The quest you get after you upgrade workshop to 4, 'Second Chances' (the one that ends in hiring Karmela). You talk to the previous retainer girl outside the bank, she sends you to talk to Ayrie in Moonstone Mask (which works) and Dalish in Caer Konig.
Dalish is not in Caer Konig, and the quest tracker goes red when you arrive in Caer Konig. He used to be on the second pier at the waterfront, I am told, by the civilian who is hammering on the dory. Not there now, or on any other pier, or anywhere else in Caer Konig.
Looks like they either removed him from Mod 16, or possible moved him to a different zone, but didn't update the quest text and tracker. If anyone sees Dalish anywhere, or has another fix for this quest, please let us know.
Also, went to find this thread to post in, had to scroll 10+ pages to get to it! Turns out in Mod 16, the most active forum is Bug Reports!
Well, active for players, anyway. Devs seem to be mostly ignoring it.
This was first reported in April.
Yes, this should be fixed because it is a bug.
However, mod 15 Workshop/Professions went through great effort to add a storyline to Professions all about the woes of Karmela - D&D is as much about the story as it is about the mechanics of 'the game'. Completing the story arc is seen as important by some players as well.
@nitocris83 - you acknowledged many of the other posts today (welcome back!), but appear to have overlooked this long-standing bug report.
I have 3 toons that achieved this (#4 later this week), not a hint about this...
Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.
The Small BandYou talk to the previous retainer girl outside the bank, she sends you to talk to Ayrie in Moonstone Mask (which works) and Dalish in Caer Konig.
The little girl is the quest giver. Dalish is the one who is missing. Hence, the bug.
I think there is some dialog telling you to talk to the girl. May be the merchant lady.
There was no mention from the post-upgrade party (again, I would have expected one of them to state something in the post upgrade chat with each of them), or from Merielle Begum . I will be upgrading again soon on the other toon, so will doubly check, but having done 3 in the past couple of months, I am pretty sure I would remember something like that!
Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.
The Small BandThe issue is with Dalish in Caer Konig. He's the one that tells you where to find Karmela so that you can recruit her and finish the quest.
I have just checked one of my toon that finished workshop 4 (for a long time already) but have not tried to get the 2nd chance.
As I remember the storyline, Karmela grew up in the shop and knew all the trades (except gathering as she is not an adventurer). IMHO, the dev's should have made her a 'Legendary' artisan -- able to be used in any profession, except gathering, much the way the Forgehammer works. She would have been a great add-on then the added to the robustness of the quest. Furturemore, they (devs) missed the boat with gathering... We COULD have had Omin Dran as a legendary gatherer...
Still broken:
- Artisan applications stop at 1 (rarely, 2). At least for me. Oddly, I started a new guy a couple weeks ago, he sometimes gets 2 or (rarely) even 3 new applicants. All my older guys stop at 1, and very rarely, 2.
- Orders still get cancelled when the delivery box fills up.
It seems if the same type of the order is more than one, only one will stay.
It seems gathering does not survive the fill up delivery box.
I also start to use this as a "feature" because the recent level 80 upgrade. The artisan stat is not updated until the order is 'done'. When the game let him go 'because' the delivery box is filled, his stat is updated and I could use him to do a better task.