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castle ravenloft rewards, worth it?

thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
basically that.. are the rewards worth the time for this content?


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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    Like rjc stated.

    To be honest, I don't find rewards good there. I don't need the armor from CR on any of my toons, so not running it. Dong or Craddle are far more better in terms of AD generation since they are relatively easy to beat (espeically dong which I call "new etos") and provides lots of salvage plus UE chances.

    I find CR very boring (but that's my opinion) and there's nothing tempting me to do it.

    Thirst is quite expensive on PC right now (about 1mio) but never got this one from there.
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    namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    (espeically dong which I call "new etos")


    In the early weeks of mod14, I had great success with dong because only well-geared experienced players could get in to REQ. No failed runs.

    Now I see I see more people with fully refined vistani weapon sets (what?) and vistani gear and underoos. People with no or one legendary artifact. There were also a few times when my buffing DC did similar dps as some of the dps toons. Now I see way more fails at orcus, like can't even get orcus to 50% kind of flops. I've also seen a number of successful runs where one, or even two, toons were clearly carried.

    A few times when there was a role bonus for dps, I took my mof cw in and see tank and/or heal looking new, or a bit "trashy" (i.e. +5 gravestrikers on low dps toons). These end up fails also. Yup, definitely harkens back to the days of eToS.
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    manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    I thought it would be cool to restore the weapon set as I have plenty of RP. I've run the dungeon about 10 times, it's really buggy and aggravating. and I have 1 sunset shard to show for it. You need 17 sunset shards to restore the weapon set. I'm not running that dungeon 150 times just to restore the weapon set...
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    CR gear is really good in a few cases. each piece has a a dual stat bonus. An offense stat is buffed by 1500 if you are at over 50% health. Otherwise, a defense stat is buffed. The Defensive stat probably isn't important but the Offensive ones are nice

    Hat is 1500 Crit and since mostly the existing hats don't have a +%damage buff, the massive amount of Crit can be nice

    Chest Piece is 1500 Power which makes it ver attractive for Powershare builds

    Feet are Recovery which are good for some builds

    Armor Pen for the gloves but there are generally +%damage gloves for any DPS build so not a great option for most.

    Also CR is 100% Bugfree so you never have to worry about disappearing SunSwords locking the boss room or having a boss randomly have triple health and teleport madly around, as in other buggy content.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    hmmm now I wonder if I did a silly thing by buying two packs to unlock day one. ah well nothing ventured nothing gained
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    namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    manipulos said:

    I thought it would be cool to restore the weapon set as I have plenty of RP. I've run the dungeon about 10 times, it's really buggy and aggravating. and I have 1 sunset shard to show for it. You need 17 sunset shards to restore the weapon set. I'm not running that dungeon 150 times just to restore the weapon set...

    Really? That blows. I haven't successfully done one CoDG yet. But shouldn't be too long before REQ pugs can finish them. Maybe I will be able to exhalt my pioneer set before I restore the sunset set.
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    nl54#3191 nl54 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    14.9k gwf here, haven't bothered with CR, even with guildies. Finished the campaign weeks ago and have pretty much forgotten about the zone.
    Ninurta - 16.1k Half-Orc GWF

    Ereshkigal - 12k Tiefling SW

    Aurora Ravensong - 11.6k Drow CW
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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    I will laugh if mod15 brings us new tier of weapons. Then sun weapons will be totally obsolete since they are heavy Barovia bound.

    Glad I discarded them lol.
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    stinkypiratepete#1341 stinkypiratepete Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    I will laugh if mod15 brings us new tier of weapons. Then sun weapons will be totally obsolete since they are heavy Barovia bound.

    Glad I discarded them lol.

    I heard MOD 15 will be all based in the Zen market - you'll earn boons based on purchases, loool

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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    If it will be based on zen spending then we at least can be sure we won't get a weekly haul :wink:
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    cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User

    I will laugh if mod15 brings us new tier of weapons. Then sun weapons will be totally obsolete since they are heavy Barovia bound.

    Glad I discarded them lol.

