for DPS I have been using the Xuna and the Air Archon for solo stuff and they are awesome. Most dungeons I use Xuna or and Augment, but I really score much higher with my Xuna or Air Archon in the Damage Dealt for my DPS because I think they take out the trash mobs.
anyone else liking other things out there?
Since the beginning most of my characters use some form of invoker. Ever since the changes of module 16, the companions are not as "active", so don't expect a lot of horsepower from them. But my other rouge, Goro Thay has a Wayward Wizard at rank 40, who is often asked to distract monsters by getting eaten or killed by them. In my opinion, it would be nice to be able to issue some simple commands to the companion. However, if wishes were horses, then beggers would ride.
For augments, the floating goldfish is really growing on me, mainly because it's *quiet*, as opposed to the Deep Crow Hatchling that is annoying like nails on a chalkboard.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
I recommend the following by slot type (in order of preference)
UTIL: Baby Owlbear, Golden Lion, Energon, Pig
DEF: Minstrel
OFF: Deepcrow Hatchling(mandatory), +any 2 you like (good for swapping by situation)
Summoned Companion: Bulette Pup or Quasit (best), use Deepcrow until/unless you get one of those two.
Bulette pup summoned
Potent precision for crit sev
Deepcrow slot for 8k power
Velociraptor slot for 10k power
Batiri for 4% boss dmg or any 4% crit sev
Alpha compy utility is BIS but expensive, so owlbear or storm rider is second best.
have you used a Xuna? or do you really believe that having the highest stats matters? What are you basing this on? a website that told you this? if you can afford a Xuna or a Air Archon try them. solo a dungeon or area and see what goes faster. you and your companion or you and an augment.
I like the Xuna best but the Air Archon is very cheap and almost as good...very close. And I do more damage in group dungeons with them rather than the augment.
Best solution for summoned pet is to use an augment pet. The added stats give you a damage increase far beyond what any combat pet can give you.
Actually, you will struggle to reach stat caps if you do not use an augment pet.
I see a lot of low-performing people when I run PUG RQ's.. and always they turn out to not use the standard augment+bondings setup.
This is the common understanding in the community. If you want to challenge that I suggest you install ACT and do some testing with both options on a dummy. I will be happy to be corrected based on real tests.
Like @mentinmindmaker said, if all you do is solo (lower tier dungeons), you will do good with a combat companion. However, if you run any new(er) dungeons, you will need a legendary augment. The difference between an epic deepcrow and Xuna may be fine for you, but Xuna in her current state is not that much better of than other summoned companions, and you will really NEED the stats of a leg augment.
Quasit and bulette are simply BIS for their extra power. Bulette is better for the extra CA. If you cap CA anyway, it won't matter.
That aside, I really don't think @jman3l#5579 is making assumptions based on nothing
I respectfully disagree with this. I have run LOMM and I score much higher in DPS than those with Augments and have higher stats than I do. Xuna and Air Archon can kill a mimmic on their own. granted not every time as their skills have a long reset but they decimate trash mobs in EVERY dungeon and skirmish. (I have not tested this in TOMM yet) But they are MUCH better for me in every Dungeon and skirmish than the Bullet and Quasit. If you don't have one of those and are just reiterating what everyone else says then thats ok. Maybe its just your play-style which is fine.
I have ACT. If you base your output damage just on ACT then you are using it wrong. what you do is you use your ACT on the Dummies. try it with an Augment for about 20 seconds. Then try it with Xuna or Air Archon for same time. Add up the total damage and I bet you see that your damage with the Companion is MUCH higher. Thats how you use ACT.
But I am trying to find out what people are using for DPS or Tanking or Healing and it seems that everyone is Fixated on High stats rather than playing their roles...
I am glad you enjoy playing with Xuna and I do too!
Rogue and Ranger have been running top-end Zhentarim Warlocks.
Fighter still has his manticore.
Cleric has his lion.
My Warlock, Paladin, and Barbarians tend to use whichever comp is their best regardless of anything else since they are pretty far behind in development compared to the others.
For 'normal' zones cap is 60, for LoMM 68. Replacing the augment pet with a combat pet might not send you below those caps if you are at 80k ToMM levels.
But for the rest of us, augment pets likely are the best option.
Saying 'I outparse xx and yy and zz' is not really interesting. It could say more about the low performance of xx and yy and zz that about your performance. The interesting comparison is how YOU perform with the various options. A dummy parse is the evidence we need.
With an orange deepcrow hatchling, I have all stats but deflect and CA capped.
With a purple Xuna, I only have defense capped. Quite a difference.
So no, I will stay with the deepcrow hatchling. All my other toons, Rogue, Fighter, Wizard, and Cleric, uses the hatchling also. Any my Rogue has Bulette pup for summoned.
On my Dreadnaught I run a Black Death Scorpion as active companion, spending 100% combat Advantage on singel targets, wich is a decent buff for you and for the hole group, since that comapnion spends CA for all yur teammates too even though the stats you get from active companion can be considered low same as they don't give HP buff.
Active companions are obviously not ment to play any role in group content in cryptics game, wich is a misconcept right from the start.
I find a timed test useful using the following areas:
Master of the Hunt (solo)
Lair of the Mad Mage (solo) - up to Arcturia save circle (to the beholder if you cant make it past that group).
These areas provide a nice reality DPS check based on completion time. LoMM is good when you want all stats to count. Master of the Hunt is good for build comparison (nerfed version), with some level-setting betweeen diff characters.
I use a Bulette pup. If you actually do damage its BiS.
I want the Deepcrow Hatchling, but right now I can't afford the AD.
Guild: Guardians of the Forest
I could be wrong of course, but I have observed that for all of my other characters replacing an attack companion with any augment I have available for them increases power and other stats by a significant amount while the stats for that one either gets reduced by a small amount or just stays the same depending upon which augment I try summoning in place of my attack companion. To my way of thinking that implies that the augments are simply not working for that one.
Nevermind, figured out the problem. it turns out it is just the bonding runestones messing with my augments and preventing them from working properly because without them everything works as expected.
Guild: Guardians of the Forest
However, don't forget to mention other downsides to combat companions beyond not giving as much stats: They are unreliable. They tend to die or run too far away from you so you get no effect from your bondings at all. They are also known to do a lot of unauthorized pulling.
For dungeons and other heavier work, use an augment.
As for what *most* people run, I suspect you'd find a lot of Energon being used - cheap, epic level, good bonus. Deepcrow Hatchling, while not as cheap, is a solid choice, and highly recommended (and therefore often used). Bulette pups, while theoretically BiS, won't be as common, because they are expensive, even at Uncommon. Minstrel probably gets used plenty too, because you get it from the Third Eye intro campaign.
What I personally run on my main (Cleric) are:
Devout: Rebel Mercenary, Quickling, Ioun Stone of Radiance (Feywild), Neverember Guard, Polar Bear Cub.
Arbiter: Tamed Velociraptor (+Power), Deepcrow Hatchling (+Power), Mercenary (+Power / CA), Black Ice Prospector / Winter Wolf (Deflect / Crit Avoid on both), with my utility slot bouncing between Gith / Owlbear cub / Energon.