First: A continuation of the NW.110.20190519a.2 patch notes that I didn't get to last week. These went to Owlbear last week, then NeverwinterPreview on Wednesday 5/29.
Content and Environment Cloaked Ascendancy
Gyrion's Tower: Players no longer take falling damage when jumping between platforms.
Nostura's Fey Castle: The stag is no longer stagnant; it now staggers forward and takes the player to the next stage.
Masterwork Professions
The first Masterwork Mailsmithing quest is now buried behind dialog options, so players are less likely to accidentally accept both it and the Masterwork Platesmithing quest at the same time. This is so that players can still accept it in case they want to, but don't spend more resources than necessary to unlock Armorsmithing recipes.
The Temple structure now properly references the Awareness stat instead of Lifesteal.
Catacombs: Certain chests no longer become unlootable after the first player uses them.
Certain interactive objects that teleport a player to another location in the same map no longer cause the player to turn around once they arrive.
Control Gem: The flavor text of this quest-granting item no longer contradicts its icon.
Dressed to Kill: The quest path now consistently leads to appropriate objectives.
Intro: Jarlaxle's drink is now visible.
Out of Control: This quest now properly directs players to talk to Celeste for completion.
Peace of Mind: Multiple players in the same party can no longer interact simultaneously with the same corpse.
Various overlapping voice-over cases have been addressed.
Waning Darkness: In this quest's instance, the player no longer receives a placeholder debuff icon.
Waning Darkness: When this quest is available, a certain character no longer has a temporary doppelganger.
Yawning Portal: Players no longer occasionally die when jumping down the well.
Undermountain Expeditions
Certain dungeon-difficulty enemies no longer incorrectly spawn in expeditions of any difficulty.
Certain rare spawns no longer incorrectly have a 100% spawn chance in certain rooms.
Mini-boss rare spawns now only spawn in Master Expeditions, rather than in normal-difficulty Expeditions.
Risk vs. Reward: This quest should now flow more smoothly.
Water-to-stone doors no longer slow players with leg injuries down so much that they cannot get through.
Acquisitions Incorporated flyers should no longer be floating in mid-air in Protector's Enclave.
False Idols: This quest no longer references Scrolls of Identification.
Green Slaadi are no longer referenced once as a green salad in lore.
Combat and Powers Cleric
Doomsayer: This class feature's buff now properly states that it increases damage, rather than crit rate.
Marathon Runner: This skill no longer causes the Fighter's movement speed value to flash in the character sheet.
Into the Fray: With the Bloody Reprise effect active, this power now properly sets the Vengeance gauge to 75% instead of 50%.
Determination now properly grants immunity to crowd control effects.
Enforced Threat now states that it reduces targets' Awareness.
Burning Light now shows its magnitude as a range, representing the scale for how long it's charged.
Aura of Restoration's buff icon no longer flickers.
Forest Ghost now shows its range in its tooltip.
Rangers can no longer attack (for a mighty 0 damage) when they have no weapon equipped.
Seeker's Vengeance now functions more consistently with ground-targeted AoE powers.
Bear Trap now properly states that it applies Hold, not Root.
Call of the Storm: This power's buff now has a description.
Deft Strikes: Rangers can no longer end up with both the ranged and melee versions of Deft Strikes at the same time.
Split the Sky can now proc Deft Strikes.
Throw Caution now properly procs Blade Hurricane.
Sneak Attack: This class feature now displays its effect on the character sheet.
Skillful Infiltrator now displays its effect on the character sheet.
Wicked Reminder: The Critical Avoidance debuff caused by this power now properly has an icon.
Return to Shadows: This feat no longer pops up text repeatedly when Smoke Bomb is used.
Brood of Hadar now shows its area of effect radius in its tooltip.
Immolation Spirits now properly roll their crit chance on each attack, rather than just once and keeping the result for all attacks.
The Soul Puppet buff now shows a duration.
Creeping Death now properly affects all enemies damaged by the Warlock, rather than just one per cast.
Hand of Blight now consistently shows its duration in seconds, instead of just giving the player 5 in ranged mode.
Hand of Blight: The melee version of this power now properly states that the ranged version has a magnitude of 35.
Hellfire Expertise: A typo in this skill has been fixed.
Hellish Rebuke now consistently only shows one debuff icon, rather than sometimes showing two.
Life Bind: This feat now properly applies its defense value to the character.
Pillar of Power: This power's cooldown time is now 15 seconds, increased from 12.
Pillar of Power: This power's duration is now 10 seconds, decreased from 12.
Soul Reconstruction now properly states "Magnitude" instead of "Added Effect" before its magnitude.
Elemental Reinforcement should no longer be able to provide more than two damage boosts at any given time.
Chill Strike now displays a Paragon Path border in the Powers UI.
Smolder now displays a Paragon Path border in the Powers UI.
Defender's Banner: This artifact's power now affects a maximum of 10 targets, with any split of allies or enemies. It previously was designed to affect 5 allies and 5 enemies, but incorrectly affected more.
