I immediately felt the nerf of bondings (also a GWF main) but what annoys me the most is that they never finish what they start. And the way they think is rather... irrelevant. ''To get AD easier for NEW players you will now need 10-11k TIL''. How does that make it easier for NEW players? LOL, most new players end up with 5-7k TIL, if not less, and have utterly no idea what to do from that point. Of course, some guilds help out new people but what if not? WHO made the logic decision on this one? The refinement change even though to the better side, but also, convertible equipment includes all artifacts, arti equipment but not the useless beacon of simril. I've hurd a lot of people accidentally converted an arti weapon. ''Make refining easier''. A weapon used to need 4,6 mil RP. Now it needs... 230 000. But we no longer have resonance stones... And you can no longer put a weapon into another weapon. I converted my old epic main weapon on an alt (r35) into a new weapon, and it barely got it a little above blue ?_? I remember an epic going into an epic weapon was around 500-600k (since it was always doubled). Now it's 6k... I was told the numbers are getting reduced by 10x, not by 100x... Also, random queue = normal queue. In skirmishes and dungeons some people are at the required level -> 10-11k but others are 7-7,5k. So what's the point of separating queues if they still do the same thing anyway, give someone AD and don't for others? Finally, they still keep pretending mod 10 didn't happen and it doesn't need fixing... Like most of the game...
P.S. Which part of 3x costs and 2 additional for whatever reason ranks for enchantments is easier? Once again, just like every time, you're trying to make enchantments define TIL, when mod 11 came out and you gave gear the real deal I thought that for the first time they realised which one should matter more...
If you can't random queue, previously you could get a lot of ADs from selecting T1/T2s and skirmishes, now you get a lot less or have to do levelling dungeons.
I think most of the min gear toons getting carried in eToS were alts of established players. Many times I see HR/GWF with their weapons glittering from a trans enchantment. Then I check the paingiver chart and see their DPS is HAMSTER. Then I inspect them and see a trans vorpal in a green weapon, with cheap/event artifacts.
Most new players didn't know how to make the iLvl requirements to get into the eToS goldmine. So they didn't really lose out. The new system is better for them in getting AD. The big losers were established players pushing alts through the eToS grinder
You meet very different players to me then, the first toon is the tough one to level the items. Any alt I make will be about 9K + guild boons instantly on hitting 70. Also there was an incentive to do things like MC for the SH temple quest for inf so our guild ran a lot of those which helped low geared people.
Math must be hard. Here are some guild boon facts. Guild boons give 50 points of gear score per lvl of the guild boon. There are at most 10 lvls for each guild boon. Only 3 guild pve boons can be active at a time.
What this means is that the max you can get from the guild pve boons is 1500 item score, because 50 x 10 x 3 = 1500.
The PVP boon counts too. So thats 2k IL.With R8s, some boons and a max guild, you can hit 11k easily. My geared alts are all 13k+ (including guild boons. My praying alts (no guild boons) have 7-9k IL from hand me downs.
Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
I dunno, Mod 6 was actually worse. So it's not the WORST mod ever. But it is easily in the competition! Down with mod 12b and its nerf buffet.
Well, this is worse than mod6. At least in mod6 we got a new campaign, new powers to play with, new gear to farm, control become important once again, making the game more complex. Now all we get is mindless farming, except for TONG, but now if you play an HR or an SW (my main two) you'll get in trouble in finding a group.
Yesterday morning I logged in and there were 73 people in TONG. I counted 1HR, 2 SWs, 1 TR and 27 DCs ....
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
Hamster you Cryptic. I work in IT company and I assure you that penalising your customers for your own mistakes is the worst possible solution. And you guys will pay for it. You will see.
I don't think they will. Their business model isn't about supporting long term players who farmed enough AD and converted it to Zen that they can effectively play for free. No, this module was carefully constructed to suck as much stored value out of long time players as possible and to create ways to force newer players to buy products like campaign completion tokens. In fact, if they manage to get people to plop down $100 worth of Zen to start and get frustrated after a few months and call it quits then they've "won".
Look at the last couple of mods to see this plan in action. With Module 12 they "gave" us multiple legendary companions. Man, what an AD sink that was at a million AD (or the equivalent in companion packs to get tokens) a pop. The few players who worry about the 100 million AD limit don't notice the problem. But this sink wasn't mandatory, players could play end game content without spending AD. For example I still don't have a second legendary companion on any of my toons and I could do everything but TonG fairly easily.
So along comes update 12b and a new sink was created and this one is no longer optional. Just how much of an AD sink is this new mod? I tried to make some R13's bondings yesterday. I spent the nearly 280K AD for the 3 UMOPs and then watched 60 wards go up in smoke without getting a single one upgraded. Even if you get "lucky" and only burn 33 wards on average to upgrade all the R12 on one toon to R13 will take arpund 850 preservation wards and 26 UMOPS That's about 6,300,000 AD to upgrade one toon, the equivalent of 12,600 Zen, about $125. One toon. And that's not even getting that toon all the way back to where it was before the mod.
This module should be renamed "Murder on the Astral Diamond Exchange" or "Raiders of the Lost Zen"
Simple solution: do not use pres wards, use coal wards for R12->R13. 3 coals (=1.5kk-1.6kk) + 3 umops (280k as you wrote) = 1.8kk-1.9kk AD = 3.6k-3.8k Zen < 40$/€
Additional benefit: no kick in the balls from RNGesus.
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
The bondings nerf was truly needed. I think the game is a lot more balanced now. There are so many aspects that are affected by them that finally went normal instead of totally op (dc power sharing for example). It feels like the power creep went almost away lol
How was the bonding nerf needed? If your excuse is because that augments where irrelevant compared to bondings, then that's not a very good one. They could of at least balanced augments around bondings and not the other way round like i've said, as now we have 'meh' runestones all round compared to what bondings was and what augments could of been.
The nerf wasn't needed as now we can see the effect it's had on the community and how many people have left/leaving. They could of at least fixed the mobs and bosses to be scaled of the damage we currently do now, and not what we could do. As now we can't kill anything in TONG or MSVA.
The nerf was needed because people solo'ed T2, T2.5 and T3 due to power creep. Any content can be run with the nerf, just for end-game content casual PUG groups will fail at 100% (as they should!). End-game content should only be mastered by those who know their class very well and have a good equipment. End-game content is not end-game content when any casual PUG group can handle it. And before the nerf that was the case.
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
How can you not see it? You now need FBI and MSP unlocked in order to do epic random queue. If you are 10Kish and used to do 2 ETOS and 2 ESOTs the current system greatly reduces how much RAD you get.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
What hinders your 10kish char to STILL do 2 x eToS and 2 x eSoT? All that you have lost is an additional ten minutes for a leveling dungeon that gives you 9k+ RAD.
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
The bondings nerf was truly needed. I think the game is a lot more balanced now. There are so many aspects that are affected by them that finally went normal instead of totally op (dc power sharing for example). It feels like the power creep went almost away lol
How was the bonding nerf needed? If your excuse is because that augments where irrelevant compared to bondings, then that's not a very good one. They could of at least balanced augments around bondings and not the other way round like i've said, as now we have 'meh' runestones all round compared to what bondings was and what augments could of been.
The nerf wasn't needed as now we can see the effect it's had on the community and how many people have left/leaving. They could of at least fixed the mobs and bosses to be scaled of the damage we currently do now, and not what we could do. As now we can't kill anything in TONG or MSVA.
The nerf was needed because people solo'ed T2, T2.5 and T3 due to power creep. Any content can be run with the nerf, just for end-game content casual PUG groups will fail at 100% (as they should!). End-game content should only be mastered by those who know their class very well and have a good equipment. End-game content is not end-game content when any casual PUG group can handle it. And before the nerf that was the case.
The real problem is that the whole game is utterly boring now. I think only another level increase in mod 13 can save it.
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
How can you not see it? You now need FBI and MSP unlocked in order to do epic random queue. If you are 10Kish and used to do 2 ETOS and 2 ESOTs the current system greatly reduces how much RAD you get.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
What hinders your 10kish char to STILL do 2 x eToS and 2 x eSoT? All that you have lost is an additional ten minutes for a leveling dungeon that gives you 9k+ RAD.
Your return on time invested is nerfed by at least 50%, which means 50% slower progression in a game that is already extreamly grindy.
That is nonsense. All you have to do to get the same amount of RAD is one additional leveling RQ dungeon. That takes at most ten minutes, often much less. How can additional ten minutes nerf your return on invested time "at least" 50%? Only if 2x eToS and 2x eSoT combined (!) took you at most ten minutes only. And we all know that this is not true.
If you can't random queue, previously you could get a lot of ADs from selecting T1/T2s and skirmishes, now you get a lot less or have to do levelling dungeons.
I think most of the min gear toons getting carried in eToS were alts of established players. Many times I see HR/GWF with their weapons glittering from a trans enchantment. Then I check the paingiver chart and see their DPS is HAMSTER. Then I inspect them and see a trans vorpal in a green weapon, with cheap/event artifacts.
Most new players didn't know how to make the iLvl requirements to get into the eToS goldmine. So they didn't really lose out. The new system is better for them in getting AD. The big losers were established players pushing alts through the eToS grinder
You meet very different players to me then, the first toon is the tough one to level the items. Any alt I make will be about 9K + guild boons instantly on hitting 70. Also there was an incentive to do things like MC for the SH temple quest for inf so our guild ran a lot of those which helped low geared people.
Math must be hard. Here are some guild boon facts. Guild boons give 50 points of gear score per lvl of the guild boon. There are at most 10 lvls for each guild boon. Only 3 guild pve boons can be active at a time.
What this means is that the max you can get from the guild pve boons is 1500 item score, because 50 x 10 x 3 = 1500.
The PVP boon counts too. So thats 2k IL.With R8s, some boons and a max guild, you can hit 11k easily. My geared alts are all 13k+ (including guild boons. My praying alts (no guild boons) have 7-9k IL from hand me downs.
Alot of guilds dont have those. They dont add much to the player's abilites, so I left them out.
But a lot of guilds do. The ones that ran out of other stuff ages ago. It's another 500 IL for something that has no real impact on PvE, but gets you past the gateway into doing PvE content. Back when they changed the IL scoring, there was no real effort to actually make the IL reflective of whether or not IL reflected a characters capacity within its own class/role.
The dangling shiny keys of "Just look at how HIGH your score will be... how cool is that!!!!" sent waves of rapture through the player base, who thought that "OMG!!! I'm over TEN THOUSAND!!!!" actually meant something. You still see characters wearing +5 rings of Crappiness when even a +3 Ring of Class Suitability would probably be much better for them... but it remains the case that people believe that IL MAKES you more powerful, rather than reflects what colour gear and how many boons you possess.
The PVP Guild Boon is about as big an example of this nonsense as you can get. It's not irrelevant... becaue having that in addition to the others turns an otherwise undergeared 9K character into FBI/MSP ready, regardles of whether the build is effective, or even how many Rank 4 Powers they possess.
You see, any player who has unlocked the random epic queues on one character, including the campaign unlocks, can take any alt character who hits the IL requirement into the same random queue. So those scarcely 9-9.5 alts with +2K from guild boons are walking in, with 500 IL being comepletely useless, making many of them a 10.5K character at best. And if they are only scraping by on guild boons for their IL, you can bet that much of their other gear is nowhere near BiS, its probably barely even RiS (Relevant in Slot). (Rings, Companions and Artifacts being the main culprits)
Making 11K IL the new de facto Level Break means people will happily drop useful blue companions for cheap purple, if it gets them over the line.
And will continue to happily ride on a 500 IL PVP Boon to get them through the gateways.
Sorry - can't agree with OP's assessment about the "Worst" title. For me that still belongs to Mod 6, by a country mile.
In Mod 6 everything was nerfed, it's in a different league from the simple bonding nerf and RNG-itis for Ultimates in 12b.
12b has a lot of positives, as others have noted. I really, really like the inventory upgrades (one click identification on green equip? YES!) and the RP aggregator. I can't remember any similar positives coming out of Mod 6 - just new grindfests, nerfs and a mass exodus from the game.
Bear in mind - we didn't really see a positive change from the craptasm of Mod 6 until the Underdark campaign over a year later. I don't think we will have to wait anywhere near as long to see them right the ship this time.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
Why not start proposing changes instead of starting threads about "the sky is falling in our heads". Mod 12b has lots of good features. It has problems with RQ and roles OK. So why not propose changes and solutions? Or do you think telling that the players are leaving will solve the problem?.
I think we can propose a "Role Tag" for each of your loadouts, so you can decide what role you represent. Or better, primary role, secondary role. Then the RQ can take this info to make the partys.
Also, balancing a bit the AD rewards could help. I propose that longer dungeons give more AD.
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
How can you not see it? You now need FBI and MSP unlocked in order to do epic random queue. If you are 10Kish and used to do 2 ETOS and 2 ESOTs the current system greatly reduces how much RAD you get.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
What hinders your 10kish char to STILL do 2 x eToS and 2 x eSoT? All that you have lost is an additional ten minutes for a leveling dungeon that gives you 9k+ RAD.
Your return on time invested is nerfed by at least 50%, which means 50% slower progression in a game that is already extreamly grindy.
That is nonsense. All you have to do to get the same amount of RAD is one additional leveling RQ dungeon. That takes at most ten minutes, often much less. How can additional ten minutes nerf your return on invested time "at least" 50%? Only if 2x eToS and 2x eSoT combined (!) took you at most ten minutes only. And we all know that this is not true.
But even if that is the case, "Random Leveling Queues! You only lose ten minutes... stop moaning!!! (Buy more Zen and get to 11K... you half wit.)" is hardly a great endorsement of a system designed to speed things up.
And since you still have to do the two dungeon runs through standard public queue to pick up the salvage to get the same total RAD as you would have got before without needing to do anything else, makes the speed of gaining the RAD through a leveling dungeon the single most irrelevant and backward idea this game has thrown up while I've been playing it!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,513Arc User
Sorry - can't agree with OP's assessment about the "Worst" title. For me that still belongs to Mod 6, by a country mile.
In Mod 6 everything was nerfed, it's in a different league from the simple bonding nerf and RNG-itis for Ultimates in 12b.
12b has a lot of positives, as others have noted. I really, really like the inventory upgrades (one click identification on green equip? YES!) and the RP aggregator. I can't remember any similar positives coming out of Mod 6 - just new grindfests, nerfs and a mass exodus from the game.
Bear in mind - we didn't really see a positive change from the craptasm of Mod 6 until the Underdark campaign over a year later. I don't think we will have to wait anywhere near as long to see them right the ship this time.
Yes, mod 6 was worse, much worse because mod 6 gave you one thing repeatedly, death. You could not even kill 2 bears with used to be almost BiS. Dungeon run?
Yes, I do have a "'Bear' in mind".
On the other hand, OP said "mod 12b is one of the worst". Hence, he is also correct.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Why not start proposing changes instead of starting threads about "the sky is falling in our heads". Mod 12b has lots of good features. It has problems with RQ and roles OK. So why not propose changes and solutions? Or do you think telling that the players are leaving will solve the problem?.
I think we can propose a "Role Tag" for each of your loadouts, so you can decide what role you represent. Or better, primary role, secondary role. Then the RQ can take this info to make the partys.
