Its been decent to me. Most of all, I love the refinement changes.
Sure AD earning is down. First 17K easy to get, last 16K of the day is hard to get. But it's a nerf across the board. So only the most dedicated with lots of time can hit the 36K daily limit.
Been running some old dungeons and skirmishes I hadn't done in a long time. It is a refreshing change from the 2 x eToS and carrying a bunch of low-geared toons.
The most frustration so far was last night when I tried to make a bunch of R11s and R12. The RNG is still horribly broken.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
I ended up leaving. Am I mad at cryptic? No. I knew what I was getting myself into when I first started playing the game. Because of my job, I make decent money to make it an expensive hobby. I also knew that I wasn't going to play for more than a year. Its like when you go to Vegas. You know that it is a gamble. You know when you walk into a casino that there is a high chance you will walk out with nothing. In the end the house always wins. Do I agree with the new system? No. But that's ok, because now I can move on. I did like the refinement though. I gave it a shot and realized that I was just going backwards and would to have dropped a whole load of money to get back to where I was. Now if they would have instead kept everything the same gear wise and brought out a new mod, with a new level cap at lets say 80. Then up the enchants and runestones to 13 and 14, while making the new content much harder, I would have most likely stayed a while longer. It makes sense then. You would have still had the same stats as before, but to do the new content, you would have had to upgrade. Which would have been fine by me, because you could have still done the older content with the same stats, while working on upgrading for the new content. But instead of going forwards they went backwards. Anyway to me, threatening to leave the game does no good. Because they already got your time and money. Plus if you leave, about 5 more new players have joined. Plus to look at it another way, they also have to pay their employees. Anywho happy trails...I had I ride off into the sunrise of reality! Cheers!
We still haven't got back all the dungeons they removed from the last level cap raise, so not sure why you think that right now this is a viable option?
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
Personally I think this is the best Mod (series) since Underdark launched. BoA gear, improved RP system which I really like, October bug fix month. Tong is great, at least from a well geared Tank point of view, haven't tried the skirmish yet.
The Random Queue system sucks but it's going to evolve because currently, when Cryptic see what players are doing with it and on top how it isn't helping the players/guilds it's supposed to help there is little logical reason to continue a system as it is if it fails to accomplish what it was designed to do.
The bonding nerf sucks but I can see their point of view, they should have nerfed it a long time ago or acknowledged Bonding feedback when it was given at the original change but if they wanted to raise level enchantments it was do it now and players could just forget about any semblence of challenging content, when content becomes too easy, the interesting parts added just become a chore.
My own take on this, only one of my characters has bondings now, every other character has Augments, they've been a stable source of stats for a long time and if a lot of players start doing the same as myself it's going to be rage on the forums if they decide they need to up the Bonding percentage again to balance out the augment/bonding sides further. Mostly from folks like me, but not me, I sold most of my bondings, bought Eldritch with change to spare and I am no longer chasing that BiS dream. I get profit and less stress.
But make no mistake, my casual gameplay has gotten more casual and the more casual I play, the less money I feel I need to put back into this game.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
The bondings nerf was truly needed. I think the game is a lot more balanced now. There are so many aspects that are affected by them that finally went normal instead of totally op (dc power sharing for example). It feels like the power creep went almost away lol
A lot of players are clicking disagree on his post, but come on, if you ran face roll groups and joked with your friends how easy the game was, you knew this too.
I think the main issue of this whole mod is that they assumed that every single player in this game is 16k+ and every single player has everything maxed out. They nerfed BiS players, which can still do all the content in a reasonable time and effort frame.
But... what about new players and people who are playing on 10-13k IL?
Someone claimed, that it would need a few million, to get back to BIS or the pre bonding nerf stats.
Well, just upgrading enchants from R 12 to R 13 takes more then 1 kk RP, 20+ ultimate marks of potency and 5-10 stacks of pres wards. R 14 is out of the world atm. One ultimate ... stone goes for ~2 kk AD, 3 per enchant. excluding utility slots, thats 24 x 6 kk AD = 144 MILLION AD for the stones, a few million for the ultimate marks of potency, 12 kk AD for coal wards and the RPs. New BIS goes for 150 - 200 MILLION ADs atm (from current BIS).
