I wonder where are the people that said, ITS JUST PREVIEW, EVERYTHING WILL BE FIXED. are. Dont see them no more, but hey. apparently 90% of us is happy with mod 16, yet when i log on, out of 10+ people I usually see in the guild im the only one, and out of 50+ people in friends list at all times there is mb 5, people SURE are excited to see the new mod.
Didn't you read the title of this thread? Show some love, damnit! Didn't you see the Dev stream? Everything is fine.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Well here we go Next week its on PC and just a couple months to Xbox.... As I do love the update there are just a couple things I do not like… I don't like the fact all our feats are going away. Leave us the those and I will be good. I don't want to hear people say everyone uses the same build, I don't and the core group I play with don't we have created our on and I can tell you its 1% of the time they will get out DPSed. My DC can out heal a templock so yeah We know how to play its all about building your own build and playing mechanic's not copy and paste.
DEVS, there has to be a give, and take here, you are just taking and not giving or listening that's my issue. I am ok with the recovery and life stealing and movement going away. ( Mind you my recovery is 22K base) I will give you that but you must give us something, and that something is the feats we all ask for. Yes its your game but its our game as well... your game will Die without us and I know how much money people spend on the game, yes it needed a fix in a lot of ways but you went overboard and are not listening to any feedback. You have made the game easy to play for the casual gamers but the casual gamers will not spend the money everyone else does.
We ask that you take created a feedback section that you will seriously read it and take things into consideration and if need be make changes in MOD 17.
Feats add complexity. Complexity makes it harder for the devs to fix bugs. Removing feats reduces complexity making bug fixes easier to manage. Chances of additional feats is not going to happen as the development team is small and need things to be easy to manage going forward. Therefore the additional feats you are requesting will more than likely won't happen.
We will continue to get new content, new gear, new artifacts, new companions and mounts. But we won't see any big changes that adds complexity to this game for us as players.
Copy and pasting is very common in RPG style games and you should expect that to continue in mod 16. It just will be easier now.
The game is not even remotly related to D&D at all.
I am quite sure I will incur the wrath of the diehard Forgotten Realms fans if I say that the portrayal of that drow copycat template being weak ingame is correct.
In my experience, when my friends play AD&D, it's not the fight per se that gives them the most enjoyment; it's defeating a villian who they have, through storytelling by the DM learned to loathe, despise, and hate.
You're wrong there: the devs did create bosses and enemies I loathe.
> Well here we go Next week its on PC and just a couple months to Xbox.... As I do love the update there are just a couple things I do not like… I don't like the fact all our feats are going away. Leave us the those and I will be good. I don't want to hear people say everyone uses the same build, I don't and the core group I play with don't we have created our on and I can tell you its 1% of the time they will get out DPSed. My DC can out heal a templock so yeah We know how to play its all about building your own build and playing mechanic's not copy and paste.
> DEVS, there has to be a give, and take here, you are just taking and not giving or listening that's my issue. I am ok with the recovery and life stealing and movement going away. ( Mind you my recovery is 22K base) I will give you that but you must give us something, and that something is the feats we all ask for. Yes its your game but its our game as well... your game will Die without us and I know how much money people spend on the game, yes it needed a fix in a lot of ways but you went overboard and are not listening to any feedback. You have made the game easy to play for the casual gamers but the casual gamers will not spend the money everyone else does.
> We ask that you take created a feedback section that you will seriously read it and take things into consideration and if need be make changes in MOD 17.
> Feats add complexity. Complexity makes it harder for the devs to fix bugs. Removing feats reduces complexity making bug fixes easier to manage. Chances of additional feats is not going to happen as the development team is small and need things to be easy to manage going forward. Therefore the additional feats you are requesting will more than likely won't happen.
> We will continue to get new content, new gear, new artifacts, new companions and mounts. But we won't see any big changes that adds complexity to this game for us as players.
> Copy and pasting is very common in RPG style games and you should expect that to continue in mod 16. It just will be easier now.
Uh.... I'm not asking for anything additional I am asking not to remove what is currently already in the game... what they are doing is killing the game watch when this launches tomorrow how many people stop playing within the month If nothing changes by console launch it will die because console players have 2 months to see any improvements and if not they dont need to wait and see
This game won't die as the update moves NWO to a mobile/tablet friendly design. This will allow Cryptic to attract a new audience that is more incline to spend money than console or PC players.
