It's been three days since the horror of Random Queues has been thrust upon us. More then a dozen threads have spawned about the various problems and yet not a SINGLE response from Cryptic or PWE about them. Nothing.
It's almost as if they have no intention of doing a damn thing about this monstrosity. Let's recap the main problems we're seeing so far:
#1 -- Bad for Guilds. This is probably the worst problem. Unless a guild is stocked to the rafters with 13K players that have unlocked everything they can pretty much forget about getting a steady stream of Dungeoneer Shards for their mimic. The guild I belong to has seen the shards drop off by around 80%. This will cripple most small and medium sized guilds.
#2 -- Bad for Social Gaming. Play with your friends? Well, only after you've done your chores and earned your AD. Can't have you making progress with people you know! What do you think this is? A game?! Now shut up and get to work.
#3 -- Bad for Leveling. Now levelers are going to have almost no runs thru dungeons that aren't a couple of 70's coming with them to blow everything away before they can even blink. Every leveling dungeon will basically be the insanity of the Clock Tower. SMH.
#4 -- Bad for Non-standard Roles. You like playing a Healadin? A battle Cleric? A sword and board DPS? A Templock? Well too bad, what the HAMSTER did you think this was? A game with numerous choices? Get back in your box with your cookie-cutter build and quitting whining!
#5 -- Horrible party dynamics. Even if you get into a random skirmish or dungeon the group you're stuck with is often dysfunctional at best. 3 clerics and 2 tanks to run Mechant Prince's Folly has to be my "favorite" so far. And 1 player with 16K gear and 4 11.2 players is just plain silly, I don't care what dungeon you put them in.
Everyone of these problems were brought up on the test server threads. Every. Single. One. Repeatedly. And the response was basically "It won't be that bad" Well, it wasn't.. it was WORSE. Way worse. And still we hear nothing about possible solutions.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
edited October 2017
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
I'd like to add a clarification on why your post has raised my hackles so high, if you look at every lynch mob in the history of mankind, your post provides a step by step tutorial on how to start one.
About Guilds the random dungeons. I've been completing the guild dungeon missions just doing the normal random dungeon queue, not the AD random and completing the mission for the my guild. I'm not sure anyone was aware of this.
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Really? After weeks of blowing off criticism in the test server they've continued to ignore criticism on the live one. Click bait title or not they're ignoring the players. It needs to end and soon.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
About Guilds the random dungeons. I've been completing the guild dungeon missions just doing the normal random dungeon queue, not the AD random and completing the mission for the my guild. I'm not sure anyone was aware of this.
It's a poor decision on the whole I think personally. Others have mentioned that just by giving FBI/TONG and MSP their own Queue would help this situation immensely and I agree with them.
About Guilds the random dungeons. I've been completing the guild dungeon missions just doing the normal random dungeon queue, not the AD random and completing the mission for the my guild. I'm not sure anyone was aware of this.
You can do that only for the old cleric missions. Once that cache runs out you can't get shards anymore.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Really? After weeks of blowing off criticism in the test server they've continued to ignore criticism on the live one. Click bait title or not they're ignoring the players. It needs to end and soon.
If you want the right change you need to to act in the right way for the RIGHT reasons.
I imagine you've been disastisfied for a long time and have now realised this is the one you can no longer sit passively by.
If you want to effect ANY change in the world, always make sure it's done in the right way for the right reasons.
The only reason I see in your post is your mad and you want other mad people to join in.
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Really? After weeks of blowing off criticism in the test server they've continued to ignore criticism on the live one. Click bait title or not they're ignoring the players. It needs to end and soon.
If you want the right change you need to to act in the right way for the RIGHT reasons.
I imagine you've been disastisfied for a long time and have now realised this is the one you can no longer sit passively by.
If you want to effect ANY change in the world, always make sure it's done in the right way for the right reasons.
The only reason I see in your post is your mad and you want other mad people to join in.
