Guild Name: The Dark Horde Guild Leader: Killerfate1 and Funkmaster68 Guild Contact: Killerfate1 and Funkmaster68 Guild Website: None right now Guild Motto: Why'd I click that? Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes! Current Guild Size: 30 or so Guild Size Goal: AS many as we can get Guild Type: Casual, PVE, Friendly, Mature Guild Peak Time Zones: EST and 8pm-12am EST
Description: The Dark Horde is a casual friendly guild looking for active members of any level. We are currently guild hall level 2 and are working on building the market place. We are slowly working our way to getting those guild boons. We run influence when we can get some members together because its more fun that way.
Guild Name: The Crewless Crew Guild Leader: Robert McK-Gal@rmckittrickg or Bar Steward@rmckittrickg Guild Contact: Xbox message Gwen Stefani@rmckittrickg or Bar Steward@rmckittrickg Guild Website: Guild Motto: N/A Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 3 Guild Size Goal: None (Quality, not quantity) Guild Type: Casual, Social, End-Game PvE/General assistance. Guild Peak Time Zones: 11:30pm GMT Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and 8:30pm Wed and Sat
Description: probably the Smallest Guild in Neverwinter on the Xbox One who is looking for people who can help in building the stronghold and up the Guild Ranks. We also do Xbox One Party so Microphones would be useful. LOL. No Entry Requirement apart from doing either The Cloak Tower or Cragmire Crypts by yourself in a party of three. LOL
Guild Leader: Kytti and Kytti Liquor Guild Contact: Tsuki Yami@Kaos Reeper Guild Motto: We have commited the deadliest of sins. Guild Currently Recruiting: Always(unless we are currently full) Current Guild Size: 72/150-188/500 Guild Size Goal: MAX Guild Type: Fun and Helpful Guild Peak Time Zones: All( have have people from several time zones that play at different times during the day)- Guild Events and Guild activities are set to PST.
Description: We are an extremely active and helpful guild looking for more players to add to our ranks. We are primarily PvE, but do participate in PvP and welcome players who do. We have no requirements to join or stay a member of the guild( we do ask that you donate at least 1 item per Gamertag(not characters) per week as a way to keep track of active status). We usually do runs of Ghost Stories, Vault of the Nine, and other party quests every other day(due to new members and alt accounts). We also have members who do runs of dungeons and skirmishes everyday. As well as zone(Sharindar, Dread Ring, Well of Dragons) clearing groups. We do the Greed of the Dragonflight daily at 6:30 PST. Finally a large majority of us have headsets and talk in parties on Xbox Live(and guildchat because micless guildies need love too). If you're looking for a group of people to have fun and take the pain away from the daily grind, that's us.
P.S. Anyone interested in just having another friend on XBL who plays ever day and is willing to help send me a message. I am Tsuki Yami@Kaos Reeper Kaos Reeper is my Xbox Live Gamertag Also, if you run a guild that puts guildmembers first and wants everyone to succeed. Send me a message and I'll add you to our alliance list( to be used of and when that update comes). Well I think thats everything thanks for the time and have a sinful day^^
Guild Name: One Piece Guild Leader: @sageduo2008 Guild Contact: Sageduo2008 Ohio Inc Liam Deathwing Guild Website: Not yet Guild Motto: N/A Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes (60) plus Current Guild Size: 160 Guild Size Goal: N/A Guild Type: PVE and PVP Guild Peak Time Zones: All Time
Description:Dedicated and knowledgeable guild with MMORPG experience with active members from across the globe with a serious but also laid back and humorous approach to gaming. We enjoy both PVE & PVP and are open to anyone who shares our enthusiasm whether it be casual or hardcore gamers.
Guild Name: League Of Venial Guild Leader: Apoxem Guild Contact: Apoxem (Gamertag) Guild Website: Guild Motto: Command and Conquer Guild Currently Recruiting: Everyone Current Guild Size: 2 Guild Size Goal: Unlimited Guild Type: PvE PvP Guild Peak Time Zones: All The Time
Description:Accepting all new recruits so make sure you get the word out, so we can grow and become one of the top Neverwinter Guilds!
Guild Leader: Omega Shenron Guild Contact: @Omega Shenron Gt SuperJEWBRENT Guild Website: Guild Motto: We are Hazardous Guild Currently Recruiting: pvp or pvp/pve hybrid Current Guild Size: 150 Guild Size Goal: Guild Type: pve/pvp we do it all Guild Peak Time Zones: 3pm-2 am est but run all time zones generally between 20-60 players online at a time.
Description: gh 17 getting ready to move to 18 as of 7/29/16 boons def/arm pen, hp, pow, life steal.
Guild Name: Your Credit Card Has Been Declined Guild Leader: Help4Me2Im0Lost (Honorary figurehead) Guild Contact: Anyone online Guild Website: Guild Motto: You paid how much for that item level? Guild Currently Recruiting: As long as people go inactive we will be filling the ranks Current Guild Size: 80 (Gamertags) 188 (Characters) Guild Size Goal: Depends on how many are crazy enough to join us Guild Type: Somewhat functional dysfunctional family Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern
Description: DID U BRING TEH PIEHHH???
Post edited by thedramacus on
Dramacus 3.1 SW, Raven 2.9 HR, Aurora Shadowbain 2.7 GF, Mirduatas Vras 2.5 DC Si Vis Pacem 2.5 DC, Jade Shadowbain 2.4 CW, Para Bellum 1.5 GWF, President Not Sure lvl 69 OP Faith Shadowbain lvl 69 DC, Toof Fairy lvl 68 GWF, Arnie Shadowbain lvl 63 GF
Guild Name: Temple of Toons Guild Leader: Cpt. Jack Sparrow Guild Contact: savoscar Guild Website: Facebook....neverwinter temple of Toons, closed group Guild Motto: If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. Guild Currently Recruiting: yes Current Guild Size: ~100 Guild Size Goal: 135 Guild Type: mostly pve, some pvp Guild Peak Time Zones: est and cst
Description: Friendly, helpful guild. Everyone is family. We run anything and everything. The more you help, the faster we can grow. We are a month old and working on our r5 gh. No daily requirements, just do what you can.