BTW, thats for every single character.
Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,261Arc User
This mod is great for balancing the game and giving players QoL. This mod is great if you are a low geared character. This mod is great if you are not a brainless I-NEED-TO-BE-BIS-AGAIN-THE-FIRST-DAY-OF-THE-MOD If you are one of those people then pay millions and shut up.
I had 2 maxed characters before mod 12b and you know what I did when I got my first ultimate enchanting stone from ToNG? Sell it for 1,7M so I can buy 5 of those soon with that money.
Please be patient, use your brain and take money from those impatient whales. And meanwhile, optimize your char for your new stats, enjoy the runs withouth rolfstomp bosses in 5 seconds.
This mod is great for balancing the game and giving players QoL. This mod is great if you are a low geared character. This mod is great if you are not a brainless I-NEED-TO-BE-BIS-AGAIN-THE-FIRST-DAY-OF-THE-MOD If you are one of those people then pay millions and shut up.
I had 2 maxed characters before mod 12b and you know what I did when I got my first ultimate enchanting stone from ToNG? Sell it for 1,7M so I can buy 5 of those soon with that money.
Please be patient, use your brain and take money from those impatient whales. And meanwhile, optimize your char for your new stats, enjoy the runs withouth rolfstomp bosses in 5 seconds.
The sound of somebody not only missing the point but missing it by thousands of miles.
If you don't have a character that can do ToNG, or even qualify for RQ, this mod will cause you to quit if you aren't prepared to beg or spend a lot of RM.
In what way is this mod GOOD for low geared characters ? They lose the rADs from doing the dungeons they can/want to do. Yes R7-9 enchants are cheaper to upgrade, but that's about the only good news.
For me, I'm not interested in several of the dungeons on the RQ list because they're buggy for me, and I really can't be bothered to quit a dungeon and take the penalty if one of those comes up. Also the char I would like to play is a DPS GF which would go straight into the tank slot which I really don't want to do. Spending several million on each of my 9 13K+ characters to get them back to where they were before the nerfs is not something I can contemplate.
My guild (full R20) is losing a lot of players over this.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,261Arc User
If you don't have a character that can do ToNG, or even qualify for RQ, this mod will cause you to quit if you aren't prepared to beg or spend a lot of RM.
If you dont have a character that can do ToNG you didnt have that character before the mod so nothing changes for you. Still need to prepare your character for end game content and farm those precious stones.
In what way is this mod GOOD for low geared characters ? They lose the rADs from doing the dungeons they can/want to do. Yes R7-9 enchants are cheaper to upgrade, but that's about the only good news.
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
For me, I'm not interested in several of the dungeons on the RQ list because they're buggy for me, and I really can't be bothered to quit a dungeon and take the penalty if one of those comes up. Also the char I would like to play is a DPS GF which would go straight into the tank slot which I really don't want to do. Spending several million on each of my 9 13K+ characters to get them back to where they were before the nerfs is not something I can contemplate.
Im not gonna say the random queues is a good system, it has good and bad things, but playing the same dungeon 1000 times is not fun either. People tends to optimize everything and forget the fun. Having some variance in dungeons is not so bad and if you have problems with you DPS Tank maybe they can solve that thing in the future. Anyway if you care about end game forget that kind of experiment. You arent going to enter in ToNG with a DPS tank.
You can play what you want but dont espect the game adapts to you, it has to adapt to the majority of the people, and I see the RQ a thing that can help new players because they can met more experienced players that in the old system would never met because of the elitism existent in this game. RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
Did RQ yesterday on my 13.5 GF. We got CN. We couldn't kill the first 3 demons and after 10 minutes of pure pain DC left. I was on my tactician loadout and I was top dps. How this is a good experience to anyone? Please explain.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,261Arc User
RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
Did RQ yesterday on my 13.5 GF. We got CN. We couldn't kill the first 3 demons and after 10 minutes of pure pain DC left. I was on my tactician loadout and I was top dps. How this is a good experience to anyone? Please explain.