Because sitting around and hoping Cryptic will do something positive has worked so well in the past. You're damn right I'm upset. This change is killing the game and they knew it was going to be a problem and they just hope we sit back and shut up. Well, I'm not shutting up. Constructive criticism has been given to them and they've said nothing. So I'm going for angry.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Really? After weeks of blowing off criticism in the test server they've continued to ignore criticism on the live one. Click bait title or not they're ignoring the players. It needs to end and soon.
If you want the right change you need to to act in the right way for the RIGHT reasons.
I imagine you've been disastisfied for a long time and have now realised this is the one you can no longer sit passively by.
If you want to effect ANY change in the world, always make sure it's done in the right way for the right reasons.
The only reason I see in your post is your mad and you want other mad people to join in.
Because sitting around and hoping Cryptic will do something positive has worked so well in the past. You're damn right I'm upset. This change is killing the game and they knew it was going to be a problem and they just hope we sit back and shut up. Well, I'm not shutting up. Constructive criticism has been given to them and they've said nothing. So I'm going for angry.
Ok, I understand this alot better because myself and many I know feel the same way, am sure many who have played the game for a considerable amount of time also feel similar emotions.
This is why a good communication between the Devs, of any game, and their players is so important, even on a platform where we can sometimes be dismissed as a vocal minority.
Because you have to consider loyalty.
How loyal is the average forum user than the average FTP player who never signs up? It's worse when you factor in those who use real $$$ but never talk on the forums or even sign up. Both of these groups have one thing in common, if something happens they don't like, they're not going to come here and discuss it, they are going to uninstall, leave and possibly use word of mouth to discourage others from playing.
We MAY be the vocal minority, but unless Cryptic wants to invest significantly more in communicating with their player base we're ALL THEY HAVE.
We MAY be the vocal minority but if they are not listening to us or worse, if they are dismissing our felings they have nothing.
Question. When was the last time anyone saw a Dev talk in game?
It happened briefly a few weeks ago when a Dev was asking why noone was doing the Camp Vengeance HE. I heard he got playfully trolled with as a result.
Before then? Probably when Strum was doing a mini event, not that I remember many of those, or another Dev before then would trade an epci/legendary mount for any other epic/legendary mount.
Necessity necessitates and business shows this especially true, they are going to have to make decisions that we don't like but if they don't communicate with us or dismiss their only form of communication it doesn't take any person with even an average IQ long to work out what the result is.
Really? After weeks of blowing off criticism in the test server they've continued to ignore criticism on the live one. Click bait title or not they're ignoring the players. It needs to end and soon.
You probably would get more traction for your point of view if you tried more reasonable arguments and not so much inflaming people.
I think you also need to realize that the people on the forums, and the test server forums in particular, are mostly the 1% hardcore players. So their opinions are in no way representative for the majority of the NW players.
NW seems to be a game with a small group of persistent players, maybe 20%. The rest of the players drop by, play a few months, and then fade. From Cryptic's point of view those are probably the most important ones since if they can make those stay longer they will spend more money. We all want Cryptic to make good money, otherwise there will be no game and no game updates.
Specifically for Random Queues, I think Cryptic wanted to provide a more broad game experience that did not consist of chainrunning eToS over and over again. They had a lot of mostly unused content, and the RQ will put that to use. And by forcing everyone into the RQs to make AD they will provide more variation to the up-and-comings at the cost of stopping the very efficient AD farming from chainrunning eToS by the old players(which might have been too efficient, really.. I assume they have AD per hour played targets)
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
Really? After weeks of blowing off criticism in the test server they've continued to ignore criticism on the live one. Click bait title or not they're ignoring the players. It needs to end and soon.
You probably would get more traction for your point of view if you tried more reasonable arguments and not so much inflaming people.
I think you also need to realize that the people on the forums, and the test server forums in particular, are mostly the 1% hardcore players. So their opinions are in no way representative for the majority of the NW players.
NW seems to be a game with a small group of persistent players, maybe 20%. The rest of the players drop by, play a few months, and then fade. From Cryptic's point of view those are probably the most important ones since if they can make those stay longer they will spend more money. We all want Cryptic to make good money, otherwise there will be no game and no game updates.
