ok so enough is enough god dam devs u need to read this topic because i am so pissed off i am aOp burnadin and just doen CN run and i came second with 105mil damage,took 10mil damage and had most heals with 13mIL.And at the end of it all i go twas two +'s from both chests it si bloody awul how u can keep doing this to players that hve worked so HARD to get to where thye are and u just dont reward them for doing it. At the end of the day it is not your fault devs but us the players cos we stick around cos we love this game so much but u hve totally f***ed us up on rng and also with this new stupid rp bonus again i done cn and i got a BIG FAT ZERO in rp bonus. I also know u devs will never see this cos u do not care for us the players. If it carries on i will think to look for another g:ame. very unhappy player
If it carries on i will think to look for another g:ame.
very unhappy player