I actually really like this idea. League of legends has the draft pick which I believe is pretty fun. We could make NW request you to choose a roll or declare the loadout that you're going to use, i.e. if you're using GF, you would request the tank roll/fill or if you're a tactician, you could go as buff (tank/heal for OP and etc with other classes). Of course, I am still waiting for tank GWFs to come to life, I hurd SW buff/healers are going to be a thing soon enough, maybe controller CWs and HRs will come back as well? Yes? No? Maybe? Please?
I think the main issue of this whole mod is that they assumed that every single player in this game is 16k+ and every single player has everything maxed out. They nerfed BiS players, which can still do all the content in a reasonable time and effort frame.
But... what about new players and people who are playing on 10-13k IL?
Right now we are witnessing a PVP battle between the Devs and the Speedrunners.
The Devs are developing very hard content, but the Speedrunners are trying to humiliate the Devs by finding every last trick and gimmick and exploit in order to trivialize the Devs' idea of hard content.
And so the Devs throw down the nerf hammer in order to stop the Speedrunners. And on it goes. The rest of us are just collateral damage.
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
How can you not see it? You now need FBI and MSP unlocked in order to do epic random queue. If you are 10Kish and used to do 2 ETOS and 2 ESOTs the current system greatly reduces how much RAD you get.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
If you were only 10k-ish before Mod 12b, then you were not speed-running ETOS back then either. So I don't see the disconnect.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
I see the RQ a thing that can help new players because they can met more experienced players that in the old system would never met because of the elitism existent in this game. RQ gives this new players the opportunity to play and learn with more experimented and geared players, and that is a good thing.
Why would experienced players utilize the RQ system? And particularly, why would they utilize the *public* RQ system? The experienced players are the ones who have a deep friendlist who rarely go outside of their circle of friends to do content, and are the ones speedrunning TONG and don't need the paltry 9k you get from the RQ. In fact, I would argue that the experienced players are more likely the ones to manipulate the RQ in order to get unsuspecting strangers to drag their undergeared alts through those dungeons for them.
The bondings nerf was truly needed. I think the game is a lot more balanced now. There are so many aspects that are affected by them that finally went normal instead of totally op (dc power sharing for example). It feels like the power creep went almost away lol
How was the bonding nerf needed? If your excuse is because that augments where irrelevant compared to bondings, then that's not a very good one. They could of at least balanced augments around bondings and not the other way round like i've said, as now we have 'meh' runestones all round compared to what bondings was and what augments could of been.
The nerf wasn't needed as now we can see the effect it's had on the community and how many people have left/leaving. They could of at least fixed the mobs and bosses to be scaled of the damage we currently do now, and not what we could do. As now we can't kill anything in TONG or MSVA.
The nerf was needed because people solo'ed T2, T2.5 and T3 due to power creep. Any content can be run with the nerf, just for end-game content casual PUG groups will fail at 100% (as they should!). End-game content should only be mastered by those who know their class very well and have a good equipment. End-game content is not end-game content when any casual PUG group can handle it. And before the nerf that was the case.
Believe me, casual players were not finishing TONG, or even FBI, even before the bondings nerf. Now, they have zero chance. Guess you are happy.
I cant see how they lose RAD, you can get RAD even easyer than before. Enchants and upgrade your character is much cheaper than before so yes is a good mod for low geared chars.
How can you not see it? You now need FBI and MSP unlocked in order to do epic random queue. If you are 10Kish and used to do 2 ETOS and 2 ESOTs the current system greatly reduces how much RAD you get.
Not to mention if you are a GF DPS you must take up the tank slot if you run a random queue.
What hinders your 10kish char to STILL do 2 x eToS and 2 x eSoT? All that you have lost is an additional ten minutes for a leveling dungeon that gives you 9k+ RAD.
Your return on time invested is nerfed by at least 50%, which means 50% slower progression in a game that is already extreamly grindy.