Specifically for Random Queues, I think Cryptic wanted to provide a more broad game experience that did not consist of chainrunning eToS over and over again. They had a lot of mostly unused content, and the RQ will put that to use. And by forcing everyone into the RQs to make AD they will provide more variation to the up-and-comings at the cost of stopping the very efficient AD farming from chainrunning eToS by the old players(which might have been too efficient, really.. I assume they have AD per hour played targets)
I've stopped taking the Cleric Shard quest for dungeons now. Now I take the RQ Shard quest for Skirmish on my 2 mains and ALTS, or I would if I had the time and I have a LOT of time. I seem to waste a lot of time grinding campaigns for chest keys. If you want to grind 2 keys for MSVA from fishing, it's going to take an hour or two, that's an hour or two I'm not running dungeons.
And at the end of the day, if I need salvage for quick AD what do I do? Farm, eToS.
When was the last time anyone saw a Dev talk in game?
It happened briefly a few weeks ago when a Dev was asking why noone was doing the Camp Vengeance HE. I heard he got playfully trolled with as a result.
LOL.. Really? Damn, I wish I was on to see that. Which also shows they don't really pay attention to the forums. We've told them, repeatedly, what wrong with mSP, Camp Vengeance, etc. Lots of effort for little reward. So instead of giving us a carrot they hauled out the stick and pounded us with it. "Run content you don't like or else!" Brilliant.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
LOL.. Really? Damn, I wish I was on to see that. Which also shows they don't really pay attention to the forums. We've told them, repeatedly, what wrong with mSP, Camp Vengeance, etc. Lots of effort for little reward. So instead of giving us a carrot they hauled out the stick and pounded us with it. "Run content you don't like or else!" Brilliant.
They pay plenty of attention to the forums and they're quite good with our feedback when they devote time to it, check out the October Fix Thread for an example of how good they can be. But sometimes we give them feedback and it's either ignored/put on the back burner/dismissed, when dismissing a vocal minority it's a minor issue when we get dismissed as a vocal minority it's a major issue.
If you want to see feedback at work check out the Solo PVP Queues, or the Zen Market, specificly the Campaign Purchase tokens, when folks were giving feedback I think they mentioned how much they were willing to pay and that's the price they set it for on the Zen Market. There is lots they have done, even just QoL stuff that has really improved the game for players and stuff that noone gave feedback on like the Mount system, which is amazing I think.
Also, there is some real genius in some of the work they do and occasionally in their forum posts too but if the industry isn't talking about it in the mainstream then it's being talked about on a Cryptic's employee CV.
I don't think they are being given the time, resources, labour to do what they want to do so shouting at them isn't really going to motivate them to do better.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,173Arc User
Also, if their day is spent reading and planning (working) they are also losing time in that by posting answers to everyone's questions. Somewhere something has to take a hit and, honestly, answering on the forums isn't a major thing. That is Julia's job.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
Also, if their day is spent reading and planning (working) they are also losing time in that by posting answers to everyone's questions. Somewhere something has to take a hit and, honestly, answering on the forums isn't a major thing. That is Julia's job.
Apparently it isn't. When she explained it in a thread of mine it sounded much more of a Cryptic community manager than a Cryptic community player manager.
#1 -- Bad for Guilds. This is probably the worst problem. Unless a guild is stocked to the rafters with 13K players that have unlocked everything they can pretty much forget about getting a steady stream of Dungeoneer Shards for their mimic. The guild I belong to has seen the shards drop off by around 80%. This will cripple most small and medium sized guilds.
Absolutely the worst problem IMO. I did find a workaround for it though. Make a low level alt, and random queue with them. They'll get their AD, you'll get your Dungeoneer's Shards. Not a solution by any measure; but an easy enough workaround to cope until it's "fixed."
