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Making the game more alt-friendly.

adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
edited March 2017 in Player Feedback (PC)
I have a total of 16 characters. Half of them I leveled up just to the point where they have their 4 bags, and then I just use them for storage space. (When character slots were offered at an 80% discount, this was much cheaper than buying bank slots).

The other half (one of each class) I play - or at least I intended to. However, I find myself almost exclusively playing just my main - the other 7 are sitting there, ignored and lonely.

Now, when I don't play my alts, I don't have a strong motivation to gear them up - maybe not to the point where they match my 4.1K main, but at least get them to a respectable state, but the problem is that there are too many things in the game that are not alt-friendly.

By alt-friendly, I mean improving any aspects that would encourage people to play their alts more - which in turn would lead people to want to gear those alts up, which would quite probably eventually lead to more Zen sales....it just makes good business sense.

So, here are a few suggestions:

Replace all BtC random drops with BtA

This includes things like green insignia from profession nodes. They are just trash for me, but I could give them to my lower-level characters for them to get a mount bonus or two. This would also encourage me to spend Zen on getting more account-wide mounts - again, something that makes business sense.

Obviously this would include BtC enchants, runestones and refining stones- making them all BtA would be a popular move. Yes, in the short term it might reduce bag sales, but in the long term it should increase sales of just about everything.

As for BtC gear (armor, weapons and such), make it all BtA initially, and make it bind to character when equipped. Then sell a BtC->BtA token in the Zen store that I could use to unbind selected items I outgrow....some of my lower-level alts will be happy to get assorted "hand-me-down" items.

Relax or remove guild character limits

I am not suggesting changing the guild member size of 150 - what I am talking about is the guild character limit. I am in a great guild, but I have only three of my characters there. The rest do not get to enjoy the guild boons or the social interaction, which once again decreases my motivation to play them. If every guild member could bring all their alts into their guild. it would benefit the characters and hopefully the guild as well.

Allow more purchases of gear for other classes.

I really like how this is done in the Underdark and the Stronghold - I can play my main, and spend my in-game currencies on gear for my alts - be it Twisted weapons, Dragonflight Armor or Underdark pants/shirts.

But - this is not available everywhere - case in point, the River District weapon vendor. Why not allow it to sell the unrestored weapons for other classes?

Reduce the excessive grinding

People have only a limited amount of time for playing. If they need to spend all that time just to do the daily grind for their main character, they are not going to play their alts at all. It is as simple as that. less grinding means more time available to play the alts, which in turn would encourage me to gear them up more.
Hoping for improvements...


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    mistalowmistalow Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    You forget about gold cost - removing bondings, weapon/armor enchantments is very expensive.

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    adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    mistalow said:

    You forget about gold cost - removing bondings, weapon/armor enchantments is very expensive.

    Uhm...that's not really relevant to alt-friendliness as such, and besides, making something like 20 Gold per day is trivial (just vendor all green trash), and should cover the gold needs of most people
    Hoping for improvements...
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    mistalowmistalow Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Try switch rank 12 bondings and weapon encht 10-20x per day its not 20 gold.. And dont forget you need gold for making keys now..
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    khangaaxkhangaax Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    I'm totally agree with this post.

    I'm really tired to have completed all campaigns except storm king, river district and 2 last tyranny of dragons boons in 5 characters, so finally I'm not interested in more campaigns or weapons, I can't take care of those 5 mains as the game requires, campaigns, weapons...

    I remember when you went to old castle never and you got a weapon drop not bounded...maybe they removed that to avoid players to sell them in action house...why don't they do those weapons bound to account? why I can't get again last weapon in castle never? I can't join last dungeons because my item level doesn't allow me to do it and I don't have everfrost resistance and I'm not going to use epic items with caducity date.

    Some free respect characters
    Why? I was leveling a guardian figther and running campaigns as tactician that should be the same than protector, low dps, so I recommended another player to level as conqueror and then respect to protector or tactician. I guess this could happen with clerics, that's the reason it seems there are no many tanks or dc in game, you just have to look looking for group channel how often are asked gf/dc.