Pug is allways pug, with RQ or not. Again im not defending the new system but is not worse than we had before. You can play with 4 friends and the only thing that changes if you want AD is that you play different dungeons.
RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
Did RQ yesterday on my 13.5 GF. We got CN. We couldn't kill the first 3 demons and after 10 minutes of pure pain DC left. I was on my tactician loadout and I was top dps. How this is a good experience to anyone? Please explain.
Pug is allways pug, with RQ or not. Again im not defending the new system but is not worse than we had before. You can play with 4 friends and the only thing that changes if you want AD is that you play different dungeons.
No you can't cause RQ forces you to make 3dps 1tank 1DC group. And that's just awful.
12b is "the worst mod ever"? Ehh no, Elemental Evil was a mess upon its launch. Most dungeons gone overnight, all gear now salvage unless you had a CW/DC/GF/SW with the right legacy armor set, and a persistent armor penetration bug making even the lowliest of minions into one-shot machines that took months(?) to fix. Having to readjust some for ToNG can't compare to that level of FUBAR-ness.
That said, I don't like the Bonding Nerf either, but there are still many good things about 12b. I like the improved inventory, rp mass conversion, and the skirmish giving totems, as well as the removal of the second enchantment for upgrading. It's isn't all good, but it definitely is not all bad either. Just different and new.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited October 2017
I will (grudgingly) admit that bonding runestones were overpowered, and quite frankly, for the BiS-crowd (which I guess I belong to), the nerf doesn't really make much of a difference - thinks melt slightly slower than before...that's all.
Some of the other changes in 12-B are good.
I love that I no longer have to keep all those stacks of Peridots and other stuff - it freed up a lot of inventory space
I love that a "second enchant" is no longer needed - I have made a couple of R12 Black Ice enchants so far, at a significantly lower cost than before.
I like all the free spaces I now have in my bank or on my "mule" characters (Got 8 characters that do nothing but hold stuff for the ones I actually play).
I like the pants/shirts that were introduced - no good for my main, but useful for some of my alts.
What I hate is the implementation of the random queues, which causes 12-B to be the second worst module ever released IMO.
You can play what you want but dont espect the game adapts to you, it has to adapt to the majority of the people, and I see the RQ a thing that can help new players because they can met more experienced players that in the old system would never met because of the elitism existent in this game. RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
How does random queue cause experienced players to help new players when you need 11k IL to enter it? You think the elitism of the players what bad, well random queues is the game saying "lf5m VT 11k+ only if under 11k HAMSTER you run a leveling dungeon" so the new players can no longer even queue for an epic dungeon for AD beyond what little drops as salvage. So the players that need it aren't being help as the only players running random queue epics are the ones geared for MSP and the ones that aren't aren't going to learn jack-HAMSTER in a leveling dungeon.
This also applies to skirmishes, the game is saying "lf5m master of the hunt 10k+ only" and then to make it worse you don't even have the option of running a leveling skirmish as you have over-leveled it. So now their skirmish AD completely disappears.
The effect this change has on a new player is they no longer get their skirmish AD at all, and they get their bonus dungeon AD for running 2 dungeons in 1 run, but they are forced to run a leveling dungeon instead of the easier epics and thus lose out on the additional salvage from the chest and boss drops. This is an AD nerf for anyone under 11k.
It would have been a good idea if they separated the the different tier dungeons into different random queues. That way you have a RQ for Tier 1 dungeons MC, VT, and eLoL another for Tier 2 eCC, eGWD, and CN and another for Tier 3 FBI, MSP, and maybe ToNG. At the very least FBI and MSP should have been separated into a different random queue than the Tier 1 and 2 dungeons, you shouldn't need to have 11k IL to get bonus AD for running VT. Event better would be for the random queue Tier 2 and 3 to also included the lower dungeons and pair them with the people from the lower dungeon tiers if they pull that one. Maybe base which tier you are in on your item level so a 12k character can only queue under T3 and/or add more AD to the higher Tier queues but that type of integration might be harder to code.
