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Patch Notes: NW.95.20180306e.2

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Patch Notes for tomorrow's maintenance are now available.



  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    No fix for Fane of the Night Serpent? Or is it intended you can make this quest with a reward only one time per char?
    Srly? Plz tell me this bug is known and you will fix this in the near future...plllzzzzzzzz

    "A logout delay has been enabled in Cradle of the Death God. If a player logs out while in the Cradle of the Death God, their character will remain present for a short time.

    During that time it will be impossible to log back in and powers may continue to affect the character."

    Great! I was sick of it to see how skillless players taking advantade with an exploit!. Thx thx thx! Now they all have to practice :D
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    so far on some nw streams if player on the queued party relogs on pull phase everyone wipes and kicks that player, im still learning the pull, that delay dont thinks was because of the cradle its everywehere since mod 13 released in all dungeon im getting player disconeect/crashing when loading or in middle of dungeon and since fane instance reward in not fixed it basicly made it so clearly they dont care about those stuff, its 1 chance per week to get 1 ring cant this be done at all, @nitocris83 any updates about the fane of the night serpent weekly quest reward fix?
  • krymkackrymkac Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    So nice of them to fix the exploit. True heroes they are! But what about other bugs/glitches in cradle? Falling through the floor. getting grabbed/smacked with aoe during pull/push phase to name a few? What about companions dying permanently? Or its intentional to punish everyone who isn't running with augment even though the content itself is clearly designed with companion gift stats in mind? What about fane of the night serpent reward? Or at very least an official confirmation its not a bug but just a huge trollface? Seriously...
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    A logout delay has been enabled in Cradle of the Death God. If a player logs out while in the Cradle of the Death God, their character will remain present for a short time.

    @nitocris83 will this delay affect other relogs to switch alts for invoking aswell, because when something like this is done always affects the rest of the game, saying this for lots of past experiences.

    as @kymac mentioned companion being auto dismissed , pulling fight when player is standing still managing some stuff in inv, junping of tong last boss platform, getting dismissed, and fane of the night serpent rewards and slowmotion fight is ridicolous badly done , that slowmotion effect affects the mobs fight around the boss fight area, when fighting them i keep seeing the other player asking me "lag????"
  • bananitsabananitsa Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 37 Arc User
    Nothing about the omuan treasure carvings :S
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    SO we are allowed to skip phases vs orcus in tomb of nine gods but vs atropal is a bad thing ok:)
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    lul, so not only are we getting HAMSTER in the HAMSTER by the phantom claw thing, but now if we (quite possibly) SNR during cradle, we're gonna die?

    good call, get us HAMSTER for your faults. how nice, thanks. i literally never have connection issues, but neverwinter keeps SNRing.
  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    So no CW enchantment processes patched again. How about even acknowledging that enchantments are broken on CWs and that it's being looked in to? It's crazy that some AoEs such as steal time don't process enchantments even once, while other AoEs only process on the main target and not on any other targets hit. I've submitted a formal bug report, and no acknowledgement there either. I'm happy to party with ANY developer and demonstrate the bugs. It's bad enough that CWs got severely nerfed, but at least fix the bugs so it will work as was represented. You will keep seeing my posts until this issue is at a minimum acknowledged.

    I will also echo others that the "your companion has died and must be resummoned" issue is annoying, especially when you can't resummon. If it's intentional to kill comps more, how about at least allowing us to resummon them?
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited March 2018

    Or players with regular pings of 300-400 because of where they live who now have no chance to ever complete this particularly with the extra lag in there pushing it up much higher.

    Interesting that theese claims are starting now after they gonna fix that. Why didnt we see hundreds of claims about bad pings when codg started. Sry and no offense: But it sounds as a bad excuse to justify an exploit...
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User

    Or players with regular pings of 300-400 because of where they live who now have no chance to ever complete this particularly with the extra lag in there pushing it up much higher.