Guild Name: Death's Door Guild Leader: TokerClint Guild Contact: DarkKingNazgul Guild Website: Facebook Group Guild Hall: 20 Guild Currently Recruiting: DC 3K, GF & OP 3K (with perfect bondings), DPS classes 3.3K (with perfect bondings) Current Guild Size: 140 members; Guild Size Goal: 149 members Guild Type: Hardcore PvE, PvP Guild Peak Time Zones: 24/7
Description: We are a drama free, mature guild that wants to build a strong alliance to run dungeons, and rank up our alliance members to be ready for the upcoming Storm Kings Thunder mod when it is released.
Guild Name: The Crewless Crew Guild Leader: Robert McK-Gal@rmckittrickg or Bar Steward@rmckittrickg Guild Contact: Xbox message Gwen Stefani@rmckittrickg or Bar Steward@rmckittrickg Guild Website: Guild Motto: N/A Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 3 Guild Size Goal: None (Quality, not quantity) Guild Type: Casual, Social, End-Game PvE/General assistance. Guild Peak Time Zones: 11:30pm GMT Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and 8:30pm Wed and Sat
Description: probably the Smallest Guild in Neverwinter on the Xbox One who is looking for people who can help in building the stronghold and up the Guild Ranks. We also do Xbox One Party so Microphones would be useful. LOL. No Entry Requirement apart from doing either The Cloak Tower or Cragmire Crypts by yourself in a party of three. LOL
Guild Name: Defiance of Destiny Guild Leader: HUSKYWHISPER Guild Contact: Dante, Hiddensniper760, and Irish Fury Guild Website: Defiance of Destiny (Search Though Facebook, closed group) Guild Motto: Feed That Memic! Lol Guild Currently Recruiting: Active Players 18+ For the Long Haul! Current Guild Size: 11-12 Stronghold Guild Size Goal: The Best Guild in Neverwinter Guild Type: PVE, PVP, Grinders Guild Peak Time Zones: All Times
Description: We are Defiance of Destiny! We are a guild looking for for more active members for the guild.
Guild Name: Random Misfits Guild Leader: Blade Slinger11, Tristyn, Gerult Guild Contact: Blade Slinger11, Tristyn, Gerult Guild Website: Guild Motto: We Always Fight to The End Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 3 Guild Size Goal: None Guild Type: PVE, Social Guild Peak Time Zones: All time Zones
Description: This Guild Welcomes Anyone and Everyone. The Only Requirement is That You be a 1500 Item Score. Join Up With Random Misfits on Neverwinter to Make the World a Better Place.
One of our Leaders (Character ID and GT above) or One of Our 3 Sub Commanders: Agil@ShadrachVS 1 Draven@Dr Spilonche Zekken@FLIPPY THE BEAR
we also have many senior member of rank 5 that can be contacted when online.
Guild Website: The Knights of the Blood Oath Closed Facebook Group. We Also have Guild chat on LINE APP all members are welcome.
Guild Motto: Mating Season
Guild Currently Recruiting: ACTIVE Age 18+ players who are lvl 60+
Current Guild Size: 114 Gamertags, 176 Characters
Guild Size Goal: Full and Active
Guild Type: primarily PvE, Social, Fun and Active
Guild Peak Time Zones: Every evening 8pm - 11pm EST. We have member from all over however.
Description: We are currently cooking GH 9. We have the POWER & EXP boon associated with our Guild level and will be working on DEFENSE & ARMOR PENETRATION next on our way to GH 10.
We have many lvl 70 veteran players who are very active and willing to help those that need it, as well as our leaders who are day one players and are on every evening.
We have a wealth of knowledge in regards to the game and builds for those looking for any guidance.
We are a laid back bunch who enjoy playing the game and want our members to enjoy their gaming experience also. At the end of the day its A Game where you are ment to have fun and a laugh. This is not supposed to be a work place or a chore and we do not have that Elitist mentality that you find in most high rank Guilds. Most of us have Job's, Families and general lives outside the gaming world but we strive to keep our roster as active as life allows.
Our Guild is a Guantlet Guild within the Paragon Gaming Alliance. As such there is a large player base over over 3'700 players. Our Guild in colaberation with 7th Trumpet (another Gauntlet within the Alliance) run Dragonflight Wednesday and Sunday @ 9PM EST Every week. Dragonflight is also ran regularly throughout the Alliance by Other Guilds throughout the week. Tiamat is constantly being run as well as a constant stream of Epic Demogorgan and Regular Demogorgan. T3 Stronghold Influance Runs are a regular occurance in most guilds during the week as well as Area Heroics and Demonic Heroics. Dungeons and Skirmishes are also a constant and a good source of salvage for those 2x Astral Diamond days.
Guild Name: Pants Off Dance Off Guild Leader: @jayare411, @facesbones66@fearhodorwillie Guild Contact: any of the above 3 plus all rank 5 and up ingame Guild Website: Guild Motto: Life is more fun when you dance while not wearing pants Guild Currently Recruiting: casual recruiting of new level 70s and up Current Guild Size: 96 Guild Size Goal:the maximum with active players Guild Type: casual and mature. Mics are helpful but not required Guild Peak Time Zones: varies, but mostly North America and U.K.
Description: we are a very casual guild that is mostly PvE, sprinkled with a little PvP here and there. Guild hall is currently rank 10 after we rose from the ashes of another guild on March 26, 2016. We have many friendly, helpful and knowledgeable players for all classes, but are by no means the smartest players in the game. We enjoy the social aspect of the game while striving for the group goal of raising the guild hall. We run dragon flight and epic demogorgon on a regular schedule, plus we have a prize vault for running raffles to gain needed guild upgrade currencies to keep guildies interested and contributing.
We have no donations requirements, but ask to donate what you can when you can. Always improve your toon first as that will improve the guild.
We are the helm guild in our alliance and most other guilds are rank 6 and lower, so non-70s have a home while they level up
Guild Contact: GamerTag: NamelessMystic or use the in game tool Find A Guild and ask any online member for an invite
Guild Website: We have an active Discord. Invite link will be given to Guild and Alliance members
Guild Motto: Teamwork makes the dream work
Guild Currently Recruiting: We're always looking for good people to play with even if they decide not to join our guild. If we don't have space on our roster, one of the amazing guilds in our alliance is happy to have you
Current Guild Size:110
Guild Size Goal: 145
Guild Type: Mostly PVE with some PVP thrown in just for fun
Guild Peak Time Zones: We are based in the US but have people from all over the world in our alliance
Description: Our guild is an eclectic group from all backgrounds and locations. We're very fortunate to have awesome people and guilds of like minds in our Alliance.
