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Castle Ravenloft - Sister of Rage

manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User
I don't see a post about this already, hard to believe! The second sister you face in the first boss fight in CR, Sister of Rage, sometimes does not have a large hit point bar at the top of the screen and is really bugged out. She is constantly teleporting, it seems like half the time you are fighting her, and it makes the fight take way longer than it should.


  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    Hello @manipulos,

    I created a thread on the french forum and checked many messages on this forum too, in order to investigate on all bugs linked to the Castle Ravenloft. https://www.arcgames.com/fr/forums/nwfr#/discussion/79095/recensement-des-bugs-lies-au-donjon-chateau-ravenloft

    So all issues will be forwarded very soon to the dev team.

    Thanks for your help!

    EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
    Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
  • manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    percemer said:

    Hello @manipulos,

    I created a thread on the french forum and checked many messages on this forum too, in order to investigate on all bugs linked to the Castle Ravenloft. https://www.arcgames.com/fr/forums/nwfr#/discussion/79095/recensement-des-bugs-lies-au-donjon-chateau-ravenloft

    So all issues will be forwarded very soon to the dev team.

    Thanks for your help!


    Nice, thank you!
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I have seen many reports of the same 2nd sisters bug where she has no boss health bar, 3x HP and teleports all over the place. For some strange reason most if not all of these bug reports are on the French language forums and not here. The bug is so prevalent and well known that it is even in guides written about this dungeon. What I do not see is any response from the Devs acknowledging the bug at all in any of the threads about it.

    Are the Devs aware of this issue?

    Is there any update on a fix?

    Do the Devs have any idea what is causing this bug?

    Do you need video evidence?

    I appreciate percemer reporting to the Devs. I will no longer be playing Castle Ravenloft because of this bug which makes me really sad. On the 29th of July my party got the bug 4 times in a row. We did everything we could think of to include abandoning the instance, logging in and out and restarting 3 different times. We usually finish this dungeon in 30-45 minutes. We finally gave up and went to ToNG which we have completed a thousand times. The only challenge in ToNG now is to see how fast we can finish it. We would have done Cradle but finding 10 people who can actually complete it without spending an hour in LFG/ZONE and other chats makes it a waste of time.

    It is VERY frustrating when you combine this bug with the other reported bugs in this dungeon. It is unplayable! If you are not willing to waste scrolls of mass life because you get stuck in the floor on the final boss or are unwilling to spend 45 minutes killing the 2nd sister you had just as well give up.

    I could not imagine what it would be like in a PUG or Random Queue with people that are not communicating in voice chat. The people I normally party with have completed Castle Ravenloft several times and to be honest the reward earned versus frustration/time spent is just not worth it. We suffered through the first few weeks of this Module with all of it's bugs but I am at my limit.

    These bugs combined with the Ninja price change to the Trade bar store, the Overlevel reward constantly taking focus, the 100k RAD refine limit and the 20 or 30 other various bugs have left me not even wanting to log in much less spend money on the game. While I am at it, How about someone take 10 minutes to rotate the weapon/shield attachment point on the back of the female character model by 15 degrees. It is not rocket science. It has been this way for years! Playing this game is starting to feel like death by a thousand cuts. Come on guys! I love this game but I am at my wits end. Every time I defend this game I get poked in the eye yet again.

    I am just asking for an update, it is not much to ask especially considering how much time and money I spend in this game.
    Post edited by oremonger#9999 on
  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    (I saw you posted on both forums, so I'll add my answer here, too, just in case)

    Hello @oremonger#9999,

    I created this thread in order to receive as many feedbacks/reports as possible, in French or English, and thus help us to understand all issues, so we can more easily forward them to the developers.

    If you have videos, or can make some, do not hesitate, it can indeed help us a lot.

    We already transmitted all issues to the dev team, and they're working on fixes, but I don't know when these fixes be implemented.

    We understand your insatisfaction and we are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thank you for your patience!

    EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
    Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Thank you for your reply, but after seeing today's patch notes I can tell that it is going to be at least a week before anything is done. I will check back next week, but eventually I will stop checking and then sadly like so many others I will probably stop playing and spending and just move on. Thank you for your effort and thank you for checking the Centralized bug report thread, but as you can probably tell most of those people have now given up and moved on also. Feel free to reach out at the email associated with this account for more feedback.
  • digitalnightfall#5749 digitalnightfall Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    Why is there not an official post with a list of "Known" Bugs at the top of the Bug reporting section of the forums?
    Just this one thing would go a long way in fostering better communication and let the player base know they have been heard.
    Lock the thread and update the original post.
    Why is there not a post clarifying if things are working as intended or not?
    If you add this to the same official post much of the speculation and end fighting would cease. Players could move on and find new or better ways to reach their goals. Lock the thread here also, let discussion take place somewhere else.

    Just look at the number of posts about Gear x and gear y stacking or not. Plain and simple is it supposed to stack or not?

    To me it seems as if these two things would take little effort and go a long way in helping the end user/customer/player know that they are being heard. It would keep me from venturing into the depth of these forums and becoming more and more frustrated.

    By the way I posted this here because I can not seem to start my own thread on these forums... Intended?
    Post edited by digitalnightfall#5749 on
  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    @oremonger#9999 Unfortunately, I don't have ETA for the fixes, but don't be discouraged, I'm sure they're actively working on it.

    @digitalnightfall#5749 We'll see. Community teams have several documents to track bugs, but we can't share them. In the meantime, we can try to answer on the different threads. I can confirm if PWE/Cryptic is aware of an issue and if Cryptic is already working on a fix or not, but I cannot give ETA - in any case, as quickly as possible.
    Regarding to start a thread, I think you should be able to do it, unless you have recently activated your account, in which case there is a waiting period of a few days (small anti-spam limit)

    EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
    Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
  • digitalnightfall#5749 digitalnightfall Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    First post July 23. There have been several "Patches" since the 23rd of July and Castle Ravenloft is still a buggy mess. We played it tonight and had ALL of the bugs mentioned in this and other threads. We were able to finish the dungeon but this time everyone in the party said versions of the same thing. "Why are we doing this to begin with?" The rewards are junk, we rarely if ever get shards and we waste scrolls of life because of the broken content. Even if we did happen to get something to drop it is not worth the loss we take to run the dungeon.

    So I ask one more time, when are we going to get any kind of update or even recognition of these reported bugs?
    I swear if they are waiting until October....

    I really don't know why I even bother posting anymore :(

    P.S. We also ran MSP in random queue tonight, Guess what! That dungeon is still freaking bugged! How hard can it possibly be to fix this stuff? What about removing MSP from the Queue until it is fixed?
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Here are the Videos. They are long but hey there are so many bugs it took us a while to show them all. You can see the second sister bug, missing textures on the Arcolith boss fight, missing collision on the Arcolith boss fight, broken stair collision, stuck in combat bug, and several more! You can even see the "Stuck in floor bug" on the final boss.


    Without Sister Bug


  • manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User

    First post July 23. There have been several "Patches" since the 23rd of July and Castle Ravenloft is still a buggy mess. We played it tonight and had ALL of the bugs mentioned in this and other threads. We were able to finish the dungeon but this time everyone in the party said versions of the same thing. "Why are we doing this to begin with?" The rewards are junk, we rarely if ever get shards and we waste scrolls of life because of the broken content. Even if we did happen to get something to drop it is not worth the loss we take to run the dungeon.

    So I ask one more time, when are we going to get any kind of update or even recognition of these reported bugs?
    I swear if they are waiting until October....

    I really don't know why I even bother posting anymore :(

    P.S. We also ran MSP in random queue tonight, Guess what! That dungeon is still freaking bugged! How hard can it possibly be to fix this stuff? What about removing MSP from the Queue until it is fixed?

    Nobody's home
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    This is an annoying bug for sure. But you know what, if the group can still defeat the boss, it's a pretty good group. Only once was I in a pug group that was able to do it. But then we barely had enough dps to beat the second boss (which is actually kind of scary). We got to the final boss. But had to give up after a few tries and many scrolls. Still that was my best CR run so far.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Just wanted to back up what @percemer said regarding not being able to provide an ETA. Once a bug has been reported and ticketed internally, it's priority for fixing can shift depending on multiple factors: was it reproducible? is it a design or an engineering issue? Is a fix apparent? If not, who needs to investigate the fix and who needs to implement it? Are there other issues connected to this that could break if this is not done delicately? That's just a small example of every question that goes into addressing every bug report.
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    This is the newest content! Are you saying it is not important enough to fix it right away? Many of these bugs were even reported during preview. So Castle Ravenloft is going to become the new MSP as far as bug fixing goes?