That is nonsense. All you have to do to get the same amount of RAD is one additional leveling RQ dungeon. That takes at most ten minutes, often much less. How can additional ten minutes nerf your return on invested time "at least" 50%? Only if 2x eToS and 2x eSoT combined (!) took you at most ten minutes only. And we all know that this is not true.
Am I the only one who thinks it's horrible for established Level 70's, which are not alts, to have to rely on leveling dungeons in order to get AD? Leveling dungeons are supposed to be for new and growing players, not established players. It just ruins the experience for the new players who actually want to experience the dungeon the way it is meant to be experienced, and not have to tag along behind some speed-running GWF with R12 Darks having to serve as the clean-up boy picking up loot in the GWF's trail of dust.
altmerpowerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 103Arc User
Yea.. I got stuck in the wall twise in my only 10 skrimishes.. Had to say to my party...step away please let them kill me.. Thats not the ideal play when this skrimish is timed lol. But somehow after all players backed down and watch me die on purpose we still made it gold That bug has only accured for me at 10 a clock wall in the courtyard. Please fix this bug devs. Then...just one more thing. Wrong thred though lol. When I got this skrimish new shirt and pants I had problems with salvage my old pair. I got 4000 ad for my elemental excusite gemed shirt but only 100 ad for my elemental excusite gemed pants...Why???? Fix this devs please. this is wrong...
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,513Arc User
edited October 2017
I exit to the character selection screen and then come back. Mind you that I did not do RQ in that experience. I went in solo (to check things out, my first time in Folly). I was alone and I locked myself in the barricade. I exit to character selection screen and come back to continue.
[EDIT: This sounds like off topic for this thread. It is because mod merged another thread to this one and somehow the OP of that thread is gone.]
Post edited by plasticbat on
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
> @chemjeff said: > Am I the only one who thinks it's horrible for established Level 70's, which are not alts, to have to rely on leveling dungeons in order to get AD? Leveling dungeons are supposed to be for new and growing players, not established players. It just ruins the experience for the new players who actually want to experience the dungeon the way it is meant to be experienced, and not have to tag along behind some speed-running GWF with R12 Darks having to serve as the clean-up boy picking up loot in the GWF's trail of dust.
They better not waste that GWF's time by stopping to pick up loot.
> Am I the only one who thinks it's horrible for established Level 70's, which are not alts, to have to rely on leveling dungeons in order to get AD? Leveling dungeons are supposed to be for new and growing players, not established players. It just ruins the experience for the new players who actually want to experience the dungeon the way it is meant to be experienced, and not have to tag along behind some speed-running GWF with R12 Darks having to serve as the clean-up boy picking up loot in the GWF's trail of dust.
They better not waste that GWF's time by stopping to pick up loot.
I know, right? Guy would probably be kicked for holding up the speed-running GWF.
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
But even if that is the case, "Random Leveling Queues! You only lose ten minutes... stop moaning!!! (Buy more Zen and get to 11K... you half wit.)" is hardly a great endorsement of a system designed to speed things up.
And since you still have to do the two dungeon runs through standard public queue to pick up the salvage to get the same total RAD as you would have got before without needing to do anything else, makes the speed of gaining the RAD through a leveling dungeon the single most irrelevant and backward idea this game has thrown up while I've been playing it!
I never denied that. I am not here to defend the random queue idea. I liked the old system much better, too. I am just saying IF you criticize it, do not use pseudo arguments and false numbers (e.g. you need at least 50% more time to get the same RAD as before). Come up with real and good arguments.
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
The bondings nerf was truly needed. I think the game is a lot more balanced now. There are so many aspects that are affected by them that finally went normal instead of totally op (dc power sharing for example). It feels like the power creep went almost away lol
How was the bonding nerf needed? If your excuse is because that augments where irrelevant compared to bondings, then that's not a very good one. They could of at least balanced augments around bondings and not the other way round like i've said, as now we have 'meh' runestones all round compared to what bondings was and what augments could of been.