We are guild hall 20 with max boons and the helm guild of our fabulous Alliance. We have no requirements to join our guild as we welcome everyone regardless of level, item level, experience, class, or ability to donate. Donations are not required, but we encourage helping our alliance guilds as you can. We have Discord where you can ask questions, get advice, theorycraft, and find some giggles. We have many knowledgeable and helpful people to join you in your journey.
Mount Speed Group Heal Potion Revive Sickness Healing Potion Bonus
Overload- Stamina Drain Overload- Slayer
We like to keep the atmosphere fun and productive. We're always looking for people that want to have a good time and build something great together. As with any progressive community, we do have guidelines, but we keep them simple- Be a team player. Contribute as you can, but not at the sacrifice of your character's progress. Utilize Alliance and Guild chats and Discord if you have questions or need help.
You can reach me via XBL at NamelessMystic or in game via Solace@NamelessMystic
Guild Name: Poison Clan Guild Leader:Uncle Douvee gamertag Dread Venomous Guild Contact:GT Dread Venomous, GT jazzyluvsphil, GT Bucc up JESSE Guild Website: Guild Motto: GO KILL SOMETHING! Guild Currently Recruiting: yes Current Guild Size: 125 Guild Size Goal: 149 Guild Type: PVE Guild Peak Time Zones: Mid afternoon EST. The guild is a great mix of UK and US players, with players in 19 different time zones total.
Poison Clan is a Gauntlet guild in The Nation alliance (currently in Sword spot for construction discount).
Minimum item level is 2500 for all classes. Donations are never required, everything is 100% voluntary.
We're GH 17, pushing to start 18 this week, looking to obliterate everything between us and 20.
We have the Stable, Barracks, and Explorer's Guild at rank 8 and will upgrade our rank 1 Temple to 8 while GH 18 is under construction.
We have a warm, friendly community, valuing friendship and fun over hyper-aggressive competition. There have been many players who've come and gone since the guild was founded in 2015, but this group is special - without exageration, they're the best roster has ever had and certainly the best people to play the game.
If this sounds like your home in Neverwinter, reach out to one of our contacts and let's get you settled in!
The Sanctuary Guild Leader: Azeriel Guild Contact: any online officer Guild Website:The Sanctuary FB Group Guild Motto: Real Life Comes First Guild Currently Recruiting: lvl70 -2K+ IL Current Guild Size:120 Guild Size Goal: N/A Guild Type:mainly PVE and some PVP Guild Peak Time Zones:EST and CST
Description: We are a knowledgeable, active and friendly guild with a leadership team comprised of MMO veterans. We have members from U.S., Europe, England and New Zealand. We are actively recruiting cool laid back people that love to have fun. We have a strong guild active member presence and we are member of the Paragon Origins Alliance.
Guild Contact:XBOX ONEGamertagWicked War1ock Guild Website: Guild Motto: Come play and have fun Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes any and all players are welcome to join. Current Guild Size: 20 Guild Size Goal: As many as possible. Guild Type: PVE mainly Guild Peak Time Zones: 8 A.M Eastern to 12 A.M Eastern
Description: Slayers of Death is a friendly laid back guild. Does not matter what level you are or how experienced you are to this game we are all here to help if we can. If you have experience to bring to the guild then bring it and lets see how we can make it work. Only requirements for the guild is to do the Stronghold Quests and Donate to the Coffer to get the Guild built it to max level. Currently we are a level 3 Guild almost level 4 with Marketplace open.
Recruitment is open to everyone on Xbox One. No requirements other than do Stronghold quest and donate items to the cofffer. Also under Guild Member Comments add you item level each week so that we know who is active and who is not.
Guild Leader: Sesame@FreddysDead73, Lizard King@CarsickArc6, Zayne Shadowsoul@VapeG0Dx4 Guild Contact: Zayne Shadowsoul@VapeG0Dx4 Guild Website: ...not currently active... Guild Motto: Leave the drama at the door, Welcome to the Yeti Den. Guild Currently Recruiting: All Players/Mics Encouraged Current Guild Size: 63 members and growing Guild Size Goal: 100+ active members Guild Type: Casual, Laidback, PVE and PVP Guild Peak Time Zones: ET, PT, CT, GMT, UTC
Description: Medieval Yeti, GH8 steadily approaching GH9, is recruiting. Our only requirement is 800 influence weekly, per account. We have Defense and Armor Pen boons. We run Dragonflight, FBI, MSVA, Tiamat, Demogorgon, etc. We love to help where we can and are a pretty chill guild. We offer weekly contests for guild donations and guild morale. We are part of the Kitten Hoard of Zah Alliance. Leave the drama in the past and come roam with the Yeti Clan
Guild Website: Guild Motto: We play for Crits n Giggles! Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes! Current Guild Size: 80+ Guild Size Goal: No limits... Guild Type: Casual, Mature, Grind Guild Peak Time Zones: Evening hours CST, Anytime on Weekends, UK time
Description: Become part of an exciting new and growing guild. All mature (18+) players of any level from all corners of the globe are welcome!
Guild Name: STOP LOOKING AT MY BOONS Guild Leader: Avlarik@Luckiluc73 Guild Contact: Any Rank 4 or above Guild Website: STOP LOOKING AT MY BOONS - Facebook Guild Motto: Seriously Stop Looking At My Boons Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes, Level 60 and up preferred but we play with all. Current Guild Size: 50+ Guild Size Goal: 120 + Guild Type: PVE Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern and Central. Hoping to balance out with West Coast too, so can have a good mix of times for multi groups.