    Mod 15 will probably bring catch up 520 IL weapons for the people who can't Cradle or CR.
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    mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    I will laugh if mod15 brings us new tier of weapons. Then sun weapons will be totally obsolete since they are heavy Barovia bound.

    Glad I discarded them lol.

    Mod 15 will probably bring catch up 520 IL weapons for the people who can't Cradle or CR.
    I'm pretty sure mod 15 will have new weapons. Ravenloft is the catch up campaign to get those still running Wootz to 500 and than you can earn SotB to buy Primal gear and weapons. With all boons, including guild and just R8 enchantments a player should be sitting near 14-15K roughly. This means these players should have a fairly easily time getting into CoDG if they play a OP or DC.

    Last night I did 10+ CoDG runs on my CW with only completing it once out of 10+ attempts. All runs had lower IL DCs, OPs, and other buff roles. The only run where the group was 17K+ was my first run and that group failed. The last run I had I finally got my weekly CoDG completed and most of the group was around 15-16K with the DCs all being under 15K.

    CoDG is easy if everyone learns how not to fall off and bring a few mass life scrolls with them.

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    demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    Meh... at least we can save up our rp now for mod 15
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    well. I so far am not disappointed in the rewards of cr. I've made about 2 mil in shards over six runs. got 2 ues as well and one illusion companion who is going for 1.2 mil on xbox. as well as other random stuff. I'm not displeased at all. and over all it's not a bad dungeon. it reminds me of castle never. very glad not to have a push pull or tilting push pull to deal with or some other mechanic that sweeps you out into an abyss. Books are easy, but everyone wants to do it. one run the tank insisted on doing it so everyone kept getting massive stacks on them and wiping. I ended up leaving that run. over 20 scrolls before the second boss was finished. I couldn't even contemplate what the final boss would look like. lol
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    muminekm#3459 muminekm Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    Books are easy, but everyone wants to do it

    After several "sit here in the corner" runs people need to be forced for that :P AD wise it was best to run for first few weeks until shard prices etc settled down. Also all not-skipable monologues get old very, very fast. And in average teams (so my daily reality) Strahd or Sisters take some time and it's exhausting to execute same mechanics for 10x time. In the end most of the boss fights is spend waiting around.

    Except that I like to run CR from time to time. But for repetive farming I prefer Tong or Codg.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    Books are easy, but everyone wants to do it

    After several "sit here in the corner" runs people need to be forced for that :P AD wise it was best to run for first few weeks until shard prices etc settled down. Also all not-skipable monologues get old very, very fast. And in average teams (so my daily reality) Strahd or Sisters take some time and it's exhausting to execute same mechanics for 10x time. In the end most of the boss fights is spend waiting around.

    Except that I like to run CR from time to time. But for repetive farming I prefer Tong or Codg.
    I'm fine doing the books. I"m still inexperienced at it but at least I can do it pretty reliably. when I'm first getting the sisters out of the way I usually have about five seconds fail. but other than that they are under control. unless someone else steals the book after the first sister dies. then there is some chaos. the two times I've been in runs where someone else insists on it there is a lot more chaos. sit me in the corner if it means a smooth run.

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    eeng1eeng1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Even with my 18K DC I havent bothered with CR yet, or cradle for that matter. It seems like I'm always months behind the cool kids of the playerbase. But I actually dont mind skipping half the new mods, theres always a new comming up in a couple of mounts with better gear. I miss the earlier mods when u could have the same BIS armor for a year or so before something new and fancier would come along.
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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    On the side note, I just realised that CR visuals are lots of copy-paste from Shard of Night quest from mod11b.
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Shard of Night is just the Plague Tower with a palette swap and bad lighting. Exact same layout down to the broken stairs and landings.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Shard of Night is just the Plague Tower with a palette swap and bad lighting. Exact same layout down to the broken stairs and landings.

    Woooooot. Nice catch!