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
How can you not see it? You now need FBI and MSP unlocked in order to do epic random queue. If you are 10Kish and used to do 2 ETOS and 2 ESOTs the current system greatly reduces how much RAD you get.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
Did RQ yesterday on my 13.5 GF. We got CN. We couldn't kill the first 3 demons and after 10 minutes of pure pain DC left. I was on my tactician loadout and I was top dps. How this is a good experience to anyone? Please explain.
Pug is allways pug, with RQ or not. Again im not defending the new system but is not worse than we had before. You can play with 4 friends and the only thing that changes if you want AD is that you play different dungeons.
Like I SAID in the giant thread before this fiasco went live Random Queues = Pugs on drugs. Pugs were always bad, but now that they are forcing folks to PUG for AD, you will get the lowest of the low in these PUGs.
The whole purpose is to make queues fire faster, which is why RQ's even with a premade group are NOT private and why you are stuck with the 1 tank, 1 healer, 3dps nonsense.
RQs are designed to coerce folks into PUGGing.
It's not what the players want and it's not good for the game. Plain and simple.
Effectively, there is a soft cap of 17K AD. Easy to get for all but the newest level 70 toons. Getting more than the 17K requires some luck to draw eToS as your ERQ, or do direct queue for eToS just for salvage.
I don't think too many people are direct queuing eToS. Maybe the 14K premade that can faceroll it in 5 minutes. For the rest of the folks, no one wants to risk the possibility of having to carry some toons and spend 20 minutes in eToS and end up with one medium T2 salvage.
jumpingmorksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 876Arc User
The Random Queue system sucks but it's going to evolve because currently, when Cryptic see what players are doing with it and on top how it isn't helping the players/guilds it's supposed to help there is little logical reason to continue a system as it is if it fails to accomplish what it was designed to do.
There was a time years ago when I first started playing this game that I though like that. I have seen way to many design flaws over the years in this game get ignored and thus not fixed or worse repeated (I see you voinblood/black ice empowerment) to assume that anything will be fixed.
Voninblood was like a self fulfilling prophecy, we couldn't undertsand why they introduced a system they seemingly went to pains to get rid of several mods earlier. It didn't take as long as the pessimists thought it would either.
Admittedly, I'm too lazy to search for post relating to my experiences with the new mod, so I'll start anew. Please bear with me. I'll try and be brief.
1. Random Queue is Garbage, absolute garbage. Why in the world is FBI, MSP, To9G in the same category as ToS, VT and the like? Why isn't there some splitting of dungeon groups happening? Like Epic and Super Epic? Why not Epic group 1 and Epic Group 2. There is a huge difference between VT and FBI! Shame on you for not realizing that! 2. Stuck in a wall: Got stuck in a wall during the Merchant Princes Folly skirmish. Two players going up to build defenses, one was a split second faster at building...I get stuck in what they built. Can't use /stuck because I was still in combat. /stuck doesn't work in combat. The party moved on and I was still aggroed and stuck and had no choice but to leave, which of course gave me the leave penalty (dumbest idea ever! Whoever came up up with that needs smacked in the face and sacked for sheer stupidity. Which leads too.....) 3. The leaver penalty. Really? Alex Trebek time, No, Sorry, that is wrong! Punishing players who leave a run that is going to waste their time is criminal. Your minimum item levels mean nothing when Item levels can be bought, but the ability to play your class can't.
Too many good things in this Mod are displaced by the bad things in this Mod. Random nonsense and leave penalties need to go.
Just wait until you realize your guild is getting shafted because very few members can actually run the daily Cleric quest for shards. That's a whole other level of bad. And I've been stuck running Merchant's Folly 5 of the 7 times I've queued toons for "random" skirmish. Yeah.. that's random. Well, Cryptic's idea of "random". While I'm not a big fan of the refining change I can at least understand the reasons behind it. Same with the bonding nerf. I cannot, for any reason, understand the random queues. They solve NOTHING and create mutliple problems. What's that old line, "A solution in search of a problem". Yeah, that's Random Queues, solving something that wasn't broken to begin with. Ugh.
