I have a problem or I simply do not know what to do. The very first list they give you at the market to fulfil and I say I will come back when I have all the items... Well I have all the stuff in the list but now what?? I go back and they just show me the list again and I can only reply that I will be back with the ingredients. I really do not know what to do. What am I doing wrong?
Two things: First, you only need to make one of the items on the list. Second, if you keep getting the list, it means you don't have a single item from that list. The Material Supplier wants high quality items; thus the "+1" on each item. Look on the AH for these items if you don't want to or cannot craft them yourself. Or ask a friend for help.
The +1 item for armorsmithing can not be made as I see no way to get high quality iron ore to make them. There is no way to get 3 iron iron ingots +1 in the game.
I tried to craft them...waisted an hour and a half...then realized i could buy ingots+1 on AH...3 for about 9k...did this round of missions...and quickly got the @#$% out of there....
...im an assassin....a warrior... ...not a crafter...gatherer.... ...i play this game to kill and interact with DND lore...in awesome 3d environment... ...not to have a job...that is 20x more boring that my real job could ever be...
Chult was awesome...that is what i expect out of a new mod... Barovia too...to a lesser extent... ...this here...mod 15...that is pure garbage!... ...nothing but bad news.... ....nerf-o-rama!... ......and im a TR...what has been done there is a crime and a freaking shame!
Turning Neverewinter into a community of artisans and gatherers...no blood-thirsty warriors needed around here anymore!
viperwitch23Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 205Arc User
Just one more reason to quit this game. Professions were fine had all alts with lvl 25 on most things.Won't start over again it's BS
This is my feeling, going 3->4 costs 5M in commissions or ADs, prohibitive on more than one character, more making alts worthless, and absolutely killing guilds. Gold used to be readily available from leadership and I've donated at least 100K to various guilds, probably a fair bit more, now I will need everything I can produce and guilds will suffer.
Also the removal of being able to buy normal crafting supplies from the SH buildings (bloomery etc) makes guild marks much less useful, so again guilds get killed off.
Note to devs, making us spend a vast amount of ADs to buy back stuff we already earned is NOT cool.
Also changing the commissions at reset is horrendous, means I can't make multiple items overnight and then turn them in when I get up.
I only noticed that reset tonight when I tried to sell Elmsilver necks to the girl. I live in UK and for me the refresh is at 1:00 am UK TIME. When I am often at work or sleeping after night shift. I had to sell for silvers like 200+ of them and I can't leave making current items on menu to run over night because I am almost certainly would be here by 10:00 am tomorrow in order to go to workshop on all 15 chars, fetch the items from boxes and sell them.
Because it changes every day I have to have all sorts of different items to match the menu each day. And I am using mail to self to send all items to one of my chars that has gond hammer. So, I wasted a lot of materials. Now I need to log in at work if I can to check list after refresh and get it made till next refresh. Also, Morale for instant completion doesn't roll over to the next day it looks like. So, not used any today it is lost.
viperwitch23Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 205Arc User
The gold cost will be reflected in the final AH price of some items - right now, Masterwork Weapons +1 are pretty much BiS (even more once Exalted), and they will remain so until the IL 600 weapons are released in Mod 16. People are willing to pay a premium for that, and the crafter should be able to recoup the gold cost one way or another.
The issue is more with lower-level, non-masterwork items. They will not sell well, and the cost of making them would seem somewhat, well, excessive in some cases. Then again, that's pretty much how it was before. Apart from using Leadership for RP, professions were mostly used to make a few Masterwork weapons and armors, jewels and such and maybe some pants and shirts...that's it. (well, OK, also crates for guild donations, but that's a separate issue) So, really, nothing fundamental has changed regarding what people craft.
I made a living as a master alchemist making enhanced potions, potions of stamina, potions of power, and distilled healing potions. It was worth while and fun. The enhanced potions have 4 ingredients that all have to be gathered and theres only 3 gathering slots now. Potions of stamina, potency, and power are extinct. Distilled potions were replaced with +1 versions but the cost to make +1 potions are extreme compared to just buying healthstones and healing pots from a vendor. They have destroyed professions completely. There shouldn't be a market for crafted end game BIS items because once you get them you no longer need to shop for anything. Thats like selling a fully functional car that will never break down or need replacement parts. They have destroyed what little market there was to create a crafting system that looks fun but has no market to go with it and the cost to do just about anything in the workshop requires hours of gameplay outside the workshop to allow it. They need to reduce gold costs or improve gold gain. Furthermore before I quit playing, I religiously did daily dread ring lairsx2 on each of my toons each day. Before the patch I got 5ish gold per run from selling bowls and loot picked up from trash monsters. After the patch with the new loot system the majority of the items I get are RP items that sell for far less and the treasure loot drop rate is 1/5 what it was before. I get 1 gold total from selling everything I pickup in a lair now. Not only did they make a profession system that leans heavily on a long dead currency, they also nerfed the ability to gain it while not reducing any costs from existing gold expenses like moving enchants or buying potions/kits/keys.