    "Free" shared bank slots: You will ask why I'm asking free..I already have 24 shared slots but I store things that other chars could use like dragon hoards, bount to account items like orcus helmet, marks for artifacts, marks of potency from blue to epic, wards for refining..maybe you will think that this won't benefit cryptic or players but:

    1.- Players that don't have shared bank slots will use email so giving free shared bank slots you will remove email work load
    If I store something another char is going to use, I don't want to keep it on email if shared bank is full to avoid accidental deletes so I can deposit in shared bank and I will take it later with other char instead of change character and get it from mail so I guess other players could do the same with companions or items bound to account..or they have shared bank account or they have to use mail to send another chars I guess.

    Item to unbound from char and bound to account: I'm not sure if a hacking could happen but I bound several companions in control wizard and great weapon fighter that should be great in my guardian fighter. I bounded them when I started to play this game and I had no idea. I can imagine other players could have the same issue.

    About vip benefits: I would like to be able to gather all character epic dungeon keys in one character, the one I'm playing, and also I think it should be great those keys could open more chests, not only the epic dungeon keys, why? I wouldn't have to gather campaigns resources in every char if I want to open the chest that is not epic...for instance, last 2 epic dungeons I went was castle never, I couldn't open the right chest because I didn't have other key but that character has like 150 epic dungeon keys and that ammount you should add 12 chars I have so I guess I will have like 800 keys that won't never be used as I can only play 5 mains and it's enough? I'm not complaining about vip I'm just saying I have epic dungeon keys I won't use for nothing. Can we found a utility? the day has 24 hours, I can assure you I can't play more hours and I still more time to manage 12 chars and resources.

    That's all the things I can remember at the moment, if I remember anything else I will update this post.


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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    Content unlocks and campaigns in general - Looooooong ago, I could heal, tank, or DPS any T2 run my guildies wanted to put together. In fact, any of our dedicated players could step into any role if called on.

    But when you gate content behind months of dailies, there isn't time to get through it on every character, particularly when running daily missions conflicts with trying to farm up whatever resource you've designed the latest upgrade item around. This is further exacerbated by weekly quests that for the most part contribute far less of key bottleneck resources than the daily, as there is no way to plan around making up time.

    Despite complaints from Sharandar's launch about how long it would take to finish, it was extremely alt-friendly, as if it took 2 months from starting to obtain all the Sparks needed when playing daily, if you allowed 3 months and often only did the weekly, you'd still reach that goal in time. You could progress even without working on it every day without a break.

    This is completely impossible with SKT/SoMI and now Cloaked Ascendancy. These really feel like if you don't let them consume all your gaming time, you might as well not even bother to start.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    IIRC MC and VT could be unlocked on the day after the mod dropped. It only took that long because of the 20 hr time to craft the key.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    IIRC MC and VT could be unlocked on the day after the mod dropped. It only took that long because of the 20 hr time to craft the key.

    Yes, you could open them as soon as you had the currency +1day. Getting through the campaigns was a mere matter of obtaining all the boons, as the dungeon unlocks could be done at any time. It was a total non-issue.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    khangaax said:

    "Free" shared bank slots: You will ask why I'm asking free..I already have 24 shared slots but I store things that other chars could use like dragon hoards, bount to account items like orcus helmet, marks for artifacts, marks of potency from blue to epic, wards for refining..maybe you will think that this won't benefit cryptic or players but:

    1.- Players that don't have shared bank slots will use email so giving free shared bank slots you will remove email work load
    If I store something another char is going to use, I don't want to keep it on email if shared bank is full to avoid accidental deletes so I can deposit in shared bank and I will take it later with other char instead of change character and get it from mail so I guess other players could do the same with companions or items bound to account..or they have shared bank account or they have to use mail to send another chars I guess.

    There is a different between requesting that the strain on alts be reduced and just asking for stuff to be given to you because you don't want to pay for it, no matter how you try to justify it as, "oh, but it would be good for Cryptic's server load".

    If you want more shared bank space, you have the exact same options to buy it as everyone else.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    khangaaxkhangaax Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    What about to cast a product in zen shop for all campaigns completion in all chars? I think many players would pay not for not enjoy new content but for avoiding hours to repeat same things.

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    erutluverutluv Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I completely agree, In fact I just wrote up a draft i would have posted later had I not seen this. It included most of these points because of the struggle I faced(especially the bind(character) to bind(account)). I levelled my TR to 70 and wanted to play a new alt as a TR isn't what I was expecting. I then realized that my companions, artifacts, and campaign progress was locked on one character and I have a lot more work ahead of me than I was hoping. I have to do elemental evil again :(

    The thing is people just assume that at face value, more alts=more profit. But people are simply discouraged and unwilling to make and support alts knowing how much money and time they have to invest in them to get them anywhere near their mains. This in fact is LOST revenue. Make change and make money!
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    khangaaxkhangaax Member Posts: 44 Arc User

    khangaax said:

    "Free" shared bank slots: You will ask why I'm asking free..I already have 24 shared slots but I store things that other chars could use like dragon hoards, bount to account items like orcus helmet, marks for artifacts, marks of potency from blue to epic, wards for refining..maybe you will think that this won't benefit cryptic or players but:

    1.- Players that don't have shared bank slots will use email so giving free shared bank slots you will remove email work load
    If I store something another char is going to use, I don't want to keep it on email if shared bank is full to avoid accidental deletes so I can deposit in shared bank and I will take it later with other char instead of change character and get it from mail so I guess other players could do the same with companions or items bound to account..or they have shared bank account or they have to use mail to send another chars I guess.

    There is a different between requesting that the strain on alts be reduced and just asking for stuff to be given to you because you don't want to pay for it, no matter how you try to justify it as, "oh, but it would be good for Cryptic's server load".

    If you want more shared bank space, you have the exact same options to buy it as everyone else.

    Well then they should have to improve a lot mail system, whatever you prefer.
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    khangaaxkhangaax Member Posts: 44 Arc User

    khangaax said:

    "Free" shared bank slots: You will ask why I'm asking free..I already have 24 shared slots but I store things that other chars could use like dragon hoards, bount to account items like orcus helmet, marks for artifacts, marks of potency from blue to epic, wards for refining..maybe you will think that this won't benefit cryptic or players but:

    1.- Players that don't have shared bank slots will use email so giving free shared bank slots you will remove email work load
    If I store something another char is going to use, I don't want to keep it on email if shared bank is full to avoid accidental deletes so I can deposit in shared bank and I will take it later with other char instead of change character and get it from mail so I guess other players could do the same with companions or items bound to account..or they have shared bank account or they have to use mail to send another chars I guess.

    There is a different between requesting that the strain on alts be reduced and just asking for stuff to be given to you because you don't want to pay for it, no matter how you try to justify it as, "oh, but it would be good for Cryptic's server load".

    If you want more shared bank space, you have the exact same options to buy it as everyone else.

    By the way I didn't know who named you lead developer or I didn't know cryptic was working for you so save your slaps for your avatar and instead of say something negative about a idea you just propose something or better just shut up.

    I have paid for shared bank slots, if you are able you can read it in the same replied post: "..I already have 24 shared slots but"..I don't have nothing against cryptic doing money or players having a easier life, you are against both what it seems, but I recommend you first read before reply, I never said I'm not wanting to pay but I was thinking in other players and makes them easier life when they have multiple chars but you can't reach to understand this, your only conclusion is free..well the fact is I have to use mail a lot between characters because all my shared slots are already used...if cryptics gives for free some bags of holding (3 if I'm not wrong), and also 24 bank slots per character, why they weren't going to give some bank shared slots and if needed get more paying?

    Anyway, I still wait for your awesome ideas, I think many players will be happy if you are able to propose something but I doubt it watching your reading capacity.

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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    There are ideas that are reasonable because they do not conflict with the game's monetization model or even create opportunities for monetization which players would find acceptable for the sake of convenience. Paying for more shared bank slots fits this model. Cryptic giving away more bank slots does not. They already give you a few for free (8? I forget, but it's not many), and will be glad to sell you more.

    Raising the cap on maximum shared bank slots is something that fits their business model though. And they've even done that once.

    Other suggestions in this thread are non-conflicting.

    Ed: You seem to have possibly forgotten that all accounts do have a very, very small shared bank for free. Basically just enough to get you hooked. It's effective.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

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    khangaaxkhangaax Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Then you should write a complain asking to remove your free holding bags, your free bank slots, of course you should pay for all of them but let other players enjoy the free ones...by the way, with new char you get 16 bank slots for free, you can check it on image https://ibb.co/bKZk0a
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    I don't even understand what point you think you're making.