Lantern of Revelation: This artifact's tooltip now shows the expected values of 2/4/6/8/10% increased damage taken, reduced from 10/12/14/16/16%. This is only a tooltip change to match the effect.
Oghma's Token of Free Movement: At Mythic quality, this artifact's CC immunity effect lasts 6 seconds, increased from 5.
Symbol of Water: This artifact's power no longer deals one extra tick of damage.
Tarokka Deck: The Darklord and Executioner cards now properly deal more damage at higher artifact qualities.
Tarokka Deck: The Darklord card no longer incorrectly shows the Raven card's effect.
Tarokka Deck: The Ghost card no longer gets worse at higher artifact qualities.
Blessed Advantage: This boon now properly procs.
Blessed Resilience: This boon now properly procs.
Control Avoidance: This guild boon now works and its effect now properly displays on the character sheet.
Critical Avoidance: This guild boon's effect now properly displays on the character sheet.
Death's Bulwark: This boon no longer incorrectly shows a buff.
Guild boons no longer incorrectly give players higher than 8000 stats above level 70.
Incoming Healing: This guild boon's effect now properly displays on the character sheet.
Lingering Fortification and Lingering Power now properly function without a maxed Lingering Medicine.
Lingering Medicine can now properly proc at all valid ranks.
Alpha Compy: Other compies summoned by this companion now properly walk and run, rather than traveling via teleportation and sick drifting skills.
Archmage's Apprentice: This companion's bonus power now properly increases movement speed by a percentage, rather than just "1."
Astral Deva's Insight: This companion bonus now properly heals the summoned companion.
Con Artist: This companion's powers no longer try to convince the player that this companion is a Sellsword companion.
Honey Badger: This companion's Rip and Tear power no longer deals immense damage quite as consistently.
Honey Badger's Instinct: The tooltip of this player bonus now properly states its damage reduction value, and no longer reduces damage taken by an immense value, but also no longer competes with the Defense stat's damage reduction cap.
Hunting Hawk's Presence: The tooltip of this player bonus now properly states that it scales by quality, rather than rank. At Legendary quality, it has a maximum of 10% bonus damage.
Mageslayer's Assault: This companion bonus now properly functions.
Panther's Instincts: This player bonus now properly functions as described.
Quasit's Insight: This player bonus now properly functions as described.
Redemption: This player bonus now properly ticks 15 times, down from 16.
Redemption: This player bonus now properly heals the player character based on their Max HP, and the companion based on the companion's, rather than cross-referencing Max HP values.
Repentant Cultist's Discipline: This player bonus no longer incorrectly states a massive damage bonus against dragons, and now properly functions against dragons.
War Boar's Instincts: This player bonus no longer deals a lot more damage than it says in the tooltip.
More Combat and Powers Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones
Negation Enchantment now shows correct Damage Resistance values in its tooltip.
Thunderhead Enchantment no longer shows a blank buff icon during its internal cooldown.
Item Powers and Set Bonuses
Trobriand's Ring: The damage bonus now applies as described in the tooltip, as a bonus to an existing strike rather than a second burst of damage.
Undermountain gear no longer incorrectly claims it increases damage in Chult Jungles; it now properly states that damage is increased while in Undermountain.
Watcher's Charge: This effect now grows stronger every 5 seconds, rather than every 10 seconds.
Certain class mechanic meters are now restored when leaving situations that change the player's power tray, such as when dismounting a khyek or leaving a sahha match.
Deflect: This stat now has a tooltip in the character sheet.
The Arcana skill no longer suggests that it influences combat at all.
Enemies and Encounters Dungeons and Skirmishes
Castle Never: Cthylar the Illithilich should more consistently show the warning effects on the ground before their room gets flipped, turned upside-down.
Castle Never: Orcus now deals more damage, as do the annihilation spheres in the dungeon. These should now be closer in line with their pre-M16 difficulty.
Valindra's Tower: Summoning portals no longer flicker when summoning enemies.
Valindra's Tower: Wraiths in the final encounter now move more slowly.
Undermountain Runic Encounters
Empowered Enemies: This runic effect has been nerfed, and should no longer be much more difficult than other runic effects.
Enemies in Runic Encounters no longer incorrectly have a chance to despawn while in combat.
Minibosses spawned by Runic Encounters now properly fight back.
Acquisitions Incorporated Orientation: The possessed statue no longer incorrectly leashes if a player moves a tiny distance away.
Enemies in minor Heroic Encounters should now properly have silver-bordered health bars.
Goblinoid Wolf Riders now display the proper animations and visual effects when attacking.
Infernal Rifts in Dread Ring no longer spawn as some weird skull-faced person.
Items and Economy Artifact Gear
Undermountain Artifact Equipment now properly has a sigil unique to Undermountain, rather than using the vistani caravan sigil from Ravenloft.
Tomb Spider: This companion now properly has a description.
Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones
Armor Enchantment Choice Packs rank 8 and above no longer incorrectly state in their description that they give Rank 7 enchantments.
