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[PS4] Lost City of Omu - Launch Week Bugs

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Hello everyone! Please use this thread to report all *new* bugs or issues you encounter after the release of M13 - Lost City of Omu. Please continue using the rest of the PS4 Bugs subforum to discuss bugs that existed prior to M13's launch.

NOTE: Please do not use this thread to discuss balance changes. This is for bugs only. Posts not relevant to this thread will be moved.


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  • surefirewatty#3313 surefirewatty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Same here. Bought pilgrim set with Tiger, Made it legendary. Now I cannot equip any gear!! swapped it out for my sellsword and now I cannot equip any gear on her neither, only runestones! Please get me a workaround asap. This is not on as it is on my main character a 16k warlock.
  • surefirewatty#3313 surefirewatty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Ok Thankyou for your quick reply. I will try that now. Hope it works. Appreciated.
  • surefirewatty#3313 surefirewatty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    just a follow up, it works fine. I feel better now.
  • kokinal#5834 kokinal Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Well, the guild bank is now bugged and crashed the game when you try to deposit more than one or two items in one go or just after you deposit something in it.
  • zzxvvvxzz#6056 zzxvvvxzz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I do not see the Last Logout Time in the guild roster, it’s in the patch notes and been waiting a long time for this to be implemented. Expected it to be there but it’s not :( we need this..
  • necromistress#8092 necromistress Member Posts: 1 New User
    Game just crashed on me after trying to deposit something to the guild bank. Tried logging back in and doing it again and the same thing happened.
  • zzxvvvxzz#6056 zzxvvvxzz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Game crashed after trying to sort the guildbank
  • wyld#8417 wyld Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I'm not finding any menu options for setting companions or mounts to current loadout. I switched insignia from my PVP setup to my PvE setup and switched loadouts to my PvE build, and now I can't access my PVP build. It's there, but doesn't let me switch.
  • thuktar#8707 thuktar Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Aboleth overseer stops halfway through the battle during dungeon
  • rop2015rop2015 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    The campaign key maker titled Soshenstar Adventures stop counting down the time it takes to make the keys and took my currency that you use to make the keys then it didn't allow me to start another task for an hour and 30 minutes, now it says that the Soshenstar Adventures task is available in 19:52:33 and it is now grayd out...and it didn't give me my keys
  • blade85#3082 blade85 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    In the ras nisi fight, companions that fall off do not spawn back again like they used to. They stay permanently dead. While this is fine for high level groups, it would make the fight almost impossible for lower levels.
  • boltinredbeard#2885 boltinredbeard Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    after the update, my companion (dancing shield) often attacks me at the end of a fight!
  • niceduck#2839 niceduck Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Campaing advancement OMU Trickster Gods states, it add new items to campaing store, but I cannot see any difference between my two toons, where one has this task done and another doesn't. Would be really nice to have actual documentation, which items are added after which advancement task done.
  • cooterkillu#9139 cooterkillu Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    I cannot equip equipment on my new companion. “Chultan tiger from the Zen Store”
    I have tried the suggestion above, “making idle then putting the companion in an active slot but am still unable to equip anything besides runestones.

    Please advise
  • cooterkillu#9139 cooterkillu Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    > @cooterkillu#9139 said:
    > Hi,
    > I cannot equip equipment on my new companion. “Chultan tiger from the Zen Store”
    > I have tried the suggestion above, “making idle then putting the companion in an active slot but am still unable to equip anything besides runestones.
    > Please advise

    Solved it,

    I didn’t have any open companion slots which may be part of the issue. After deleting 1 and retrying the above solutions a couple of times it worked.

  • niceduck#2839 niceduck Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    rop2015 said:

    The campaign key maker titled Soshenstar Adventures stop counting down the time it takes to make the keys and took my currency that you use to make the keys then it didn't allow me to start another task for an hour and 30 minutes, now it says that the Soshenstar Adventures task is available in 19:52:33 and it is now grayd out...and it didn't give me my keys

    Campaing keys generation changed on mod13, you get key immediate (or after 10 seconds cannot recall for sure), and you cannot activate that again untill timer goes down. I haven't had any issue with this, I activate campaing task, get key/keys and timer starts to run.
  • niceduck#2839 niceduck Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited April 2018

    I do not see the Last Logout Time in the guild roster, it’s in the patch notes and been waiting a long time for this to be implemented. Expected it to be there but it’s not :( we need this..

    Have you filtered show offline players ?
    Deafault filter is show only online players, and since they are online, they cannot have last logout time ...
  • xzotix#6679 xzotix Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    For your tiger - Make it idle with nothing in the slot. Then make it active again. It should be able to equip stuff then.

    I have 4 loadouts, It Doesn't work for one loadout. NO matter what I do I cannot equip rings and belt. Also, I have make the Tiger Idle to switch loadouts.
    Additionally I cannot equip gear on the Fire Arcon on the same loadout. The other 3 (Hellbringer) seems to work fine. The one that doesn't is Soulbinder.
  • niceduck#2839 niceduck Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    I do not see the Last Logout Time in the guild roster, it’s in the patch notes and been waiting a long time for this to be implemented. Expected it to be there but it’s not :( we need this..

    Have you filtered show offline players ?
    Deafault filter is show only online players, and since they are online, they cannot have last logout time ...
    That doesn't help. Dev confirmed that the feature hasn't been implemented yet.
    Yes, I just went to see and can confirm, there is no sort option for lofout time.
  • ragequittingdc#8599 ragequittingdc Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    one of the speech options when talking to valindra has a typo. also when trying to use the devoted sigil artifact it cancels itself from being cast unless I press and hold it longer than what I'm used to before the update, and I'm experiencing the same issue with the gwf daily power slam.
    im actually the gwf carry
  • xzotix#6679 xzotix Member Posts: 15 Arc User

    kreatyve said:

    For your tiger - Make it idle with nothing in the slot. Then make it active again. It should be able to equip stuff then.

    I have 4 loadouts, It Doesn't work for one loadout. NO matter what I do I cannot equip rings and belt. Also, I have make the Tiger Idle to switch loadouts.
    Additionally I cannot equip gear on the Fire Arcon on the same loadout. The other 3 (Hellbringer) seems to work fine. The one that doesn't is Soulbinder.
    UPDATE: After re-reading the original post. I realized I misread it. It does work.

    "Make it idle with nothing in the "idle" slot. Then make it active again."
  • danibcn37#5378 danibcn37 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Good since the Update on Tuesday the teammates are bugeados in the equipment do not let put rings, necklaces, talismans ect. Thans
  • perepikachuperepikachu Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Cannot load my other loadouts as I always get 'Error. Unable to equip some items in the loadout'. It happened after I swapped mount insignias.
  • drake#5177 drake Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I have 3 load out, just 2 switch, i cant switch 3 load out, i get out ALL equip for char And insígnias, doesnt work.
  • hellclawn#4665 hellclawn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Don't know if it's a bug, but when you launch a queue and change area, the queue resets and needs to be re-launched
  • justintime#5349 justintime Member Posts: 2 New User
    Ok I’m a hr on ps4 been playing since launch on ps4, and I have a huge bug problem, i have 4 load outs on this toon,I just spent all my AD on a dread and upgrading it to pure,then I equipped the dread on my combat load out, then I swapped load outs to equipped it to other load outs and my dread is GONE and I canNOT swap back to combat load out at all, I can swap to my other 3 load outs but pure dread is not in my inventory, and I am super freaked out right now, my main load out is bugged and the pure dread I broke my self to get is gone, has any1 else had this problem? pls pls pls help!
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