    They give you 16 bank slots, and will gladly sell you more.

    They give you 8 (?) shared bank slots, and will gladly sell you more.

    They give you the default bag, and then quest bags with 18/12/12 slots, but they will gladly sell you more bags with as much as 36 slots apiece.

    I'm not saying that I think they should take away free inventory space, and I have no idea how you're somehow concluding that I am (strawman much?). I am saying that handing out more of it is in direct conflict with their cash shop model, and therefore an event that will happen infrequently if at all.

    When you're making your game wishlist, wish for things they might actually do.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    khangaaxkhangaax Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    What is the issue with giving 16 shared bank slots? I'm not saying that they should remove your free things but you say why are they giving something for free..it's not the first time, but this is another toppic, for me I don't want talk anymore about this.

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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    Content unlocks and campaigns in general - Looooooong ago, I could heal, tank, or DPS any T2 run my guildies wanted to put together. In fact, any of our dedicated players could step into any role if called on.

    But when you gate content behind months of dailies, there isn't time to get through it on every character, particularly when running daily missions conflicts with trying to farm up whatever resource you've designed the latest upgrade item around. This is further exacerbated by weekly quests that for the most part contribute far less of key bottleneck resources than the daily, as there is no way to plan around making up time.

    Despite complaints from Sharandar's launch about how long it would take to finish, it was extremely alt-friendly, as if it took 2 months from starting to obtain all the Sparks needed when playing daily, if you allowed 3 months and often only did the weekly, you'd still reach that goal in time. You could progress even without working on it every day without a break.

    This is completely impossible with SKT/SoMI and now Cloaked Ascendancy. These really feel like if you don't let them consume all your gaming time, you might as well not even bother to start.

    I've earned most 5th BOONS on the 3 character's I play most except Brynn & River and my TOONS are starting to work thru those area's now.


    The bigger question is WHY DO YOU HAVE 16. You said for Bank Space, others use for REFINEMENT, Sure I get the side benefit's... But I don't think you can ask for BIG CAKE and EAT ALL OF IT.

    REMEMBER: Demon's came to IWD, Dread, & Well's so 3 HE's doubles the completion speed in many of those campaigns. Not to mention getting your Faerzress at the same time to advance Underdark.

    With Elemental Evil starting at 60 you earn those BOONS doing content you would have done otherwise. You also now start progressing thru Sharandar at 64 to help, and Maze Engine you can also start at 60 and takes 10-15 minutes a day. 70 used to be the new requirement when the level cap was increased for most campaign area's. They've made it easier to ADVANCE more toons thru faster, sure their are more campaign's now, but their mostly tiered... Dragon you can start much earlier before much later advancing to Wells. Elemental Evil and Sharandar you FOCUS on while advancing to 70, and you can also start on Maze Engine as well. Ice Wind Dale, Dread, Underdark you progress as you go beyond 1750+, and in time as you get closer to 2500+ you eventually can start into Brynn, Sea of Moving Ice (Same Campaign) and then River. Some limited SOMI content will require 2800/3100-3200 Gear Score but you can still earn boons prior to that.

    Perhaps you disagree but I think the current BALANCE is just fine. I also THINK the fact they even gave Shared Bank slots was NICE. If you seek more there available to be purchased.

    However the ONE POINT you did hit upon that I think frustrates you and many others the most is that it would be nice if more refining stones were account bound rather than character from invoking or other activities. As I keep many different stones in inventory that are unbound and some nicer stones I'll keep but only if account bound to use them during refinement weekends. I can't be bothered to hold on to triplicate's of each stone simply because three different bindings. :(
    Post edited by strathkin on
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Sadly however Character Bound stuff is as much as I hate to admit it likely there to prevent excess caused from those who have a lot of character's used primarily for invoking, banking, or easy refinement in basic dungeons and then to mail or send salvage to their other characters. Personally I get why they do it... It's just not something I'd do buying a character UNLESS I was actually serious about making the effort to create and grow a new TOON because yes it does and should take some effort.

    I also respect those who regularly play the character's they've created and do make reasonable attempts to grow them. It's also IMPORTANT to note that you as the author of this thread asked for some BtA gear.
    • 130 Alliance Gear is Bound to Account with Element Seals -Check Seal Vendor Third Tab.
    • 135 Drow Gear is Bound to Account with Ichor.
    • 150 Lifesilk, Zulkir's, Dragon Loyalist Visage, etc... all BtA
    So today Alliance & Drow gear are both Bind to Account which should satisfy original request.