Description: We are an active and growing guild. Currently a GH13 and part of the Minions Alliance we have much work to do and we can’t wait to bring you in to be part of our community. Mic's are nice but not required. Good spirits and a willingness to have fun and grow... that is what we are looking for. We run a lot of current content but at times we take our Alt's and jump back to our past when none of us knew anything and use what we know today. We accept Toon's of all types, races, classes, and skill. We have a strong team and want you to be a part of it. We have members from the East to West Coast in the US to overseas. We wanted a home that was our own instead of jumping around from Guild to Guild we started "Stop Looking At My Boons". We want this to be the last Guild you are looking for. We will admit we don’t have all the answers but we do have each other. We do our best to leave no one behind as we grow. So if this is you… come join us.
Guild Name: Soulforged Phoenix Guild Leader: SPANISH 4780 or HelllHathNoFury Guild Contact: XBox GT SPANISH 4780 or HelllHathNoFury Guild Website:Soulforged Phoenix Facebook Alliance: Wuzzup My Negation Guild Motto: None Yet Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, character level 50+ Current Guild Size: ~135+ in guild; active roster maintained and represented worldwide Guild Size Goal: None Guild Type: PVE/PVP Both, with guild and alliance players generally focusing on PvE. Guild Peak Time Zones: All time zones Stronghold: GH11 and counting Boons: Defense, Armor Pen, Power, Mount Speed Bonus and XP Bonus Roster: ~135+ in guild; active roster maintained and represented worldwide Stronghold Dragonflight Farming: Yes, running 1x / weekly guild. Alliance runs 2x daily -- ideal for boxes of influence, plus extra vouchers and SH boxes for guildmarks.
Description: Soulforged Phoenix is looking for players who are interested in growing with a guild of laid back, competitive minded players who enjoy playing the game.
- Age: Looking for 18+ - Mic req'd - Must speak some english - Minimum level 50
How do I get in? Message XBox GT SPANISH 4780 or HelllHathNoFury
Guild Name: FUURINKAZAN Guild Leader: iRuinous Guild Contact: DOAxHOODMAN Guild Website: privately hosted on Slack Guild Motto: Help and have fun Guild Currently Recruiting: Level 60 players and up, no item level requirements Current Guild Size: GH11 roster bounces back and forth from 50 to 80 gamertags Guild Size Goal: to fill it but with the right people Guild Type: PvE Guild Peak Time Zones: US est mostly with some US west coast
Description: Fun and helpful guild looking for quality of people over quantity. We are currently going through a roster cleanup of inactive players and rebuilding our alliance. PM for more info.
Guild Leader: Smay (X17xRJx17X) Guild Contact: Smay (X17xRJx17X) Guild Website: N/A Guild Motto: N/A Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: ~10 players, plus alternate characters Guild Size Goal: As many as want to join Guild Type: Casual, New, All Players, All Content Guild Peak Time Zones: Afternoons and Evenings (Leader in CT, others in various zones within 2 hours either way)
Description: We are a casual guild: no requirements, no obligations. Our goals are to welcome all players, from newbies to veterans, and to help each other out with knowledge or in-game items, and ultimately to have fun. We are a new guild, so we are working on building up our Stronghold, which fun in itself! We want to help each other do content such as dungeons as well, and have players and characters across many levels and knowledge. If you are looking for a guild to meet people and relax, and a place to feel comfortable, look no further!
Guild Leader: mixologee@mixologee Guild Contact: Any member can invite Guild Website: Not likely Guild Motto: Its just a game so who cares Guild Currently Recruiting: Always Current Guild Size: 75 Guild Size Goal: Meh, doesn't matter, will get there eventually Guild Type: Mostly PVE Guild Peak Time Zones: Most times
Description: We have a range of players. Some of us have been playing since day 1, others have come over from PC, and others have been playing for a couple weeks. We don't actively recruit on zone chats. Our recruiting method is simple, if we see someone without a guild, we invite them (lvl 40+ because people are more likely to be enjoying the game and keep playing at that point). If they stick around and help, awesome. If not, they fall victim to the "Bye Felicia" when we cut dead wait. We do stuff and things cause reasons. We are looking for people who are active in helping the guild, helping each other, and just enjoying a pretty sweet game (when the devs are HAMSTER somethign up).
Guild Name: Eternal Genesis Guild Leader: Drecq Lexenstar Guild Contact: Drecq Lexenstar or Kabata Guild Website: (To be posted when I am able to post links...) Guild Motto: Forever eternal is the struggle of renewal. Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 6 Guild Size Goal: 15 Guild Type: Social, RP, PvE, Campaign, Achievements Guild Peak Time Zones: Central Time Zone 7pm - 12am
Description: We are a small close friendly adult oriented guild that likes to go through the Campaigns, do a lot of PvE, work on building up our Guild Stronghold, we enjoy leveling and just chiling out with one another, drink a beer or two and just spend some time doing some quests like normal.
Guild Name: DISTURBIA Guild Leader: MyDiscordia Guild Contact: MyDiscordia, SGT FRONTLINE, Pepsifreak1 Guild Website: Guild Motto: Guild Currently Recruiting:yes Current Guild Size: Guild Size Goal:100-150 Guild Type:PVE Peak Time Zones: Eastern, central, pacific Description GH19, all buildings level 9,ready for GH20. Members are active and prefer grouping up with/without mic for queues and quests. Donations denote activity so we ask you help the current building requirements in any way you can at least once a week. Involvement with guild, alliance and its members/activities denote a member’s rank/leadership selection. Seeking an alliance to call home, with more activity/ alliance guilds’ involvement IRT alliance/ game events. Rotating sword/helm preferable. Also recruiting active players that prefer teamwork and enjoy helping each other knock out what needs to be done, as we do. Item level is not important, no fees to join. We welcome introverts or the Neverwinter weary; mic not mandatory.
Current Guild Size: 4 active (hence the recruiting)
Guild Size Goal: As many as we can get
Guild Type: We're down for anything
Guild Peak Time Zones: Doesn't matter
Description: Small guild looking to increase the ranks with chill, dedicated people who want to build something amazing. No item score requirements just come to play. Also willing to help lower level/item score players out.
