Tales of Old: The Grand Retelling has been rescheduled to start tomorrow, November 8, at 10am PST due to an intermittent issue with obtaining rewards that was identified during a final check of the event. Players will still be able to get their necessary tokens/event currency with this new start date. This does not impact the start of Throne of Idris on Console. Thank you for your patience!
PS If I were to log in tomorrow with full CREDIT in coins for today, on the other hand, I'd be feeling a lot more positive about this entire disastrous event. Perhaps think on whether it's time to toss us a bone for all this repeatedly broken content for a year long event. Even a stack of the chests would be something.
I mean, usually events go live someone start to complain about a bug, and only after that it get shut down or just stay bugged till next patch.
This is why test exist, and i'm quite happy that a bug is being fixed before the live version Thanks !!!
I was pleased to actually see this hit live so quickly, cred for that devs
Other than that, four different instances for one event are sure bound to induce some serious lag.
Yes, there are players who had to find a good schedule for doing the events, however from what I know it lasts for 22 days?
If it is 22 days, one day up or down is not a big issue.
However, it is within reason to expect issues even with further checking by devs, as these things are bound to happen sooner or later.
The biggest issue for everyone is the fact that once someone gets disconnected, they are thrown back to PE and they can't return to the party. This happened to the party I was in last time, as one player got disconnected right when we got in x5. This made us have to run x3 several times and we barely managed the next day before it was a reset.
There has to be a way to keep party members with the availability to return to the event itself, without getting thrown out of the instance. Lags, rubberbands etc will strike and that essentially can make one run over.
I'm tired of it.
Why can't you guys just add a simple stupid button that would allow dced players to RETURN TO INSTANCE?