    Elven does not as it requires Protector's seals with a minimal of 2000 GS to even enter the Dungeon, yet the two above you can start earning once your character hit's 70.

    The FACT you admit to using TOONS as cheap bank space confuses me because bank slots aren't that expensive, and with a little bit of saving AD can also purchase a few more bank or inventory bags. Not to mention the fact they gave everyone an extra bag with the new Third Eye Campaign for 12 extra storage. A year earlier I posted they should expand the adventurers satchel by at least 6 as I try to see both sides. It was more than fair when Cryptic added the extra bag given the state of game and the future, and now we even have USEFUL ITEMS TAB to hold Keys among other items.

    On one other comment to remove guild character limits. Today they are 150 accounts, with 500 characters giving most 3 to add to a guild. Now depending upon your RANK in the guild or support you provide growing the guild officers or leadership may allow you more depending upon the available character slots remaining. If you have other character's you play other options exist for seeking membership in a friendly alliance guild. :)

    Sometimes you just need to efficiently organize or prioritize what needs to be in your bank or perhaps what uncommon, rare, or epic stones different characters keep in their inventory. I've often wondered about people who have tried starting Guild's just to extend their bank. Honestly I wish more would be FLAGGED and even disbanded unless membership was maintained with at least 5-10 active accounts.

    I also saw a comment about a suggestion it be NICE to have a option to purchase campaign completion on all character's. Remember it cost 50.00 if you want to purchase one for a campaign because people have investigated a lot of time to earning their boons. If you could easily unlock ALL of them across 5, 10, 15 or more character's where would be the challenge in advancing a character or the game play to do so?

    So perhaps I don't understand those who just want a shortcut right to the END. Now I'm not responding in this POST to any one particular individual but a variety of THEMES spoken about in the THREAD identified by VARIOUS people.
    Post edited by strathkin on
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    I don't know now why I am getting yelled at about having 16 characters, which is inaccurate anyway.

    The number 16 came into this thread because that's how many personal (not shared) bank spaces a character has if you never buy any more.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    strathkin said:


    The bigger question is WHY DO YOU HAVE 16. You said for Bank Space, others use for REFINEMENT, Sure I get the side benefit's... But I don't think you can ask for BIG CAKE and EAT ALL OF IT.(

    I think you really didn't read my post. This has nothing to do with "ease" of advancement, but rather with the motivation to want to play the alts.

    Yes, I have 16 characters, 8 of which are used solely for bank space, as it was simply by far the cheapest option to get extra inventory space. (bought when character slots were 80% off, and just level them up to the point where they have their 4 bags). Now they just stand next to the bank, and grab stuff I put into the shared bank - one holds insignia, another holds r5/r6 stacks, the third hold dyes, fourth holds assorted refinement items, fifth holds shards and so on.

    However, those mule characters have nothing to do with the subject of this thread which is about alt-friendliness - or the lack of it.

    My whole point is that I have 8 other characters I actually want to play, but the game is discouraging me from doing so. If I don't play my secondary characters, I am under little pressure to gear them up, and that means I do not spend much on them.

    As an example, making the random drop green insignia BtA instead of BtC would encourage me to give them to my alts - but they need mounts to make use of the insignia bonuses, so I would be tempted to buy a couple more account-wide mounts in the Zen store.

    I included a few specific suggestions in the initial post in this thread - all of which I think are reasonable - they would encourage people to play their alts more, and in the long term that would just mean extra revenue.

    Cryptic, do you want my money or not?
    Hoping for improvements...
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    mdimarziomdimarzio Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    strathkin said:

    The bigger question is WHY DO YOU HAVE 16. You said for Bank Space, others use for REFINEMENT, Sure I get the side benefit's... But I don't think you can ask for BIG CAKE and EAT ALL OF IT.

    There are other reasons besides bank space, that people make alts

    2.Want to try different races
    3.Want particular bonuses on different classes
    4.All of the above

    OP isn't asking for free items, he/she is asking for less BtC and more BtA, so you can share items to progress those alts.
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    minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    I have 15 characters, some for leadership, my aim is to have a 3K+ of each class to play. Why ? because they keep nerfing characters so I don't want to play them so I want somewhere else to go when they do that.

