I noticed we haven't seen the "Defend the Temple" or "Gate Crashers" CTA events for some time. When I checked the wiki, it shows that "Defend The Temple" hasn't been run since 2015-02-26, and "Gate Crashers" hasn't been run since 2016-02-11... while some CTA's like "Storm Front", and "Battle for the Bridge" have replayed 4 times during the same period.
Part of what makes CTA enjoyable is the variety. Along with that, are the items that drop only in those events. "Defend the Temple" and "Gate Crashers" have some of the coolest and most unique weapon transmutes in the game... and can only be found in those events.
According to the dates on the wiki... "Gate Crashers" has only made 2 appearances in NW since it started. Given the theme of the current module, I would think it would be very appropriate for it to be included. Likewise... "Defend the Temple" has only been seen twice in the game as well.
I would like to see both of these added back into the CTA "Rotation"... they are well done events, with prizes that can only be obtained by running them.
A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
Play Legit or Quit
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
On Xbox, we have never even had "Garrundar the Vile" CTA, and just recently got "Straight to Helm" for the first time, not sure who is scheduling these events, but they need to put some more effort into it.
Meanwhile the "Stormfront" CTA has been run several times, and "Battle for the Bridge" as well...
(but I like the bridge one due to how quick it is)
The CTAs solved that....well, almost.
There is one skirmish that has never been offered as a CTA - something I find highly annoying.
That's the drow/drider/spider one - "Defend the village"
So, please, please, can we get that as a CTA - I'm one of those missing the "Arachnophile" title because I made the mistake of leveling up a bit too quickly 4 years ago.
If you are reading this.
Please get these skirmishes (Defend the Village, Blacklake Terror, and Aberrant Assault) into CTA form at some point, sooner than later!
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Seriously though, I would love to see Defend the Village, Aberrant Assault and Blacklake Terror as CTAs. I have toons missing all three of them.