#2 -- Bad for Social Gaming. Play with your friends? Well, only after you've done your chores and earned your AD. Can't have you making progress with people you know! What do you think this is? A game?! Now shut up and get to work.
Yes and No. How'd you meet those friends in the first place? Random dungeon crawl at low levels? Remember the que list stays populated after a dungeon, so you have a list of people you can talk to if you want to play with them further.
#3 -- Bad for Leveling. Now levelers are going to have almost no runs thru dungeons that aren't a couple of 70's coming with them to blow everything away before they can even blink. Every leveling dungeon will basically be the insanity of the Clock Tower. SMH.
This is bad... but we L70s can fix this ourselves. When you get in a Levelling dungeon, help instead of hurry. Look at their gear - if it's twink gear, rush away, they probably just want the AD too; if it's green gear, let them take a few hits so they know what the dungeon is. Don't let them die, just let them fight. At the very least, let them fight the bosses. Also the AD rewards are seriously diminished after the first completion, so less L70s are likely to run a second - freeing up the queue for levellers.
#4 -- Bad for Non-standard Roles. You like playing a Healadin? A battle Cleric? A sword and board DPS? A Templock? Well too bad, what the HAMSTER did you think this was? A game with numerous choices? Get back in your box with your cookie-cutter build and quitting whining!
Yes and No again. Most roles are defined by the Paragon path. With Loadouts we should be able to figure out how to get most combinations together. There are still some combinations of classes that won't be able to run these random queues though. For those we'll have to run in Private for no AD/Shards. The loss of rewards isn't as bothersome for AD as it is for the shards - but that was #1.
#5 -- Horrible party dynamics. Even if you get into a random skirmish or dungeon the group you're stuck with is often dysfunctional at best. 3 clerics and 2 tanks to run Mechant Prince's Folly has to be my "favorite" so far. And 1 player with 16K gear and 4 11.2 players is just plain silly, I don't care what dungeon you put them in.
Are you sure it's not that people haven't figured out how to play outside their "perfect group" bubble yet? That aside, this is the sort of thing that should have been focused on in the test server. Combinations of roles that can't complete a dungeon should be found - specified by Paragon Path and bugged. Saying "2 tanks" is meaningless; were they OPs, GFs, GWFs? This way the devs can redefine the parameters so random groups are better defined. Also remember, non-standard groups can help find untapped synergies. How do you think all these fotm builds pop up?
Everyone of these problems were brought up on the test server threads. Every. Single. One. Repeatedly. And the response was basically "It won't be that bad" Well, it wasn't.. it was WORSE. Way worse. And still we hear nothing about possible solutions.
To be fair: There's no way the test server could properly judge the effects of this change. The people who play on test are not the players this was meant to help. I'm sure (well at least hoping) that the Devs have this list, and are watching how these changes affect EVERYONE on live. Proper data would take a couple/few weeks to gather, so it might be a while before we hear anything. The best we can do is let them know how, why, what... etc so if/when they change something, they don't make it worse.
if it's green gear, let them take a few hits so they know what the dungeon is. Don't let them die, just let them fight. At the very least, let them fight the bosses.
This feels like babysitting. It's already an awkward situation. Best to get it over with quickly. That means rush away. But kill all the mobs because it would get even more awkward if you are waiting at the end and the lowbie can't get past the mobs you left behind by themselves
#1 -- Bad for Guilds. This is probably the worst problem. Unless a guild is stocked to the rafters with 13K players that have unlocked everything they can pretty much forget about getting a steady stream of Dungeoneer Shards for their mimic. The guild I belong to has seen the shards drop off by around 80%. This will cripple most small and medium sized guilds.
Absolutely the worst problem IMO. I did find a workaround for it though. Make a low level alt, and random queue with them. They'll get their AD, you'll get your Dungeoneer's Shards. Not a solution by any measure; but an easy enough workaround to cope until it's "fixed."
#2 -- Bad for Social Gaming. Play with your friends? Well, only after you've done your chores and earned your AD. Can't have you making progress with people you know! What do you think this is? A game?! Now shut up and get to work.
