I see the clamour has died down so are these really working as intended now?
Speaking as a 14.3k GF my recent experiences would say they arent. The iL required to do them is still too low.
Recent experiences would suggest it takes me about three or four attempts at completing a RED:
Valindras Tower - group of circa 10k iL players [plus Guild Boons I assume] and me, two players constantly dying before the first mob or players aggroing everyting in site then dying, or just not hafing the DPS to survive. We voted to quit after 15 minutes of pain.
CN - almost party wiped a few times before we got to the Beholder thing, then after five minutes of trying to kill it we again gave up.
I still say normal content doesn't encourage proper teamwork.
Groups that are poorly geared, have a bad combination of classes, or barely meet the IL requirement getting stuck in FBI and MSP is a real problem. 11K-14K people getting stuck in Valindra's Tower is a sign that there's something deeply wrong with builds or tactics.
If you are tank, you are supposed to keep others from harm, taking agro and most of the damage. What you described is total disregard to that fact. So the blame for having troubles in such dungeons goes on your head - the tank discarded its duty or simply performed really poorly.
Now, I do know that in RQ you can hit on some exotic behaviour but if someone runs in front of tank and dies, it is simply not the game to blame here.
My point being that surely at iL 11k the OTHER players should be dying constantly in VT?
If either of those slack away, any dung might become unplayable.
I played VT when it was high-end dung and we did not have the gear everyone can get today. And believe or not: once in a while we managed to successfully pass through. With easily accessible chult weapons and league armour the only thing VT requires is to actually respectfully play the designated roles.
As far as you described your situation - other players were dying and the overpowered tank blames the game. You probably picked a wrong char to play.
Admittedly this was the first RED in VT which I have abandoned and my post was written out of frustration.
In this specific case maybe the iL wasnt the issue, but it sure is on a lot of RED runs such as FBI and MSP. SO lets agree to moan about those RED cases
For me is the answer easy: It is not worth the effort. Since the change I avoid running random epic dungeons if there is not pre-made group that can take FBI without issues. Which means I don't actively seek epic dungeons anymore. (I still want the RAD so I go for the skirmishes instead. Even the Prophecy of madness is better roll then MSP - well, it is a tight choice...
Anyway, the best source for RAD is now baby dungeons, so that is what many 16k IL players run nowadays... (yep, funny, as screaming does not help)
But still: I do feel like any rumble on IL requirements is not well placed here. Well balanced party mostly can do any dungeons on the IL that is claimed - but it might take ages and a lot of suffering.
I'm just surprised, genuinely surprised, that as a 14K GF you're dying in VT to ANYTHING, or to the beholder in CN, and not just surviving forever and killing it slower than you would if the DPS wasn't dead.
(But yeah, I totally agree about FBI and MSP RED runs. 3 DPS, 1 tank, 1 healer is not an ideal setup for those dungeons to begin with, which makes it much harder to carry 11Kers who have no business being there. And to be clear, it's not the "11K" that makes them unable to contribute, there are a lot of perfectly good 11K toons - but people who are really skilled at 11K don't stay 11K for long.)
(And that's assuming you don't just build a Tactician or Protector loadout.)
A great tank, great healer, or great DPS can carry a lot. If *nobody* is capable of that kind of carry, though, it can get brutally hard, very fast.
Everyone has to do his 1st TONG run sometime, so dont be a jerk and waste 3 hours carrying 3 11k players. You signed up for skirmishes, so plz stay and clear the dungeon while me and my 3k pals play a round of LOL. The other 4 guys did spent some time and gear, to push their alts up to 11k, why does this 17k jerk quit our FBI group after half an hour. This system rewards playing a multitude of low gear alts and creates one big problem. Ppl with low gear on alts, who no nothing about the class they are playing or its mechanics wasting the time of the few decent players left, who did not quit already.
The only time I've had a problem in any Epic Dungeon where I'd say it was the fault of underpowered players was an instance of Lair of Lostmauth, where my healing OP wound up with the highest Threat because two other characters, either of which would have made better Tanks, were simply not wearing any armor. There was not getting past the scorpions with that gang.
(Mind you, I've only been sent into the Epic Spellplague Caverns three times, of which two were spoiled by technical problems at my end and the third by people quitting and not being replaced, so I'm not counting that at all.)
Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
Whilst I'm always happy to get etos, doesnt bother me if FBI or MSP pop up!
Ok, some of the time we wont make it up the hill...some of the the time Kabal and his broken chains roast the pug but some of the time u do a 35 min FBi run with your CW as dps and I would never have the balls to organise a FBI run around my CW!
I can understand that a dps GF (like original poster) might have problems queuing for REDs, but to me, it seems like common sense to have a tank loadout if you are going to be thrust in to the role by the queue...
Problem solved.
1. Create different tiers of the same dungeon for different IL ranges, and adjust the rewards accordingly.
2. Separate the existing dungeons into several levels of difficulty and adjust the RED algorithm to put people into the appropriate tier based on their IL.
3. Create a *real* robust LFG system where people can designate what they want to do and group leaders have a gui where they can search for and pick up people.
Beyond this, I really wish they'd loosen up the rules on who can queue for RED in premade groups, instead of forcing you to have 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps.