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asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

Cradle of the Death God

Greetings adventurers, this thread is for providing bug reports and feedback on the following topics:
  • The Cradle of the Death God Trial.
  • Difficulty of any encounters in the Cradle.
  • Any loot obtained in the Cradle of the Death God.
  • Queuing for and unlocking the Cradle of the Death God.
Module 13: Lost City of Omu will see the addition of a new epic trial, the Cradle of the Death God. This endgame encounter will serve as the finale of the Chult storyline. Similar to previous trials, the Cradle will be an epic challenge that puts the teamwork and coordination of the strongest adventuring parties to the test.

Unlike the showdown against Demogorgon and the Assault on Svardborg, the Cradle of the Death God will have one difficulty setting. For those familiar with previous trials, the Cradle will be more similar to the (Master) difficulty versions of those trials, wherein players will be unable to rejoin the fight until if they die. For this trial we wanted to focus on providing a challenging encounter for players to work towards, with highly exclusive and exciting rewards to earn.

Please keep in mind, as always: everything on preview is subject to change. There is no guarantee what you see on preview will translate directly when the module launches on the live server.

Thank you for taking the time to play on preview and provide feedback, see you in Chult!


Formatting Your Feedback and Bugs

For posting feedback and bugs, please follow the following format to ensure your feedback and bugs are seen clearly and processed in a timely manner, thank you!

Type: Bug/Feedback (Please only choose one)
If you are listing a bug please have this text in RED, if you are posting an opinion or feedback please use CYAN. If you are replying to another user's post, or just engaging in general discussion, please do not color your posts, general discussion is welcome and we will read all of it, regardless of color! You can use BBCode to color your text:

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Bug: When our group wiped and re-entered, some of the adds from the previous encounter were still alive.

Feedback: The elevator sequence made me nauseous, particularly in the second half when it was falling more quickly.


  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    With the initial preview build, we have disabled access to the Cradle of the Death God. As such, this thread will remain locked until a future preview build where the trial will be unlocked for testing.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    Cradle of the Death God is now available on preview, as such this thread is unlocked.

    Please keep in mind if you take some time to run this content that there is currently at least one known issue:
    terramak said:

    Known Issues

    • If a player skips the cutscene immediately after the "Gather Your Party" circle at the start of the instance in the first few seconds, they will be killed immediately after exiting the cutscene.
      • This problem can be avoided by letting the cutscene play for at least a few seconds.
    • If all players skip the cutscene too quickly and are killed, when respawning at the entrance, the "Gather Your Party" circle will be broken. (This will not happen if at least one player allows a few seconds to pass before skipping, or watches the cutscene to completion.)
      • If this happens, please exit and re-queue for the trial to resolve the issue.
  • silverrrrrrrsilverrrrrrr Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Everyone's companions immediately die upon entering the elevator (needs to be resummoned).

    I must say though, that very beginning part is cool, suspenseful almost. The first 3 phases are pretty much a combination of various other boss mechanics that we've seen already, but in a new environment.
    Post edited by silverrrrrrr on
    Leader of Heralds of Lurid Dusk

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  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    Okay, preliminary thoughts.

    For reference, the team I was with was 9 players, all at least 15k Ilvl thanks to preview resources. The composition was Tactician GF, Righteous DO DC, GWF, TR, Templock, Combat HR, Righteous AC DC, Conqueror GF, Justice Tankadin.

    We were on voicecoms to communicate. We did 4-5 runs, but we didn't win.

    I know you guys mentioned the "skip cutscenes" bug... but please, fix this bug ASAP. I remember when we first tried this, we all instantly pressed the skip button (muscle memory) and all died.

    The first phase took us a few tries, but it's fair enough. I personally think the skull could use some consistency

    The second phase took use a few tries. It's fair, but the whole Jello Cube mechanic was a bit confusing at first. I would suggest spawning a Jello cube between phases 1 and 2 so you can "teach" players that the Jello Cube exploding will jam the gears.

    The third phase went smoothly enough. The cutscene explained everything, though given that this cutscence is one of the skippable ones (that doesn't kill you), maybe have the wizard dude explain "kill the ropes and souls if they appear" via the dialogue pop up window?

    The fourth phase was the most confusing. We figured out the "inner/outer" rings easy enough, but we weren't sure on what we were supposed to do with the DoT circles. We guessed we were supposed to move them, but is there any way to clear them?

    Also, I think the sucking attack could use a bit more startup, or at least introduce its sucking mechanic a second or two slower to adjust players to how they need to move. I also think the pushback after the sucking mechanic could use some more startup, because it was jarring to instantly move off the edge without much reaction time.

    After that mechanic, our group couldn't finish due to a variety of factors. We plan to try again a different day.

    Overall, this raid is a huge step up from Svardborg and Demogorgon. You need teamwork and coordination to win. Actually, I highly doubt most players will win without voice coms, so this Trial definetly earns its endgame status.


    Question(s) for @terramak or @asterdahl or any of the dev team who designed this:

    Do the enemies/bosses in this trial have any damage resistance increases versus Tomb's 85%? Testing it in this trial is going to be a pain, and hiding vital info isn't going to help the playerbase win.

    Were some of the mechanics designed to encourage taking in a variety of classes rather than just loading up on DPS everything? From what I'm looking at...

    The 4th phase's floor DoTs seem to be designed for healers to pre-meditate heals/mitigation.
    The elevator adds during the 3rd phase seems to be designed for controllers to keep away.
    The 3rd phase's soulmonger souls/ropes is a DPS check.
    The 4th phase boss is designed for tank(s) to just simply survive.

    The recipies for Vivified Armor/Exalted weapons won't show up for me, but ... what materials do we need from this trial (presumably) to vivify weapons/armor?

    How many chests are given if you win? 1? 2? 3? More?
    And does any loot drop directly from the boss?

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Ok, I am currently trying to finish the Trial, but 2 times I got killed on elevator without skipping cutscene.
  • assidisassidis Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    What we should did in 4th phase (boss)?
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    The part where he sucks you in is ridiculous. My group wiped dozens of times.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    Awesome dungeon.
    All excluding finall boss = too easy.
    The hardest part of the last boss is when he is pushing you.

    Perhaps better is to make more difficult 1st part, make easier avoiding pushing skill, but give him more HP and count of phases

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    Awesome dungeon.
    All excluding finall boss = too easy.
    The hardest part of the last boss is when he is pushing you.

    Perhaps better is to make more difficult 1st part, make easier avoiding pushing skill, but give him more HP and count of phases


    Are you sure we're playing the same trial*? Because he has that one attack that seems to do a completely random amount of damage (sometimes wipes the group, sometimes a DC can solo take it, and it targets random people), which drops that black and white swirly circle things, there is the push/pull... and trust me, its a pretty competent group.

    Would the devs explain how that one attack works? The one that shows 2 small arrows above a player and then wipes the entire group, aye.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User

    Alright, the elevator thing is pretty easy, killing the cordons was easy enough. but the push mechanic was what kept wiping us. It's pretty hard for certain classes to dodge (gf ,op can easily dodge it) but then the chance of dying for other classes is very big, and that was with preview where there is no lag, I just can't imagine how bad it will be when it is lagging. You can't keep adding those kinds of mechanics when your game is a lagging shitshow.

    We had the same.
    Thats why i told - increase difficulty of 1-3 phases. Increase HP of final boss . But make more easier push mechanic.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited January 2018


  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User

  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Feedback: Cradle.

    The first 3 phases are quite easy once you have the hang of them, however, the bosses push mechanic in the 4th phase needs to be better telegraphed.

    I recommend a pulsing red circle going outwards when he is pushing, which stops pulsing during the brief period between push and pull and then have the circle pulse inwards when he is sucking. However, even with this kind of change, this trial will be completely unbeatable with the amount of lag we experience on live, it requires pin point reaction times as it is and there is just no way you can react to it when you are rubberbanding all over the place. I suggest adding some other element to it, that makes it less punishing in a laggy environment.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    Feedback: Cradle.

    The first 3 phases are quite easy once you have the hang of them, however, the bosses push mechanic in the 4th phase needs to be better telegraphed.

    I recommend a pulsing red circle going outwards when he is pushing, which stops pulsing during the brief period between push and pull and then have the circle pulse inwards when he is sucking. However, even with this kind of change, this trial will be completely unbeatable with the amount of lag we experience on live, it requires pin point reaction times as it is and there is just no way you can react to it when you are rubberbanding all over the place. I suggest adding some other element to it, that makes it less punishing in a laggy environment.

    Or rather, putting a delay between pulling and pushing.
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    People who died before end of trial do not receive a reward from chest.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    Feedback: Cradle.

    The first 3 phases are quite easy once you have the hang of them, however, the bosses push mechanic in the 4th phase needs to be better telegraphed.

