Very odd. I get the above message. Updated client today and all I can get is "Unable to start game client: Access is denied". Updated preview, and same thing. I've restarted completely after "CleanUp!". I looked up the error here in the search, and it seems I'm the only one >.<
Unable to start game client: Windows error code 2 (While attempting to format, received error code 1813.)
Still having this problem. Sto fires up and plays fine, but NW stalls at the launcher, even after this small server downtime. Nothings changed for me.
Also might add, that if I do not shut down my computer, when the NW client launches, it doesn't need a pass word. It skips right to the "play" button. Which then if I push it, it gives me the same error as above.
So I don't keep bumping my thread I'll just add here.
Searching the web, I see folks using steam having a similar problem after updating. In their case it seems to be a UAC problem with permissions being changed. But I have no idea where to start looking.
Something that's very odd, is that I have no way to "uninstall" NW. There's a STO uninstall, one for Arc. But nothing for NW.
*edit: It's working now.
Ereshkigal - 12k Tiefling SW
Aurora Ravensong - 11.6k Drow CW
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Is that enough info? Do you need anything else?
Later Edit: Might also add that Champions Online as well as Star trek Online load and play. Hadn't been on CO for 893 days apparently, and forgot I had an account.
It MIGHT Also be that windows 7 isn't supported anymore? If not eventually it won't be supported anymore sadly, i wish i could help cause i know how frustrating this can be
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
And as up to date as it can be
Thanks for the help though folks.
Have a nice day!