    To be alt friendly - when you release a mod with a ludicrous grind in it, make the shop unlocks account wide. For SKT this would remove some of the need for grinding ridiculous amounts of vonins, for RD it would make the 3rd and 4th upgrades on the bottom track worth buying if you have several characters.
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    I don't know now why I am getting yelled at about having 16 characters, which is inaccurate anyway.

    The number 16 came into this thread because that's how many personal (not shared) bank spaces a character has if you never buy any more.

    No one is yelling at you. I certainly don't hear anyone doing that? CAPS is for EMPHASIS not yelling (don't perceive emotions where there is none) it's used in many TITLES, PARAGRAPH or SECTION FORMATS if you use WORD to denote the following section header.

    I'm also NOT being critical of anyone who chooses to have 8 or 16 character's either. I said, I get it. I just stated it's not something I would choose to do unless I was actually playing and advancing a new character.
    adinosii said:

    strathkin said:


    The bigger question is WHY DO YOU HAVE 16. You said for Bank Space, others use for REFINEMENT, Sure I get the side benefit's... But I don't think you can ask for BIG CAKE and EAT ALL OF IT.(

    I think you really didn't read my post. This has nothing to do with "ease" of advancement, but rather with the motivation to want to play the alts.

    Yes, I have 16 characters, 8 of which are used solely for bank space, as it was simply by far the cheapest option to get extra inventory space. (bought when character slots were 80% off, and just level them up to the point where they have their 4 bags). Now they just stand next to the bank, and grab stuff I put into the shared bank - one holds insignia, another holds r5/r6 stacks, the third hold dyes, fourth holds assorted refinement items, fifth holds shards and so on.

    However, those mule characters have nothing to do with the subject of this thread which is about alt-friendliness - or the lack of it.

    My whole point is that I have 8 other characters I actually want to play, but the game is discouraging me from doing so...

    Cryptic, do you want my money or not?
    I don't have a problem with some of your suggests and unlike many people in forum's actually do read things very well. My post above which your referencing is not my response to your original message but to one someone else posted. I think some of your asks are very reasonable.

    Replace all BtC random drops with BtA

    I'd also like to see more drops BtA than BtC. However BtC mostly exists because of people who have excess character's they use mostly for Invoking, Banking, or Refinement but little else. While I don't like BtC I certainly understand why it does exist for some items that drop. I have no issue with some items becoming BtC if they were originally BtA like some armor or gear or companions etc...

    I often disband or sell many refining stones that are BtC unless I can make use of them in the short to near term. I have enough that I've purchased that are unbound, and when I add those to the ones that are account bound, I have little to no interest in maintaining 3 separate stacks of items. For gear those items are often account bound, then bind to character upon equipping the item.

    Relax or remove guild character limits
    I don't suspect this would be a roadblock for too many as today were allowed 150 unique user accounts and 500 characters which on average allows gives many the option to have 3-5 in the same guild possibly more... Of course that depends upon your guild and the number of accounts and characters within it along with your contributions and your rank in the guild.

    One option to consider for your ALTS, join a GUILD in your alliance!

    Allow more purchases of gear for other classes.

    Professions allow you to CRAFT 122 Gemmed Gear with Platesmith, Mailsmith, Tailor, or Leatherworker that is unbound. With Jewelcrafting you can even craft 135 EPIC Neck, Ring, and Belt's that will give them a good start at 70. Also realize that your main who does EPIC dungeons if they are given a 150 Lifesilk, Zulkir's or Psion Shroud Armor those are bound to account as are HEAD, ARM pieces as well. Alliance gear purchased with Element Seal's is BtA and can be purchased from the Seal Vendor on the Third Tab but PROTECTOR seals is BtC as it requires 2000 GS to earn. Still you may earn ICHOR and purchase Drow gear that is BtA as well.

    Reduce the excessive grinding

    For BOONS they added Elemental Evil which many older characters was like 4 FREE BOONS provided they completed the content. It's mostly normal content you do on the way from 60-70. They've also almost doubled the pace at which IWD, Dread, and Well of Dragon's progresses and your able to Advance and Complete Underdark at the same time. Maze Engine is a campaign you can also start at 60 like Elemental Evil and takes less than 15 minutes to complete with the exception of the Chapters which you only at the start but for some good rewards.