    I recommend a pulsing red circle going outwards when he is pushing, which stops pulsing during the brief period between push and pull and then have the circle pulse inwards when he is sucking. However, even with this kind of change, this trial will be completely unbeatable with the amount of lag we experience on live, it requires pin point reaction times as it is and there is just no way you can react to it when you are rubberbanding all over the place. I suggest adding some other element to it, that makes it less punishing in a laggy environment.

    Or rather, putting a delay between pulling and pushing.
    There is a 1 second delay between pushing and pulling, if you video the mechanic you can clearly see it.
  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User
    When fighting Atropal and using Duelist Flurry as well as Courage Breaker I would occasionally be glitched off the platform (toward the boss) and insta-killed. This is most likely possible for any ability that 'sticks' you to your target (primarily a TR thing).
    Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    Feedback: Cradle.

    The first 3 phases are quite easy once you have the hang of them, however, the bosses push mechanic in the 4th phase needs to be better telegraphed.

    I recommend a pulsing red circle going outwards when he is pushing, which stops pulsing during the brief period between push and pull and then have the circle pulse inwards when he is sucking. However, even with this kind of change, this trial will be completely unbeatable with the amount of lag we experience on live, it requires pin point reaction times as it is and there is just no way you can react to it when you are rubberbanding all over the place. I suggest adding some other element to it, that makes it less punishing in a laggy environment.

    Or rather, putting a delay between pulling and pushing.
    There is a 1 second delay between pushing and pulling, if you video the mechanic you can clearly see it.
    Not with lag, there isn't.
  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
    im loving it :)
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Feedback: cannot resummon companions in later stages

    Somehow my companion got killed during the third stage. I didn't see what happened; maybe he got pushed over the edge or something. I got the usual "Your companion has died! You must resummon them", but there was no opportunity to do so. Through the remainder of stage 3 and into stage 4 there was no opportunity to get out of combat to do the resummoning. This doesn't seem particularly fair as it's something over which we have no control.

    I'm concerned about the pull-push mechanic. We tried it many times last night, and while there is a one-second delay or so, if you have a fair amount of latency you won't be able to react in time. I think this will be especially problematic for anyone outside North America.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User

    Awesome dungeon.
    All excluding finall boss = too easy.
    The hardest part of the last boss is when he is pushing you.

    Perhaps better is to make more difficult 1st part, make easier avoiding pushing skill, but give him more HP and count of phases


    Are you sure we're playing the same trial*? Because he has that one attack that seems to do a completely random amount of damage (sometimes wipes the group, sometimes a DC can solo take it, and it targets random people), which drops that black and white swirly circle things, there is the push/pull... and trust me, its a pretty competent group.

    Would the devs explain how that one attack works? The one that shows 2 small arrows above a player and then wipes the entire group, aye.
    After the push-pull stage he has an additional attack that singles out a player and has four arrows pointing inward. I was unable to determine what it does or how to mitigate it.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    Hey everyone! We're super excited for you all to have your hands on the new trial! Unfortunately I don't have time to respond to more in-depth questions right now, but I wanted to hop in to respond to a few quick ones.
    rjc9000 said:

    Do the enemies/bosses in this trial have any damage resistance increases versus Tomb's 85%? Testing it in this trial is going to be a pain, and hiding vital info isn't going to help the playerbase win.

    Their resistances are the same as the Tomb, we'd like to aim for (going forward): if the item level on the content is the same, the enemy resistances are the same. But considering we have not had a consistent rule for this in the past, it's a completely valid question.

    Feedback: Cradle.

    The first 3 phases are quite easy once you have the hang of them, however, the bosses push mechanic in the 4th phase needs to be better telegraphed.

    I recommend a pulsing red circle going outwards when he is pushing, which stops pulsing during the brief period between push and pull and then have the circle pulse inwards when he is sucking. However, even with this kind of change, this trial will be completely unbeatable with the amount of lag we experience on live, it requires pin point reaction times as it is and there is just no way you can react to it when you are rubberbanding all over the place. I suggest adding some other element to it, that makes it less punishing in a laggy environment.

    Or rather, putting a delay between pulling and pushing.
    There is a 1 second delay between pushing and pulling, if you video the mechanic you can clearly see it.
    There is in fact a brief delay as you have pointed out, as other players have pointed out the delay is almost negligible with netlag. This mechanic is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in terms of personal reaction time in the trial. With the Cradle there are quite a few cases of competing mechanics, where the two mechanics are relatively straightforward in a vacuum, but deciding in the moment what to do when they both appear creates the challenge. Not overextending yourself can be important in this encounter.
    rjc9000 said:

    I know you guys mentioned the "skip cutscenes" bug... but please, fix this bug ASAP. I remember when we first tried this, we all instantly pressed the skip button (muscle memory) and all died.