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
The bondings nerf was truly needed. I think the game is a lot more balanced now. There are so many aspects that are affected by them that finally went normal instead of totally op (dc power sharing for example). It feels like the power creep went almost away lol
A lot of players are clicking disagree on his post, but come on, if you ran face roll groups and joked with your friends how easy the game was, you knew this too.
Yeah, but if you couldn't and needed the overpowered bondings to be able to do the content at all, this mod is a disaster
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
If you don't have a character that can do ToNG, or even qualify for RQ, this mod will cause you to quit if you aren't prepared to beg or spend a lot of RM.
If you dont have a character that can do ToNG you didnt have that character before the mod so nothing changes for you. Still need to prepare your character for end game content and farm those precious stones.
In what way is this mod GOOD for low geared characters ? They lose the rADs from doing the dungeons they can/want to do. Yes R7-9 enchants are cheaper to upgrade, but that's about the only good news.
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
For me, I'm not interested in several of the dungeons on the RQ list because they're buggy for me, and I really can't be bothered to quit a dungeon and take the penalty if one of those comes up. Also the char I would like to play is a DPS GF which would go straight into the tank slot which I really don't want to do. Spending several million on each of my 9 13K+ characters to get them back to where they were before the nerfs is not something I can contemplate.
Im not gonna say the random queues is a good system, it has good and bad things, but playing the same dungeon 1000 times is not fun either. People tends to optimize everything and forget the fun. Having some variance in dungeons is not so bad and if you have problems with you DPS Tank maybe they can solve that thing in the future. Anyway if you care about end game forget that kind of experiment. You arent going to enter in ToNG with a DPS tank.
You can play what you want but dont espect the game adapts to you, it has to adapt to the majority of the people, and I see the RQ a thing that can help new players because they can met more experienced players that in the old system would never met because of the elitism existent in this game. RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
You don't get it at all, if you were just short of doing ToNG before, you now need a LOT more stuff due to the bonding nerf or you'll be in there for many hours. My guild reports ToNG is a lot less fun than it was before and 3 hour nightmare fails are increasing. Too many people I know have left the game already over this mod.
If you can't random queue, previously you could get a lot of ADs from selecting T1/T2s and skirmishes, now you get a lot less or have to do levelling dungeons.
Actually (I don't know about ToNG) my tank works well in the 2nd tank/buffer/DPS slot alongside an OP, but of course I can't do that in RQ because the party won't meet the requirements.
I'm not a grinder, I used to do a handful of dungeons a week so repetition wasn't an issue, but I haven't done one since the mod hit and don't envisage doing more unless stuff changes.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
I dunno, Mod 6 was actually worse. So it's not the WORST mod ever. But it is easily in the competition! Down with mod 12b and its nerf buffet.
If you can't random queue, previously you could get a lot of ADs from selecting T1/T2s and skirmishes, now you get a lot less or have to do levelling dungeons.
I think most of the min gear toons getting carried in eToS were alts of established players. Many times I see HR/GWF with their weapons glittering from a trans enchantment. Then I check the paingiver chart and see their DPS is HAMSTER. Then I inspect them and see a trans vorpal in a green weapon, with cheap/event artifacts.
Most new players didn't know how to make the iLvl requirements to get into the eToS goldmine. So they didn't really lose out. The new system is better for them in getting AD. The big losers were established players pushing alts through the eToS grinder
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
If you can't random queue, previously you could get a lot of ADs from selecting T1/T2s and skirmishes, now you get a lot less or have to do levelling dungeons.
I think most of the min gear toons getting carried in eToS were alts of established players. Many times I see HR/GWF with their weapons glittering from a trans enchantment. Then I check the paingiver chart and see their DPS is HAMSTER. Then I inspect them and see a trans vorpal in a green weapon, with cheap/event artifacts.
Most new players didn't know how to make the iLvl requirements to get into the eToS goldmine. So they didn't really lose out. The new system is better for them in getting AD. The big losers were established players pushing alts through the eToS grinder
You meet very different players to me then, the first toon is the tough one to level the items. Any alt I make will be about 9K + guild boons instantly on hitting 70. Also there was an incentive to do things like MC for the SH temple quest for inf so our guild ran a lot of those which helped low geared people.
