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The new Mod how to get from level 70 to level 80

grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
It's not as hard as you think and it is foolproof. The only qualification to get to level 80 is xp. Once you get the required amount, you are level 80.

PLaYING at level 80 is a whole new ball game. For that you need 750 IL items, at least Rank 10 runes and enchants, and a Gear score closer to 18k than 4k, or even 10-13 k. You will have the option to get up to 980 IL armor pieces outside halaster's Lair (The Mad Mage).

You can level up by going back and finishing many the zones you skipped on the way to level 70, the xp adds up.

Those who think they can solo Undermountain in a couple of days are going to be given a rude awakening by the level 71 Spiders on the Catacombs level.

Practice by doing The Frozen Heart solo, the monsters are level 73 Dungeon Dwellers (they have more HP and damage dealt, think 1-shot kills, than regular level 73s) If you can't kill the first group without dying 10 times , then use the alternate plan above to get to level 80. All my alts are 13k or less and this is how they will be getting to level 80.


  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    > @greywynd said:
    > My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.

    You cant power lvl with tomes all the way to 80
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    > @greywynd said:

    > My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.

    You cant power lvl with tomes all the way to 80

    True, you have to be level 70 at maximum to use it
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.

    I would really, really advice against that. You would then be at level 80, but without any of the gear you would have picked up along the way - in particul you would be missing the two high-IL (900+) pieces of companion gear you get from the quest chain. Assuming you have a decent companion and high-level bonding runestones, those pieces of gear make a MASSIVE difference to your stats.

    The problem would be that as a level 80, you will get scaled down in L70 content, and without any of the level 80 gear you will be significantly weaker than you were before.

    Fun, eh ?
    Hoping for improvements...
  • aslan3775aslan3775 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    adinosii said:

    Those who think they can solo Undermountain in a couple of days are going to be given a rude awakening.

    Uh, many people did that already on Preview. It's not a problem if you are decently geared. say IL 15K+
    I know you are being helpful (your other post for the new mod is worth gold to anyone reading it), but I have to wonder what you would consider my toons--all 11K-14K. What is the level below decent?? Indecent?? :3
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    aslan3775 said:

    What is the level below decent?? Indecent?? :3

    As far as Undermountain is concerned, yeah. I'm not trying to be mean here....but the fact is that an 11K character is just not ready for the Undermountain content. I mean, I have 8 level 70 characters, ranging in IL from 9K to 19K. For now, I am only taking my 19K main character through Undermountain.

    The other characters are a problem. If I continue to play them, it is unavoidable that they will gain levels, and if they were to reach 80, they would get scaled down when doing L70 content, perhaps down to the point where they just cannot handle the L70 content they can do at the moment.

    Best I can do is to equip them a bit better - better gear and such, and then run them through Undermountain once they are really ready.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • prethenprethen Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    My CW is 12.5K now and I've taken the recommendation seriously to stop upgrading items until the mod comes out and just hoard my AD and refinement points. Will I be able to start the new content with my guy at 12.5K or should I start upgrading some of this stuff prior? I'm thinking his stuff isn't all that fantastic to begin with and I would hope to get better gear almost immediately after starting Undermountain...or is that a bad assumption?
  • karvarekarvare Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    I have leveled Under Mountain, 70 to 80, now in final zone using Barovian hunt gear and rank 12 enchants I currently have on live. 16k live, up graded rings and undies I received from rewards. Is not difficult. I am using a blue augment, no legendary mounts. 17.6k IL Paladin tank at 80 now on preview, still wearing the Barovian hunt armor and primal weapons. And a few days a few hours a day was all it took.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Scaling is overzealous..

  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User

    Scaling is overzealous..

    No, scaling means the system is broken and poorly thought out. Especially back scaling where all your effort to become stronger are reduced in a convoluted way to make things harder thus neutralizing all your efforts to become stronger.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    greywynd said:

    My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.

    I would really, really advice against that. You would then be at level 80, but without any of the gear you would have picked up along the way - in particul you would be missing the two high-IL (900+) pieces of companion gear you get from the quest chain. Assuming you have a decent companion and high-level bonding runestones, those pieces of gear make a MASSIVE difference to your stats.