Low-rank enchantment packs can no longer grant enchantments that aren't properly implemented at those ranks.
When upgrading Enhancement Shards, shards with the lowest Guaranteed Upgrade counter are now prioritized as reagents.
Ancient Mulhorand, Dragonbone, and certain other level-matching items now properly scale up to level 80.
The names of Gold Ring of the Companion and Brass Ring of the Companion have switched, as gold is usually rarer than brass.
Mounts and Insignias
Suratuk's Teal Crag Cat: This mount once again provides the same insignia bonus it previously could. Note that some insignias may remain slotted that are no longer valid in an altered slot.
Bounty Treasure Caches can once again properly be opened.
Master of the Hunt: The reward chests now properly accept Reward Reroll Tokens.
The quest, "A Companion," no longer incorrectly grants incorrect versions of companions.
Zen Market
Companion Helper Pack now gives a Rank 9 Bonding Runestone, up from Rank 7, and no longer contains an obsolete Companion Idle Slot Pack.
Knox's Veteran Recruitment Order now states an item level of 9000, up from 7400.
Knox's Veteran Recruitment Order: New level 70 characters created after this update will now be able to receive some minor Refinement and Astral Diamond rewards, rather than nothing, when completing the Undermountain intro quest.
Stronghold Coffers once again properly accept Enchantments and Runestones above rank 5.
User Interface Character Creation
For healing classes, the WIS ability score in now shows in character creation that it increases outgoing healing.
At large UI scales, the warning when destroying an enchantment no longer incorrectly displays in teeny tiny text.
Enchantments slotted in gear now properly display the proper stat values.
When comparing items, the item comparison no longer displays incorrect enchantment stat values.
Animation, Audio, Character, and Effects Animation
Paladin: Divine Fulmination: This power's animation should no longer stutter quite as much when transitioning to / from other power animations.
Character Art
Umber Hulks no longer look like weird blocky humans when they display at low render quality or from a distance.
Various weapons, when wielded by a blocking Barbarian, now look more natural in the blocking stance.
Paladin: Bane: This visual effect has had minor tweaks to be a little less visually disorienting.
Paladin: Radiant Charge: The knight effects spawned by this power should less frequently ride backward.
Valindra no longer has a purple column effect in cutscenes.
For NW.110.20190519a.9, patched to NeverwinterPreview today (5/31):
Highlights Level Scaling
Armor Kits now properly function when their Character Level is scaled down.
Characters with an Item Level below target, when their Character Level is scaled down, no longer incorrectly have their Item Level scaled down a little further.
Dread Legion, Throne of the Dwarven Gods, and Prophecy of Madness now scale players to Item Level 12000.
Ravenloft and Cradle of the Death God now scale players to Item Level 17000.
Release Notes
Content and Environment General
Character Level scaling has been removed from a variety of maps where players are Item Level scaled. This should not change the difficulty, but will instead leave the player at their usual level.
Sea of Moving Ice: Fishing is fixed for real now.
Combat and Powers Barbarian
Crescendo no longer incorrectly has a Paragon Path border.
Avalanche of Steel now properly has a Paragon Path border.
Steel Blitz can no longer proc from Vorpal enchantment damage, and other similar sources.
Sacred Flame: The animation for this power no longer frequently stutters.
Shockwave now properly deals damage appropriate to the magnitude on its tooltip.
The feat "Landwaster" now properly functions regardless of whether the player has chosen the feat "Bloody Reprise."
Brazen Strike no longer generates more AP per second than other at-wills.
Cleaving Bull: When this feat procs off Enforced Threat, it now properly deals damage.
Dig In should no longer have a chance to get the player stuck in a blocking mode, making Retaliate impossible to use.
Shielding Strike no longer generates more AP per second than other at-wills.
The feat "Burning Vengeance" no longer causes Burning Light to sometimes place the Paladin into a broken state, where the additional automatic blocking was always in effect.
Arcturia's Music Box: The mimics spawned by this artifact's power now properly charge forward even when there's not enough room for a full-distance charge.
Black Scorpion's Instincts: This player bonus now has a higher proc chance.
Dread Warrior's Instinct: This player bonus effect can no longer stack if it procs multiple times.
Paranoid Delusion: Wizards with an equipped Orb no longer cause this companion to look strange when it copies the Wizard's form.
Rust Monster's Presence: This player bonus now properly procs.
Enemies and Encounters Dungeons and Skirmishes
Castle Ravenloft
Sisters of Strahd: The holder of the tome should be targeted less frequently by the active Sister.
Cragmire Crypt
Traven Blackdagger and his minions now have less health.
Traven Blackdagger now spawns minions less frequently.
Kessell's Retreat
Most weak and medium enemies in this dungeon now deal less damage with their auto-attacks.
Malabog's Castle
All fomorian enemies' debuffs have been lowered in efficacy by 50%.
Fomorian Totemists: These enemies now deal 66% less damage with melee attacks.
Fulminorax encounter: Valindra's portals now properly appear instead of being replaced by some weird humanoid, and function correctly.
