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A possible bug? With Guardian Fighter, Iron Vanguard paragon path. Pvp.

soultipsoultip Member Posts: 6 Arc User
edited February 2017 in PvP Discussion
Hey there,

I've come here to discuss a possible bug/interaction that i have noticed with the Guardian Fighter class. Because for some reason everyone i speak to in game about it either denies it or says that it is just procing to high and that it is not a bug?

I'm guessing you're wondering what this thing is. Well to be honest i'm not entirely sure but there is some form of bug/interaction with a Guardian Fighters combat challenge mark (tab) and the atwill threating rush, this is known as double marking. However this definitely needs looking at considering I have personally tested this many times and have seen the damage difference. Now i refuse to use it because in my opinion it is completely broken.

There's been rumors that the marks stacking causes the combat challenge tab to double it's effect, for example the lowered damage resistance lowered that is double is = to having 80% resistance ignored. Now when you have like 70% resistance ignored anyway from your armor pen stat it kind of does seem broken? Having 150% resistance ignored, that's basically the same as the best Gwf's have in pvp.

Another rumor is that the threat you build through your combat challenge is doubled also and this helps stack combat advantage against your target. Not sure if this one is true but if so then it will also increase damage considerably.

The main reason i am bringing this to your attention is to discover exactly what happens when a Iron Vanguard Guardian Fighter double marks, also to state the fact that this is the only viable build in pvp for GF right now. Every Guardian Fighter that is Iron Vanguard uses this double mark. I know you have made changes to other classes and made other build paths viable and more fun to play so i urge you to do the same with this class.

I have had many discussions/arguements about this topic, so if you are going to argue about this let me ask you one question. How can a tempory mark from an atwill increase the effect of a Guardian Fighters tab to the point their damage is nearly doubled? I could understand if the interaction was to apply the effect of it in an aoe effect to aid holding aggro of grouped up mobs in PVE, but this is not the case. Something is not right.

From personal experience playing the class i know for a fact using double mark takes less skill and the damage increase from using it is definitely noticeable. I hope someone from cryptic reads this and looks into it. This is making pvp for GF very one directional, either you go Iron Vanguard and use double mark and if you do not you are considered not viable because this is too broken.

Thanks for your time and reading.



  • deanoftwdeanoftw Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I agree with everything said in this post and I was one of the people who tested it with him, without double mark and with fire buff from wheel of elements Soultips GF got my GWF to around 25-30% hp. With the double mark in question he could kill me easily with out fire buff with the exact same set of skills, lets not forget fire buff adds 30% Fire damage.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    soultip said:

    Hey there,

    I've come here to discuss a possible bug/interaction that i have noticed with the Guardian Fighter class. Because for some reason everyone i speak to in game about it either denies it or says that it is just procing to high and that it is not a bug?

    I'm guessing you're wondering what this thing is. Well to be honest i'm not entirely sure but there is some form of bug/interaction with a Guardian Fighters combat challenge mark (tab) and the atwill threating rush, this is known as double marking. However this definitely needs looking at considering I have personally tested this many times and have seen the damage difference. Now i refuse to use it because in my opinion it is completely broken.

    There's been rumors that the marks stacking causes the combat challenge tab to double it's effect, for example the lowered damage resistance lowered that is double is = to having 80% resistance ignored. Now when you have like 70% resistance ignored anyway from your armor pen stat it kind of does seem broken? Having 150% resistance ignored, that's basically the same as the best Gwf's have in pvp.

    Another rumor is that the threat you build through your combat challenge is doubled also and this helps stack combat advantage against your target. Not sure if this one is true but if so then it will also increase damage considerably.

    The main reason i am bringing this to your attention is to discover exactly what happens when a Iron Vanguard Guardian Fighter double marks, also to state the fact that this is the only viable build in pvp for GF right now. Every Guardian Fighter that is Iron Vanguard uses this double mark. I know you have made changes to other classes and made other build paths viable and more fun to play so i urge you to do the same with this class.

    I have had many discussions/arguements about this topic, so if you are going to argue about this let me ask you one question. How can a tempory mark from an atwill increase the effect of a Guardian Fighters tab to the point their damage is nearly doubled? I could understand if the interaction was to apply the effect of it in an aoe effect to aid holding aggro of grouped up mobs in PVE, but this is not the case. Something is not right.

    From personal experience playing the class i know for a fact using double mark takes less skill and the damage increase from using it is definitely noticeable. I hope someone from cryptic reads this and looks into it. This is making pvp for GF very one directional, either you go Iron Vanguard and use double mark and if you do not you are considered not viable because this is too broken.

    Thanks for your time and reading.

    20% tab mark 12% threatening rush=32% effectiveness for the guardian.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • soultipsoultip Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I'm asking for someone from cryptic to look into this properly. Not for some old spreadsheet people have seen before.
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Double mark, or mark in general is also the reason PVP GWFs are IV instead of SM. Threatening rush and daring shout. The fix, to give more variety, would be to give SM a second ability to mark. Then you could choose your path according to play style. The biggest issue is double mark is best for PVP, while WMS is best for PVE. Single target vs. Multitarget debuff.

    If both paragon paths were offered similar abilities (I.e. Another mark for SM and an AOE debuff for IV) then people would choose more freely which style they prefer. They would be able to do well both in PVE and PVP without having to sacrifice.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    This is SUPER old man. Double mark has been a thing for a LONG time. Oh and last time I tested this (few modules back) Mark is NOT "resistance ignored" its a flat up damage buff. So its not calculated the same as "ARP" its more like "POWER" than ARP.

    We used to make a stink about this on the forums, DEVS said WAI (if I remember right).

    But yes, double mark is a MASSIVE damage bonus for the GWF and GF classes. The problem with flat out removing these though is it massively nerfs the class. Maybe it needs it, but just be prepared for 2 classes to potentially be HAMSTER if this happens.

    Frankly, my honest opinion about this... Its only a "problem" in PVP. You cant reliably double mark in PVE atleast you give up other things to do this considering daring shout has a CD and TR has charges. On GF, Tab has no CD but it has cast time and single target. TR also cast time. So it takes time.

    Now, since its really only a problem in PVP. What we are REALLY asking is "Please spend time, looking into an issue and then spend time fixing it".

    What I would RATHER have them do, is spend time fixing PVP - not just 2 classes.

    So I would be inclined to disagree with you here mate. I dont want them spending any DEV time on anything BUT fixing PVP.

    How? Multiple threads have discussed this. The two most recent and encompassing:

    1) http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228337/lesson-from-wow-what-neverwinter-could-learn-from-the-giant-in-pvp-item-standardization/p1


    If they spend any time on anything, this is one of the BEST things they could do for the state of this game.
  • kingdomcoming#9367 kingdomcoming Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I wonder when this will be patched
  • soultipsoultip Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    ayroux said:

    This is SUPER old man. Double mark has been a thing for a LONG time. Oh and last time I tested this (few modules back) Mark is NOT "resistance ignored" its a flat up damage buff. So its not calculated the same as "ARP" its more like "POWER" than ARP.

    We used to make a stink about this on the forums, DEVS said WAI (if I remember right).

    But yes, double mark is a MASSIVE damage bonus for the GWF and GF classes. The problem with flat out removing these though is it massively nerfs the class. Maybe it needs it, but just be prepared for 2 classes to potentially be HAMSTER if this happens.

    Frankly, my honest opinion about this... Its only a "problem" in PVP. You cant reliably double mark in PVE atleast you give up other things to do this considering daring shout has a CD and TR has charges. On GF, Tab has no CD but it has cast time and single target. TR also cast time. So it takes time.

    Now, since its really only a problem in PVP. What we are REALLY asking is "Please spend time, looking into an issue and then spend time fixing it".

    What I would RATHER have them do, is spend time fixing PVP - not just 2 classes.

    So I would be inclined to disagree with you here mate. I dont want them spending any DEV time on anything BUT fixing PVP.

    How? Multiple threads have discussed this. The two most recent and encompassing:

    1) http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228337/lesson-from-wow-what-neverwinter-could-learn-from-the-giant-in-pvp-item-standardization/p1


    If they spend any time on anything, this is one of the BEST things they could do for the state of this game.

    I have proven myself that Gf can be effective without using this bug, i have beaten many of the best in pvp. Including GF's that are using double mark.

    I only suggest this fix for class balance, yes it will nerf the classes. That means it will take more skill to play them.

    Cryptic are always going on about class balance and variety, so why not change this?
  • kingdomcoming#9367 kingdomcoming Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I applaud you for doing that
  • lifeofrisklifeofrisk Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    soultip said:

    There's been rumors that the marks stacking causes the combat challenge tab to double it's effect, for example the lowered damage resistance lowered that is double is = to having 80% resistance ignored.

    100% agree, i could not say it better. now all dps gf are iv and for reasons.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    GF IV uses double mark getting 20% +12,5% effectiveness by that, correct?
    Swordmaster using WMS, get´s a 30% debuff on the target, added to mark getting 50% + effectiveness by that.
    SM should beat IV in terms of debuff , or did I miss something? TR is a group-buff though, WMS isn´t.
    Any Mark gives you combat advantage, also no argument to favor TR, since mark works same.
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    "Swordmaster using WMS, get´s a 30% debuff on the target,"

    Only for att wills not encounters/dailies
  • forumnamesuxsforumnamesuxs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 490 Arc User
    Unless feated.
    Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!

  • soultipsoultip Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Here's another theory, there are too many people with too many different theories on this, can someone from cryptic do their job and look into this?
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    soultip said:


    Here's another theory, there are too many people with too many different theories on this, can someone from cryptic do their job and look into this?

    How about you actually test it properly, you know, fixed damage weapons exist on preview, it kind of takes 10 minutes to check it with 100% accuracy.

    You might find the results of testing it match the results of the spreadsheet that someone linked above, instead of your made up, imaginary results.
  • sh00termcl0vinsh00termcl0vin Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I think a bigger issue would be them figuring out why aura of courage will instantly kill a paladin when they are double marked by a GWF and GF. It pretty much eliminated any chance of a paladin doing damage in PvP if these two classes are present together.

    Mark in general in pvp is a glitchy mess and has been for a long time, but since it doesn't impact PvE the devs don't seem to mind.
    Post edited by sh00termcl0vin on
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    @schietindebux In PVP there are a few things that are most important. Gap closers and combat advantage are among the greatest of these. Trying to hit a CW 1v1 with WMS is like trying to grasp the wind. Also you must stop moving to cast which means you'll be repelled a million miles away and have to run back to your target. If you use sprint it's even worse because he'll always have repel up when you come back. Some debuffs are more practical.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    @sh00termcl0vin I just wrote my second bug report. On that exact issue. It's easily reproducible. No excuse.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • finalfantasyac7finalfantasyac7 Member Posts: 582 Arc User
    Its broken indeed. Vanguards should not be able to hit that hard in pvp. Lately i haven't seen 1 SM gwf or gf and im sure you know why lol.

    Warlock- Lv80. || Rogue - Lv80. || Wizard - Lv80. || Paladin - Lv80. || Cleric - Lv80. || Ranger - Lv70. || Barbarian - Lv70. || Fighter - Lv70.

    ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨

  • jaime4312#3760 jaime4312 Member Posts: 844 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    Its broken indeed. Vanguards should not be able to hit that hard in pvp. Lately i haven't seen 1 SM gwf or gf and im sure you know why lol.

    SM is better in pve due to clunky master strike's crazy good damage and cheap steel defense for tanking so IV should have higher single target burst damage for pvp otherwise why even bothering with it? I see what you mean though, if that bug is that powerful then it need fixing but then again this game is so broken, is not like all classes have powers/etc wai. Anyway, when addressing the bug they should also tweak other things so IV still is the way to go for pvp, SM has a much easier time on pve thanks to WMS and other powers such as steel defense (cheap immunity that needs to be taken out and replaced with something else) and steel crace (very high movement speed increase mostly, ideal to have better mobility). Actually you can argue that a SM GF with rank 4 steel grace on, 5 rank 12 darks, gladiator's guile and with 4k movement from strider mount bonus has so much mobility it may as well be even worse than an IV GF, good luck getting around his shield and/or running away from him while he snipes you with crescendo's 1 node range.
  • finalfantasyac7finalfantasyac7 Member Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Many things are broken in pvp such as double mark, pally reflect loop ( can return damage and lag the hell out of you until you die ) Tr's smoke bomb + first strike + dunk combo. First strike ignores smoke bomb which should have been fixed long time ago. Biggest issue of them all is piercing which should be removed from pvp or applied to tenacity.
    Warlock- Lv80. || Rogue - Lv80. || Wizard - Lv80. || Paladin - Lv80. || Cleric - Lv80. || Ranger - Lv70. || Barbarian - Lv70. || Fighter - Lv70.

    ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨

  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    Its broken indeed. Vanguards should not be able to hit that hard in pvp. Lately i haven't seen 1 SM gwf or gf and im sure you know why lol.

    There were never SM GWFs in PVP, IV with mark has ALWAYS been the meta. Daring shout + TR mark = decent damage. SM is too slow with no gap closer and marking with only Daring shout is unreliable (the mark can be dodged). Unlike GF who can do fairly decent base damage the GWF hits like a wet noodle without mark and Combat advantage bonus. At end game GWF is still lower on the list than most classes because despite being a very good 1v1 class, it is a terrible 2v1 class thus survivability to tank a node till reinforcement arrives becomes difficult with piercing damage. GWF remains the most affected class when it comes to piercing damage because it literally has no defense against it.

    CW, TR, DC, HR can dodge with immunity frames. GF can shield to make damage negligable, SW can immediately lifesteal the damage back with Warlocks bargain/Borrowed time/soulsparks, Pally has a daily with full life heal and depending on feat path can tank the damage or return it. GWF has to hope that he survives the initial piercing damage with enough health to either lifesteal it back (if he's lucky) or run to mid and get a heal/support.

    I will say this though, and double mark is included in this statement. At complete end game BIS all classes are decently balanced imho. Some can't kill others, some can kill only a few, some can only survive, but they all have their roles and are able to perform them effectively. The REAL problem is this is only when you are BIS with lion mount, gear, insignias, boon, HP chest piece, full artifacts, best build... etc.

    You should never have to aim for this to finally reach balance. This is the problem, you may be one shotting pugs with double mark but you'll not do it to a BIS player. You will likely both double mark each other and either skill it out or RNG it out depending on what procs when.

    All these class issues such as double mark, pally aura reflect, DC AA spam, etc. etc. etc. are irrelevant unless the big picture is going to be fixed. Nerf this and you've gotten rid of GFs ability to kill a GWF and GWF's ability to kill most anything. Nuances like this should be dealt with last. Class balance, and more importantly balancing players gear/IL are top priority imho. Everything else is like tearing a band aid off this class and applying it to that classes wound.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    if i can express my opinion, marks should have never been changed to grant combat advantage. That killed class roles.
    old good times where Trs were the means to gain it, followed soon after by party buff oriented hrs.
  • soultipsoultip Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Right now on PTR testing double mark, was curious if something changed because this topic raised up.

    Tide of Iron + Tab mark is still more effective than Threatening Rush + Tab mark.

    "I agree with everything said in this post and I was one of the people who tested it with him, without double mark and with fire buff from wheel of elements Soultips GF got my GWF to around 25-30% hp. With the double mark in question he could kill me easily with out fire buff with the exact same set of skills, lets not forget fire buff adds 30% Fire damage."

    - That's some accurate testing there :lol:

    Double Mark Bug

    A GF IV path has double marking mechanic which comes from his Tab + Threatening rush. Effectively giving them x1.8 - x2.0 damage. This allows them to hit with damage which is really hard to achieve purely based on stats. Since most GFs spec for double marking for the sole reason, tankiness can be achieved via their Shield.

    Double marking needs to be fixed. If it is a bug, it needs to be fixed guys. Too long have we all played with broken improper scaling making paths too OP. We need to stop this. Fixes are important to allow Skill to develop.
    Damage Parameters of GF are already good enough for them to be a threat in PvP. And with the above mentioned section of Damage Reduction, they have no issues fighting.

    Here is a typical rotation of a GF:
    Tab Mark >> Threatening Rush >> Wheel Fire Buff >> ITF (use with shield to cancel animation, gain immunity and 80% damage reduction) >> Bull Charge (use with shield to cancel animation, gain immunity and 80% damage reduction) >> Griffon's Wrath (here shield is not used as it bugs Griffon's Wrath to deal 0 damage) the stun itself procs crushing pin which makes their overall damage go up alot.

    Effectively the damage is approximately around: 20% ITF + 10% (assuming 20 Charisma) + 10% combat advantage stat bonus + 15% Temp HP Conqueror Feat + 10% Crushing Pin + 5% Combat Superiority = 30% Wheel Fire Buff = 100%. Now factor in x2 Marks = 200%+ (This is a rough estimate, I haven't factored in many other things). Add Debuffs on top of that. It really gets messed up after that. GWF marks make it worse. SM Paths add more stuff to this section.

    Here are a few suggestions:
    1. Reduce damage parameters, bring them inline with other DPS machines.
    2. Make them glass cannons. Fixing their Sheild Animation Cancellation bug and Damage Reduction, the overall damage output not being touched would make Playing a GF seem skillful and would allow them a Do or Die situation.

  • soultipsoultip Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Post edited by soultip on
  • vorici2vorici2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Dear soultip,
    It is hard to trust the accuracy of your tests when you don’t know which value is the final damage in the combat logs. As everyone who has ever tested anything certainly knows, the number in brackets represents the damage BEFORE marks and other debuffs are applied, not after. You are clearly not aware of this very basic (but also fundamental) piece of information, since you claim that your Bull Charge hit for 88k and 50k, while it instead hit for 45k and 31k.
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Damage multipliers are not bugs. They are just that, they do exactly what they state. GWF can double mark as well. If you think the damage buff is too much then make a post containing accurate information with fixed damage weapons and ask for it to be adjusted.

    This "bug" business is nonsense, the devs have already said that mark is WAI.

    The issue I continually see is that players often notice high damage, then assume whatever is causing it is a bug. They come to report it here, then experienced theory crafters and players give them useable information (I.e. Combat advantage is very strong as a damage buff in PVP so you can capitalize on the using double mark) and instead of listening and talking about it they refuse the info.

    Ryu, thefabricant, and others put in the time to understand these mechanisms by testing. It would behoove you to listen and learn instead of flame and miss out on good info.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • jaime4312#3760 jaime4312 Member Posts: 844 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    Were the mentioned tests done? I am curious about the results.

    You Haxoluted/Lil' Ryued him here on the forums xD
    I think now I understand better why you're one of the most powerful pvp GF/GWF out there B) Keep it up man!
  • waywardwizard#4349 waywardwizard Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    There is a real bug with double marking as mentioned once in this thread and its the bug which kills Paladins via a dmg loop. This has been present since forever and needs to be fixed.

    As for GFs. Are they doing too much dmg? When combined with their tankines, mobility and cc capability imo yes they are doing too much dmg especially when considering its a burst fired off from behind the safety of the shield.
  • waywardwizard#4349 waywardwizard Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    I got a toon of each class, my gf is quite poorly geared when compared to my main char. At the modest IL of 2600 (with dragon hoards which inflate item level), only rank 8s and a normal feytouched Ive hit over 100k griphon's crits in pve and pretty much killed toons with similar gear to mine in pvp via 1 bull followed by griphons. IMO a tanky class shouldn't have such burst. A GWF by comparison needs time to reach such levels of dmg and is squishier. A GF with proper feats pops marks, ITF and hes there.
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