Getting through the tutorial should only require one successful expedition completion and etching collection.
Looks like you'll only need to do one ME run without rewards. First try out what changed, then you can get angry. ^_^'
AND an Etching collection. That means you need to get five of the same color from runs, which could take a week (or more if you are unlucky) of Rune-wasting runs...
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
And then you still need to get the resonance you need, 400 of 3 different types, and the runic sealer (which I have no idea where that comes from). So it is not a simple run 1 runic ME without rewards, it is more complicated than that.
Getting through the tutorial should only require one successful expedition completion and etching collection.
Looks like you'll only need to do one ME run without rewards. First try out what changed, then you can get angry. ^_^'
Multiple of us have tried this and it doesn't work that way. You still need to buy a Rune Orb. That requires 5 etchings of a specific type. Since the etching you get is a completely random at the end of each quest that means that you could potentially run the quest 17 times before getting a 5th etching of the same type.
That makes sense lets make single "Tutorial Quest" take 6 HAMSTER days, and while we are at it stop the chance of everyone to get the equipment they are actually looking for.
Honestly i dont know why we are surprised. It is perfect Cryptic logic and does nothing but reinforce how completely out to lunch the entire development team is.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
Because you need to run 5 using the same type of rune to get the etchings so that you can buy the thingy from Sinye for that quest before you can jump through the next hoop that comes along in the tutorial.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
frozenfirevrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,475Community Moderator
Elder rune gameplay now requires that you have finished the quest called Rune-Etched Armor in order to receive the slotted rewards. With the change there should be an updated description when slotting a rune that looks like the image below:
Also the Enhanced Runic Resonator’s description has been updated:
NOTE: We are aware that this change has indirectly caused an issue for those who have not finished the tutorial quest series and are looking to get that resolved later this week.
@nitocris83 you telling me that i need to complete the quest that asks me restore a piece of armor(that gives worse stats/equip bonus, plus i need 120k ad to restore them + the resonance types, if only restoring them gave me +~1k in stats i would gladly restore the gear but its not the case) to receive rewards from runes on master expedition? for real? this will kill player base, no one like skt restoring gear and still you apply same system all over again, @mimicking#6533 time to get real that skt restore system is a failure to implemet, time to move on to your newly implemeted professions system.
Aha, ok no bug it's WAI. Like has already been said it's not the end of the world, BUT it is very telling to me about the mindset of the team working on this. Here we are at people having trouble getting their HE rewards, several broken/untuned and/or removed dungeons, lag spikes, capping issues etc. etc. Team: "Hmmm..well of course the priority is implementing something (intended from the start) that will probably go down like a lead balloon with the player base." "Even better, let's not tell them beforehand, everyone likes surprises!"
I guess that maybe I'm just dense, because I can not fathom some of the logic behind these moves. Wild talk on the forums about purposely driving people out? A self destructive group of people? Masochists who want to upset people to receive abuse? People who are so out of touch with the reality of the game and player base? Stubborn to a fault people? Hell if I know (or anyone does for that matter), but this is getting ridiculous.
It is baffling that they decided to change part of this now, not reflected in the patch notes, but held off on fixing until later? Why not just leave it alone until you fix the whole thing?
There is no way I'm spending AD on a tutorial quest to restore items with the exact same equip bonus as seal items. No point in running MEs other than on Wizard so that maybe she can get a first mainhand (and not a fifth offhand) but at least I can totally skip the whole resonance farming and rune aspect. Gives me back a lot more of my time in the evenings.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
tassedethe13Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 806Arc User
When you think it can't get worse and it still get worse
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
I finished the tutorial quest line except for restoring a piece of armor. I have a runic resonator. However, I do not get rewards from the ME chests. I think I might have found the cause of this problem. I finished the tutorial quest line before the latest patch, before the change that was announced by @nitocris83 in this thread. Hence, I only have a "Runic Resonator" in my inventory, not an "Enhanced Runic Resonator". Since rewards show up only if you have the enhanced version, it is logically consistant that I do not get any rewards.
The bug is, however, that the normal version of the Runic Resonator was not updated into its enhanced version! And there is no option to restart the tutorial quest line again in order to get an Enhanced Runic Resonator. So all who got their Runic Resonators before this patch are screwed at the moment. Fix it asap please.
As usual, players that were able to play from day 1 of the new module have already a nice gear (and/or profit); And the poor fools that start now (e.g me) will have much more pain to catch up after this kind of "WAI patch". Please don't make my life too much difficult. A little bit of more grind is ok, but still should be doable by casual players. I don't get the full picture but it seems that there are way too many requirements now for ME loots.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited May 2019
I wonder if the developers are secretly running a competition to see who can .... eh, on second though, no I'm not going to write what I am thinking, as that might break some forum rules.