    The one thing I'd like to see is improve the chances of a successful upgrade by 33% which is not as much as it sounds at first but would help improve gearing up. A legendary Artifact for example at a 10% change of success 10% x 1.33 = 13.3% revised chance so this would help more for EPIC Artifact's or Lower Enchantments but it would be helpful on all items and save a few preservation or coal wards in the process.

    A while back I even suggested they increase or ADD a bag as the requirements in the game have grown for items and they did also extend that benefit via the Third Eye campaign. I know beckylunatic suggested above, "There is a different between requesting that the strain on alts be reduced and just asking for stuff to be given to you because you don't want to pay for it"... ...but then goes on to say most campaign area's are reasonable but the new Bryn / SoMI & River are not. So to that I'd simply say if your trying to advance all boons at once it's going to be hard for anyone, as they provide a model when and how each should be progressed as you advance in levels.

    Start with Dragon early on as well as Third Eye, then Elemental Evil, Maze Engine and Sharandar, before then working into Underdark, IWD, Dread and Well of Dragons... finally into Bryn / SoMI and then River. There just not meant to be done all at the same time on the different characters... Advance things in management area's based on where your character is at.

    Also they do listen to reasonable requests and read FORUMS even if they don't always RESPOND. It's often difficult for many who use the FORUM to overlook something, misunderstand, or not clarify something correctly that results in either party being easily misunderstood more often than not.

    CRYPTIC is often very good even responding to unfavorable feedback, and when they see a pattern or a suggestion seems reasonable given the environment they do LISTEN & FAIRLY treat everybody. <3
    Post edited by strathkin on
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    greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,115 Arc User
    mistalow said:

    Try switch rank 12 bondings and weapon encht 10-20x per day its not 20 gold.. And dont forget you need gold for making keys now..

    Comes a point in time when getting extras for the alts is cheaper.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    mdimarzio said:

    strathkin said:

    The bigger question is WHY DO YOU HAVE 16. You said for Bank Space, others use for REFINEMENT, Sure I get the side benefit's... But I don't think you can ask for BIG CAKE and EAT ALL OF IT.

    There are other reasons besides bank space, that people make alts

    2.Want to try different races
    3.Want particular bonuses on different classes
    4.All of the above

    OP isn't asking for free items, he/she is asking for less BtC and more BtA, so you can share items to progress those alts.
    Once again people are failing to READ the comment in context to the message I'm responding to and often I respond to a THEME in the FORUM not an individual directly. I know some who do RP in the games Neverwinter & Startrek and have no issues with those that choose to explore a side avenue to their character's and don't want to discourage those from doing so. Still Roleplay make sense on characters your actually growing and developing just as the story grows and develops in Roleplay with your Guild or Friends.

    However creating 10-20 character's just for Roleplay using any sound argument seems to fall apart... I admit I've tried GWF, Cleric, and a few others in the Dragon Environment but you only require one extra character slot to TRY a new Class and see IF you like it and want to stay with it or remove and try something better suited to what you enjoy.

    There is certainly nothing wrong with wanting different bonuses on different classes, but there is also different races but at some point you have to choose what appeals most and FOCUS there. You bake too BIG of a cake you can't then complain to GOD if you can't eat it all or if you do you gained weight. :)

    Game designings made it not cost prohibitive to create characters for those who want a different one to PLAY; not simply expand bank slots, extend refinement, or earn more Celestial Chests.

    I also THINK the amount of bank and or inventory is manageable provided you manage your inventory properly and sell excess items either for AD (which allows you to buy items of similar value) or you sell for GOLD. Sure it is NICE to have extra bank or inventory and can come in useful. I just don't THINK most people should abuse Character slots by using it as a cheap cheap way to saving a little AD/ZEN to buy a 20 slot bag or bank slots--some can even be purchased on Auction. Both costs reasonable and allow Neverwinter to grow and expand the game we all love.
    greywynd said:

    mistalow said:

    Try switch rank 12 bondings and weapon encht 10-20x per day its not 20 gold.. And dont forget you need gold for making keys now..