I do think that an update to feats, powers, etc... was needed. I didn't think they would take it as far as they did, that is one issue I disagree with.
I do like some of the companion changes but do to the fact that there is such a big additional cost to upgrading all the new companions this change will hit the community negatively just like the changes to feats. Another issue I have is how much has changed around companions.
Another issue is the change to combat; it is now slow boring and tedious. There was a communication between developers and the tester around encounter damage and cool down. I thought that there was a chance of encounter damage being lowered for lower cool downs but what was implemented was lower encounter damage along with lower enemy health making at wills stronger really did not change combat flow at all. Instead it is still slow boring and tedious.
The final issue I have is the value of enchantments has been reduced significantly with this update; making higher rank enchantments, well not worth all that much.
On a scale of 5 stars; I give this update a 1. If combat was more fluid it would easily be a 3 but with combat being slower and less engaging than ESO mod 16 makes NWO a lowly 1 out of 5.
Many console players are doing the wait and see. I'm sure Cryptic is also doing the same over the next month or so.
The game is not even remotly related to D&D at all.
I am quite sure I will incur the wrath of the diehard Forgotten Realms fans if I say that the portrayal of that drow copycat template being weak ingame is correct.
Ok lets see what d&d mechanics does the game use..
Ac ? nah. Thac0? nope. Rerolling stats? nope. Stats meaning same as in d&d? nope. Weapon types and damage? nope. Attack, defense, spell system, praying? nop nada nicles zip niente
Monsters behavior and stats + atks like in d&d? nop nada same.
So tell me.. what part of d&d this game uses? Some loosely related graphics only?
The game is not even remotly related to D&D at all.
I am quite sure I will incur the wrath of the diehard Forgotten Realms fans if I say that the portrayal of that drow copycat template being weak ingame is correct.
Ok lets see what d&d mechanics does the game use..
Ac ? nah. Thac0? nope. Rerolling stats? nope. Stats meaning same as in d&d? nope. Weapon types and damage? nope. Attack, defense, spell system, praying? nop nada nicles zip niente
Monsters behavior and stats + atks like in d&d? nop nada same.
So tell me.. what part of d&d this game uses? Some loosely related graphics only?
Players on PC that want a D&D game can go play D&D online which is more inline with D&D rules. It is true to D&D form when compared to NWO. IMO, NWO is more like Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. It is action focused RPG game. Well it was, now with mod 16 it is more of a hold down your at will and slowly kill things while your encounters slowly refresh.
I wish the devs would have added a bit more to improve cool downs in the game. It would have been an improvement over what we have now.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,170Arc User
THAC0 is 2nd edition. It stopped being relevant after that.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Not sure what your smoking, but having played this for 6 years, Heres some feed back for you lookng for "some Love" for tha patch.
This new Mod 16 Undermountain in Neverwinter really bytes, Level 70 Warlock character CANNOT kill level 6 NPC in Blacklake District. My partner started a new toon as a test and that seems to be doing ok. A six year investment of time and money in this game seems to be inversely proportional as I have multiple level 60's(2) and 70(3) toons. ALL stripped of power. This Mod definitely needs a fix!
So many of you are complaining about this and that about the changes etc. Guess what they are coming so stop complaining and deal with it. Personally I look forward to this change, the game is at a state where if you are high level nothing is fun, who cares if you can run End game dungeons is 30 minutes great go do it again.
I think the new area looks AMAZING and if any of you have any idea how hard it is to code something like that and to turn out that good looking you would not be complaining. Does it have bugs, yes they just put it out for test 1 day ago. You are the testers on a mass scale so give the feedback let them fix it and last time I checked ALL games have bugs... why do you think we have updates. If you don't like the game then leave and stop the complaining because there are plenty of us that love it...
So disappointed in this update. I used to enjoy my cleric. Now I'm thinking of deleting him and starting over.
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
> @soulseeker#1880 said: > ...the scaling issues which I do have an issue with because everyone gave feedback and they didn't listen. ... but the scaling is an issue because if you cant even do a Dungeon then what's the point, they are just to good to admit mistakes.
Hmmm. Sounds like you are "complaining about this and that". Perhaps you should "stop complaining and deal with it."
Or "leave and stop the complaining because there are plenty of us that love it."
That was your advice, right?
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
we are in mod 16 and it makes me appreciate mod 15 more. I'm sorry mod 15. I treated you bad.. come back baby
I didn't treat mod 15 bad. I just said mod 15 wasn't really for me. I enjoyed NWO from the day it dropped on PS4 (mod 9) all the way up to mod 14. All content released from mod 9-14 was enjoyable. Mod 15 wasn't horrible but I just didn't like the campaign story.
Yes I still love the Mod but there is much much more to it then just the scaling issues which I do have an issue with because everyone gave feedback and they didn't listen. If they would have listened and waited but done everything else we would be ok. I am fine with everything else, the game needed it but the scaling is an issue because if you cant even do a Dungeon then what's the point, they are just to good to admit mistakes.
Here is my thing, the content was not the issue but the changes to the CORE GAME MECHANICS.
1) Changes to companions 2) Changes to feats 3) Changes to stats 4) Changes around combat flow 5) Level increase and its impact to classes abilities 6) Scaling 7) Change to ability scores
Many of the issues can be fixed but some probably won't be touched as those changes were made to make simplify the game.
One that can be fixed... 1) Companion 2) Combat flow 3) Scaling 4) Stats
Items they won't fix 1) Changes to feat 2) Changes to ability scores
The ones I believe they won't fix as they were done to simplify the game are the ones that made NWO an RPGMMO. Without these NWO is nothing than a basic RPG clone that is very boring and tedious given all the other issues that the devs need to fix.
This is where games like ESO, WOW and other RPGMMO will shine; they provide players flexibility in how we create our characters. Go look at cleric damage builds and if you play as a cleric and want to be a DPS you are being forced to use specific encounters otherwise your damage will suffer. The healing side is just as bad. That is not giving players options like they stated when they first announced mod 16. It is the complete opposite and a lie. You know what happens to companies that continue to lie over and over and over to their customers; they suffer the wrath of the BBB and suffer the financial loss as customers get annoyed of promises that are never delivered.
Once you get to level 80 there isn't really anything to play as scaling completely ruins playing older content and there is no level 80 content to play ATM.
Devs really messed up and made this game well not playable in its current state; how is this even acceptable. Knowing how this game releases and updates are managed, it will be another 4+ months before it is even resolve and that typically means other issues will rare their ugly head. It is a constant repeating cycle that we as players have manage to surpass by being over powered when content is released. Now that is removed, content is not going to be worth running making NWO more of a campaign only game until combat flow and scaling are properly fixed. By the time they are, my bet is more end game player who have stuck out for mod 16 will quit and go onto other games like ESO.
I thought powers sharing needed to be reworked, buffs need to have a soft and hard cap, etc.. but instead we got mod 16 and that simply ruined the fundamentals that many enjoyed with the game. It is why so many DCs quit even before the mod launched and why any player I know that is still planning to play are mostly going to play DPS and not a healer or tank, because those roles are not rewarding or needed as the devs planned given the longer cool downs to healing and threat generating abilities.
First idiot here, although I play since 2013, I like mod 16. and enjoy it so far.
i would propable enjoy it too, but then again all my enchants got bound ( exchange ), spend 120k ad reroling boons just right, only to notice they dont work, then spend 60k rerolling feats only to face a bug that makes my shield not regenerate aymore xd
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
Didn't you see the Dev stream?
Everything is fine.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
We will continue to get new content, new gear, new artifacts, new companions and mounts. But we won't see any big changes that adds complexity to this game for us as players.
Copy and pasting is very common in RPG style games and you should expect that to continue in mod 16. It just will be easier now.
I am quite sure I will incur the wrath of the diehard Forgotten Realms fans if I say that the portrayal of that drow copycat template being weak ingame is correct. You're wrong there: the devs did create bosses and enemies I loathe.
Just for all the wrong reasons...
I do think that an update to feats, powers, etc... was needed. I didn't think they would take it as far as they did, that is one issue I disagree with.
I do like some of the companion changes but do to the fact that there is such a big additional cost to upgrading all the new companions this change will hit the community negatively just like the changes to feats. Another issue I have is how much has changed around companions.