Personally, though, I am not really affected by this change. I had multiple sets of IL 950 armor already (although I use the Spy guild IL 940 head piece, as it has a better bonus). I have been soloing the HEs with a single rune, just to get the etchings for Zok, the currency from bosses to buy the artifacts in the game store and a chance to get the Alabaster offhand (got multiple offhand yet). I intended to restore one piece of armor - one of the IL 965 head pieces actually improves my stats and gives a worthwhile bonus, but the rest are simply not worth using. For this I need to run more HEs .. I have the sphere, but I am still short some Balance runes - however, that's not a big deal.
On a more general topic, the different armor sets demonstrate a remarkable lack of understanding of the concept of gear progression.
Consider the Armor of the Successor. It is supposed to be the "best" armor in the campaign - at least that's what the dev blog says. Well, it isn't. To obtain the set, you have to be able to farm LoMM. For that you have to be IL 20K ... more likely 22-24K, even. Those players will have reached the "Maximum efficiency" for many, if not most stats - well, maybe not CA (quite high) or Crit Avoidance (not worth the effort). This means that some of the special gear bonuses are just worthless, as they boost stats that are already capped. Using lower IL gear, with lower stats but better bonuses is actually preferable. Even worse, one of the Successor items has a "bonus" that is more like a curse .. one of the "avoid at all cost" ones. That's the one that summons "a creature of the Undermountain" to "help" you. Now, this creature really seems to prefer to stand between you and your target, and as it can be targeted with your offensive powers (unlike, say, your companion), you end up getting a lot of "X is not a valid target", when you attempt to fire off a power - something that really messes up rotations. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID!
And yes, we did point this out (don't remember if it was on alpha playtest or on preview), but no response (and no fix - I proposed just making those critters non-targetable with players' offensive powers ... something we know can be done).
this whole debacle, might just be the straw for this old camel. I have never...never...and i am getting pretty old...seen a company treat it's customer base as shoddily as this company continues to. Kick in the face after kick in the face. Never mind the fact I was going to put some $$$ in my account on Friday Payday, today I am going to do something I haven't done in a year and a half...not play this game. And I am not sure about tomorrow either.
The only thing worth doing in neverwinter (me) is now not worth doing unless you spend a lifetime grinding runic encounters and spend a small fortune in AD to restore armor that is worse than stuff you looted in first place. What a fantastic feature, really makes me wanna invest time and money in neverwinter.
Getting through the tutorial should only require one successful expedition completion and etching collection.
Looks like you'll only need to do one ME run without rewards. First try out what changed, then you can get angry. ^_^'
Not correct, though: You need to get one of the orbs, which requires trading 5 of the SAME etching, when each ME run gets one etching AT RANDOM and also you need to spend a rune to get an etching AT ALL.
So you need a minimum of 5 ME runs *with* Runes *without* getting Rune Rewards, and that's if you're unbelievably lucky and get the same etching every time.
Then, in addition to the hours of no-reward HE farming to get the resonance to make the runes, and the up-to-6-days-potentially of no-reward rune-wasting ME farming to get 5 of the same etching, now you need *another* 1200 resonance (of specific colours) to make the item (so... 10 more hours of HE farming? Ish?), spend 120,000 AD, complete the tutorial, restore your WORTHLESS piece of GARBAGE relic gear that you'd instantly throw away if it was a random drop because of it's low IL and bad stats.... in order to get back to being able to run THE ONLY MOD18 NON-DUNGEON CONTENT again for THE ONLY MOD18 NON-DUNGEON REWARD.
Or you could just run LOMM instead, and when you get bored of that, play a different game instead.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Somehow I feel a number of players just googled "most anticipated MMORPGs in 2019" or something similar.
Don't get me wrong - I like NWO - but with one questionable decision after another it is getting harder to justify continuing to play or recommending it to anyone.
On a similar subject is anyone in their right mind bothering to farm the 1200 unstable resonance PER GDAMN ARMOR PIECE required to get a weak 965? The developers should be forced to sit down and farm themselves an entire set and see how they feel about it. Those armor sets might as well not exist.
Right? They should fire whoever thought that this sh*t would be fine --' Oh and u forgot about the 125k AD for each piece too ¬¬
What really puzzles me about this, is the fact that there are dozens of major bugs, some that are very near game/progression-breaking, and this is what is focused on?
Not how programming works. Many things are worked one simultaneously and pushed live when they are ready. The extremely rude and boorish behavior of not announcing it or warning anyone is just Cryptic doing Cryptic.
