greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
They patched today.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
It says it can not authenticate my account... WTF (I'm not sorry I did buy Zen yesterday and was having issues with the trade for AD system on the server I was thinking was just timed out because of Business stuffs so I was waiting for that to get fixed/be settled before trying again with the in game trade system.) CARE to tell me staff what the royal forgery is going on is the server still under Service in my area or did my account somehow get messed up on this one too (my grandfathered one was corrupted and I abandoned it because it was easer to abandon it than to try and recover all the promotional giddies I had. I know my time zone is strange but you guys usally do not take this long to do some server upkeep!
I would guess the account server is down for some reason, as the game shard server still appears to be up.
What it looks like. I'm logged into Neverwinter and thus still in game but if people switch characters or something they seem to be kicked out. Or something. So I think its an account server problem.
A moment ago I was disconnected from the game, after which I could not log in again because I was still have error "unable to authenticate: connection to the account server timed out" What happened again?
Better to feed the troll than listen to the idiot .
I would guess the account server is down for some reason, as the game shard server still appears to be up.
What it looks like. I'm logged into Neverwinter and thus still in game but if people switch cahracters or something they seem to be kicked out. Or something. So I think its an account server problem.
Ughh.. dont tell me that old snake has risen again.
I see that there are patch notes from 9 hours ago. Apparently that created a problem. I just wish Arc would leave a message here, acknowledge that there's a problem.
I would guess the account server is down for some reason, as the game shard server still appears to be up.
What it looks like. I'm logged into Neverwinter and thus still in game but if people switch cahracters or something they seem to be kicked out. Or something. So I think its an account server problem.
Ughh.. dont tell me that old snake has risen again.
Pretty sure it has risen again. Going by whats happening.
My character Tsin'xing
What happened again?