The nerf wasn't needed as now we can see the effect it's had on the community and how many people have left/leaving. They could of at least fixed the mobs and bosses to be scaled of the damage we currently do now, and not what we could do. As now we can't kill anything in TONG or MSVA.
The nerf was needed because people solo'ed T2, T2.5 and T3 due to power creep. Any content can be run with the nerf, just for end-game content casual PUG groups will fail at 100% (as they should!). End-game content should only be mastered by those who know their class very well and have a good equipment. End-game content is not end-game content when any casual PUG group can handle it. And before the nerf that was the case.
Believe me, casual players were not finishing TONG, or even FBI, even before the bondings nerf. Now, they have zero chance. Guess you are happy.
1. I know many casual players who did finish them. Often. 2. I am neither happy nor unhappy with the bonding nerf. But I can understand why they did it and have no real arguments for not nerfing the bondings.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
That is nonsense. All you have to do to get the same amount of RAD is one additional leveling RQ dungeon. That takes at most ten minutes, often much less. How can additional ten minutes nerf your return on invested time "at least" 50%? Only if 2x eToS and 2x eSoT combined (!) took you at most ten minutes only. And we all know that this is not true.
Ah, levelling dungeons. That's what you've been soloing all this time?!
''To get AD easier for NEW players you will now need 10-11k TIL''. How does that make it easier for NEW players? LOL, most new players end up with 5-7k TIL, if not less, and have utterly no idea what to do from that point. Of course, some guilds help out new people but what if not? WHO made the logic decision on this one?
The refinement change even though to the better side, but also, convertible equipment includes all artifacts, arti equipment but not the useless beacon of simril. I've hurd a lot of people accidentally converted an arti weapon.
''Make refining easier''. A weapon used to need 4,6 mil RP. Now it needs... 230 000. But we no longer have resonance stones... And you can no longer put a weapon into another weapon. I converted my old epic main weapon on an alt (r35) into a new weapon, and it barely got it a little above blue ?_?
I remember an epic going into an epic weapon was around 500-600k (since it was always doubled). Now it's 6k... I was told the numbers are getting reduced by 10x, not by 100x...
Also, random queue = normal queue. In skirmishes and dungeons some people are at the required level -> 10-11k but others are 7-7,5k. So what's the point of separating queues if they still do the same thing anyway, give someone AD and don't for others?
Finally, they still keep pretending mod 10 didn't happen and it doesn't need fixing... Like most of the game...
P.S. Which part of 3x costs and 2 additional for whatever reason ranks for enchantments is easier?
Once again, just like every time, you're trying to make enchantments define TIL, when mod 11 came out and you gave gear the real deal I thought that for the first time they realised which one should matter more...
Yesterday morning I logged in and there were 73 people in TONG. I counted 1HR, 2 SWs, 1 TR and 27 DCs ....
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Additional benefit: no kick in the balls from RNGesus.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
It's another 500 IL for something that has no real impact on PvE, but gets you past the gateway into doing PvE content.
Back when they changed the IL scoring, there was no real effort to actually make the IL reflective of whether or not IL reflected a characters capacity within its own class/role.
The dangling shiny keys of "Just look at how HIGH your score will be... how cool is that!!!!" sent waves of rapture through the player base, who thought that "OMG!!! I'm over TEN THOUSAND!!!!" actually meant something.
You still see characters wearing +5 rings of Crappiness when even a +3 Ring of Class Suitability would probably be much better for them... but it remains the case that people believe that IL MAKES you more powerful, rather than reflects what colour gear and how many boons you possess.
The PVP Guild Boon is about as big an example of this nonsense as you can get.
It's not irrelevant... becaue having that in addition to the others turns an otherwise undergeared 9K character into FBI/MSP ready, regardles of whether the build is effective, or even how many Rank 4 Powers they possess.