    As far as MSP being bugged goes, this has been a problem for as long as I remember. MSP has always been bugged in one form or another since the beginning. What about removing MSP from the random queue? The question was asked and it seems to make sense. If you can't fix it or have higher priorities then disable it. I don't think the Devs understand the amount of frustration these types of bugs cause.

    Personally I have not played in a few days, and the longer I am away the easier it is to just do something else instead. I am still checking here in the hopes that I see at least something has been fixed, but no joy. I love this game, but like I said before eventually I will stop checking.

    By the way the bugs in Castle RavenLoft are obvious in the videos I linked, but even if no one watches the videos all you have to do is play the dungeon. Like I suggested above if there is no time/resources/priority to fix these bugs remove the dungeon from the random queue. At least this way I don't have to suffer through it to get my Daily queue done.

    Before random queues we could at least skip this buggy content until it was patched. YOU (Devs) forced random queues even after being warned over and over in thousands of posts that it was a flawed and bad idea. This is just one more example.
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Funny thing, my last comment just vanished.

    Removing content that is bugged from random queues seems to be a good idea. Do you have a comment on this idea?
    MSP has been bugged in one form or another for more than a year. Is this how Castle Ravenloft is going to end up?

    I submitted videos about the castle ravenloft bugs. The bugs are easily reproduced, and quite obvious. Some if not all of them were even present and reported on preview, so it has been months.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User

    Removing content that is bugged from random queues seems to be a good idea.

    What? Most bugs can be worked around or overcome in some ways. Game breaking bugs the devs are pretty good at fixing in a reasonable time.

    I submitted videos about the castle ravenloft bugs. The bugs are easily reproduced, and quite obvious. Some if not all of them were even present and reported on preview, so it has been months.

    Months? mod 14 has only been out for 8 weeks. And it took like 3-4 weeks to unlock CR.

    I would consider this bug more of an annoyance. Realistically, if the party cannot overcome this bug, they have zero chance to defeat the second boss. Might as well have this bug encourage people to vote abandon instance.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    Funny thing, my last comment just vanished.

    Removing content that is bugged from random queues seems to be a good idea. Do you have a comment on this idea?
    MSP has been bugged in one form or another for more than a year. Is this how Castle Ravenloft is going to end up?

    I submitted videos about the castle ravenloft bugs. The bugs are easily reproduced, and quite obvious. Some if not all of them were even present and reported on preview, so it has been months.

    Apologies. The spam detection bot ate your comment on accident. It's been revived, and it shouldn't happen to you again.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    Removing content that is bugged from random queues seems to be a good idea.

    What? Most bugs can be worked around or overcome in some ways. Game breaking bugs the devs are pretty good at fixing in a reasonable time.

    I submitted videos about the castle ravenloft bugs. The bugs are easily reproduced, and quite obvious. Some if not all of them were even present and reported on preview, so it has been months.

    Months? mod 14 has only been out for 8 weeks. And it took like 3-4 weeks to unlock CR.

    I would consider this bug more of an annoyance. Realistically, if the party cannot overcome this bug, they have zero chance to defeat the second boss. Might as well have this bug encourage people to vote abandon instance.
    Yeah, we are really good at working around bugs! As for "game breaking" bugs being fixed in a reasonable time I point you to MSP.

    Last time I checked 8 weeks was 2 months. But I was referring to the time it was also on preview. You may have forgotten that some people also purchased a pack that allowed them to start even earlier than you may have. How long was mod 14 on preview again? So yeah MONTHS.

    AND yes we can do this dungeon, watch the videos in my previous post. My point is that this dungeon is a buggy mess and very annoying to say the least. This combined with the MANY other bugs, nerfs and questionable decisions by the Devs have more or less killed this game for a few of us. More power to you if you are happy with the current state of the game, I used to be like that.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited August 2018

    As for "game breaking" bugs being fixed in a reasonable time I point you to MSP.

    I use mSP bugs to convince people to kick my DC after 5 mins and flee before another healer shows up :) Or at the very least, vote to abandon after 15 mins.