Yes and No. How'd you meet those friends in the first place? Random dungeon crawl at low levels? Remember the que list stays populated after a dungeon, so you have a list of people you can talk to if you want to play with them further.
#3 -- Bad for Leveling. Now levelers are going to have almost no runs thru dungeons that aren't a couple of 70's coming with them to blow everything away before they can even blink. Every leveling dungeon will basically be the insanity of the Clock Tower. SMH.
This is bad... but we L70s can fix this ourselves. When you get in a Levelling dungeon, help instead of hurry. Look at their gear - if it's twink gear, rush away, they probably just want the AD too; if it's green gear, let them take a few hits so they know what the dungeon is. Don't let them die, just let them fight. At the very least, let them fight the bosses. Also the AD rewards are seriously diminished after the first completion, so less L70s are likely to run a second - freeing up the queue for levellers.
#4 -- Bad for Non-standard Roles. You like playing a Healadin? A battle Cleric? A sword and board DPS? A Templock? Well too bad, what the HAMSTER did you think this was? A game with numerous choices? Get back in your box with your cookie-cutter build and quitting whining!
Yes and No again. Most roles are defined by the Paragon path. With Loadouts we should be able to figure out how to get most combinations together. There are still some combinations of classes that won't be able to run these random queues though. For those we'll have to run in Private for no AD/Shards. The loss of rewards isn't as bothersome for AD as it is for the shards - but that was #1.
#5 -- Horrible party dynamics. Even if you get into a random skirmish or dungeon the group you're stuck with is often dysfunctional at best. 3 clerics and 2 tanks to run Mechant Prince's Folly has to be my "favorite" so far. And 1 player with 16K gear and 4 11.2 players is just plain silly, I don't care what dungeon you put them in.
Are you sure it's not that people haven't figured out how to play outside their "perfect group" bubble yet? That aside, this is the sort of thing that should have been focused on in the test server. Combinations of roles that can't complete a dungeon should be found - specified by Paragon Path and bugged. Saying "2 tanks" is meaningless; were they OPs, GFs, GWFs? This way the devs can redefine the parameters so random groups are better defined. Also remember, non-standard groups can help find untapped synergies. How do you think all these fotm builds pop up?
Everyone of these problems were brought up on the test server threads. Every. Single. One. Repeatedly. And the response was basically "It won't be that bad" Well, it wasn't.. it was WORSE. Way worse. And still we hear nothing about possible solutions.
To be fair: There's no way the test server could properly judge the effects of this change. The people who play on test are not the players this was meant to help. I'm sure (well at least hoping) that the Devs have this list, and are watching how these changes affect EVERYONE on live. Proper data would take a couple/few weeks to gather, so it might be a while before we hear anything. The best we can do is let them know how, why, what... etc so if/when they change something, they don't make it worse.
I fully get evrything you have said . And very much agree with it. My only issue is that they never even speak to the concern. All they would need to do is just what you said so that the player base could see that they are not just talking to a wall.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,173Arc User
This feels like babysitting. It's already an awkward situation. Best to get it over with quickly. That means rush away. But kill all the mobs because it would get even more awkward if you are waiting at the end and the lowbie can't get past the mobs you left behind by themselves
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Since when have the devs ever responded to anything other than pitchforks & torches?
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Since when have the devs ever responded to anything other than pitchforks & torches?
The problem is there is a massive disconnect between the players and the people deciding what should be done with the game. Look, we want new content and challenges. That's understandable. And changing it so more dungeons are run is a form of a challenge. But when you put something on a test server, tell people to try it out, and they point out numerous problems with it DON'T IGNORE THEM. It's not really a test server it's a "Bend Over, Here It Comes" server. We got one horrible decision reversed (and it was with the threat of pitchforks and torches) the 50% uptime on bondings nerf was scuttled before it saw the light of day on the live server. But I'm not sure if that was worse than the random queue problems.
Don't be so damn obtuse and concentrate on complaining constructively.