Fulminorax now properly flies off, rather than disappearing, when transitioning to the lightning attack.
Fulminorax no longer deals damage with the lightning attack before warning effects appear.
Krol Nightforge: The Evil Eye power once again has a proper animation, delay before firing, and a cooldown.
Redcap Witherer: These enemies now deal 50% less damage with ranged attacks.
Manycoins Bank Heist
The vault has been reinforced, and now has much more HP.
Shores of Tuern
Garakas' Rage Drakes now have more HP.
Spellplague Caverns
Enemies spawned by the center anvil once again properly aggro on players in the outer ring.
Tomb of the Nine Gods
Ras Nsi: Defiant Souls now have 240k HP, reduced from 450k.
The mimics who volunteered for the mimic puzzle have gotten too energetic, and wandered off elsewhere. Withers has replaced them with a repeat of an existing puzzle.
Ettercaps can no longer get into a state where they cannot attack a character.
Goblinoid Wolf Riders' mounts now properly stay in combat when the rider is dismounted.
Red Wyrmlings can no longer turn while preparing their fire breath attack.
Stronghold enemies in most Heroic Encounters should now have significantly less HP.
The tank buster effect used by Skeletal Frost Giants as well as the Stronghold Blue and Black Dragons now lowers damage resistance by 5% per stack (max 10 stacks), decreased from 30% per stack.
Note: We may revert this later to target just Skeletal Frost Giants.
Items and Economy Companions
Companions granted by the Twisted Dwarf Scroll Case now properly function.
Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones
Glorious Enchantment and Greycloak's Insignia now have an item level of 8.
Heart of Fire Enchantment now has an item level of 130.
Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 5 now properly states it has a 0.5% chance to trigger, rather than 0.1%.
Tactical Enchantments can now be slotted into Utility slots.
Tenebrous Enchantments now have a maximum damage dealt per rank, which is now stated in the tooltip. The tooltip is now also clearer that extra Tenebrous Enchantments only increase proc chance, and do not add to the damage.
Woven Tales Enchantment, Rank 15 now properly requires extra confirmation to convert to Refinement Points.
Mounts and Insignias
Insignia of Initiative now properly uses more Insignias of Initiative to upgrade, rather than other types of Insignias.
Loot auto-pickup should now be working once more.
Named enemies in Undermountain should now award a certain currency when defeated.
Players who have completed the Third Eye campaign, but are missing Symbols of Savras, now have enough Symbols to total the amount they would have gotten prior to Undermountain, minus the ones they already spent.
Zen Market
Adventurer's Support Pack now states that it gives reroll tokens instead of dungeon chest keys.
Companion Player Bonus Slots now specifically mention that they unlock the next locked player bonus slot.
Portable Altars can now be purchased in bulk from the consumables store.
User Interface Companions
The "Unlock Power Slot" purchase action for bonus powers has been clarified in function and flow.
PvP Leaderboards should now function correctly, for reals this time.
Feats now sort consistently in the Powers UI. As a result, the position of a large number of feats have likely swapped top/bottom locations in the feat selection UI. Any chosen feats still remain chosen.
Localization General
For the French locale, the Overpenetration feat for Barbarian now properly states its cap.
Post edited by terramak on
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
WoW nice work, cant wait to ser this live.
On the other way... This and the last week prewiew patch are 6 posts of bugs... That should made you think about the quality of the mod when It was released....
'Combat and Powers Barbarian Crescendo no longer incorrectly has a Paragon Path border. Blademaster Avalanche of Steel now properly has a Paragon Path border. Steel Blitz can no longer proc from Vorpal enchantment damage, and other similar sources.'
please for the love of god tell me why you are nerfing barbarian even further?? we have gone from almost the top dps on mod 15, to barely a dps on mod 16! we have useless feats that dont help the skills we want to use, we have 3 DEF COMPANION SLOTS.. 3 defense for a dps class!! my barb is 24k and im being beaten in dps by every class except fighter
* (OP justicar, Class feature) [Divine Challenger] doesn't work. When OP dies or someone enters to combat first he can't get threat back. * Bonus Inherit Danger from set Apperentices' Spoils doesn't work properly it deals separated damage, instead of increasing character damage. * @terramak , @nitocris83
For NW.110.20190519a.9, patched to NeverwinterPreview today (5/31):
Shockwave now properly deals damage appropriate to the magnitude on its tooltip.
The feat "Landwaster" now properly functions regardless of whether the player has chosen the feat "Bloody Reprise."
Uhm i need to do some tests but why do i feel that onslaught (300 mag) and tremor (250) are doing less dmg than shield slam (200 mag)
All stats capped aside from CA and only had 91k power, but i don't think doing 13k-30k dmg is enough for the 2 biggest aoe encounters i have while shield slam does 50k+ on average (this is just from watching combat logs)
I wanna play fighter because i don't like the new cleric, but with searing light i'm doing 150k+ dmg while on the fighter i'm lucky if i hit a 300k dmg with mow down using commander's strike feat that gives 2k magnitude and mythic lantern of revelation buffs.