    If I can work around the bug, great. Otherwise it's an excuse to GTFO of there. Some people can be very stubbon about leaving. But present the bug and their minds can change fast.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    That sister fight, some people think that by glitching the boss and pinning her to the column means they "win". These groups will never get past the second boss. I actually welcome the sister bug at the time. Then I can say, look, bug, someone start abandon vote please.
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    It is sad that we are at a point to where it is common to abandon instances because of bugs. Why not remove that content from the random queue until it is ready for prime time? People who want to run it still can. If it stays in random queue then often people's first impressions are a bad one. How can you expect new people to learn the mechanics of the dungeon in this state?

    Yes the content can be completed in spite of the bugs by a strong group as evidenced by the videos I posted. Is it fun or worth it? It's not fun to me and so far it's not worth it given the rewards I have gotten. Now it's hard to even find people in my Friends list that are willing to run it. I tried to pug this dungeon a few times, and I even took the time to explain mechanics to people in the group. We actually finished 2 times, but how often do you get 16 and 17k players in a pug?. I have given it my best effort and came here to try and get it fixed. I have been assured that the Devs are aware, so there is nothing left to do. I'll check back in a week or so.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User

    Why not remove that content from the random queue until it is ready for prime time?

    Because it would set a precedence for removing content from RQ. There is no HAMSTER way they are doing that. If something is totally unplayable, then it may light a fire under peoples butts to get it resolved.

  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    I recently returned to the game. I left 6 months ago because of many factors that left me angry and disillusioned. One of the MOST Aggravating things that lead me to leave were the bugs in Castle Ravenloft (The newest dungeon at the time I left) We ran CR the other day on both Live and Preview and guess what? The bugs are still there but changes have been made to the dungeon. This leads me to believe that the perceived bugs are actually mechanics that we have not learned how to mitigate. So I came here to ask this question one final time.

    Is there such a thing as the Three Sisters "bug"? Is the second sister supposed to have a small hp bar sometimes and be incredibly hard to kill while teleporting all over the place? I submitted this as a bug report months ago with a video showing exactly what was happening.

    Is there such a thing as the Archolith bug? Is the HUGE Red circle the Archolith makes not supposed to be visible for everyone in the party? This perceived bug was also reported with video evidence.

    Is there such a thing as the shield bug on the final boss? Is the Sword used to fight the final boss supposed to say " Now raise me to the heavens" everytime you are pulled up to the room and have to activate the shield? Or it supposed to say that only sometimes?

    I noticed that quite a few changes were made in CR that totally mystify me. For example why were the pillars removed in the sister fight? I thought the point was to break line of sight with the sisters when you were chained to them. Why was a delay added to the sisters before they Jump and clear stacks? If you made these changes why were the perceived bugs not also fixed or if the dungeon is WAI then why not give a hint at what needs to be done to negate them?

    I believe we completed the dungeon on both preview and on live in spite of these "bugs" and changes but it was a miserable experience and we burnt maybe 60 or more scrolls between the 5 of us. IS THIS WAI?

    I refer you to the video posted in the bug forums so that you can see the party makeup. We are not new to neverwinter and we are experienced in CR. Actually we have completed it several times without seeing these "bugs" thus my question, are we missing mechanics or are these bugs still in the game for so many months now going to preview?

    I'll put these here on the off chance that they are bugs. Video evidence is already on the forums.

    Is there such a thing as the Three Sisters "bug"? Is the second sister supposed to have a small hp bar sometimes and be incredibly hard to kill while teleporting all over the place? I submitted this as a bug report months ago with a video showing exactly what was happening.

    Is there such a thing as the Archolith bug? Is the HUGE Red circle the Archolith makes not supposed to be visible for everyone in the party? This perceived bug was also reported with video evidence.

    Is there such a thing as the shield bug on the final boss? Is the Sword used to fight the final boss supposed to say " Now raise me to the heavens" everytime you are pulled up to the room and have to activate the shield? Or it supposed to say that only sometimes?

    After seeing these are still here on live and preview it makes me ask myself if I really do want to return. I mean hearing my guildmates get upset about the Sisters bug when it happens just takes the air out of my sails so to speak.
    If this dungeon is WAI someone please enlighten me as to how we are supposed to mitigate these mechanics. You don't even have to tell me what to do, just tell me That I need to do something and I will figure it out myself. (more fun that way)

    Thanks for reading, and thanks for all the work you are doing on MOD 16 and your replies here on the forums.