Power Potions are no more?
PFFF. I really liked those for my AC DCs
viperwitch23Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 205Arc User
Simple answer is NO , if you want to make items play minecraft , if you want to adventure and fight things , start looking for a different game , it's downhill all the way from here if this is the sum of new content, sad did love this game
The New System ------SUCKS------------- I've been on Neverwinter since 2015 spent Hunders of real money. Watched mods be added and liked most of them ----BUT this new crafting is a piece of JUNK and takes way to much time. I agree it is being done to discourage crafting and encourage spending. I have 7 chars that had a lot of high crafting prof's but I can't see even running them and am slowly striping them and deleting...Might run 2 chars and might just give up playing getting to be a more pain in the butt than fun. seeing all this negative I wonder if it might go back----but I doubt it.----
viperwitch23Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 205Arc User
Simple answer is NO , if you want to make items play minecraft , if you want to adventure and fight things , start looking for a different game , it's downhill all the way from here if this is the sum of new content, sad did love this game
I managed before to play dungeons and make some things. Now I am tied to the delivery chest lol But OK I can live without dungeons for a while
Tell me once whats have a VIP rank 3 more you think? Everyday two key's an some identify scrolls thats all ! At the moment I cannot craft enymore all my craft materials are gone - only old materials still in my invetory - Maybe bugging afther the new path , So and i m a VIP tank 3 !
I was used to craft leadership on all my characters. Now that it's gone I don't know what profession to choose and if they are worth the effort. Before this new crafting system the other professions sucked.
So my question is: is this new crafting worth? and if so, what profession shall I choose?
Thanks in advance.
Well you should realize Crafting can still be very worth it for sure. I know 'some' think I'm the eternal optimist, however realize Jewelcrafting makes Black Opal's, Saphires, Emeralds now. You need gathering to collect Raw Black Opal's, Raw Saphires, Raw Emeralds etc... ...yet you can Gather the Raw Gems with 3 artisan's while your also polishing 3 others with artisan's in Jewelcraft.
But aside from gathering some of the Raw Gems's with Gathering, you then just need to polish / refine them with Jewelcrafting. It will cost you some Gold however to pay the commission however.
I was used to craft leadership on all my characters. Now that it's gone I don't know what profession to choose and if they are worth the effort. Before this new crafting system the other professions sucked.
So my question is: is this new crafting worth? and if so, what profession shall I choose?
Thanks in advance.
Much of what I read on Mod 15 feedback threads didn't apply to me. You need to check it for yourself and make the call based on your own gameplay, needs and wants.
For me the new system is definetly worth it.With my forgehammer, i can produce every recipie up to level 70 as a guaranteed +1 item for the cost of a few hundred of the material exchange credits. And i did not even had to stock up on those. Plenty of elemental thingies and leadership resources in my bags.
My advice on getting startet: Be patient and collect workers before starting the actual crafting. Wait before you use your legacy orders. I have 10 toons with jewelcrafting 70 and 7 with levels 46-60 and only 1 of my 70s is actually doing the chain for opals atm. The rest is still waiting for applications with negative provision. The gold costs for opals drops considerably when you can use the chain with all workers at -25/-50% provision cost. So, i will probably wait another week and wait for applicants in jewelcrafting and gathering with negative provision and then try to use the legacy orders to fill the gaps.
Two more tips:
1: I noticed just now, that you can sell a few epic ringe and armor pieces for 1G 60S. This might be another option to use them if you do not need the 300RP or the surplus equipment.
2. If you want to level gathering workers there is an assignment at level 5X, it should translate to something like "Ironsands". This is the one needed for the "oil of vitriol" and i think it might be one of the gathering resources, that could be in demand. Since you can no longer just buy thousands of the green one like earlier from the vendor. I am doing this atm with a couple of lv 50 (give or take) workers and with a adamant pickaxe they have a good success rate (95+) and most although have a crit chance of 65+.