    Unfortunately this issue was introduced as a fix for another issue right before the preview build went live, we considered locking the trial out for another week to fix the issue, but wanted you all to be able to get your hands on the trial. I apologize for the inconvenience until the issue is resolved. Our aim is to have a fix in the next preview build.

  • This content has been removed.
  • d3cepti0n#1453 d3cepti0n Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    So minor ones, since the most important ones are already mentioned:

    The final (unskippable) cutscene displays your character in place of everyone else in the party.
    There is a period of time between 2nd and 3rd (?) phase, where you just wait for the story to procceed. (I feel like this should be sped up, apologies if it's not a bug)

    The constant atropal hits might be too hard for the game engine, my (and a few other players') fps dropped to the point of being unplayable for a few seconds after that.

    A very good job overall, the trial is definitely intertesting (at least so far). However, as it was previously mentioned, it might be a bit too hard for non-optimal groups, on a high latency server to complete. (Assuming there isn't a gamechanging mechanic we missed)

    Piece by piece.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    There is in fact a brief delay as you have pointed out, as other players have pointed out the delay is almost negligible with netlag. This mechanic is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in terms of personal reaction time in the trial. With the Cradle there are quite a few cases of competing mechanics, where the two mechanics are relatively straightforward in a vacuum, but deciding in the moment what to do when they both appear creates the challenge. Not overextending yourself can be important in this encounter.

    The issue is when a group of very experienced players does this for the 50th time and doesn't get it because of lag. Especially us with slightly worse pings, there isn't a single second of pause in which we can change directions, and often times I get pulled in even tho I started from the outer edge, and started sprinting midway through. I tried it with 3 different groups, and it was a miracle when 2-3 people survived. I don't know what kind of internet you have to have for this dungeon, but it seems that my ping is a digit too high, and my down/up speed is a digit too low.

    As @d3cepti0n#1453 said, I'm completely unsure if there's a mechanic to do this other than running in the opposite direction, but so far, it seems that the toilet mechanic has pulled this dungeon down the sh**hole, if you'll pardon the pun.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    asterdahl said:

    There is in fact a brief delay as you have pointed out, as other players have pointed out the delay is almost negligible with netlag. This mechanic is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in terms of personal reaction time in the trial. With the Cradle there are quite a few cases of competing mechanics, where the two mechanics are relatively straightforward in a vacuum, but deciding in the moment what to do when they both appear creates the challenge. Not overextending yourself can be important in this encounter.

    (emphasis mine).

    What does that mean? What is there to overextend? We're on a narrow strip, get pulled in, then get pushed out, with little to no audible or visual cue in-between.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • d3cepti0n#1453 d3cepti0n Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    hustin1 said:

    asterdahl said:

    There is in fact a brief delay as you have pointed out, as other players have pointed out the delay is almost negligible with netlag. This mechanic is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in terms of personal reaction time in the trial. With the Cradle there are quite a few cases of competing mechanics, where the two mechanics are relatively straightforward in a vacuum, but deciding in the moment what to do when they both appear creates the challenge. Not overextending yourself can be important in this encounter.

    (emphasis mine).

    What does that mean? What is there to overextend? We're on a narrow strip, get pulled in, then get pushed out, with little to no audible or visual cue in-between.
    Before pulling starts, the boss becomes untargetable and lowers it's head. When pushing is about to end, the head starts rising. Walk backwards while pulling and shift towards the push and you'll be fine.
    Piece by piece.
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    edited January 2018


    Please pretty please reduce the amount of Ampoules needed to Exalt Weapons.
    (And optionally, please allow us to get more than 1 Ampoule per week)

    Currently, on preview, you can only get 1 Ampoule per week.

    And you need 5 Ampoules for a mainhand, and 3 for a offhand.

    Given the difficulty of the raid, completing it 8 times, once per week, will be practically impossible for those with the minimum requirements. I don't mind the difficulty; I actually think this raid is more engaging than most of the content we've seen in the past.

    However, if you lag for a second during the 4th phase, you've already lost. We were lucky preview is relatively lag free; doing the push/pull phase on live will be much more difficult.

    I can't see many teams clearing this and getting Exalted stuff, especially considering how hard some of these enemies hit.
    Post edited by rjc9000 on

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