    The problem would be that as a level 80, you will get scaled down in L70 content, and without any of the level 80 gear you will be significantly weaker than you were before.

    Fun, eh ?
    No, that's not what he's planning. He's planning to use the tome to get to level 80 (or as close as he can) and then enter undermountain at 70+ and pick up the gear there.

    The downside may be that he has the hp to enter. but not the gear. At least on preview, 500+ gear was upgraded to 700+ gear.

  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.

    That's 1 character, do you have others? If you do you may be able to pickup other character's armor pieces (unless btc) for them to use.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User

    > @greywynd said:

    > My CW has a pile of XP tomes from Maze Engine. Should be 80 shortly after I log him in after the mod goes live.

    You cant power lvl with tomes all the way to 80

    So you're saying that Greywynd may be able to but demonmonger can't.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    Those who think they can solo Undermountain in a couple of days are going to be given a rude awakening.

    Uh, many people did that already on Preview. It's not a problem if you are decently geared. say IL 15K+
    I did too, but my 16.7k IL GF from a Rank 13 Guild turned into an 18.9 Fighter from a Rank 20 Preview Guild and finished as a 19k+ fighter by changing shirt and pants twice.
  • karvarekarvare Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    My 16.6K, maybe, Paladin ended up a 17.5K no guild and old gear level 80 on the final quests in Under Mountain. Only up grades were undies and rings, companion gear piece, and bought enough insignia on live so that I could up grade 4 prosperity insignia. I did not need new armor, artifacts nor did I improve/change companions. Everything as close as it will be when things go live.

    Under Mountain can be soloed to level 80 through the whole campaign.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    The XP tomes work until you get to 71 then stop doing anything. This is what I've heard from a number of players.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    pitshade said:

    The XP tomes work until you get to 71 then stop doing anything. This is what I've heard from a number of players.

    Well its not really all that big of a deal to be honest. You can complete the new campaign in a few hours or a few days depending on if you want to hear all the quest dialog or skip it. There really isn't all that great of a need to hit level 80 as fast as possible. If you get everything done you might run into issues where you have no one to run the new dungeon with because there are only a few handfuls of players that qualify for the que. So then you are forced into waiting anyways. All that rushing to get there is going to force you into waiting until a larger portion of the player base catch up. Besides it's cryptics calling card to give you items that don't work later on.

    I have a stack of 10 power points that was given as a lockbox reward. Do I think they are even useful in mod 16? No need for power points anymore. So do I get anything for those power point rewards? Probably not, they will just disappear from my bank inventory.

  • ragnarz2ragnarz2 Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    brutal ench in utility slots for +XP
  • sharleenaasharleenaa Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    For those who want to be level 80 in 5 minutes after mod 16 patch:

    Before the patch, do all weeklys from Acquisitions Inc., Chult and all Stronghold Quests and do not return them! Patch mod 16. Use Azurs in utility slots and activate XP-Boon from stronghold (if you have). On preview I came to 209% XP-Boon. Return all quests. Voilá, level 80 in 5 minutes.

    Scaling might be a problem with this and you are not attacked in the first 2 new maps with level 80. So this is more recommend for toons or those who already played the content on preview and those who want to use their new weapons from the Zen-market right from the start.
  • axyremaxyrem Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    i see so many leaving my guild already.... most of them wont ever return i guess.. maybe for 1-2 hours after patch..
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    For my Guild, we lost 1 player, 1 character, but I have a friend who sees his Alliance losing many members daily.
  • pakatapoespakatapoes Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    By playing , I guess
  • flippy#8481 flippy Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    know people who rage quit 3 times over mod 16 already

    wonder how many more times the same people are gonna rage quit

    about mod 16
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    > @grogthemagnif said:
    > It's not as hard as you think and it is foolproof. The only qualification to get to level 80 is xp. Once you get the required amount, you are level 80.
    > PLaYING at level 80 is a whole new ball game. For that you need 750 IL items, at least Rank 10 runes and enchants, and a Gear score closer to 18k than 4k, or even 10-13 k. You will have the option to get up to 980 IL armor pieces outside halaster's Lair (The Mad Mage).
    > You can level up by going back and finishing many the zones you skipped on the way to level 70, the xp adds up.
    > Those who think they can solo Undermountain in a couple of days are going to be given a rude awakening by the level 71 Spiders on the Catacombs level.
    > Practice by doing The Frozen Heart solo, the monsters are level 73 Dungeon Dwellers (they have more HP and damage dealt, think 1-shot kills, than regular level 73s) If you can't kill the first group without dying 10 times , then use the alternate plan above to get to level 80. All my alts are 13k or less and this is how they will be getting to level 80.

