to say:
    Its still great! Chicken PVP is still fun! I am actually fine with the rewards and think they are exactly where they should be:
    Its something people can do for fun, and pugged. I think we missed that for a while - Even if I lose a match, its just no biggie. I queue again. Because it's fun - not because it has to get me anywhere.
    Of course, I view this from a complete No-PVP-previously-POV. But I can donate a bit to my guild, which is great since we don't really have PVP people in it, and I can have a grand time without people taking it way too serious. I can go in without being run over within 3 seconds because I just want to try it out.
    Personally very happy with this.
    - bye bye -
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Earl (the companion) is listed on the April Fowls Collection page. As he is a Zen Store only item, he shouldn't be on this list.

    As far as I can tell Festival Event Collection items are lists of those that can be obtained for free - at least during one of the Event's years. (Some are moved from free to Zen in later years).

    So unless there's a way to get Earl as a free drop? (If so please let me know!!) He needs to be removed from the Event Collectibles. [Yes, I'm OCD about the holiday collectibles pages]

    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • bookhog98#4001 bookhog98 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    These Events are funny though​​
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    As with the Abyssal Chick, the Chicken Follower and the Baby Chick cannot be Marked as Protected.

    The Chicken self transmute seems to have a 30 day timer. I think it should be a permanent item. The ones we win for Halloween are permanent, aren't they? No reason not to let us keep it.

    EDIT: The Transmute should probably be on the April Fowls Collection page, rather than Earl. (See my previous comment on Earl.)
    Post edited by obsiddia on
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Where TF are the event quests?!

    I've tried over a dozen times since yesterday to speak to the event NPC Earl to get the event quests and participate in the April Fowls event, but there are no event quests. At all. None. (See attached screenshot.) This is happening for ALL the characters on my entire PC account. Where are the event quests?! How am I supposed to earn event currency from event quests if there are no event quests?!

    I submitted a ticket about it, and they closed it without actually doing jack squat; only told me to post this issue here, as if forum users somehow had any control over in-game glitches and bugs. I'm f'ing livid.

  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    I think I had that problem. I listened to his story 'in the wrong order'. Asking him about everything again started giving me quests.

    It was like the actual first quest was to ask him questions, but I'd already done that. Just not in the order they expected? So it is a bug, but I can't duplicate it now, so I didn't post it.

    If no combination gets you in, definitely repost here that you tried all combinations.
    Dunno... also try talking to the big chicken? (Guessing is all I have atm).
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • roguepaladinroguepaladin Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    obsiddia said:

    I think I had that problem. I listened to his story 'in the wrong order'. Asking him about everything again started giving me quests.

    It was like the actual first quest was to ask him questions, but I'd already done that. Just not in the order they expected? So it is a bug, but I can't duplicate it now, so I didn't post it.

    If no combination gets you in, definitely repost here that you tried all combinations.
    Dunno... also try talking to the big chicken? (Guessing is all I have atm).

    I already tried all combinations before even making the support ticket, let alone posting here. Including talking to the big chicken numerous times as part of those combinations. Nothing worked. It's not my end that's the problem.
  • froger#9967 froger Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    obsiddia said:

    The Chicken self transmute seems to have a 30 day timer. I think it should be a permanent item. The ones we win for Halloween are permanent, aren't they? No reason not to let us keep it.

    I agree with this. It's really a shame the Fading Visage of the Flock is only a temporary item.
    Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone

    Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User
    One minor thing to consider: It is kinda good manners to get some experience for a finished quest. Even if it would be 1 exp - as life in chicken feathers might not be exactly useful for dungeon delving - an adventurer should still receive it.
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    Didn't bother with pvp, but the PE tasks were okay. I think they all may be one chicken too many, though. Having to tag 4 instead of 5 would have been less of a grind for people running a bunch of characters through. That saves what, an extra 30 some seconds for each character each day? A bit more than 3 minutes each week for each character? So for me that's 20 some minutes.

    The followers and mount are fun - liked the seed bread option.

    Not sure if this is happening to other players, but periodically I get stuck in combat when exiting chickenmode and have to defeat myself in order to turn quests in or leave. Not sure what that's about.
  • n0wy0useeme#9270 n0wy0useeme Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Regarding the 5 daily quests for feathers, were they meant to only be completed once per day? One of my toons was able to complete the quests more than once a day, but not all the quests. One of my toons could only complete once per day. A YouTube video stated they could be completed twice per day.
    I should add, I liked the event, haven't done PvP yet but I still have a week and have been busy. But good addition to the things to look forward to yearly imo. I also liked all the chicken memes everyone was coming up with, a little bummed that the Leg pack blew the ADX to Max on xbox, meaning getting my chicken mount will cost me more than I had expected lol but still a good addition overall. And I'm in agreement with the other people saying the visage should be a permanent addition, not temporary.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    Not at all sure why you felt the event should be level-limited.
    There are enough 'events' that require people be a certain level or have a certain item level, a thing like this should be open to everyone. All the stuff is bound and none of it is going to break the game in the hands of a low-level player.

    Also, only ran it on one toon, but I was able to run the PE missions twice on the first day I ran them, which was the second day of the event, I think. Not sure if that was intended.

    Finally, and this is for curiosity more than anything, but what purpose does being able to buy more feed serve?
    I admit that I found a use (I was DC'd while transformed but before completing that chicken mission, and when I logged back in I had lost the seed so I had to buy more feed to complete the mission), but it seems that there are better ways to work around that issue, like being able to go back to Earl and just asking for more feed.
    Otherwise, what benefit is there to transforming just for the sake of transforming?
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited April 2020

    Regarding the 5 daily quests for feathers, were they meant to only be completed once per day? One of my toons was able to complete the quests more than once a day, but not all the quests. One of my toons could only complete once per day. A YouTube video stated they could be completed twice per day.

    It's possible on the first day for free, but not afterwards - behaves like the AI and Chult quests. I assume you can buy seeds from the large chicken to keep running the tasks, but that's not something I've tried.
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