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
Since when have the devs ever responded to anything other than pitchforks & torches?
You'll have to define the term "anything" as they are responding plenty in October Bug Fix.
Also, if they are not responding AT ALL, why is it that some feel they are being dismissed as a vocal minority.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
LOL.. Really? Damn, I wish I was on to see that. Which also shows they don't really pay attention to the forums. We've told them, repeatedly, what wrong with mSP, Camp Vengeance, etc. Lots of effort for little reward. So instead of giving us a carrot they hauled out the stick and pounded us with it. "Run content you don't like or else!" Brilliant.
They pay plenty of attention to the forums and they're quite good with our feedback when they devote time to it, check out the October Fix Thread for an example of how good they can be. But sometimes we give them feedback and it's either ignored/put on the back burner/dismissed, when dismissing a vocal minority it's a minor issue when we get dismissed as a vocal minority it's a major issue.
If you want to see feedback at work check out the Solo PVP Queues, or the Zen Market, specificly the Campaign Purchase tokens, when folks were giving feedback I think they mentioned how much they were willing to pay and that's the price they set it for on the Zen Market. There is lots they have done, even just QoL stuff that has really improved the game for players and stuff that noone gave feedback on like the Mount system, which is amazing I think.
Also, there is some real genius in some of the work they do and occasionally in their forum posts too but if the industry isn't talking about it in the mainstream then it's being talked about on a Cryptic's employee CV.
I don't think they are being given the time, resources, labour to do what they want to do so shouting at them isn't really going to motivate them to do better.
Except these issues were only fixed to generate more zen sales not due to player wants.
We're are here because we want something, they are here because they have something to sell. There's no reason both parties can't get what they both want and be happy with the transaction.
And I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss anyone who might be fighting our corner for us. You have about as much idea at what is happening at Cryptic as I do, so if you want to complain, make a compaint thread, tell them how you feel and how somethng makes you feel. We don't know who is fighting our corner for us inside Cryptic so don't reward good behaviour with a lynch mob.
The problem with complaining about the wrong thing is your best scenario is the wrong thing gets fixed.
kieranmtornMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 382Arc User
edited October 2017
3 support alts (gf, dc, op, all 12-13.5k), I could run random queues with, and none of mine will be doing so.
So instead of arguing, just kill the metrics.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
If you die in TONG at Avatar of Orcus, once beaten you cannot retrieve loot, there is no access. Only a one way portal for people to leave boss fight area.
> @jumpingmorks said: > If you die in TONG at Avatar of Orcus, once beaten you cannot retrieve loot, there is no access. Only a one way portal for people to leave boss fight area.
I have been able to get back in. Perhaps it is bugged now, but the option came from clicking the curses pedestals.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
They haven't replied because they are reading feedback and probably (I hope, comparing feedback to metrics).
Give feedback yes, don't WHINE for a reactionary fix, neither is going to improve the game unless you only want fixes for your issues and your issues alone, in which case, sho' me the money.
Claiming they have not responded is neither truthful or constructive. Your "click baity" title and introduction is not only misleading is downright abusive.
Your attempt to produce a social justice flame thread will not lead to a single positive change, it's a vain and selfish act which will only poison any such constructive feedback we need to improve it.
EDITED: Grammar :P
I imagine you've been disastisfied for a long time and have now realised this is the one you can no longer sit passively by.
If you want to effect ANY change in the world, always make sure it's done in the right way for the right reasons.
The only reason I see in your post is your mad and you want other mad people to join in.
This is why a good communication between the Devs, of any game, and their players is so important, even on a platform where we can sometimes be dismissed as a vocal minority.
Because you have to consider loyalty.
How loyal is the average forum user than the average FTP player who never signs up? It's worse when you factor in those who use real $$$ but never talk on the forums or even sign up. Both of these groups have one thing in common, if something happens they don't like, they're not going to come here and discuss it, they are going to uninstall, leave and possibly use word of mouth to discourage others from playing.