Last thing: I am no native speaker and i am not playing the english version, so:
-I am not sure if i got all the translations right, sorry about that. I hope you get the meaning.
-I apologize for all the typos,hopefully this text is not butchering the english language.
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master
...im an assassin....a warrior... ...not a crafter...gatherer....
And a lot players love to craft. So? I think its good they overhauled the prfoession system and i like it a lot. New items, some with pretty nice stats ( like the one you can give youe pet) and some ( like the bronce weapons) with awesome increases. I am a GWF and i like to kill stuff. But i also love to craft nice and helpfull things. I think this game can satisfy both: Warriors and crafter.
P.S.: We waited 15 Mods for an profession overhaul.
There are some very good items to be crafted now, so it *can* be worth it. It really comes down to how much time you're wanting to invest in it. It's no longer a 'fire-and-forget' system of free rewards via leadership. I'm planning on having an alt with a lvl 3 workshop with each profession covered in some regard, so I can keep up with things, and be generally self-sufficient in that regard.
From what I've seen so far - alchemy: potions will likely be popular, jewelcrafting has RP creation, as well as some nice pieces for companions (hello, Gold Pendant!), and ditto for any other companion piece. While it might only be one enchant slot, the *massive* stats on some of the pieces make it a pretty equal trade-off. The other professions also have bits and pieces that make using, say, a Sellsword, viable - without having to grind the everliving heck out of IG / Folly and hope for a +4/+5 drop.
And, of course, armor kits will still remain popular.
If you had lvl 25 professions before, it's not terrible to get into and put a bit of time into. If you're starting from scratch - you may want to simply dabble a bit, or avoid it altogether.
Related to the OP (Is crafting still worth it, and if so, which professions?):
In the old system, I had some Jewelry crafters who, at level 25, could make 'Personalized' Rings, Belts, and Necks. The rings didn't matter much because Seals buy better ones... but the Necks and Belts were the best items I could get for those slots - for my companions gear.
They had 2 enchant slots, 1 offense 1 defense, decent stats (+394 Power/+394 Recovery for instance), and IL 405 iirc. So not amazing gear but fairly decent, and I could make them myself.
Does the new crafting system make anything comparable for a level 70 crafter with access to only what old 'epic/purple' artisans and tools can be traded in for? Is there anything comparable for Icon/Talisman/Sword Knot slots I could put on a companion? (I have trouble getting anything decent for these)
If anyone could post some equivalent items I'd appreciate it. So far I have zero interest in the new system, but maybe some decent items would kick it off again.
New system is more complex than the previous one. It's not a good nor a bad thing, but point of vue related. Mine is the new system entertains me much more than the old one.
Yeah, you can run bills of materials, plan your productions ahead, play with %speed and the various artisan's skills to take a time effective approach, etc. You need a bit more of brain thant in the old system. It's not longer "one task one result" widely used by the vast majority (doing leadership only). You can see lines of production, supply-consumption, multi level manufacturing ranges for à lot of crafts, etc. That's a bit deeper.
I won't deny there are a lot of anomalies, some bugs, and some burden felt during crafting time (why my "F" key is not able to "gather all" in the delivery box like it does for chests ?)
The new system (even for most of the mastercraft) is only, really only, time depending for the moment. Yes, you have to think about it a bit before going crazy craft. You have to choose the right artisans for what you want to do and "build" your team (yeah, i think we can speak about "workshop builds") : for exemple some are better to use on moral with large stocks of ingredients, others are better to use on moral with little stocks of ingredients. But when you did set up right, it's finished, you are steamrolling.
I don't care about gold, craft can make huge amount of gold. I don't really care not being more than rank 2 (though I have 2 workshops rank 3, 29 rangs 2). It's only a matter of time (and passive time, I only check my delivery boxes twice a day, maybe 1 minute more per toon on the pray cycle). I can make nice amount of AD for the moment. I can make some new fancy armor pieces. And, i enjoy planning, optimization of the production and supply-chain.
So, my opinion is this new craft in neverwinter is worth to take more than a look at .
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,173Arc User
The +1 item for armorsmithing can not be made as I see no way to get high quality iron ore to make them. There is no way to get 3 iron iron ingots +1 in the game.