Momentum and dig-in shouldn't change our FOV, give us a character outline or something
Oh and btw shockwave sometimes only hits 1 target in the middle of a group
Any chance that you added an internal CD on Tenebous Proc chance or even if you guys think of adding one in the near Future? People are doing huge investements to get those enchants up and some of us are planning to get them Bound to Acount. With the enchant exchange gone you can sure understand why we ask this! Some classes are going to have HUGE dmg boosts from those and a nerf might be needed.
2 things related to items mentioned but not addressed:
Being able to donate rank 6+ is good, but what about +1 gems? It's been a while since I checked, but none of them show up at all.
Skeletal Frost Giant Tankbuster applies the debuff even if the charge attack misses or is blocked. Perhaps blocking is intended, but if the charge is dodged and doesn't land, the debuff makes no sense.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
please for the love of god tell me why you are nerfing barbarian even further?? we have gone from almost the top dps on mod 15, to barely a dps on mod 16! we have useless feats that dont help the skills we want to use, we have 3 DEF COMPANION SLOTS.. 3 defense for a dps class!! my barb is 24k and im being beaten in dps by every class except fighter
The 3 defense slots don't make sense, i agree, it certainly should be 2 off, 2 def, 1 utility. But 3k less power doesn't make or break anything.
I personally find the new barbarian playstyle a lot more entertaining than the old one and I've seen some end-game barbarians doing really good damage. Just because you don't want to adapt doesn't mean it doesn't work. The feats actually all are pretty good if you make use of them. The same can't be said of the fighter or cleric feats which all are aweful.
For the first time in Neverwinter's history the love child isn't far ahead of other DPS classes but on par with them. I think it's great.
I don't see how in Earth can someone find the new Barb gameplay interesting. It's slow af, not smooth at all, especially regarding the idiotic stamina regeneration that was never fixed and never will be, the IBS that most of the time doesn't even hit the target yet goes on cooldown (bloodletter mechanism ftw), Axestorm that doesn't work half the time, the only daily Crescendo that doesn't even grant any immunity and get stopped half the time, etc.
Bah, Barb's gameplay is a pale shadow of what it was before. I don't care not being top dps, but the gameplay is now horrible.
Life Bind: This feat now properly applies its defense value to the character.
Pillar of Power: This power's cooldown time is now 15 seconds, increased from 12.
Pillar of Power: This power's duration is now 10 seconds, decreased from 12.
A lot of good things in this patch, but what and why is this?
Life Bind needs to mitigate the damage taken, not to give the user a defense value that is either inconsequential or completely worthless (Defense not capped vs. capped before the feat is applied).
Pillar of Power having a 5% damage buff for party members is nice, and it's clear that the dev team's direction has been to drastically scale back the value and uptime on such buffs, so I'm not entirely surprised that this power was adjusted not to be perma. On the other hand, it gives extremely weak healing along with a damage bonus that is mostly wasted on a healing-focused Soulweaver, combined with a healing bonus that is working with comparatively low-magnitude healing spells as a base.
Do I understand it correctly that warlocks are still unable to heal when there is nothing to damage nearby and they still cannot clean debuffs from themselves? These two issues are show stoppers for heal warlocks in mechanics-heavy dungeons and debuffs make warlock-heal life difficult in ME.
We have difficulty in Dungeon Lomm, because Sw is the only healler that if he is in combat and not having any enemy he can not get more sparks, being heal less sought or not wanted to do Lomm.
Please increase the magnetude of the meetings and daily, SW has the smallest magnitude of DPS.
please for the love of god tell me why you are nerfing barbarian even further?? we have gone from almost the top dps on mod 15, to barely a dps on mod 16! we have useless feats that dont help the skills we want to use, we have 3 DEF COMPANION SLOTS.. 3 defense for a dps class!! my barb is 24k and im being beaten in dps by every class except fighter
The 3 defense slots don't make sense, i agree, it certainly should be 2 off, 2 def, 1 utility. But 3k less power doesn't make or break anything.
I personally find the new barbarian playstyle a lot more entertaining than the old one and I've seen some end-game barbarians doing really good damage. Just because you don't want to adapt doesn't mean it doesn't work. The feats actually all are pretty good if you make use of them. The same can't be said of the fighter or cleric feats which all are aweful.
For the first time in Neverwinter's history the love child isn't far ahead of other DPS classes but on par with them. I think it's great.
The final choice of a feat for barbarian dps is absolutely horrible, and personally consider it a detriment to the class. Damage reduction or possible 3 second stun, neither is good, It seems like more of a punishment than anything else.
Boom Barb nerfed again.. cool, now they be just tanks, cause there is no reason to bring a Barb dps in Lotmm since every other dps class is just better!
Dear devs, "The Great Weapon Fighter's playerbase" will not going to migrate to other classes just to move your economy/agenda. that trick dont will work this time.
when will reworked feats barbarian? at the moment they are useless and bad. we want to see useful skills, not those that cannot be used and have negative effects.