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    greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,112 Arc User
    I chalk that up to all the bad stuff that Rhazad did. Stands to reason all that negative energy would manifest in the Shadowfell/Evernight.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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    mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    This is one of the easiest dungeons I have seen in the game thus far. Mechanics are ok but not challenging. I was kinda disappointed after my first attempt with a group with zero experience we beat it in under 45 minutes. We ran it 10x more times and each time it took around 30 minutes or less. Very sad that the dungeon is this easy and so suppose to be the end game content. Our primary DPS was under 15K.

    As for running it; I need quite a few runs for my DC and OP. Otherwise I probably stick to CoDG or T9 as the awards in CR are not as good as T9 or CoDG. My best award in CR has been the seals. Kinda sad really.

    With T9 and CoDG I have gotten Coal Wards, Companion Tokens, UES, Harper Bards, etc...

    Hopefully the next mod things improve for CR otherwise I may take an extended break as I am done improving my CW and close to being done with my DC. The only character I still need to work on is my OP and at this point not sure if it is worth it.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    This is one of the easiest dungeons I have seen in the game thus far. Mechanics are ok but not challenging. I was kinda disappointed after my first attempt with a group with zero experience we beat it in under 45 minutes. We ran it 10x more times and each time it took around 30 minutes or less. Very sad that the dungeon is this easy and so suppose to be the end game content. Our primary DPS was under 15K.

    As for running it; I need quite a few runs for my DC and OP. Otherwise I probably stick to CoDG or T9 as the awards in CR are not as good as T9 or CoDG. My best award in CR has been the seals. Kinda sad really.

    With T9 and CoDG I have gotten Coal Wards, Companion Tokens, UES, Harper Bards, etc...

    Hopefully the next mod things improve for CR otherwise I may take an extended break as I am done improving my CW and close to being done with my DC. The only character I still need to work on is my OP and at this point not sure if it is worth it.

    I've gotten quite a few high end expensive companions mounts in crl. my best run so far yielded 2.2 million dollars on ah. the prices on prom are getting low enough now where codg is probably better than crl although I really like crl. wish they'd make the cut scenes skippable though and fix some of the glaring bugs.
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    jeremytheman232jeremytheman232 Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    Completed my first CRL last night. Was very disappointed to see needing tons of shards to restore weapons. I enjoyed the dungeon though. I got salvage and a blood ruby as reward though lol. I got a shard of prominence that sold for 90kad only and we used more than that in scrolls. It was a full first time group and we learned the mechanics as we went. Only thing that bothered me was the lack of new lore to be discovered.
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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    the shards aren't the throttle for the weapons imo. it's the moss.
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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    Actually, with a buff party you can get 14k dps on a wheelchair and change him into a zomfg siege machine so the argument with dps isn't valid imho.

    CR isn't hard until Strahd fight. And I would say it's not even the difficulty of the last fight (which is super chaotic by the way - epileptics run away) that pushes people away. It's just the many absurds that make people feel like "meh". Many of my runs we drain HP from him during the first "dps window" and yet we still have to wait for him to finish his quotes and all phases have to be finished. That's just boring. And not that the run is worth it or something.

    First two bosses are ok though. I really like to take the book duty when on my templock. Feels so relaxing.
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    heraldfayez#8520 heraldfayez Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    i won't bother read all comments but in a nutshell what RJC9000 said above is same as my opinion except that i find everything in the dungeon pretty garbage in 1 word and once u get seals to get hte gear you don't have to step foot into the dungeon now reason for this being
    the dungeon is not a dungeon it's just a monologue that you are being forced to sit through and watch all those custscenes again and again and again and again until you want to drop dead
    so the boredom factor takes away any fun from dungeon drop rates for UES in the dungeon is probably even lower than tong so it's not worth farming
    other than that nothing else drops and if you have gotten sunset shards then you probably don't need them hahahahah because you aleready need to be end game viable to farm the shards XDDD so if u farmed them then pretty sure u don't need the set (yeah kinda silly devs didn't think of this one here)
    oveerall let's hope we never see a dungeon like castle shetloft monologue ever again
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    mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    This maybe the first dungeon a group with the minimum listed IL could complete in reasonable time. You don't need DPS; you just need to understand the mechanics.
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