Guild Name: Souless Exiles Guild Leader: GamingInferno (Gamertag) Guild Contact: GamingInferno (Gamertag) Guild Website: Guild Motto: We are Slayers of all those with Souls Guild Currently Recruiting: anyone over 18 and has a desire to want to achieve greatness Current Guild Size: 20 Guild Size Goal: 20 online at any one time Guild Type: Casual But will anyone who asks for help Guild Peak Time Zones: 3pm to 9pm MST on Saturdays
Description: We have a broad outreach of people on at different timezones but we are people who enjoy to play the game and run content together, We are helm of our alliance and host events whenever we can to help anyone that needs the help
Guild Leader: Killerfate1 and Funkmaster68
Guild Contact: Killerfate1 and Funkmaster68
Guild Website: None right now
Guild Motto: Why'd I click that?
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes!
Current Guild Size: 30 or so
Guild Size Goal: AS many as we can get
Guild Type: Casual, PVE, Friendly, Mature
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST and 8pm-12am EST
Description: The Dark Horde is a casual friendly guild looking for active members of any level. We are currently guild hall level 2 and are working on building the market place. We are slowly working our way to getting those guild boons. We run influence when we can get some members together because its more fun that way.
Guild Leader: Robert McK-Gal@rmckittrickg or Bar Steward@rmckittrickg
Guild Contact: Xbox message Gwen Stefani@rmckittrickg or Bar Steward@rmckittrickg
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: N/A
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3
Guild Size Goal: None (Quality, not quantity)
Guild Type: Casual, Social, End-Game PvE/General assistance.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 11:30pm GMT Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and 8:30pm Wed and Sat
Description: probably the Smallest Guild in Neverwinter on the Xbox One who is looking for people who can help in building the stronghold and up the Guild Ranks. We also do Xbox One Party so Microphones would be useful. LOL. No Entry Requirement apart from doing either The Cloak Tower or Cragmire Crypts by yourself in a party of three. LOL
Guild Leader: Kytti and Kytti Liquor
Guild Contact: Tsuki Yami@Kaos Reeper
Guild Motto: We have commited the deadliest of sins.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Always(unless we are currently full)
Current Guild Size: 72/150-188/500
Guild Size Goal: MAX
Guild Type: Fun and Helpful
Guild Peak Time Zones: All( have have people from several time zones that play at different times during the day)- Guild Events and Guild activities are set to PST.
Description: We are an extremely active and helpful guild looking for more players to add to our ranks. We are primarily PvE, but do participate in PvP and welcome players who do. We have no requirements to join or stay a member of the guild( we do ask that you donate at least 1 item per Gamertag(not characters) per week as a way to keep track of active status). We usually do runs of Ghost Stories, Vault of the Nine, and other party quests every other day(due to new members and alt accounts). We also have members who do runs of dungeons and skirmishes everyday. As well as zone(Sharindar, Dread Ring, Well of Dragons) clearing groups. We do the Greed of the Dragonflight daily at 6:30 PST. Finally a large majority of us have headsets and talk in parties on Xbox Live(and guildchat because micless guildies need love too). If you're looking for a group of people to have fun and take the pain away from the daily grind, that's us.
P.S. Anyone interested in just having another friend on XBL who plays ever day and is willing to help send me a message.
I am Tsuki Yami@Kaos Reeper
Kaos Reeper is my Xbox Live Gamertag
Also, if you run a guild that puts guildmembers first and wants everyone to succeed. Send me a message and I'll add you to our alliance list( to be used of and when that update comes).
Well I think thats everything thanks for the time and have a sinful day^^
Guild Name: One Piece
Guild Leader: @sageduo2008
Guild Contact: Sageduo2008 Ohio Inc Liam Deathwing
Guild Website: Not yet
Guild Motto: N/A
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes (60) plus
Current Guild Size: 160
Guild Size Goal: N/A
Guild Type: PVE and PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: All Time
Description:Dedicated and knowledgeable guild with MMORPG experience with active members from across the globe with a serious but also laid back and humorous approach to gaming. We enjoy both PVE & PVP and are open to anyone who shares our enthusiasm whether it be casual or hardcore gamers.
Guild Leader: Apoxem
Guild Contact: Apoxem (Gamertag)
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Command and Conquer
Guild Currently Recruiting: Everyone
Current Guild Size: 2
Guild Size Goal: Unlimited
Guild Type: PvE PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: All The Time
Description:Accepting all new recruits so make sure you get the word out, so we can grow and become one of the top Neverwinter Guilds!
Guild Leader: Omega Shenron
Guild Contact: @Omega Shenron
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: We are Hazardous
Guild Currently Recruiting: pvp or pvp/pve hybrid
Current Guild Size: 150
Guild Size Goal:
Guild Type: pve/pvp we do it all
Guild Peak Time Zones: 3pm-2 am est but run all time zones generally between 20-60 players online at a time.
Description: gh 17 getting ready to move to 18 as of 7/29/16 boons def/arm pen, hp, pow, life steal.
Guild Leader: Help4Me2Im0Lost (Honorary figurehead)
Guild Contact: Anyone online
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: You paid how much for that item level?
Guild Currently Recruiting: As long as people go inactive we will be filling the ranks
Current Guild Size: 80 (Gamertags) 188 (Characters)
Guild Size Goal: Depends on how many are crazy enough to join us
Guild Type: Somewhat functional dysfunctional family
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern
Description: DID U BRING TEH PIEHHH???
Si Vis Pacem 2.5 DC, Jade Shadowbain 2.4 CW, Para Bellum 1.5 GWF, President Not Sure lvl 69 OP
Faith Shadowbain lvl 69 DC, Toof Fairy lvl 68 GWF, Arnie Shadowbain lvl 63 GF
Your Credit Card Has Been Declined
Guild Leader: Cpt. Jack Sparrow
Guild Contact: savoscar
Guild Website: Facebook....neverwinter temple of Toons, closed group
Guild Motto: If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Current Guild Size: ~100
Guild Size Goal: 135
Guild Type: mostly pve, some pvp
Guild Peak Time Zones: est and cst
Description: Friendly, helpful guild. Everyone is family. We run anything and everything. The more you help, the faster we can grow. We are a month old and working on our r5 gh. No daily requirements, just do what you can.