Another issue is the change to combat; it is now slow boring and tedious. There was a communication between developers and the tester around encounter damage and cool down. I thought that there was a chance of encounter damage being lowered for lower cool downs but what was implemented was lower encounter damage along with lower enemy health making at wills stronger really did not change combat flow at all. Instead it is still slow boring and tedious.
The final issue I have is the value of enchantments has been reduced significantly with this update; making higher rank enchantments, well not worth all that much.
On a scale of 5 stars; I give this update a 1. If combat was more fluid it would easily be a 3 but with combat being slower and less engaging than ESO mod 16 makes NWO a lowly 1 out of 5.
Many console players are doing the wait and see. I'm sure Cryptic is also doing the same over the next month or so.
Ac ? nah.
Thac0? nope.
Rerolling stats? nope.
Stats meaning same as in d&d? nope.
Weapon types and damage? nope.
Attack, defense, spell system, praying? nop nada nicles zip niente
Monsters behavior and stats + atks like in d&d? nop nada same.
So tell me.. what part of d&d this game uses? Some loosely related graphics only?
I wish the devs would have added a bit more to improve cool downs in the game. It would have been an improvement over what we have now.
This new Mod 16 Undermountain in Neverwinter really bytes, Level 70 Warlock character CANNOT kill level 6 NPC in Blacklake District. My partner started a new toon as a test and that seems to be doing ok. A six year investment of time and money in this game seems to be inversely proportional as I have multiple level 60's(2) and 70(3) toons. ALL stripped of power. This Mod definitely needs a fix!
Please give us all an update.
In retrospect, were our concerns valid or not?
Are you still "showing the love"?
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
> ...the scaling issues which I do have an issue with because everyone gave feedback and they didn't listen. ... but the scaling is an issue because if you cant even do a Dungeon then what's the point, they are just to good to admit mistakes.
Sounds like you are "complaining about this and that".
Perhaps you should "stop complaining and deal with it."
Or "leave and stop the complaining because there are plenty of us that love it."
That was your advice, right?
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
1) Changes to companions
2) Changes to feats
3) Changes to stats
4) Changes around combat flow
5) Level increase and its impact to classes abilities
6) Scaling
7) Change to ability scores
Many of the issues can be fixed but some probably won't be touched as those changes were made to make simplify the game.
One that can be fixed...
1) Companion
2) Combat flow
3) Scaling
4) Stats
Items they won't fix
1) Changes to feat
2) Changes to ability scores
The ones I believe they won't fix as they were done to simplify the game are the ones that made NWO an RPGMMO. Without these NWO is nothing than a basic RPG clone that is very boring and tedious given all the other issues that the devs need to fix.
This is where games like ESO, WOW and other RPGMMO will shine; they provide players flexibility in how we create our characters. Go look at cleric damage builds and if you play as a cleric and want to be a DPS you are being forced to use specific encounters otherwise your damage will suffer. The healing side is just as bad. That is not giving players options like they stated when they first announced mod 16. It is the complete opposite and a lie. You know what happens to companies that continue to lie over and over and over to their customers; they suffer the wrath of the BBB and suffer the financial loss as customers get annoyed of promises that are never delivered.
Once you get to level 80 there isn't really anything to play as scaling completely ruins playing older content and there is no level 80 content to play ATM.
Devs really messed up and made this game well not playable in its current state; how is this even acceptable. Knowing how this game releases and updates are managed, it will be another 4+ months before it is even resolve and that typically means other issues will rare their ugly head. It is a constant repeating cycle that we as players have manage to surpass by being over powered when content is released. Now that is removed, content is not going to be worth running making NWO more of a campaign only game until combat flow and scaling are properly fixed. By the time they are, my bet is more end game player who have stuck out for mod 16 will quit and go onto other games like ESO.
I thought powers sharing needed to be reworked, buffs need to have a soft and hard cap, etc.. but instead we got mod 16 and that simply ruined the fundamentals that many enjoyed with the game. It is why so many DCs quit even before the mod launched and why any player I know that is still planning to play are mostly going to play DPS and not a healer or tank, because those roles are not rewarding or needed as the devs planned given the longer cool downs to healing and threat generating abilities.
I've got no beef with people who like it as-is. Enjoy.
Just not going to be told to shut-up by the OP when I point out the problems.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.