    I would make you 2 more videos for conformation but sadly two of the guildmates in the first videos quit playing Neverwinter around the time I did and others are no longer interested in "wasting time and resources" to run CR. This is truly sad because IMO it is a great dungeon.

    I just went back to the bug reporting forum for the live server. I made a post about these bugs way back on the 18th August 2018. I was told by TWO different moderators that it had been forwarded to the Developers. You mean to tell me that... (smh) I'll make the same suggestion here that I did back then. If the dungeon is bugged and broken please remove it from the random queue until it is fixed. Broken bugged content is infuriating, but compound that frustration 100 times when you HAVE to do it in a random queue to make RAD which you have to wait to refine into AD. That frustration is compounded 1000 times when you are told that it is being looked at or worked on by Moderators only to find out months later...(smh) If you ever wonder why there is so much anger and frustration in these forums look no further than this example.

    I will volunteer my time to help provide any and all information I can to help get this fixed. Do you need my system specs? Do you need more video proof edited down into specific incidents? Do you need my party makeup? Would you like me to do anything specific when I am in this dungeon? I will do whatever it takes to help get this fixed. I really like this game, the people I party with are the main draw for me. It really hurts to hear them get so frustrated. Some have already left or only login to collect keys. Others just gave up on reporting bugs and just take the penalty whenever they get this dungeon. Let us help, or at least acknowledge this problem, yet again and maybe this time have a Dev confirm that they actually are working on it. The bugs are confirmed still on preview.
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Anyone else hearing crickets in this thread?
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    "TL;DR for priority: Prioritization is difficult and not a science. If it keeps people from playing the game or supporting us, that will likely see the most attention. The rest is a judgment call based on questions we ask ourselves, and risk / time taken vs. reward.

    TL;DR for escalation: When reporting bugs and feedback, it makes it much easier for me to escalate when there's a clear cause and effect - but don't let that stop you from reporting issues for which you don't have that information, if you think the severity is bad enough. Also remember that we devs aren't always up to date on the standard abbreviations."

    If I knew the cause of these bugs I would definitely post that here. Sadly I do not know the cause and it does not happen every single time. I can tell you for sure that it does meet all of the criteria as stated in the beginning of the post I quoted above. I know several people who will not run this dungeon because of these bugs. They would rather drop out and take a penalty than run this content. It has been this way since last July and probably longer than that, but we were not able to run it until then.

    If you can't fix it or do not have the time right now then please remove it from the REQ. If it stays in the REQ I get reminded of the bugs everytime it pops and it is very frustrating.

    Like I said in other posts on this subject I will gladly do anything I can to help track down the source and try to reproduce the bugs. It does not happen every single time, but when all three line up in one run it is one of the most frustrating and miserable experiences in this game.
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Thanks for pointing that out. I will never do it again. :)
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    This has been previously reported to the rest of the team but we have no ETA on status. The information available at this stage is:

    -Second sister will only have a smaller hp bar when the first sister is alive. If it happens when the first sister is dead, it is a bug. We have not yet confirmed this.
    -Unable to confirm the shield activation report for CR
    -Large red circle not visible to everyone in party with Arcolith is a bug.
  • oremonger#9999 oremonger Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited April 2019

    This has been previously reported to the rest of the team but we have no ETA on status. The information available at this stage is:

    -Second sister will only have a smaller hp bar when the first sister is alive. If it happens when the first sister is dead, it is a bug. We have not yet confirmed this.
    -Unable to confirm the shield activation report for CR
    -Large red circle not visible to everyone in party with Arcolith is a bug.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply once again. If you read the portion of the thread from this year you will see that this is still in fact happening and that I have volunteered my time to help get it resolved. I would not waste my time posting about it if it were not such a pain, and it did not cause such a disruption.

    I made videos last year showing all of these bugs. I have now been forced to run this dungeon several times in REQ, and can tell you that not only are they still there, but also that they have been compounded by the changes the developers made to the dungeon. We did not try to get the sisters stuck on the environment as many did, we used the environment to break line of sight to remove chains. This worked and we thought it was a mechanic. Now we are punished for using a mechanic as intended that others chose to exploit.