We MAY be the vocal minority, but unless Cryptic wants to invest significantly more in communicating with their player base we're ALL THEY HAVE.
We MAY be the vocal minority but if they are not listening to us or worse, if they are dismissing our felings they have nothing.
When was the last time anyone saw a Dev talk in game?
It happened briefly a few weeks ago when a Dev was asking why noone was doing the Camp Vengeance HE. I heard he got playfully trolled with as a result.
Before then? Probably when Strum was doing a mini event, not that I remember many of those, or another Dev before then would trade an epci/legendary mount for any other epic/legendary mount.
Necessity necessitates and business shows this especially true, they are going to have to make decisions that we don't like but if they don't communicate with us or dismiss their only form of communication it doesn't take any person with even an average IQ long to work out what the result is.
The bottom line is, happy people spend more.
I think you also need to realize that the people on the forums, and the test server forums in particular, are mostly the 1% hardcore players. So their opinions are in no way representative for the majority of the NW players.
NW seems to be a game with a small group of persistent players, maybe 20%. The rest of the players drop by, play a few months, and then fade. From Cryptic's point of view those are probably the most important ones since if they can make those stay longer they will spend more money. We all want Cryptic to make good money, otherwise there will be no game and no game updates.
Specifically for Random Queues, I think Cryptic wanted to provide a more broad game experience that did not consist of chainrunning eToS over and over again. They had a lot of mostly unused content, and the RQ will put that to use. And by forcing everyone into the RQs to make AD they will provide more variation to the up-and-comings at the cost of stopping the very efficient AD farming from chainrunning eToS by the old players(which might have been too efficient, really.. I assume they have AD per hour played targets)
And at the end of the day, if I need salvage for quick AD what do I do? Farm, eToS.
If you want to see feedback at work check out the Solo PVP Queues, or the Zen Market, specificly the Campaign Purchase tokens, when folks were giving feedback I think they mentioned how much they were willing to pay and that's the price they set it for on the Zen Market. There is lots they have done, even just QoL stuff that has really improved the game for players and stuff that noone gave feedback on like the Mount system, which is amazing I think.
Also, there is some real genius in some of the work they do and occasionally in their forum posts too but if the industry isn't talking about it in the mainstream then it's being talked about on a Cryptic's employee CV.
I don't think they are being given the time, resources, labour to do what they want to do so shouting at them isn't really going to motivate them to do better.
That aside, this is the sort of thing that should have been focused on in the test server. Combinations of roles that can't complete a dungeon should be found - specified by Paragon Path and bugged. Saying "2 tanks" is meaningless; were they OPs, GFs, GWFs? This way the devs can redefine the parameters so random groups are better defined.
Also remember, non-standard groups can help find untapped synergies. How do you think all these fotm builds pop up? To be fair: There's no way the test server could properly judge the effects of this change. The people who play on test are not the players this was meant to help. I'm sure (well at least hoping) that the Devs have this list, and are watching how these changes affect EVERYONE on live. Proper data would take a couple/few weeks to gather, so it might be a while before we hear anything. The best we can do is let them know how, why, what... etc so if/when they change something, they don't make it worse.
Also, if they are not responding AT ALL, why is it that some feel they are being dismissed as a vocal minority.
We're are here because we want something, they are here because they have something to sell. There's no reason both parties can't get what they both want and be happy with the transaction.
And I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss anyone who might be fighting our corner for us. You have about as much idea at what is happening at Cryptic as I do, so if you want to complain, make a compaint thread, tell them how you feel and how somethng makes you feel. We don't know who is fighting our corner for us inside Cryptic so don't reward good behaviour with a lynch mob.
The problem with complaining about the wrong thing is your best scenario is the wrong thing gets fixed.
So instead of arguing, just kill the metrics.
> If you die in TONG at Avatar of Orcus, once beaten you cannot retrieve loot, there is no access. Only a one way portal for people to leave boss fight area.
I have been able to get back in. Perhaps it is bugged now, but the option came from clicking the curses pedestals.