As everyone else has said.. dumb move. You guys have a big mess on your hands with everything (companions/scaling) that is broken but you want to add more of the RNG grind to progression? RNG progression gets boring very quick because streaks of bad luck ruin any fun experience. If this change stopped with the collection of 1 runic etching, that's fine but as everyone else has said... there is no way to guarantee which etching you will get and there are 5 different types.
Runic gear was never and never will be viable (unless it is the highest leveled possible equipment - and with this scaling system, eh?) with the amount of effort that goes into it when you have similar/higher level coming from the expeditions, dungeons, and seals.
The developers need to sit the hell down and figure out a plan, these changes are all over the place. You do one thing to help players then 50 things to hurt any sort of actual progression. Realize that there is a "time vs reward" decision people apply and when you're given diddly squat for doing work, that conditions people to reject that work?
Hell, even on preview I internally gave up on completing that dumb tutorial after it said I had to collect 5 and I saw they were random drops.
Give me one good reason to continue playing this game.
I came back for Module 16 with the intention of having fun and being positive and optimistic that all the problems that would undoubtedly arise would be fixed properly and in a timely manner. All i've seen in the last 3 weeks is PR disaster after newly broken content after mind numbing incompetence.
Give me one reason. Then think about it again and tell me if you agree with it yourself.
While i agree that this change is useless, some people actually dont take the time to read and go crazy for nothing...
Im getting rewards but i never restored any single piece of gear. The quest that requires you to get a sphere of influence that gives you the enhanced resonator in the screenshot takes 5 etching of same color. So its only the 2nd quest of tutorial.
Nobody is asking us to pay ADs to restore the gear to keep going and get rewards nor farm 400*3 resonances or 600*2 resonances and pay 125k ADs. I have restored 0 piece of gear but completed this quest for Sphere of Influence on 3 toons and im getting my rewards. They all have the enhanced resonator. Now what is justified for people to get mad at is that it might take a week to gather 5 etchings of same color, the anger might be justified on this part...
On a side note, im shaking my head because so many things are broken and this fix was not in patch notes nor wasnt needed. Probably justifying more the rage in this thread than the lack of reading of quests or knowing what quest nitocris is refering to.
An "etching collection" is 5 etchings of the exact same type. That's not 1 run through.
Worst case scenario is that you might have to collect 17 etchings to reach that point. Of course, once you have 5, you probably have plenty of extra etchings to give to Zok for a chance of getting gear that is actually a worthwhile upgrade.
Multiple of us have tried this and it doesn't work that way. You still need to buy a Rune Orb. That requires 5 etchings of a specific type. Since the etching you get is a completely random at the end of each quest that means that you could potentially run the quest 17 times before getting a 5th etching of the same type.
That makes sense lets make single "Tutorial Quest" take 6 HAMSTER days, and while we are at it stop the chance of everyone to get the equipment they are actually looking for.
Honestly i dont know why we are surprised. It is perfect Cryptic logic and does nothing but reinforce how completely out to lunch the entire development team is.
Here we are at people having trouble getting their HE rewards, several broken/untuned and/or removed dungeons, lag spikes, capping issues etc. etc.
Team: "Hmmm..well of course the priority is implementing something (intended from the start) that will probably go down like a lead balloon with the player base." "Even better, let's not tell them beforehand, everyone likes surprises!"
I guess that maybe I'm just dense, because I can not fathom some of the logic behind these moves. Wild talk on the forums about purposely driving people out? A self destructive group of people? Masochists who want to upset people to receive abuse? People who are so out of touch with the reality of the game and player base? Stubborn to a fault people?
Hell if I know (or anyone does for that matter), but this is getting ridiculous.
There is no way I'm spending AD on a tutorial quest to restore items with the exact same equip bonus as seal items. No point in running MEs other than on Wizard so that maybe she can get a first mainhand (and not a fifth offhand) but at least I can totally skip the whole resonance farming and rune aspect. Gives me back a lot more of my time in the evenings.
I finished the tutorial quest line except for restoring a piece of armor. I have a runic resonator. However, I do not get rewards from the ME chests. I think I might have found the cause of this problem. I finished the tutorial quest line before the latest patch, before the change that was announced by @nitocris83 in this thread. Hence, I only have a "Runic Resonator" in my inventory, not an "Enhanced Runic Resonator". Since rewards show up only if you have the enhanced version, it is logically consistant that I do not get any rewards.
The bug is, however, that the normal version of the Runic Resonator was not updated into its enhanced version! And there is no option to restart the tutorial quest line again in order to get an Enhanced Runic Resonator. So all who got their Runic Resonators before this patch are screwed at the moment. Fix it asap please.
Please don't make my life too much difficult.
A little bit of more grind is ok, but still should be doable by casual players. I don't get the full picture but it seems that there are way too many requirements now for ME loots.