    Now that the environment has been changed we can no longer break line of sight and the sisters still use the chain mechanic making us stop fighting and wait until the chains clear. This happens every two or so minutes during the fight, and stretches the fight out longer than it has to be. Sometimes we spend more than 20 minutes just on the sisters. Because of this we found even more bugs that we were unaware of in this fight.

    The sisters now do not chain you after the verbal prompt as they used to. They instead give the verbal prompt and then there is a wait of several seconds until they finally throw everyone back and then apply the chains. This creates confusion for those who used to complete this dungeon because they had been conditioned to stop fighting when they heard the verbal prompt until the person chained was clear. Now they still stop fighting at the verbal prompt, but there are no chains for several seconds which totally breaks the flow of the fight and synergy of the party increasing the length of the fight.

    The mechanic where the sister puts stacks on players is also now broken. The player still gets the 10 stacks, but the sisters no longer follow the same routine to clear the stacks. Instead once you get to 10 stacks the sisters delays the jump that clears the stacks, and instead plays another animation, followed much later by the jump animation that clears the stacks. Why was this changed? Now in order to clear stacks you have to mostly keep your shield up and hope for the right animation to start. Sometimes it does not start and you end up with 10 stacks and chains!

    All of this leads me to believe that there is a mechanic with the book that is being skipped or ignored by the person using the book. Since this mechanic was broken when this dungeon launched most people have just ignored it and only used one function of the book. I do not have a video showing how the book is being used.

    I know you guys playtest. I used to doubt it, but at least now I believe you do. This leads me to believe that you intentionally changed the mechanics of this dungeon sometime last year after our initial complaints. If you changed the mechanics then that means that you would have seen all of the bugs I am talking about here.

    Because they are not fixed it leads me to believe that we are not approaching the mechanics the way we are intended to. If you can not replicate the small health bar on the second sister then that means we are doing something different than you are. I will gladly try to get a group together and invite one of you to the party so that you can experience all of this first hand, and see what we are doing different. For all I know we may not be using the book properly, or maybe we don't have one of those Barovian items that no one uses slotted. Who knows. The problem is no one is telling us, and we have no idea. Which IMO is a bug in itself. If mechanics are not communicated effectively how are the players supposed to know? Trial and error only goes so far before it becomes too expensive or frustrating to try anymore. Add to this the randomness of the players in a random queue and you compound the situation further.

    My point is what it always has been, If the content is broken and bugged it should not be a part of the REQ that we are required to do to earn RAD and penalized for if we leave. This dungeon is rarely run in REQ because of the bugs. People would rather take the penalty than run the dungeon. (you can see this in your own metrics) New players do not have a chance to experience this content because those that can run it refuse to because of the bugs and lack of reward compared to the amount of scrolls used just to complete it. I have heard and seen this time and again and it is very frustrating.

    My fear is that this dungeon and others (MSP) are yet again being pushed to live in MOD 16 in the state they are in. Now not only are we challenged by entirely new mechanics, scaling, stats and playstyles, we are also still having to suffer through the same bugs that have been live and personally documented now for almost a year.

    I am all for harder more challenging content, and I applaud the developers for the effort they put into this game. Sadly all of that effort will be in vain if there is none left to enjoy it.

    I looked at my friends list this past Friday night and Saturday morning. Guess what, it was a ghost town. Not only that, but I also looked in all of the custom channels I am a part of and guess what, mostly empty. Even in my Alliance and Guild there were less than 10 people online. This tells me that there is a problem.

    I can only speak for myself, but one cause of this problem is what I have described above and the amount of time that has passed without change or communication about it. Just your most recent reply tells me many things. These dungeons are not a priority even after months. You are not open to removing bugged content from random queues even at the detriment of the playerbase and community. Even with video proof you have trouble admitting that there is a problem with the sisters fight in this dungeon.

    This is my last post on these forums, I will go back watching and waiting. Unfortunately, like many others I will also probably just move on. In the same way you can condition people to want to buy lockboxes you can also condition them to not want to play. I hope you figure this out before it is too late.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    GREAT job Storm Shadow and Manipulos for pointing out these bugs.

    I would think it would be a brutally brilliant time to FIX these bugs so people can run this content the way it was INTENDED to be run, and spread some positivity during this particular time...

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