Perhaps an increase to the Arcanist path in terms of Storm Spell? Or make Storm Spell to activate 40% of all times? Or make a consistent Lightning Damage as a percentage on each crit?
The thing is, Arcanist path is seriously lacking in terms of dot powers, whilst Smolder gets ahead by a lot! And can even multiproc several times per sec with Rimefire Smolder options.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
Life Bind: This feat now properly applies its defense value to the character.
Pillar of Power: This power's cooldown time is now 15 seconds, increased from 12.
Pillar of Power: This power's duration is now 10 seconds, decreased from 12.
Soul Reconstruction now properly states "Magnitude" instead of "Added Effect" before its magnitude.
(forgive my quite obvious biased here) I can't help but think that the priorities on the warlock class fix list is all screwed up. If warlock heals didn't have several major issues, I would understand the Pillar change, maybe even agree it was needed. But as it is, nerfing a "heal" class that is struggling to make a niche different from Paladins and Clerics is not helping those trying to get into groups. (quotes cause calling warlock Soulbinder heals is a stretch at the moment. In LoMM I'm more of a secondary heal/buff bot with Pillar and Wyvern set)
Warlock: Don't want to let you down but I am hell bound. - Imagine Dragons Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
please for the love of god tell me why you are nerfing barbarian even further?? we have gone from almost the top dps on mod 15, to barely a dps on mod 16! we have useless feats that dont help the skills we want to use, we have 3 DEF COMPANION SLOTS.. 3 defense for a dps class!! my barb is 24k and im being beaten in dps by every class except fighter
The 3 defense slots don't make sense, i agree, it certainly should be 2 off, 2 def, 1 utility. But 3k less power doesn't make or break anything.
I personally find the new barbarian playstyle a lot more entertaining than the old one and I've seen some end-game barbarians doing really good damage. Just because you don't want to adapt doesn't mean it doesn't work. The feats actually all are pretty good if you make use of them. The same can't be said of the fighter or cleric feats which all are aweful.
For the first time in Neverwinter's history the love child isn't far ahead of other DPS classes but on par with them. I think it's great.
First, if I am DPS, I want to have the same as the other DPS classes have (3 offensive slots). Second, we do not want to do a good damage, we want to have a damage in the average difference promised by the 5% Dev between classes , not the nonsense it is now, otherwise we will continue to be ignored in the channels for Dungeons. Third, it is not the first time we are broken, I remember when I started playing and the best class was GWF (one of the reasons I chose it), the default build was that of Lazalia, and if I fail the memory came the SKT module with a super nerf in the class, many of my guild even told me to give up the char and focus on another. I have seen several classes at certain times in front of the GWF, but every time I enter this forum I see the class haters asking nerf's or how you say it is balanced.
Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones
- Negation Enchantment now shows correct Damage Resistance values in its tooltip.
- Thunderhead Enchantment no longer shows a blank buff icon during its internal cooldown.
Item Powers and Set Bonuses- Trobriand's Ring: The damage bonus now applies as described in the tooltip, as a bonus to an existing strike rather than a second burst of damage.
- Undermountain gear no longer incorrectly claims it increases damage in Chult Jungles; it now properly states that damage is increased while in Undermountain.
- Watcher's Charge: This effect now grows stronger every 5 seconds, rather than every 10 seconds.
GeneralEnemies and Encounters
Dungeons and Skirmishes
- Castle Never: Cthylar the Illithilich should more consistently show the warning effects on the ground before their room gets flipped, turned upside-down.
- Castle Never: Orcus now deals more damage, as do the annihilation spheres in the dungeon. These should now be closer in line with their pre-M16 difficulty.
- Valindra's Tower: Summoning portals no longer flicker when summoning enemies.
- Valindra's Tower: Wraiths in the final encounter now move more slowly.
Undermountain Runic Encounters- Empowered Enemies: This runic effect has been nerfed, and should no longer be much more difficult than other runic effects.
- Enemies in Runic Encounters no longer incorrectly have a chance to despawn while in combat.
- Minibosses spawned by Runic Encounters now properly fight back.
GeneralItems and Economy
Artifact Gear
- Undermountain Artifact Equipment now properly has a sigil unique to Undermountain, rather than using the vistani caravan sigil from Ravenloft.
Companions- Tomb Spider: This companion now properly has a description.
Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones- Armor Enchantment Choice Packs rank 8 and above no longer incorrectly state in their description that they give Rank 7 enchantments.
- Low-rank enchantment packs can no longer grant enchantments that aren't properly implemented at those ranks.
- When upgrading Enhancement Shards, shards with the lowest Guaranteed Upgrade counter are now prioritized as reagents.
Gear- Ancient Mulhorand, Dragonbone, and certain other level-matching items now properly scale up to level 80.
- The names of Gold Ring of the Companion and Brass Ring of the Companion have switched, as gold is usually rarer than brass.
Mounts and Insignias- Suratuk's Teal Crag Cat: This mount once again provides the same insignia bonus it previously could. Note that some insignias may remain slotted that are no longer valid in an altered slot.