Personally, though, I am not really affected by this change. I had multiple sets of IL 950 armor already (although I use the Spy guild IL 940 head piece, as it has a better bonus). I have been soloing the HEs with a single rune, just to get the etchings for Zok, the currency from bosses to buy the artifacts in the game store and a chance to get the Alabaster offhand (got multiple offhand yet). I intended to restore one piece of armor - one of the IL 965 head pieces actually improves my stats and gives a worthwhile bonus, but the rest are simply not worth using. For this I need to run more HEs .. I have the sphere, but I am still short some Balance runes - however, that's not a big deal.
On a more general topic, the different armor sets demonstrate a remarkable lack of understanding of the concept of gear progression.
Consider the Armor of the Successor. It is supposed to be the "best" armor in the campaign - at least that's what the dev blog says. Well, it isn't. To obtain the set, you have to be able to farm LoMM. For that you have to be IL 20K ... more likely 22-24K, even. Those players will have reached the "Maximum efficiency" for many, if not most stats - well, maybe not CA (quite high) or Crit Avoidance (not worth the effort). This means that some of the special gear bonuses are just worthless, as they boost stats that are already capped. Using lower IL gear, with lower stats but better bonuses is actually preferable. Even worse, one of the Successor items has a "bonus" that is more like a curse .. one of the "avoid at all cost" ones. That's the one that summons "a creature of the Undermountain" to "help" you. Now, this creature really seems to prefer to stand between you and your target, and as it can be targeted with your offensive powers (unlike, say, your companion), you end up getting a lot of "X is not a valid target", when you attempt to fire off a power - something that really messes up rotations. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID!
And yes, we did point this out (don't remember if it was on alpha playtest or on preview), but no response (and no fix - I proposed just making those critters non-targetable with players' offensive powers ... something we know can be done).
2.) Now forget mod 16. completed.
Never mind the fact I was going to put some $$$ in my account on Friday Payday, today I am going to do something I haven't done in a year and a half...not play this game. And I am not sure about tomorrow either.
So you need a minimum of 5 ME runs *with* Runes *without* getting Rune Rewards, and that's if you're unbelievably lucky and get the same etching every time.
Then, in addition to the hours of no-reward HE farming to get the resonance to make the runes, and the up-to-6-days-potentially of no-reward rune-wasting ME farming to get 5 of the same etching, now you need *another* 1200 resonance (of specific colours) to make the item (so... 10 more hours of HE farming? Ish?), spend 120,000 AD, complete the tutorial, restore your WORTHLESS piece of GARBAGE relic gear that you'd instantly throw away if it was a random drop because of it's low IL and bad stats.... in order to get back to being able to run THE ONLY MOD18 NON-DUNGEON CONTENT again for THE ONLY MOD18 NON-DUNGEON REWARD.
Or you could just run LOMM instead, and when you get bored of that, play a different game instead.
Don't get me wrong - I like NWO - but with one questionable decision after another it is getting harder to justify continuing to play or recommending it to anyone.
Runic gear was never and never will be viable (unless it is the highest leveled possible equipment - and with this scaling system, eh?) with the amount of effort that goes into it when you have similar/higher level coming from the expeditions, dungeons, and seals.
The developers need to sit the hell down and figure out a plan, these changes are all over the place. You do one thing to help players then 50 things to hurt any sort of actual progression. Realize that there is a "time vs reward" decision people apply and when you're given diddly squat for doing work, that conditions people to reject that work?
Hell, even on preview I internally gave up on completing that dumb tutorial after it said I had to collect 5 and I saw they were random drops.
I came back for Module 16 with the intention of having fun and being positive and optimistic that all the problems that would undoubtedly arise would be fixed properly and in a timely manner. All i've seen in the last 3 weeks is PR disaster after newly broken content after mind numbing incompetence.
Give me one reason. Then think about it again and tell me if you agree with it yourself.
Im getting rewards but i never restored any single piece of gear. The quest that requires you to get a sphere of influence that gives you the enhanced resonator in the screenshot takes 5 etching of same color. So its only the 2nd quest of tutorial.
Nobody is asking us to pay ADs to restore the gear to keep going and get rewards nor farm 400*3 resonances or 600*2 resonances and pay 125k ADs. I have restored 0 piece of gear but completed this quest for Sphere of Influence on 3 toons and im getting my rewards. They all have the enhanced resonator. Now what is justified for people to get mad at is that it might take a week to gather 5 etchings of same color, the anger might be justified on this part...
On a side note, im shaking my head because so many things are broken and this fix was not in patch notes nor wasnt needed. Probably justifying more the rage in this thread than the lack of reading of quests or knowing what quest nitocris is refering to.