    Interesting that theese claims are starting now after they gonna fix that. Why didnt we see hundreds of claims about bad pings when codg started. Sry and no offense: But it sounds as a bad excuse to justify an exploit...
    To be fair, we saw a lot of these claims when CoDG was on Preview; this isn't a new complaint from these players.

    The mechanic isn't difficult, but the buggy behavior of the encounter has been a major issue. I'm hoping that the reason they are forcing downtime at the Atropal is to reduce the occurrence of mechanics like grasping claws overlapping with the push/pull phase and automatically killing players who are otherwise moving correctly.

    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 452 Arc User

    Great! I was sick of it to see how skillless players taking advantade with an exploit!. Thx thx thx! Now they all have to practice :D

    Or players with regular pings of 300-400 because of where they live who now have no chance to ever complete this particularly with the extra lag in there pushing it up much higher.

    People in the US tend not to consider people in further flung parts of the world, my ping in Europe is c130 which is manageable, but when you get to rural Australia or SA it may not be.
    It doesn't even have to be rural Australia. Had a couple of mates in game who lives in Sidney and Canberra but both have stopped playing because the lag they get due to high ping made it impossible. None of them would have been able to do either of the new dungeons.
    I really suggest that the devs and content developers consider that anyone living outside North America and Europe have very high ping and often quite a deal of lag as a result, on top of what everyone else is dealing with. And that they do have a player base outside those regions, though for how long remains a question.
    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    vorphied said:

    To be fair, we saw a lot of these claims when CoDG was on Preview; this isn't a new complaint from these players.

    Yes. Thats true. I found some claims when codg started on ptr. But i barely can find some claims when codg started on live server. Ofc we still got some bugs in codg. I "love" the full heal bug ....
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited March 2018

    vorphied said:

    To be fair, we saw a lot of these claims when CoDG was on Preview; this isn't a new complaint from these players.

    Yes. Thats true. I found some claims when codg started on ptr. But i barely can find some claims when codg started on live server. Ofc we still got some bugs in codg. I "love" the full heal bug ....
    Yeah, the full heal is a doozy.

    I think the relative lack of feedback on CoDG since live is that many players were slower to unlock it and/or were having difficulty getting together a group to reasonably attempt it because they main DPS classes and don't have extremely high item levels. I've also tried to help groups that couldn't even make it to the push/pull mechanic, so not everyone has actually made it far enough consistently to notice the more ridiculous bugs. As more and more players get into the trial, the complaints about bugs with the Atropal encounter are going to get louder.

    Going back to the 100% heal bug on Atropal, I guess we're going to have banish the Devo OP to the opposite side of the platform during Acererak's phase since relog is being adjusted.
    Post edited by vorphied on
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • manufracturemanufracture Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    "Art, Effects, and Audio


    Gelatinous Cube mounts are no longer quite as bloopy and blorbly.

    This is pure gold hahahahahaha
  • zakienwarzakienwar Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    this patch is a joke, nothing fixed that is important. Really this Overflow XP rewards now have a lower chance to drop Rough Astral Diamonds, due to the increased rate of Overflow XP rewards popping and the artifact bug. clearly a money grab on top of pvp butt hurting. pve is where its at. fix the animation companion bugs and fix the dam loadout HAMSTER. got to be kidding me.
  • lardesonlardeson Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    i laughed so hard when i saw the patch hahaha, ok im totally happy with the exploit being fixed but could have been better fixed, cos lets say its not always possible but u get snr or for some other issues u get dced at that very moment, yes im speaking of something that has 1/100 chance of happening, but still possible, so its not an ideal fix, but better than allowing exploits. But im worried about the other part where at some HP the atropal will become immune, which means at lets say what, 75/50/25, thats forcing u to deal with the mechanic 3 times in every run, which means even the most skilled players with the least mistake may have to wipe. mmhhm ok, i understand you are trying to prevent the brute force but the mechanic is already tough enough, with other known issues at hand, is this the right time for such update? if you allow this in cradle, you should allow it on every bosses in the game, or at least the current "main" dungeons. Thats if you are trying to balance the game, cos i'll tell you know, once people get their carvings and ampoules, its bb to cradle, just like msva. If u want you content to be played make it fun, enjoyable with the necessary difficulties but not close to impossible, not just the pull/push will be an issue now, but players will have to rely on scrolls to get thru as the atropal fight is gnna last longer. Also you have to consider the state of the game, there's only 1 server with a bunch of people everywhere around the world, all in 1 server, you dont think its likely to be laggy? im still waiting for a playtest of this dungeon from the team, unless i missed it.
    Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Patch Notes (21 Mar 2018)
    Items and Economy
    • Overflow XP rewards now have a lower chance to drop Rough Astral Diamonds, due to the increased rate of Overflow XP rewards popping.
    I usually try to find some sense or reasoning in game economy changes like this but this latest change just has me asking myself