Rewards- Bounty Treasure Caches can once again properly be opened.
- Master of the Hunt: The reward chests now properly accept Reward Reroll Tokens.
- The quest, "A Companion," no longer incorrectly grants incorrect versions of companions.
Zen Market- Companion Helper Pack now gives a Rank 9 Bonding Runestone, up from Rank 7, and no longer contains an obsolete Companion Idle Slot Pack.
- Knox's Veteran Recruitment Order now states an item level of 9000, up from 7400.
- Knox's Veteran Recruitment Order: New level 70 characters created after this update will now be able to receive some minor Refinement and Astral Diamond rewards, rather than nothing, when completing the Undermountain intro quest.
GeneralUser Interface
Character Creation
- For healing classes, the WIS ability score in now shows in character creation that it increases outgoing healing.
InventoryAnimation, Audio, Character, and Effects
- Paladin: Divine Fulmination: This power's animation should no longer stutter quite as much when transitioning to / from other power animations.
Character Art- Umber Hulks no longer look like weird blocky humans when they display at low render quality or from a distance.
- Various weapons, when wielded by a blocking Barbarian, now look more natural in the blocking stance.
Level Scaling
Release Notes
Content and Environment
Combat and Powers
- Crescendo no longer incorrectly has a Paragon Path border.
- Blademaster
- Avalanche of Steel now properly has a Paragon Path border.
- Steel Blitz can no longer proc from Vorpal enchantment damage, and other similar sources.
Cleric- Sacred Flame: The animation for this power no longer frequently stutters.
Fighter- Dreadnought
- Shockwave now properly deals damage appropriate to the magnitude on its tooltip.
- The feat "Landwaster" now properly functions regardless of whether the player has chosen the feat "Bloody Reprise."
- Vanguard
- Brazen Strike no longer generates more AP per second than other at-wills.
- Cleaving Bull: When this feat procs off Enforced Threat, it now properly deals damage.
- Dig In should no longer have a chance to get the player stuck in a blocking mode, making Retaliate impossible to use.
Paladin- Justicar
- Shielding Strike no longer generates more AP per second than other at-wills.
- The feat "Burning Vengeance" no longer causes Burning Light to sometimes place the Paladin into a broken state, where the additional automatic blocking was always in effect.
Artifacts- Arcturia's Music Box: The mimics spawned by this artifact's power now properly charge forward even when there's not enough room for a full-distance charge.
CompanionsEnemies and Encounters
Dungeons and Skirmishes
- Castle Ravenloft
- Sisters of Strahd: The holder of the tome should be targeted less frequently by the active Sister.
- Cragmire Crypt
- Traven Blackdagger and his minions now have less health.
- Traven Blackdagger now spawns minions less frequently.
- Kessell's Retreat
- Most weak and medium enemies in this dungeon now deal less damage with their auto-attacks.
- Malabog's Castle
- All fomorian enemies' debuffs have been lowered in efficacy by 50%.
- Fomorian Totemists: These enemies now deal 66% less damage with melee attacks.
- Fulminorax encounter: Valindra's portals now properly appear instead of being replaced by some weird humanoid, and function correctly.
- Fulminorax now properly flies off, rather than disappearing, when transitioning to the lightning attack.
- Fulminorax no longer deals damage with the lightning attack before warning effects appear.
- Krol Nightforge: The Evil Eye power once again has a proper animation, delay before firing, and a cooldown.
- Redcap Witherer: These enemies now deal 50% less damage with ranged attacks.
- Manycoins Bank Heist
- The vault has been reinforced, and now has much more HP.
- Shores of Tuern
- Garakas' Rage Drakes now have more HP.
- Spellplague Caverns
- Enemies spawned by the center anvil once again properly aggro on players in the outer ring.
- Tomb of the Nine Gods
- Ras Nsi: Defiant Souls now have 240k HP, reduced from 450k.
- The mimics who volunteered for the mimic puzzle have gotten too energetic, and wandered off elsewhere. Withers has replaced them with a repeat of an existing puzzle.
GeneralItems and Economy
- Companions granted by the Twisted Dwarf Scroll Case now properly function.
Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones- Glorious Enchantment and Greycloak's Insignia now have an item level of 8.
- Heart of Fire Enchantment now has an item level of 130.
- Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 5 now properly states it has a 0.5% chance to trigger, rather than 0.1%.
- Tactical Enchantments can now be slotted into Utility slots.
- Tenebrous Enchantments now have a maximum damage dealt per rank, which is now stated in the tooltip. The tooltip is now also clearer that extra Tenebrous Enchantments only increase proc chance, and do not add to the damage.
- Woven Tales Enchantment, Rank 15 now properly requires extra confirmation to convert to Refinement Points.
Mounts and Insignias- Insignia of Initiative now properly uses more Insignias of Initiative to upgrade, rather than other types of Insignias.
Rewards- Loot auto-pickup should now be working once more.
