Been putting off doing Chult, even did Ravenloft first. Now going through it and, god I hate this campaign. It is just so god damn grinding and boring, etc. And the mobs are just absurd. The environment is bland. Etc. And the amount of grind just to advance seems extreme.
So is it just me or do others think this campaign just suck?
In 2015, Cryptic Studios North was working on a Jurassic World MMO and when it got dropped, we got Chult. I suppose Cryptic at least put the unused assets they created to some use. I think one of the reasons behind the boring and absurd is they had a bunch of maps and models created and nothing to do with them. Slap together a plot and boom! new 2017 Neverwinter module.
While I know the story, I haven't finished it, because they left the plot hanging.
It was not objectively broken like Elemental Evil.
It was not as unbearably grindy and protracted as SKT.
It had (mercifully) less HEs then Underdark, SKT and CAscendency.
The gear was good.
ToNG will be remembered as a solid, fun, replayable dungeon.
The hunt system was, at least, more fun then picking for black ice, digging for relics or [shudder] mother-HAMSTERing FISHING.
So, by comparison to some truly painful content, Chult had more good then bad IMHO.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
or a new aria map . It's boring me too the game at the moment ! But the dev's don't lissen or the Big Boss from cryptic don't wanna spent money on the dev team , maybe to expensief for him that poor guy !
TSR were looking for new roleplay line since Greyhawk was facing some lawsuits back in 70's and need fresh restart until they saw Ed's stacks of concepts and TSR created spin-offs like Dragonlance, Dark Sun, and Spelljammer, and Ravenloft.
Wizard of the Coast/Hasbro bought them.
Greyhawk seem to make a comeback as part of larger sphere of multiple universe realms of Dominaria, as they were seen in Barovia. cant wait to see "Baron Sengir" to meet Baron Strahd, Barovia are similar to Homelands in small isolated pocket mini-realm.
I don't like the gaping plot holes in it. Too many loose ends at the end. I think we are all use to this from of writing, Cryptic leaving unfinished work in past modules. I could go into spoilers here... but my biggest beef with the Chult campaign, it has no conclusion to many issues.
We are sent to rid Helm's Hold of the death plague. Unresolved, so by next module, I assume we quarantined the area burned all the plague victims. Makos is alive and later in the story we learn he is a lich. Upon seeing Makos we never ask him anything important or trivial, "By the way, your dying words, you wanted us to tell Celeste what exactly?". Meanwhile there is a big statue of a lich back in the River District, I am sure they are tearing it down now, since you really didn't die and are a lich. Oh and let's not forget the forgettable ending dialog where Celeste confronts Makos about being a lich and threatens to kill him... and doesn't. Makos wanted to use the plague to save the nobles and kill peasants! This remains a story without a last chapter.
Don't open that unless you want to get spoiled. That is your opinion and I do respect it, but I disagree. I like vampires and while it too is unfinished and has its flaws, I will play Barovia far more than I will Chult.
SKT should have never been introduced in the game.
SKT lost me more people on my friends list (around 30-40) then mod 6 (around 15-20)
SKT even with power creep today is far grinder then newer zones, only (when introduced orginally) was tyranny even close to that sort of insanity.
SKT is introduced one of the worst mechanics in any mmo, I have ever seen (fishing) omg, what a horri-bad idea.. who thought that was good and then they skinned it over for winter fest.. even a worst idea.
So when you REMOVE skt out of the context of the game, because of how EXTREME a outlier it is, you need to take chult into context with the rest of the modules/campaigns..
After taking a year off (mostly due to enchant rank increase, bonding nerf and random queue introductions) I came back and did Chult/Bavoria , then omu together.. it was a grind. I would rate Chult/Omu as the third worst campaign they have done in terms of grind difficulty (1. SKT, 2. Original (wait around for dragons boring to death TOD) , then chult.. (river district is probably 4 for me)
Issue 1. IS the map, the map isnt easy to transverse and you have to go out of your way to get anywhere and its round and round , with annoying knock-back features and swarms of little mobs.
Issue 2. Shear length, its a bit overdone, if you do the middle path, boons and hunts.. its a bit of a haul.. with the ZONES less populous then ever, doing the major hes is a bit of a chore.
Issue 3. Doing hunts here sucks.. sorry it just does.. what a hamster of a chore. Bavoria hunts are 100% easier. Having to both get non buyable hunt lures and doing the campaigns to open up the ability to do them.. meh.
Pro 1. AFTER you open up weeklies.. you can just do weeklies for a couple of months to get it done.. in fact sort of the least annoying way of going it.
Pro 2. Some of the hunt gear is still viable , some of the skins are nice.