    I respectfully disagree.
    I leveled 3 toons to 80, solo ofc, just by running the Undermountain Campaign from start to finish.
    And "practicing of Frozen Heart"? Not at all. If anything, the way scaling is now that might even be harder.
    Waste of time.

    The correct advice you should be giving:

    1) Fill all Utility slots with Azures
    2) Buy/use exp booster
    3) Run Undermountain quest, start to finish. Team up withothers doing same quest if you can.
    4)Swap out for new gear as it drops.

    Did this 3 times on preview. Was 80 before the end of the campaign every time.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User

    > @grogthemagnif said:

    > It's not as hard as you think and it is foolproof. The only qualification to get to level 80 is xp. Once you get the required amount, you are level 80.


    > PLaYING at level 80 is a whole new ball game. For that you need 750 IL items, at least Rank 10 runes and enchants, and a Gear score closer to 18k than 4k, or even 10-13 k. You will have the option to get up to 980 IL armor pieces outside halaster's Lair (The Mad Mage).


    > You can level up by going back and finishing many the zones you skipped on the way to level 70, the xp adds up.


    > Those who think they can solo Undermountain in a couple of days are going to be given a rude awakening by the level 71 Spiders on the Catacombs level.


    > Practice by doing The Frozen Heart solo, the monsters are level 73 Dungeon Dwellers (they have more HP and damage dealt, think 1-shot kills, than regular level 73s) If you can't kill the first group without dying 10 times , then use the alternate plan above to get to level 80. All my alts are 13k or less and this is how they will be getting to level 80.

    I respectfully disagree.

    I leveled 3 toons to 80, solo ofc, just by running the Undermountain Campaign from start to finish.

    And "practicing of Frozen Heart"? Not at all. If anything, the way scaling is now that might even be harder.

    Waste of time.

    The correct advice you should be giving:

    1) Fill all Utility slots with Azures

    2) Buy/use exp booster

    3) Run Undermountain quest, start to finish. Team up withothers doing same quest if you can.

    4)Swap out for new gear as it drops.

    Did this 3 times on preview. Was 80 before the end of the campaign every time.

    Good advice for 4kIL 70s - NOT!!

    The advice was not for 16kIL and above, but for the 4-13k IL 70s that think they can do Undermountain with Neverembers starter armor set + Rank 8 enchants. It didn't work too well for Barovia.

    You need 51 Boon points to get ank Rank 6
  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited April 2019

    Did this 3 times on preview. Was 80 before the end of the campaign every time.

    Good advice for 4kIL 70s - NOT!!

    The advice was not for 16kIL and above, but for the 4-13k IL 70s that think they can do Undermountain with Neverembers starter armor set + Rank 8 enchants. It didn't work too well for Barovia.

    You need 51 Boon points to get ank Rank 6

    Well your first mistake was using Barovia as the place for testing that out. In Barovia your character will be back scaled so any enchantments or insignia will be reduced. There are hard caps used in the back scaling. If the advice is recommended for the new campaign then it won't be scaled.

    Post edited by krumple01 on
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    azures on utiliy slots is the way to go
  • karvarekarvare Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Much of the current il comes from enchants and boons, both of which take serious hits in mod 16.

    Get bonding stones if you don't have them, they will be plentiful and probably cheap on the AH.

    For max ratings use an augment, use your 6 companion slots wisely. Max out expeditions. Do all the quests. They will provide you with your new companion gear and gear for yourself.

    Learn the new play style, as it is here to stay.

    Expeditions are level scaled as well, I was up scaled 2 times and it was awesome.
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