Sure AD earning is down. First 17K easy to get, last 16K of the day is hard to get. But it's a nerf across the board. So only the most dedicated with lots of time can hit the 36K daily limit.
Been running some old dungeons and skirmishes I hadn't done in a long time. It is a refreshing change from the 2 x eToS and carrying a bunch of low-geared toons.
The most frustration so far was last night when I tried to make a bunch of R11s and R12. The RNG is still horribly broken.
The Random Queue system sucks but it's going to evolve because currently, when Cryptic see what players are doing with it and on top how it isn't helping the players/guilds it's supposed to help there is little logical reason to continue a system as it is if it fails to accomplish what it was designed to do.
The bonding nerf sucks but I can see their point of view, they should have nerfed it a long time ago or acknowledged Bonding feedback when it was given at the original change but if they wanted to raise level enchantments it was do it now and players could just forget about any semblence of challenging content, when content becomes too easy, the interesting parts added just become a chore.
My own take on this, only one of my characters has bondings now, every other character has Augments, they've been a stable source of stats for a long time and if a lot of players start doing the same as myself it's going to be rage on the forums if they decide they need to up the Bonding percentage again to balance out the augment/bonding sides further. Mostly from folks like me, but not me, I sold most of my bondings, bought Eldritch with change to spare and I am no longer chasing that BiS dream. I get profit and less stress.
But make no mistake, my casual gameplay has gotten more casual and the more casual I play, the less money I feel I need to put back into this game.
But... what about new players and people who are playing on 10-13k IL?
Well, just upgrading enchants from R 12 to R 13 takes more then 1 kk RP, 20+ ultimate marks of potency and 5-10 stacks of pres wards. R 14 is out of the world atm. One ultimate ... stone goes for ~2 kk AD, 3 per enchant. excluding utility slots, thats 24 x 6 kk AD = 144 MILLION AD for the stones, a few million for the ultimate marks of potency, 12 kk AD for coal wards and the RPs. New BIS goes for 150 - 200 MILLION ADs atm (from current BIS).
BTW, thats for every single character.
This mod is great if you are a low geared character.
This mod is great if you are not a brainless I-NEED-TO-BE-BIS-AGAIN-THE-FIRST-DAY-OF-THE-MOD
If you are one of those people then pay millions and shut up.
I had 2 maxed characters before mod 12b and you know what I did when I got my first ultimate enchanting stone from ToNG? Sell it for 1,7M so I can buy 5 of those soon with that money.
Please be patient, use your brain and take money from those impatient whales. And meanwhile, optimize your char for your new stats, enjoy the runs withouth rolfstomp bosses in 5 seconds.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
If you don't have a character that can do ToNG, or even qualify for RQ, this mod will cause you to quit if you aren't prepared to beg or spend a lot of RM.
In what way is this mod GOOD for low geared characters ? They lose the rADs from doing the dungeons they can/want to do. Yes R7-9 enchants are cheaper to upgrade, but that's about the only good news.
For me, I'm not interested in several of the dungeons on the RQ list because they're buggy for me, and I really can't be bothered to quit a dungeon and take the penalty if one of those comes up. Also the char I would like to play is a DPS GF which would go straight into the tank slot which I really don't want to do. Spending several million on each of my 9 13K+ characters to get them back to where they were before the nerfs is not something I can contemplate.
My guild (full R20) is losing a lot of players over this.
You can play what you want but dont espect the game adapts to you, it has to adapt to the majority of the people, and I see the RQ a thing that can help new players because they can met more experienced players that in the old system would never met because of the elitism existent in this game. RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Did RQ yesterday on my 13.5 GF. We got CN. We couldn't kill the first 3 demons and after 10 minutes of pure pain DC left. I was on my tactician loadout and I was top dps. How this is a good experience to anyone? Please explain.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
That said, I don't like the Bonding Nerf either, but there are still many good things about 12b. I like the improved inventory, rp mass conversion, and the skirmish giving totems, as well as the removal of the second enchantment for upgrading. It's isn't all good, but it definitely is not all bad either. Just different and new.
Some of the other changes in 12-B are good.