- Named enemies in Undermountain should now award a certain currency when defeated.
- Players who have completed the Third Eye campaign, but are missing Symbols of Savras, now have enough Symbols to total the amount they would have gotten prior to Undermountain, minus the ones they already spent.
Zen Market- Adventurer's Support Pack now states that it gives reroll tokens instead of dungeon chest keys.
- Companion Player Bonus Slots now specifically mention that they unlock the next locked player bonus slot.
GeneralUser Interface
- The "Unlock Power Slot" purchase action for bonus powers has been clarified in function and flow.
Leaderboards- PvP Leaderboards should now function correctly, for reals this time.
On the other way... This and the last week prewiew patch are 6 posts of bugs... That should made you think about the quality of the mod when It was released....
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Crescendo no longer incorrectly has a Paragon Path border.
Avalanche of Steel now properly has a Paragon Path border.
Steel Blitz can no longer proc from Vorpal enchantment damage, and other similar sources.'
please for the love of god tell me why you are nerfing barbarian even further?? we have gone from almost the top dps on mod 15, to barely a dps on mod 16! we have useless feats that dont help the skills we want to use, we have 3 DEF COMPANION SLOTS.. 3 defense for a dps class!! my barb is 24k and im being beaten in dps by every class except fighter
* (OP justicar, Class feature) [Divine Challenger] doesn't work. When OP dies or someone enters to combat first he can't get threat back.
* Bonus Inherit Danger from set Apperentices' Spoils doesn't work properly it deals separated damage, instead of increasing character damage.
* @terramak , @nitocris83
All stats capped aside from CA and only had 91k power, but i don't think doing 13k-30k dmg is enough for the 2 biggest aoe encounters i have while shield slam does 50k+ on average (this is just from watching combat logs)
I wanna play fighter because i don't like the new cleric, but with searing light i'm doing 150k+ dmg while on the fighter i'm lucky if i hit a 300k dmg with mow down using commander's strike feat that gives 2k magnitude and mythic lantern of revelation buffs.
Momentum and dig-in shouldn't change our FOV, give us a character outline or something
Oh and btw shockwave sometimes only hits 1 target in the middle of a group
Is this mimic preview?'s NOT working except on gold and lockboxes.
Any chance that you added an internal CD on Tenebous Proc chance or even if you guys think of adding one in the near Future?
People are doing huge investements to get those enchants up and some of us are planning to get them Bound to Acount.
With the enchant exchange gone you can sure understand why we ask this! Some classes are going to have HUGE dmg boosts from those and a nerf might be needed.
Being able to donate rank 6+ is good, but what about +1 gems? It's been a while since I checked, but none of them show up at all.
Skeletal Frost Giant Tankbuster applies the debuff even if the charge attack misses or is blocked. Perhaps blocking is intended, but if the charge is dodged and doesn't land, the debuff makes no sense.
I personally find the new barbarian playstyle a lot more entertaining than the old one and I've seen some end-game barbarians doing really good damage. Just because you don't want to adapt doesn't mean it doesn't work. The feats actually all are pretty good if you make use of them. The same can't be said of the fighter or cleric feats which all are aweful.
For the first time in Neverwinter's history the love child isn't far ahead of other DPS classes but on par with them. I think it's great.
Bah, Barb's gameplay is a pale shadow of what it was before. I don't care not being top dps, but the gameplay is now horrible.
Life Bind needs to mitigate the damage taken, not to give the user a defense value that is either inconsequential or completely worthless (Defense not capped vs. capped before the feat is applied).
Pillar of Power having a 5% damage buff for party members is nice, and it's clear that the dev team's direction has been to drastically scale back the value and uptime on such buffs, so I'm not entirely surprised that this power was adjusted not to be perma. On the other hand, it gives extremely weak healing along with a damage bonus that is mostly wasted on a healing-focused Soulweaver, combined with a healing bonus that is working with comparatively low-magnitude healing spells as a base.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
We have difficulty in Dungeon Lomm, because Sw is the only healler that if he is in combat and not having any enemy he can not get more sparks, being heal less sought or not wanted to do Lomm.
Please increase the magnetude of the meetings and daily, SW has the smallest magnitude of DPS.
Good list of problems solved on this patch.
Perhaps an increase to the Arcanist path in terms of Storm Spell? Or make Storm Spell to activate 40% of all times? Or make a consistent Lightning Damage as a percentage on each crit?
The thing is, Arcanist path is seriously lacking in terms of dot powers, whilst Smolder gets ahead by a lot! And can even multiproc several times per sec with Rimefire Smolder options.
I can't help but think that the priorities on the warlock class fix list is all screwed up.
If warlock heals didn't have several major issues, I would understand the Pillar change, maybe even agree it was needed.
But as it is, nerfing a "heal" class that is struggling to make a niche different from Paladins and Clerics is not helping those trying to get into groups. (quotes cause calling warlock Soulbinder heals is a stretch at the moment. In LoMM I'm more of a secondary heal/buff bot with Pillar and Wyvern set)
Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown
Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown
Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment