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4 years? Already?



  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    I started at beta,but one week before Gauldgrym launch,I thought it would be cool to answer a survey and win some zen.Lost access to my real life hotmail account and in all these years never managed to get it back.And I swear I had an unbound loamweave enchant in my bank,I bought it in the AH :/

    Took a break and made a second account in 10 Oct 2013.Played with up and downs and breaks ,since then.
  • dademon1982dademon1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Playing since 4 or 5 days after release, end of june 2013, so I JUST missed caturday. Even though not being here since beta or alpha, I count myself among the oldtimers as well (also before I started playing NW, as 30+ gamers are kinda rare in my environment. NW showed me that I'm not THAT big of an oddity XD)

    FateSpinners Guild Leader We are RECRUITING!!
  • xenotorchxenotorch Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    Here since closed Beta and my main is a Caturday survivor :smile: I was persuaded to try this game as my first MMORPG by a friend who is a serial "Beta-type move on to the next best thing" - he left before Mod 1 and I'm still here thanks to the game and people I've met in it - o/ @ Demon!

    I also qualify on both counts as an old-timer (45+)
  • eion311eion311 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Been here since the beginning. All my rl friends that I began the game with are all long gone. I constantly get questioned by them"Why do you still play that game?" answer is simple...I still enjoy the game.
    Still hopeful that one day Caturday Cloaks and other old items will be reclaimable to those that have them for transmutes. Till then all mine sit in my bank as I don't want to lose them when I upgrade an artifact cloak.
  • dademon1982dademon1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 21 Arc User
    xenotorch said:

    I'm still here thanks to the game and people I've met in it - o/ @ Demon!

    *Waves back*

    Indeed, you and the other friends/guildies are the main reason I've remained when the times were bad.... (cough*mod6*cough)

    FateSpinners Guild Leader We are RECRUITING!!
  • myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 410 Arc User
    4 years for me will be 6/6, the tail end of open beta just a short time before Valindra's attack on PE, the last event in which PE itself became a damned dangerous place to be. I've been playing steadily since then, through ups and downs, maining my DC mostly. I'd have gotten bored and given up long ago if not for a couple of online friends and Infernal Paragons, my unmatched brothers and sisters.
  • xenotorchxenotorch Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Valindra's attack!! The spotty lagfest that was a slideshow! CW's popped Singularities and Icy Terrain - the screen froze and melee characters leaped in hoping to hit something to qualify - usually ending up swinging at a wall as the earlier keypresses happened at once.

    I lucked out and got the Blue Sketetal Dog (still in a bag somewhere) and I still have 82 Valindra Bones in my currencies tab.

    Would kinda like to see that back again - PE was crowded and intense.

  • fathermolefathermole Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Been here the whole time...
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    4 years last week.

  • d3drkshadowd3drkshadow Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    been here off and on the whole time
  • hammerslam1hammerslam1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 20 Arc User

    I started at beta,but one week before Gauldgrym launch,I thought it would be cool to answer a survey and win some zen.Lost access to my real life hotmail account and in all these years never managed to get it back.And I swear I had an unbound loamweave enchant in my bank,I bought it in the AH :/

    Took a break and made a second account in 10 Oct 2013.Played with up and downs and breaks ,since then.

    Still here since 1st day of BETA as well. Still like the game but would to see AD's come back like the old days but i can understand with all the abusers.
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    Always suspected you had horns...just better hidden in real life...lol
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    i remember started in late jan 2013/early feb 2013 as my birthday gift from Cryptic to play in late beta stage as part of stress test, it was flawless when i tested.

    within few month as it launched, i played first 40-45 days and got "had enough" with seller spams flooding my chats and mailboxes, it forced me quit NWO, and missed "Cat day cloak" when i heard they fix anti-spam and that was when i got back in end of mod 2 and later joined a guild.
    even then, i just got came back last weekend recently with newer PC and my first ever built barebone.
  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User
    No idea how long. It was soon after they shuttered City of Heroes, though. Spent some time on Eve Online between, but it was too time consuming for my work schedule.
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  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    I wasn't around for long, as I joined on the eve of Mod 5! Before the disaster known as Mod 6!


    Wait a second, was I supposed to come in here and become all nostalgic?


    I guess I lack the experience and time played to snap on the nostalgia goggles.

  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User
    rjc9000 said:

    I guess I lack the experience and time played to snap on the nostalgia goggles.

    Wait for 2x experience. You'll catch up.

  • kgatorgkgatorg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    Not that old of an NWO player, middle aged player and old DnD player, started at the start of mod 6, so it is always funny to me when people talk about the mod 6 issues, I just thought that was the way the game worked, ie red caps were suppose to one shot me.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Wow. I feel like such a newbie. I started in January of '14. I still play my main (Thia Duskwalker), but 11 other alts now vie for my time :wink:

    Still, it's hard to believe it's been four years.

    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • dingoballzdingoballz Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    Started during beta got email invite .Played PWI but then. Loved the org game so much I bought the founders pack so wife could get in and play.
    "What is the sense of living the life you're given if all you ever do is stand in one place?" Lord Huron
  • waywardwizard#4349 waywardwizard Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    4 years ya, in which time the game has improved as much as it has degraded.
  • ninab22ninab22 Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    been here off and on the whole time

    The same, I played a little when i could while finishing school...took lots of long breaks
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    niadan said:


    Always suspected you had horns...just better hidden in real life...lol

    Illusion spells ;)
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    Funny thing is,
    I took a break from approx. dec 2015 to april 2016.
    When I returned I bought a month of VIP, and later I bought another 12 months.
    Now my VIP ran out, and I need a break.
    I'd like to keep playing "a bit", but the VIP reward being "wasted" for every day I don't log in actually keep me from buying VIP in the first place. As playing without VIP isn't an option I chose to not play and buy, rather than play a bit and buy a bit ;)
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
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