- I love that I no longer have to keep all those stacks of Peridots and other stuff - it freed up a lot of inventory space
- I love that a "second enchant" is no longer needed - I have made a couple of R12 Black Ice enchants so far, at a significantly lower cost than before.
- I like all the free spaces I now have in my bank or on my "mule" characters (Got 8 characters that do nothing but hold stuff for the ones I actually play).
- I like the pants/shirts that were introduced - no good for my main, but useful for some of my alts.
What I hate is the implementation of the random queues, which causes 12-B to be the second worst module ever released IMO.This also applies to skirmishes, the game is saying "lf5m master of the hunt 10k+ only" and then to make it worse you don't even have the option of running a leveling skirmish as you have over-leveled it. So now their skirmish AD completely disappears.
The effect this change has on a new player is they no longer get their skirmish AD at all, and they get their bonus dungeon AD for running 2 dungeons in 1 run, but they are forced to run a leveling dungeon instead of the easier epics and thus lose out on the additional salvage from the chest and boss drops. This is an AD nerf for anyone under 11k.
It would have been a good idea if they separated the the different tier dungeons into different random queues. That way you have a RQ for Tier 1 dungeons MC, VT, and eLoL another for Tier 2 eCC, eGWD, and CN and another for Tier 3 FBI, MSP, and maybe ToNG. At the very least FBI and MSP should have been separated into a different random queue than the Tier 1 and 2 dungeons, you shouldn't need to have 11k IL to get bonus AD for running VT. Event better would be for the random queue Tier 2 and 3 to also included the lower dungeons and pair them with the people from the lower dungeon tiers if they pull that one. Maybe base which tier you are in on your item level so a 12k character can only queue under T3 and/or add more AD to the higher Tier queues but that type of integration might be harder to code.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
The whole purpose is to make queues fire faster, which is why RQ's even with a premade group are NOT private and why you are stuck with the 1 tank, 1 healer, 3dps nonsense.
RQs are designed to coerce folks into PUGGing.
It's not what the players want and it's not good for the game. Plain and simple.
I don't think too many people are direct queuing eToS. Maybe the 14K premade that can faceroll it in 5 minutes. For the rest of the folks, no one wants to risk the possibility of having to carry some toons and spend 20 minutes in eToS and end up with one medium T2 salvage.
1. Random Queue is Garbage, absolute garbage. Why in the world is FBI, MSP, To9G in the same category as ToS, VT and the like? Why isn't there some splitting of dungeon groups happening? Like Epic and Super Epic? Why not Epic group 1 and Epic Group 2. There is a huge difference between VT and FBI! Shame on you for not realizing that!
2. Stuck in a wall: Got stuck in a wall during the Merchant Princes Folly skirmish. Two players going up to build defenses, one was a split second faster at building...I get stuck in what they built. Can't use /stuck because I was still in combat. /stuck doesn't work in combat. The party moved on and I was still aggroed and stuck and had no choice but to leave, which of course gave me the leave penalty (dumbest idea ever! Whoever came up up with that needs smacked in the face and sacked for sheer stupidity. Which leads too.....)
3. The leaver penalty. Really? Alex Trebek time, No, Sorry, that is wrong! Punishing players who leave a run that is going to waste their time is criminal. Your minimum item levels mean nothing when Item levels can be bought, but the ability to play your class can't.
Too many good things in this Mod are displaced by the bad things in this Mod. Random nonsense and leave penalties need to go.
If you can't random queue, previously you could get a lot of ADs from selecting T1/T2s and skirmishes, now you get a lot less or have to do levelling dungeons.
Actually (I don't know about ToNG) my tank works well in the 2nd tank/buffer/DPS slot alongside an OP, but of course I can't do that in RQ because the party won't meet the requirements.
I'm not a grinder, I used to do a handful of dungeons a week so repetition wasn't an issue, but I haven't done one since the mod hit and don't envisage doing more unless stuff changes.
Most new players didn't know how to make the iLvl requirements to get into the eToS goldmine. So they didn't really lose out. The new system is better for them in getting AD. The big losers were established players pushing alts through the eToS grinder