    Granted level 70 players now get (pretty low level and infrequent, all things considered) XP rewards from Experience Overflow, with the occasional blue (rare) Mark and the even more rare purple (epic) Marks, but to try to justify nurfing the AD overflow reward because of tossing out more (mostly low level) XP rewards?

    That explanation seems a little 'thin' to me considering what most players are presently receiving.

    Does anyone who formerly got RAD from Overflow XP think this was a good idea or a fair trade?

    My thoughts - How about Neverwinter return the Overflow AD drops to where it was previously, and give players the opportunity to farm/buy their own low level (or occasional) rare and epic XP Marks?

    From Zone Chat PE (22 Mar 2018):
    [Zone] wow so they really nerfed the heck out of the rough AD reward from xp overflow to almost nothing now
    People are noticing and I have yet to see anyone going "Yippie!"

    Post edited by chidion on
  • tilrod2tilrod2 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    this is not really a nerf. you get the same ads for the same amount of overflow xp like before mod 13. the devs had to reduce the ad drop chance, otherwise the amount of ad in game will raise furthermore. this would increase the prices in the ah too.
    you should be happy with the short duration of good ad rewards.
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  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    I read the patch notes and thought the drops would just be less frequent, but I've been reading a lot of chat traffic that lead me to believe people were getting fewer AD's (*disclosure - I haven't had the opportunity to experience it myself yet)...

    If this isn't the case and the drops are just less frequent, I suppose I could live with that.

    Thanks @tilrod2 and @spunkmeier ...

    (*Yeah, I was pretty happy with the extra ad's too, but obviously I got them much less frequently than some)
  • tilrod2tilrod2 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    i got so many ad only for praying and leadership tasks on alts. this is not good, because player with less alts have not this advantage. so botter would benefit the most if these changes had not been made.
  • dragonsbane3dragonsbane3 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    Before the update today I was getting the 30k RAD 1 in 4/5 times. It was nice but in no way effected the market since you can only convert a set amount a day anyways and if you are active you cap that amount no matter. Since the update I've lvled up 19 times with 0 RAD awards..... way to much of a nerf.
    "The Sweet Ain't As Sweet Without The Sour!"
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  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    I noticed one thing got fixed (but not mentioned). I had previously a problem where I could not get the Masterwork IV quest for Jewelcrafting, even though I had MW III Jewelcrafting - instead i got the quest for Masterwork IV Weaponsmithing (where I only had Masterwork II).

    This is now fixed...thank you.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • kadven#5862 kadven Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    Not surprised. Suddenly over just a few days went to having 300,000 rough astral diamonds, so much so that I stopped running random dungeons and skirmishes for the AD. Daily refinement now eating into that.
  • excalibur1980excalibur1980 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Great job, no one playing cradle....
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    tilrod2 said:

    this is not really a nerf. you get the same ads for the same amount of overflow xp like before mod 13. the devs had to reduce the ad drop chance, otherwise the amount of ad in game will raise furthermore. this would increase the prices in the ah too.
    you should be happy with the short duration of good ad rewards.

    The true cap on AD entering the economy is the daily refinement limit. Not the amount of rAD was can get.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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