Guild Leader: TokerClint
Guild Contact: DarkKingNazgul
Guild Website: Facebook Group
Guild Hall: 20
Guild Currently Recruiting: DC 3K, GF & OP 3K (with perfect bondings), DPS classes 3.3K (with perfect bondings)
Current Guild Size: 140 members;
Guild Size Goal: 149 members
Guild Type: Hardcore PvE, PvP
Guild Peak Time Zones: 24/7
Description: We are a drama free, mature guild that wants to build a strong alliance to run dungeons, and rank up our alliance members to be ready for the upcoming Storm Kings Thunder mod when it is released.
Guild Contact: Dante, Hiddensniper760, and Irish Fury
Guild Website: Defiance of Destiny (Search Though Facebook, closed group)
Guild Motto: Feed That Memic! Lol
Guild Currently Recruiting: Active Players 18+ For the Long Haul!
Current Guild Size: 11-12 Stronghold
Guild Size Goal: The Best Guild in Neverwinter
Guild Type: PVE, PVP, Grinders
Guild Peak Time Zones: All Times
Description: We are Defiance of Destiny! We are a guild looking for for more active members for the guild.
Guild Leader: Blade Slinger11, Tristyn, Gerult
Guild Contact: Blade Slinger11, Tristyn, Gerult
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: We Always Fight to The End
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 3
Guild Size Goal: None
Guild Type: PVE, Social
Guild Peak Time Zones: All time Zones
Description: This Guild Welcomes Anyone and Everyone. The Only Requirement is That You be a 1500 Item Score. Join Up With Random Misfits on Neverwinter to Make the World a Better Place.
Guild Leader: Eri Shadowfox@cloudshadow3131 & Lilith@ FIRExFOX
Guild Contact:
One of our Leaders (Character ID and GT above) or
One of Our 3 Sub Commanders:
Agil@ShadrachVS 1
Draven@Dr Spilonche
we also have many senior member of rank 5 that can be contacted when online.
Guild Website: The Knights of the Blood Oath Closed Facebook Group.
We Also have Guild chat on LINE APP all members are welcome.
Guild Motto: Mating Season
Guild Currently Recruiting: ACTIVE Age 18+ players who are lvl 60+
Current Guild Size: 114 Gamertags, 176 Characters
Guild Size Goal: Full and Active
Guild Type: primarily PvE, Social, Fun and Active
Guild Peak Time Zones: Every evening 8pm - 11pm EST.
We have member from all over however.
Description: We are currently cooking GH 9.
We have the POWER & EXP boon associated with our Guild level and will be working on DEFENSE & ARMOR PENETRATION next on our way to GH 10.
We have many lvl 70 veteran players who are very active and willing to help those that need it, as well as our leaders who are day one players and are on every evening.
We have a wealth of knowledge in regards to the game and builds for those looking for any guidance.
We are a laid back bunch who enjoy playing the game and want our members to enjoy their gaming experience also.
At the end of the day its A Game where you are ment to have fun and a laugh.
This is not supposed to be a work place or a chore and we do not have that Elitist mentality that you find in most high rank Guilds.
Most of us have Job's, Families and general lives outside the gaming world but we strive to keep our roster as active as life allows.
Our Guild is a Guantlet Guild within the Paragon Gaming Alliance.
As such there is a large player base over over 3'700 players.
Our Guild in colaberation with 7th Trumpet (another Gauntlet within the Alliance) run Dragonflight Wednesday and Sunday @ 9PM EST Every week.
Dragonflight is also ran regularly throughout the Alliance by Other Guilds throughout the week.
Tiamat is constantly being run as well as a constant stream of Epic Demogorgan and Regular Demogorgan.
T3 Stronghold Influance Runs are a regular occurance in most guilds during the week as well as Area Heroics and Demonic Heroics.
Dungeons and Skirmishes are also a constant and a good source of salvage for those 2x Astral Diamond days.
Guild Leader: @jayare411, @facesbones66 @fearhodorwillie
Guild Contact: any of the above 3 plus all rank 5 and up ingame
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Life is more fun when you dance while not wearing pants
Guild Currently Recruiting: casual recruiting of new level 70s and up
Current Guild Size: 96
Guild Size Goal:the maximum with active players
Guild Type: casual and mature. Mics are helpful but not required
Guild Peak Time Zones: varies, but mostly North America and U.K.
Description: we are a very casual guild that is mostly PvE, sprinkled with a little PvP here and there. Guild hall is currently rank 10 after we rose from the ashes of another guild on March 26, 2016. We have many friendly, helpful and knowledgeable players for all classes, but are by no means the smartest players in the game. We enjoy the social aspect of the game while striving for the group goal of raising the guild hall. We run dragon flight and epic demogorgon on a regular schedule, plus we have a prize vault for running raffles to gain needed guild upgrade currencies to keep guildies interested and contributing.
We have no donations requirements, but ask to donate what you can when you can. Always improve your toon first as that will improve the guild.
We are the helm guild in our alliance and most other guilds are rank 6 and lower, so non-70s have a home while they level up
Guild Name: Dragonsbane
Guild Leader: GamerTag: NamelessMystic
Guild Contact: GamerTag: NamelessMystic or use the in game tool Find A Guild and ask any online member for an invite
Guild Website: We have an active Discord. Invite link will be given to Guild and Alliance members
Guild Motto: Teamwork makes the dream work
Guild Currently Recruiting: We're always looking for good people to play with even if they decide not to join our guild. If we don't have space on our roster, one of the amazing guilds in our alliance is happy to have you
Current Guild Size:110
Guild Size Goal: 145
Guild Type: Mostly PVE with some PVP thrown in just for fun
Guild Peak Time Zones: We are based in the US but have people from all over the world in our alliance
Description: Our guild is an eclectic group from all backgrounds and locations. We're very fortunate to have awesome people and guilds of like minds in our Alliance.
We are guild hall 20 with max boons and the helm guild of our fabulous Alliance. We have no requirements to join our guild as we welcome everyone regardless of level, item level, experience, class, or ability to donate. Donations are not required, but we encourage helping our alliance guilds as you can. We have Discord where you can ask questions, get advice, theorycraft, and find some giggles. We have many knowledgeable and helpful people to join you in your journey.
Current boons are:
Crit Sev
Overload- Comp Ward & Slayer
Crit Strike
Overload- Ward
Crit Avoidance
Mount Speed
Group Heal Potion
Revive Sickness
Healing Potion Bonus
Overload- Stamina Drain
Overload- Slayer
We like to keep the atmosphere fun and productive. We're always looking for people that want to have a good time and build something great together. As with any progressive community, we do have guidelines, but we keep them simple- Be a team player. Contribute as you can, but not at the sacrifice of your character's progress. Utilize Alliance and Guild chats and Discord if you have questions or need help.
You can reach me via XBL at NamelessMystic or in game via Solace@NamelessMystic
Good journey
Guild Leader:Uncle Douvee gamertag Dread Venomous
Guild Contact:GT Dread Venomous, GT jazzyluvsphil, GT Bucc up JESSE
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Current Guild Size: 125
Guild Size Goal: 149
Guild Type: PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: Mid afternoon EST. The guild is a great mix of UK and US players, with players in 19 different time zones total.
Poison Clan is a Gauntlet guild in The Nation alliance (currently in Sword spot for construction discount).
Minimum item level is 2500 for all classes. Donations are never required, everything is 100% voluntary.
We're GH 17, pushing to start 18 this week, looking to obliterate everything between us and 20.
We have the Stable, Barracks, and Explorer's Guild at rank 8 and will upgrade our rank 1 Temple to 8 while GH 18 is under construction.
We have a warm, friendly community, valuing friendship and fun over hyper-aggressive competition. There have been many players who've come and gone since the guild was founded in 2015, but this group is special - without exageration, they're the best roster has ever had and certainly the best people to play the game.
If this sounds like your home in Neverwinter, reach out to one of our contacts and let's get you settled in!
The Sanctuary
Guild Leader: Azeriel
Guild Contact: any online officer
Guild Website:The Sanctuary FB Group
Guild Motto: Real Life Comes First
Guild Currently Recruiting: lvl70 -2K+ IL
Current Guild Size:120
Guild Size Goal: N/A
Guild Type:mainly PVE and some PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones:EST and CST
Description: We are a knowledgeable, active and friendly guild with a leadership team comprised of MMO veterans. We have members from U.S., Europe, England and New Zealand. We are actively recruiting cool laid back people that love to have fun. We have a strong guild active member presence and we are member of the Paragon Origins Alliance.
Slayers of Death
Guild Leader:- WARLOCK
- Wicked Warlock
- Wicked Slayer
- Lord Warlock
- Warlock the Dead
- The Undying Warlock
Guild Contact: XBOX ONE Gamertag Wicked War1ockGuild Website:
Guild Motto: Come play and have fun
Guild Currently Recruiting:Yes any and all players are welcome to join.
Current Guild Size: 20
Guild Size Goal: As many as possible.
Guild Type: PVE mainly
Guild Peak Time Zones: 8 A.M Eastern to 12 A.M Eastern
Slayers of Death is a friendly laid back guild. Does not matter what level you are or how experienced you are to this game we are all here to help if we can. If you have experience to bring to the guild then bring it and lets see how we can make it work. Only requirements for the guild is to do the Stronghold Quests and Donate to the Coffer to get the Guild built it to max level. Currently we are a level 3 Guild almost level 4 with Marketplace open.
Recruitment is open to everyone on Xbox One. No requirements other than do Stronghold quest and donate items to the cofffer. Also under Guild Member Comments add you item level each week so that we know who is active and who is not.
Guild Leader: Sesame@FreddysDead73, Lizard King@CarsickArc6, Zayne Shadowsoul@VapeG0Dx4
Guild Contact: Zayne Shadowsoul@VapeG0Dx4
Guild Website: ...not currently active...
Guild Motto: Leave the drama at the door, Welcome to the Yeti Den.
Guild Currently Recruiting: All Players/Mics Encouraged
Current Guild Size: 63 members and growing
Guild Size Goal: 100+ active members
Guild Type: Casual, Laidback, PVE and PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: ET, PT, CT, GMT, UTC
Description: Medieval Yeti, GH8 steadily approaching GH9, is recruiting. Our only requirement is 800 influence weekly, per account. We have Defense and Armor Pen boons. We run Dragonflight, FBI, MSVA, Tiamat, Demogorgon, etc. We love to help where we can and are a pretty chill guild. We offer weekly contests for guild donations and guild morale. We are part of the Kitten Hoard of Zah Alliance. Leave the drama in the past and come roam with the Yeti Clan
Guild Name: Crits n Giggles
Guild Leader: in game name [Lady AmyLove@SophiLoveAlways]
Guild Contact: Xbox GT
Guild Website: Motto: We play for Crits n Giggles!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes!
Current Guild Size: 80+
Guild Size Goal: No limits...
Guild Type: Casual, Mature, Grind
Guild Peak Time Zones: Evening hours CST, Anytime on Weekends, UK time
Description: Become part of an exciting new and growing guild. All mature (18+) players of any level from all corners of the globe are welcome!
Join our Facebook group at
Join the Crits n Giggles Xbox One Club at or search for us on your console.
Guild Leader: Avlarik@Luckiluc73
Guild Contact: Any Rank 4 or above
Guild Website: STOP LOOKING AT MY BOONS - Facebook
Guild Motto: Seriously Stop Looking At My Boons
Guild Currently Recruiting: All classes, Level 60 and up preferred but we play with all.
Current Guild Size: 50+
Guild Size Goal: 120 +
Guild Type: PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern and Central. Hoping to balance out with West Coast too, so can have a good mix of times for multi groups.
Description: We are an active and growing guild. Currently a GH13 and part of the Minions Alliance we have much work to do and we can’t wait to bring you in to be part of our community. Mic's are nice but not required. Good spirits and a willingness to have fun and grow... that is what we are looking for. We run a lot of current content but at times we take our Alt's and jump back to our past when none of us knew anything and use what we know today. We accept Toon's of all types, races, classes, and skill. We have a strong team and want you to be a part of it. We have members from the East to West Coast in the US to overseas. We wanted a home that was our own instead of jumping around from Guild to Guild we started "Stop Looking At My Boons". We want this to be the last Guild you are looking for. We will admit we don’t have all the answers but we do have each other. We do our best to leave no one behind as we grow. So if this is you… come join us.