You can use regular iron ore and craft the Iron Ingots +1. You just need high focus when making.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
drartwhodentMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 306Arc User
How to make gold from crafting... Sell items to vendor. The low level items that sell for under the 34s18c max can cost less than 2s to make. You can make a dozen or two at a time each day using 5 morale per item.
banzaikittenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 220Arc User
well, it was before tthe fix, now it is coper HAMSTER only.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
well, it was before tthe fix, now it is coper HAMSTER only.
You are probably talking about buy from vendor and sell to vendor. He was talking about crafting and then sell to vendor. That still works and not a bug.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
sigillmacfinnMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 111Arc User
I used to make the Greater Black Ice armor enchants for a bit of a boost to Power & Crit [Lethal & Piercing IIRC] now that Black Ice crafting is gone [& all the AD it took to get to the required level] is there any way of replicating these enchants or have they now been consigned to the scrap heap of dead professions?
Go to the forge in Caer-Konig, there is a black ice store there.
Does it sell enchantment? Is it the same store that you can bring up from campaign? Last time I checked, it did not sell black ice enchantment.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
well, it was before tthe fix, now it is coper HAMSTER only.
You are probably talking about buy from vendor and sell to vendor. He was talking about crafting and then sell to vendor. That still works and not a bug.
Selling price was nerfed today and most things including the balm you're thinking of are now sold at a loss.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,522Arc User
well, it was before tthe fix, now it is coper HAMSTER only.
You are probably talking about buy from vendor and sell to vendor. He was talking about crafting and then sell to vendor. That still works and not a bug.
Selling price was nerfed today and most things including the balm you're thinking of are now sold at a loss.
I was not thinking about balm but whatever I was thinking probably will not work. I will check when I'm home.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I have a problem or I simply do not know what to do. The very first list they give you at the market to fulfil and I say I will come back when I have all the items... Well I have all the stuff in the list but now what?? I go back and they just show me the list again and I can only reply that I will be back with the ingredients. I really do not know what to do. What am I doing wrong?
Two things: First, you only need to make one of the items on the list. Second, if you keep getting the list, it means you don't have a single item from that list. The Material Supplier wants high quality items; thus the "+1" on each item. Look on the AH for these items if you don't want to or cannot craft them yourself. Or ask a friend for help.
the quest for the profession supply merchant to upgrade the workshop requires 3 each of one of the +1 items
...im an assassin....a warrior...
...not a crafter...gatherer....
...i play this game to kill and interact with DND lore...in awesome 3d environment...
...not to have a job...that is 20x more boring that my real job could ever be...
Chult was awesome...that is what i expect out of a new mod...
Barovia too...to a lesser extent...
...this here...mod 15...that is pure garbage!...
...nothing but bad news....
......and im a TR...what has been done there is a crime and a freaking shame!
Turning Neverewinter into a community of artisans and gatherers...no blood-thirsty warriors needed around here anymore!
I only noticed that reset tonight when I tried to sell Elmsilver necks to the girl.
I live in UK and for me the refresh is at 1:00 am UK TIME. When I am often at work or sleeping after night shift.
I had to sell for silvers like 200+ of them and I can't leave making current items on menu to run over night because I am almost certainly would be here by 10:00 am tomorrow in order to go to workshop on all 15 chars, fetch the items from boxes and sell them.
Because it changes every day I have to have all sorts of different items to match the menu each day.
And I am using mail to self to send all items to one of my chars that has gond hammer.
So, I wasted a lot of materials. Now I need to log in at work if I can to check list after refresh and get it made till next refresh.
Also, Morale for instant completion doesn't roll over to the next day it looks like.
So, not used any today it is lost.
PFFF. I really liked those for my AC DCs
Now I am tied to the delivery chest lol
But OK I can live without dungeons for a while
You can still get them from shop and by crafting.
One of the major themes of this mod is 'Make gold great again'. Up to now gold has had very very little value, in particular if you have VIP.
But aside from gathering some of the Raw Gems's with Gathering, you then just need to polish / refine them with Jewelcrafting. It will cost you some Gold however to pay the commission however.
My advice on getting startet: Be patient and collect workers before starting the actual crafting. Wait before you use your legacy orders. I have 10 toons with jewelcrafting 70 and 7 with levels 46-60 and only 1 of my 70s is actually doing the chain for opals atm. The rest is still waiting for applications with negative provision. The gold costs for opals drops considerably when you can use the chain with all workers at -25/-50% provision cost. So, i will probably wait another week and wait for applicants in jewelcrafting and gathering with negative provision and then try to use the legacy orders to fill the gaps.