You see, any player who has unlocked the random epic queues on one character, including the campaign unlocks, can take any alt character who hits the IL requirement into the same random queue. So those scarcely 9-9.5 alts with +2K from guild boons are walking in, with 500 IL being comepletely useless, making many of them a 10.5K character at best. And if they are only scraping by on guild boons for their IL, you can bet that much of their other gear is nowhere near BiS, its probably barely even RiS (Relevant in Slot). (Rings, Companions and Artifacts being the main culprits)
Making 11K IL the new de facto Level Break means people will happily drop useful blue companions for cheap purple, if it gets them over the line.
And will continue to happily ride on a 500 IL PVP Boon to get them through the gateways.
In Mod 6 everything was nerfed, it's in a different league from the simple bonding nerf and RNG-itis for Ultimates in 12b.
12b has a lot of positives, as others have noted. I really, really like the inventory upgrades (one click identification on green equip? YES!) and the RP aggregator. I can't remember any similar positives coming out of Mod 6 - just new grindfests, nerfs and a mass exodus from the game.
Bear in mind - we didn't really see a positive change from the craptasm of Mod 6 until the Underdark campaign over a year later. I don't think we will have to wait anywhere near as long to see them right the ship this time.
Mod 12b has lots of good features. It has problems with RQ and roles OK. So why not propose changes and solutions? Or do you think telling that the players are leaving will solve the problem?.
I think we can propose a "Role Tag" for each of your loadouts, so you can decide what role you represent. Or better, primary role, secondary role. Then the RQ can take this info to make the partys.
Also, balancing a bit the AD rewards could help. I propose that longer dungeons give more AD.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
And since you still have to do the two dungeon runs through standard public queue to pick up the salvage to get the same total RAD as you would have got before without needing to do anything else, makes the speed of gaining the RAD through a leveling dungeon the single most irrelevant and backward idea this game has thrown up while I've been playing it!
Yes, I do have a "'Bear' in mind".
On the other hand, OP said "mod 12b is one of the worst". Hence, he is also correct.
We could make NW request you to choose a roll or declare the loadout that you're going to use, i.e. if you're using GF, you would request the tank roll/fill or if you're a tactician, you could go as buff (tank/heal for OP and etc with other classes).
Of course, I am still waiting for tank GWFs to come to life, I hurd SW buff/healers are going to be a thing soon enough, maybe controller CWs and HRs will come back as well? Yes? No? Maybe? Please?
The Devs are developing very hard content, but the Speedrunners are trying to humiliate the Devs by finding every last trick and gimmick and exploit in order to trivialize the Devs' idea of hard content.
And so the Devs throw down the nerf hammer in order to stop the Speedrunners. And on it goes. The rest of us are just collateral damage.
Had to say to my party...step away please let them kill me..
Thats not the ideal play when this skrimish is timed lol.
But somehow after all players backed down and watch me die on purpose we still made it gold
That bug has only accured for me at 10 a clock wall in the courtyard.
Please fix this bug devs.
Then...just one more thing.
Wrong thred though lol.
When I got this skrimish new shirt and pants I had problems with salvage my old pair.
I got 4000 ad for my elemental excusite gemed shirt but only 100 ad for my elemental excusite gemed pants...Why????
Fix this devs please. this is wrong...
Mind you that I did not do RQ in that experience. I went in solo (to check things out, my first time in Folly). I was alone and I locked myself in the barricade. I exit to character selection screen and come back to continue.
[EDIT: This sounds like off topic for this thread. It is because mod merged another thread to this one and somehow the OP of that thread is gone.]
> Am I the only one who thinks it's horrible for established Level 70's, which are not alts, to have to rely on leveling dungeons in order to get AD? Leveling dungeons are supposed to be for new and growing players, not established players. It just ruins the experience for the new players who actually want to experience the dungeon the way it is meant to be experienced, and not have to tag along behind some speed-running GWF with R12 Darks having to serve as the clean-up boy picking up loot in the GWF's trail of dust.
They better not waste that GWF's time by stopping to pick up loot.
2. I am neither happy nor unhappy with the bonding nerf. But I can understand why they did it and have no real arguments for not nerfing the bondings.