Damage multipliers are not bugs. They are just that, they do exactly what they state. GWF can double mark as well. If you think the damage buff is too much then make a post containing accurate information with fixed damage weapons and ask for it to be adjusted.
This "bug" business is nonsense, the devs have already said that mark is WAI.
The issue I continually see is that players often notice high damage, then assume whatever is causing it is a bug. They come to report it here, then experienced theory crafters and players give them useable information (I.e. Combat advantage is very strong as a damage buff in PVP so you can capitalize on the using double mark) and instead of listening and talking about it they refuse the info.
Ryu, thefabricant, and others put in the time to understand these mechanisms by testing. It would behoove you to listen and learn instead of flame and miss out on good info.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
Were the mentioned tests done? I am curious about the results.
You Haxoluted/Lil' Ryued him here on the forums xD I think now I understand better why you're one of the most powerful pvp GF/GWF out there Keep it up man!
There is a real bug with double marking as mentioned once in this thread and its the bug which kills Paladins via a dmg loop. This has been present since forever and needs to be fixed.
As for GFs. Are they doing too much dmg? When combined with their tankines, mobility and cc capability imo yes they are doing too much dmg especially when considering its a burst fired off from behind the safety of the shield.
I got a toon of each class, my gf is quite poorly geared when compared to my main char. At the modest IL of 2600 (with dragon hoards which inflate item level), only rank 8s and a normal feytouched Ive hit over 100k griphon's crits in pve and pretty much killed toons with similar gear to mine in pvp via 1 bull followed by griphons. IMO a tanky class shouldn't have such burst. A GWF by comparison needs time to reach such levels of dmg and is squishier. A GF with proper feats pops marks, ITF and hes there.
This "bug" business is nonsense, the devs have already said that mark is WAI.
The issue I continually see is that players often notice high damage, then assume whatever is causing it is a bug. They come to report it here, then experienced theory crafters and players give them useable information (I.e. Combat advantage is very strong as a damage buff in PVP so you can capitalize on the using double mark) and instead of listening and talking about it they refuse the info.
Ryu, thefabricant, and others put in the time to understand these mechanisms by testing. It would behoove you to listen and learn instead of flame and miss out on good info.
I think now I understand better why you're one of the most powerful pvp GF/GWF out there
As for GFs. Are they doing too much dmg? When combined with their tankines, mobility and cc capability imo yes they are doing too much dmg especially when considering its a burst fired off from behind the safety of the shield.