I have 3 new shields I want to add to my appearance library but it is coming up with the message that the Appearance Library is full for that slot. I deleted a few duplicates but the message is still there for my new shields. I have tried logging on and off and even deleted the affected item and bought a new copy but still have the same message.
Please can this be looked at, as otherwise I am stuck for adding any new shields to my appearance collection.
Is there any reason why there are limitations to the number of fields in each category and why does the shield category seem to have a much lower limit than the other categories?
Is it designed so that we can't have "all" the options and so am I now resigned to have to stop trying to collect all the appearance item variants?
What are the limits in each category?
Will there be any refund for people who bough fashion slots who no longer need them?
Will there be an option to buy new appearance library slots to increase storage?
It's hardly a library if you have to keep deleting stuff to add new things to it.
So frustrating.....
Character affected R'ussel
Is this the best place to report a character specific bug? Will it ever get looked into?
-There is a limit to the appearance library system: each slot has a limit of 100 items. This limit was determined to avoid taxing performance/load while also allowing for players to add a wide variety of options to their library. These limits cannot currently be expanded but we will continue to monitor and discuss player engagement and behavior with the appearance system to explore areas of improvement or optimization.
-Items can be deleted from the appearance library of each slot to make room for new ones. To better assist players with viewing their appearance library capacity, the upcoming fix will also include a counter at the top of the slot library. This counter will display as “#/100” where # is the current number of items in that slot’s appearance library.
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
Rogue - Serenity (PS4)
Ereshkigal - 12k Tiefling SW
Aurora Ravensong - 11.6k Drow CW