Guild Leader: SPANISH 4780 or HelllHathNoFury
Guild Contact: XBox GT SPANISH 4780 or HelllHathNoFury
Guild Website: Soulforged Phoenix Facebook
Alliance: Wuzzup My Negation
Guild Motto: None Yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, character level 50+
Current Guild Size: ~135+ in guild; active roster maintained and represented worldwide
Guild Size Goal: None
Guild Type: PVE/PVP Both, with guild and alliance players generally focusing on PvE.
Guild Peak Time Zones: All time zones
Stronghold: GH11 and counting
Boons: Defense, Armor Pen, Power, Mount Speed Bonus and XP Bonus
Roster: ~135+ in guild; active roster maintained and represented worldwide
Stronghold Dragonflight Farming: Yes, running 1x / weekly guild. Alliance runs 2x daily -- ideal for boxes of influence, plus extra vouchers and SH boxes for guildmarks.
Soulforged Phoenix is looking for players who are interested in growing with a guild of laid back, competitive minded players who enjoy playing the game.
- Age: Looking for 18+
- Mic req'd
- Must speak some english
- Minimum level 50
How do I get in?
Message XBox GT SPANISH 4780 or HelllHathNoFury
Guild Leader: iRuinous
Guild Contact: DOAxHOODMAN
Guild Website: privately hosted on Slack
Guild Motto: Help and have fun
Guild Currently Recruiting: Level 60 players and up, no item level requirements
Current Guild Size: GH11 roster bounces back and forth from 50 to 80 gamertags
Guild Size Goal: to fill it but with the right people
Guild Type: PvE
Guild Peak Time Zones: US est mostly with some US west coast
Fun and helpful guild looking for quality of people over quantity. We are currently going through a roster cleanup of inactive players and rebuilding our alliance. PM for more info.
The Black Skull Mercenaries
Guild Leader: Smay (X17xRJx17X)Guild Contact: Smay (X17xRJx17X)
Guild Website: N/A
Guild Motto: N/A
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: ~10 players, plus alternate characters
Guild Size Goal: As many as want to join
Guild Type: Casual, New, All Players, All Content
Guild Peak Time Zones: Afternoons and Evenings (Leader in CT, others in various zones within 2 hours either way)
Description: We are a casual guild: no requirements, no obligations. Our goals are to welcome all players, from newbies to veterans, and to help each other out with knowledge or in-game items, and ultimately to have fun. We are a new guild, so we are working on building up our Stronghold, which fun in itself! We want to help each other do content such as dungeons as well, and have players and characters across many levels and knowledge. If you are looking for a guild to meet people and relax, and a place to feel comfortable, look no further!
Xero Ehfs Given
Guild Leader: mixologee@mixologeeGuild Contact: Any member can invite
Guild Website: Not likely
Guild Motto: Its just a game so who cares
Guild Currently Recruiting: Always
Current Guild Size: 75
Guild Size Goal: Meh, doesn't matter, will get there eventually
Guild Type: Mostly PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: Most times
Description: We have a range of players. Some of us have been playing since day 1, others have come over from PC, and others have been playing for a couple weeks. We don't actively recruit on zone chats. Our recruiting method is simple, if we see someone without a guild, we invite them (lvl 40+ because people are more likely to be enjoying the game and keep playing at that point). If they stick around and help, awesome. If not, they fall victim to the "Bye Felicia" when we cut dead wait. We do stuff and things cause reasons. We are looking for people who are active in helping the guild, helping each other, and just enjoying a pretty sweet game (when the devs are HAMSTER somethign up).
Guild Leader: Drecq Lexenstar
Guild Contact: Drecq Lexenstar or Kabata
Guild Website: (To be posted when I am able to post links...)
Guild Motto: Forever eternal is the struggle of renewal.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 6
Guild Size Goal: 15
Guild Type: Social, RP, PvE, Campaign, Achievements
Guild Peak Time Zones: Central Time Zone 7pm - 12am
Description: We are a small close friendly adult oriented guild that likes to go through the Campaigns, do a lot of PvE, work on building up our Guild Stronghold, we enjoy leveling and just chiling out with one another, drink a beer or two and just spend some time doing some quests like normal.
Barthalomire, Lvl. 62, Paladin (Half-Orc)
Sylfre Nordan, Lvl. 70, Guardian Fighter (Half-Elf)
Guild Leader: MyDiscordia
Guild Contact: MyDiscordia, SGT FRONTLINE, Pepsifreak1
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
Guild Currently Recruiting:yes
Current Guild Size:
Guild Size Goal:100-150
Guild Type:PVE
Peak Time Zones: Eastern, central, pacific
GH19, all buildings level 9,ready for GH20. Members are active and prefer grouping up with/without mic for queues and quests. Donations denote activity so we ask you help the current building requirements in any way you can at least once a week. Involvement with guild, alliance and its members/activities denote a member’s rank/leadership selection.
Seeking an alliance to call home, with more activity/ alliance guilds’ involvement IRT alliance/ game events. Rotating sword/helm preferable.
Also recruiting active players that prefer teamwork and enjoy helping each other knock out what needs to be done, as we do. Item level is not important, no fees to join. We welcome introverts or the Neverwinter weary; mic not mandatory.
Guild Leader: i916iKnightmare and xxUpshaw12xx
Guild Contact: Here on the site or in game
Guild Website: N/A
Guild Motto: N/A
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 4 active (hence the recruiting)
Guild Size Goal: As many as we can get
Guild Type: We're down for anything
Guild Peak Time Zones: Doesn't matter
Description: Small guild looking to increase the ranks with chill, dedicated people who want to build something amazing. No item score requirements just come to play. Also willing to help lower level/item score players out.
Guild Leader: GamingInferno (Gamertag)
Guild Contact: GamingInferno (Gamertag)
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: We are Slayers of all those with Souls
Guild Currently Recruiting: anyone over 18 and has a desire to want to achieve greatness
Current Guild Size: 20
Guild Size Goal: 20 online at any one time
Guild Type: Casual But will anyone who asks for help
Guild Peak Time Zones: 3pm to 9pm MST on Saturdays
Description: We have a broad outreach of people on at different timezones but we are people who enjoy to play the game and run content together, We are helm of our alliance and host events whenever we can to help anyone that needs the help