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2019 Jubilee Quests not Available

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
edited June 2019 in News & Announcements
Update 6/21 3:30pm PDT
PC servers will be temporarily down at 4pm PDT and Consoles at 4:105pm PDT to hotfix this issue. This hotfix will also address players not getting rewards/not being able to interact with the Protector's Speech Skirmish chest.

Update 6/21 10:30am PDT
The team is still investigating this issue and working on a fix. Thank you to everyone who provided account info so we could better determine the cause.

Original Post 6/20
We are investigating reports of some characters unable to obtain the Jubilee quests from Elminster. We are reviewing impacted accounts to determine the issue but in the meantime, we recommend that players have the display option of "show low level" turned on in their Quest Journal.
Post edited by nitocris83 on


  • ch0ppingd3athch0ppingd3ath Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    I am having this problem with my main toon, But i am able to do it on my alt's so it is not my whole account.
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    I also have this Problem, only in one characther and i do have the low level quests open...
  • ch0ppingd3athch0ppingd3ath Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Yes i also have the low level quest open I hope this gets fixed soon. Before I have to get off for the day.
  • smjester7smjester7 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    I could do this on some alts, but only four out of five.
  • aelinazaelinaz Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Have issue on my toons as well. All have low level quest opened. so far have check 4 toons. I will check the others
  • sianekasianeka Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    I can obtain Elminster quests on my toons that have never done Jubilee before, but event will not let my toons that have participated in the past get the quests for this year.

  • lorsoanna#8386 lorsoanna Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    Just happened on my Fighter char all others where able to get the quests
  • maicakatmaicakat Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    Of my 16 toons only 4 got the quest to see Elminster when they entered Protector's Enclave. Nothing for the others.
  • empalasempalas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 804 Arc User
    I logged in one of mine that I had logged in earlier and now it got the original quest about and Eminent guest and can do the quests. But when I had logged in around 2 pm EDT no quests. So I wonder if they are going through possibly fixing the ones that are broke possibly??? a couple others that I hadn't tried are working so perhaps they are fixing at the DB level somehow.
  • ch0ppingd3athch0ppingd3ath Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Well I will not be getting first day event quests Real life comes first. I sure do hope this is fix by tomorrow.
  • gellymangellyman Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I have this issue as well.
  • baucoinbaucoin Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited June 2019
    I have this issue also, looks like my alts that had left over Protector's bounty boxes from last year in their banks are the ones having problems.
  • drinkvernors#7197 drinkvernors Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited June 2019
    I have 3 characters on an account, two did the Jubilee quests last year and both have had access to the Protector's Garden. I wanted to earn access to the garden for my 'new' level 26 character. Elminster gave me two message quests and the Protect the Merchant quest. When I turned them in ... that was it.

    I ran one of the two lvl 70+ chars through the Elminster quests. Got two message quests, the Merchant and the Skirmish quest. When I turned them all in Elminster offered me the 'Reward in the Garden' quest.

    Why wasn't I given the Garden reward quest on the level 26 char? Why wouldn't the one character that does *not* have access to the garden yet be denied a reward there (as an incentive to 'see' the garden)?

    Day 2

    All characters level 20 and 26 only are offered the Protector's Bounty quest. None of the delivery quests are offered. After completion of the Bounty quest, no Reward in the Garden related quest is offered.

    Level 70+ characters get the normal 2 delivery, skirmish and bounty quests.
    Post edited by drinkvernors#7197 on
  • mythrackamythracka Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 26 Arc User
    Yep, getting the same issues on multiple characters.
  • No quest for me except on 2 of my characters (useless storage toons). No protector's bounty boxes causing issues here.
  • kenni46rus#9742 kenni46rus Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    characters below level 70 are all normal with quests. characters level 80 quests are not available and the chest in the event does not open
  • secy23secy23 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    yes, me too. No Quests, and if i run the Queu, no chest at the end (on Xbox)
  • smjester7smjester7 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    Yesterday 4 out of five could get the quest. Today none of my characters have gotten it
  • aubitronaubitron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    Adding my comment here, with update, as was requested on other thread:

    Original post:

    Thought I would log in to add myself to this list.

    Exactly same problem, also mine was already checked, and turning it off an on again didn't solve the problem ;)

    My wife also has the same issue. 2 out of 8 of mine are able to get the quests, 1 out of 8 of hers was able to get the quests.


    Same situation today, other characters can't pick up quests, my two that could yesterday were able to pick up quests again today.
  • tangyfartnuggettangyfartnugget Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    all my characters have show low level in the display options and still my 3 characters that already have the garden key can not get the quests from elminster, the 7 characters that do not have the key can get the quests
  • danislade12danislade12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    l have the same problem with my all (5) characters all lev 80, quest are not available,,, and "show level loew" is open, but if rhe quest not exist,,,thx
  • sianekasianeka Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    Toons that have done Jubilee in the past: no dailies, and no reward chest from skirmish
    Toons that hadn't done Jubilee: dailies and skirmish rewards, but no daily figurine today (only 1 from yesterday)
  • seggertseggert Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Seems that a problem is global for the different realms. Character who was earlier participating in an Jubilee - stay without quests and a chest in a skirmish. But quests are available to newer characters, that hadn't done Jubilee yet
  • jelara1jelara1 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2019
    Summarizing my comments from the other thread + more details:

    5 Characters affected by issue who last did the Jubilee in 2014. 4 are 80, one is 48 (but was 30ish in 2014).

    6 Characters not affected, all created since Dec 2018 - never ran Jubilee before. 4 80, one 40, one 22.

    On all characters affected by issue:

    1. All had Show low level already turned on:
    a. turned off, then turned back on, no effect
    b. looked at and identified every incomplete quests in journal - none were Jubilee quests

    2. All turned show completed on, identified the following completed quests listed as completed (presume from 2014)
    a. (Protectors Enclave) An Eminent Guest at the Jubilee
    b. (Protectors Enclave) The Protector's Speech
    c. (General) The Protector's Speech [shows up in two places - but this happens on new chars too]
    d. (General) A Reward in the Garden
    e. (General) [Each had numerous tasks from the Jubilee]

    3. All 80s had the Garden Key (year round access to the garden).
    I am uncertain/can't remember if the low level char had access or not.
    There is no physical object for this key on any character (nothing in Useful Items tab) - must be a internal/hidden flag.

    As of 7:15 AM (PT) on Friday, there is no change.

    Edit: Fixed year of last Jubilee attended

  • uzalauzala Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    So, hows the investigation going?
  • kingkevin#3240 kingkevin Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    It’s also only on my main character, I logged in on an alt to check something and saw the event. All quests I could claim on him, although on my main who I tried second had none
  • horizonxaelhorizonxael Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    > @nitocris83 said:
    > We are investigating reports of some characters unable to obtain the Jubilee quests from Elminster. We are reviewing impacted accounts to determine the issue but in the meantime, we recommend that players have the display option of "show low level" turned on in their Quest Journal.

    Idem My account 4 characters not mission how are you going to repay lost days?
  • aimeeisasimnutaimeeisasimnut Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I was able to do the jubilee quests on 3 of my 8 characters. Pls fix this soon
  • This content has been removed.
  • cybearlabcybearlab Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    the low level of quests is on, they don’t give me any quests, no chest rewards, no currency, nothing! and so on all my characters! what to do then ?!
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