Pro 3. I like the "looks" of the dinos, even if the zone overall is a bit of a chore.
Omu was a bit better to get around the map, its more condensed and it doesn't take you 6 mins to get anywhere.. just better designed.
I didn't hate chult.. but when you compare it to the easy accessibility of getting around and doing hunts in Bavoria, its a bit of a overkill.
I personally dont like long campaigns, in fact, I feel it takes away from being able to play with friends.. When you have to spend months and hours each day doing something.. I feel its poorly designed.
I dont like the argument of "WELL its at least not SKT" because to me, SKT shouldn't even be in the game.
Elemental Evil they removed a lot of the B.S. and this can be done in a weekend now. When this one landed it was awful and we all suffered.
Sharadar about the only challenge here is the players tend to rob each other of quest items.
Ice Wind Dale and Dread Ring together with the Underdark, since they all deal with demonic encounters.
Maze Engine although Ballad of Baphomet is glitch ridden.
Ravenloft (again my opinion best thus far)
Longer and more boring campaigns include;
The Cloaked Ascendancy, at least this one has a resolution!
Storm King's Thunder, is a grind for sure as they screwed it up with all that relic hunting. I had to acquire those frostburn gloves. Story can be played out of turn making it difficult to follow.
Jungles of Chult and Tyranny of Dragons are both lacking resolution and have anticlimactic endings.
Acquisitions Incorp... could have been better. It came off way too campy and redundant. My husband tossed one or two comical items into a campaign as DM, but a gag at every turn doesn't make for fun and laughs.
I am an optimist and hope that module 16 "The Yawning Portal" will be much better.
All new content.. you can still do the old stuff, but frankly , Im going to be honest.. to many people care about old content in this game. I mean I dont want them all gone or anything.. but come on.. most other mmos you move on , you can always go back and replay old stuff (and some games do it right, put in legendary modes, that give currency to spend anywhere, so you can play almost anything and advance.. but that doesnt mean you get the same dungeons after 4-5 years)
I mean yawning portal has the following: They could really just go all out, new class, new level cap, new everything.. It would be the biggest epic moment of neverwinter if done right.. But sadly, we probably get one one or two of these , maybe 3 (1 skirm, 1 dungeon, 1 epic trial) if we are lucky.. and then a semi long grinding campaign, some new hunts.. more power creep, more AD sinks , more of everything that makes the game boring and not great. One can only hope. (tired of hunts.. tired of hes.. ) why they think they have to develop something and use it in every zone is beyond me.
Against the Giants
Dead in Thay
Forge of Fury
Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
Sunless Citadel
Tomb of Horrors
White Plume Mountain
Makos has not returned to Neverwinter (as yet). Only the player, Minsc and Celeste are aware he is still around (and a lich).
Personally, Silverkelt, I do not want to see more Greyhawk pulled into Faerun.
Both resolve their storylines in the respective trials.
Rise of Tiamat sees the adventurers slay Rath Modar and Severin before driving back Tiamat and banishing her back to Avernus.
Cradle of the Death God sees the adventurers defeat Acerack and the Atropal. The destruction of the Soulmonger artifact ends the Death Curse.
The only mod that truly lacks a resolution is mod 2, Shadowmantle. The adventurers never permanently defeat Valindra or drive the Thayans from the Dread Ring. Neverember does refer to the conflict in the past tense during mod11, but the players don't get to see the end.
We are also still lacking a proper ending to the Elemental Evil/Maze Engine/Elemental Eye. I seem to recall that, originally, we defeated/killed the four prophets. Then later when EE was reworked and Maze Engine entered the game, the four prophets retreat safely. DeVir is shown to be the one pulling the strings. At least as far as Vanifer was concerned.
to create Temple of Evil elemental would be too big as a "dungeon" as itself, had to be break down in 5-6 zones, for local folks, mob hideouts, portals to planar realms, armory vaults, and temple altars, and throne room in those 4 elemental wings and antechamber for final battle that about to come.
those need alot of new creatures, "genies of planar realms", efreeti and City of Brass, and Djinn (water), Dao (earth), and Marid for plane of Air.
i think we may have to wait for Calimshan get release first, it is gateway to realm of genies.
hopefully as part of trilogy mods, Calimshan: Sands of Visions, part 1, Realm of Wish Masters, part 2, and then Temple of Elemental, part 3 the conclusion.
Never sure who's riding who.
(For the sake of clarity... in that analogy, Storm Kings Thunder is the hideous flesh eating virus, and Chult is the sprained ankle...)
A punch in the gut might be worse then a poke in the eye but I really don't want either.