Two more tips:
1: I noticed just now, that you can sell a few epic ringe and armor pieces for 1G 60S. This might be another option to use them if you do not need the 300RP or the surplus equipment.
2. If you want to level gathering workers there is an assignment at level 5X, it should translate to something like "Ironsands". This is the one needed for the "oil of vitriol" and i think it might be one of the gathering resources, that could be in demand. Since you can no longer just buy thousands of the green one like earlier from the vendor. I am doing this atm with a couple of lv 50 (give or take) workers and with a adamant pickaxe they have a good success rate (95+) and most although have a crit chance of 65+.
Last thing: I am no native speaker and i am not playing the english version, so:
-I am not sure if i got all the translations right, sorry about that. I hope you get the meaning.
-I apologize for all the typos,hopefully this text is not butchering the english language.
I am a GWF and i like to kill stuff. But i also love to craft nice and helpfull things.
I think this game can satisfy both: Warriors and crafter.
P.S.: We waited 15 Mods for an profession overhaul.
The one big caveat however is that if you don't have a forgehammer of gond you may as forget that crafting exists.
From what I've seen so far - alchemy: potions will likely be popular, jewelcrafting has RP creation, as well as some nice pieces for companions (hello, Gold Pendant!), and ditto for any other companion piece. While it might only be one enchant slot, the *massive* stats on some of the pieces make it a pretty equal trade-off. The other professions also have bits and pieces that make using, say, a Sellsword, viable - without having to grind the everliving heck out of IG / Folly and hope for a +4/+5 drop.
And, of course, armor kits will still remain popular.
If you had lvl 25 professions before, it's not terrible to get into and put a bit of time into. If you're starting from scratch - you may want to simply dabble a bit, or avoid it altogether.
In the old system, I had some Jewelry crafters who, at level 25, could make 'Personalized' Rings, Belts, and Necks. The rings didn't matter much because Seals buy better ones... but the Necks and Belts were the best items I could get for those slots - for my companions gear.
They had 2 enchant slots, 1 offense 1 defense, decent stats (+394 Power/+394 Recovery for instance), and IL 405 iirc. So not amazing gear but fairly decent, and I could make them myself.
Does the new crafting system make anything comparable for a level 70 crafter with access to only what old 'epic/purple' artisans and tools can be traded in for? Is there anything comparable for Icon/Talisman/Sword Knot slots I could put on a companion? (I have trouble getting anything decent for these)
If anyone could post some equivalent items I'd appreciate it. So far I have zero interest in the new system, but maybe some decent items would kick it off again.
New system is more complex than the previous one. It's not a good nor a bad thing, but point of vue related.
Mine is the new system entertains me much more than the old one.
Yeah, you can run bills of materials, plan your productions ahead, play with %speed and the various artisan's skills to take a time effective approach, etc. You need a bit more of brain thant in the old system.
It's not longer "one task one result" widely used by the vast majority (doing leadership only). You can see lines of production, supply-consumption, multi level manufacturing ranges for à lot of crafts, etc.
That's a bit deeper.
I won't deny there are a lot of anomalies, some bugs, and some burden felt during crafting time (why my "F" key is not able to "gather all" in the delivery box like it does for chests ?)
The new system (even for most of the mastercraft) is only, really only, time depending for the moment.
Yes, you have to think about it a bit before going crazy craft. You have to choose the right artisans for what you want to do and "build" your team (yeah, i think we can speak about "workshop builds") : for exemple some are better to use on moral with large stocks of ingredients, others are better to use on moral with little stocks of ingredients.
But when you did set up right, it's finished, you are steamrolling.
I don't care about gold, craft can make huge amount of gold.
I don't really care not being more than rank 2 (though I have 2 workshops rank 3, 29 rangs 2).
It's only a matter of time (and passive time, I only check my delivery boxes twice a day, maybe 1 minute more per toon on the pray cycle).
I can make nice amount of AD for the moment.
I can make some new fancy armor pieces.
And, i enjoy planning, optimization of the production and supply-chain.
So, my opinion is this new craft in neverwinter is worth to take more than a look at
Sell items to vendor.
The low level items that sell for under the 34s18c max can cost less than 2s to make.
You can make a dozen or two at a time each day using 5 morale per item.
He was talking about crafting and then sell to vendor. That still works and not a bug.
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