    Comes a point in time when getting extras for the alts is cheaper.
    Yes I absolutely agree with your analysis here. It may not be something you do every day but NOR should it be or people would only get their enchantments to BiS on one character and no more. There's also different classes are going to want to FOCUS on different buff's or obtain BUFFS depending on their Paragon, FEAT PATH, and skills utilized. I have no issue with more BtA but while I admit I dislike BtC, it's clearly being show why it exists based upon some arguments presented.

    I think people need to first be thankful they have a F2P market as it gives us more people to adventure with or interact with. I also think Cryptic treat's both communities very fairly.
    Post edited by strathkin on
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    mdimarziomdimarzio Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    strathkin said:

    mdimarzio said:

    strathkin said:

    The bigger question is WHY DO YOU HAVE 16. You said for Bank Space, others use for REFINEMENT, Sure I get the side benefit's... But I don't think you can ask for BIG CAKE and EAT ALL OF IT.

    There are other reasons besides bank space, that people make alts

    2.Want to try different races
    3.Want particular bonuses on different classes
    4.All of the above

    OP isn't asking for free items, he/she is asking for less BtC and more BtA, so you can share items to progress those alts.
    Once again people are failing to READ the comment in context to the message I'm responding to not the original POST in all cases as I explained above. While I know some who do some RP in the games Neverwinter & Startrek and have no issues with those that choose to explore a side avenue to their character's and don't want to discourage those from doing so. Roleplaying with your 3-5 more main characters seems like more FUN from developing their BIO, learning of their history how they got to be a great adventurer... However creating 20 character's just for Roleplay using any sound argument seems to fall apart... I admit I've tried GWF, Cleric, and a few others in the Dragon Environment but you only require one extra character slot to TRY a new Class and see IF you like it and stay with it until you either think it's RIGHT for you or perhaps worth instead exploring another class.

    There is certainly nothing wrong with wanting different bonuses on different classes but there is also different races but at some point you have to choose the ones that most appeal to you and FOCUS there. You bake too BIG of a cake you can't then complain to GOD if you gain weight or can't eat it all saying he should make your metabolize food better. That's all I'm saying... Still I think game designings made it slightly cheaper to create characters for those who wanted to PLAY not simply expand bank slots for their main's.

    I also THINK the amount of bank and or inventory is manageable provided you manage your inventory properly and sell excess items either for AD (which allows you to buy items you require of similar value) or you sell for GOLD. Sure it is NICE to have extra bank or inventory and can come in useful. I just don't THINK most look favorably on those who admit it as a cheaper way than either saving a little AD to buy a 20 slot bag on Auction that others with ZEN post for sale or purchasing the ZEN or selling your AD to either expand your bank or inventory slots. Both costs I'd argue are very reasonable and allow Neverwinter to continue growing the game we all love.
    Guess I should have commented as well, than just liking your post prior to this one :) Like you said "It's often difficult for many who use the FORUM to overlook something, misunderstand, or not clarify something correctly that results in either party being easily misunderstood more often than not. " so I do apologize for that, I enjoy reading your posts and your insightful comments.
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Well I TRY to be fair to all points of view... or look at things from all sides...

    Still there are some that will disagree with you no matter what, even if you're TRYING TO HELP them solve an issue. Yet did they try all of them at once or read the comment saying if those didn't work then you may also require 'x'... Instead of disliking or discount things a little too fast. :( I only wish more people tried to clarify their understanding with others more often, sometimes a few of the posts in the forum's are difficult to understand for various reasons, could be they'd been playing for a few hours or just a little tired... I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another. :)

    I generally just try to FOCUS more on the good by marking AGREE, LIKE, or LOL if I found something funny... too often not enough people have a sense of humor on the FORUM/CHAT and there's been times where were all upset by a troll / bitter person... I just wished more relaxed a bit and even showed a little sense of humor at time. Some rare people don't even appreciate that. :'(

    Still I try my best to maintain a fair or balanced perspective.

    Since 135 Drow Gear is not as easily to figure out how to purchase for other classes... if you visit the vendor in Mantol Derth they only show you Rings & Belts except gear used by your class. If you instead open the campaign menu for Underdark, then find campaign store, you'll easily find options for other classes. I already explained with Element seals selecting the third tab will also allow you to purchase 130 rare alliance gear for other classes as well.
    Post edited by strathkin on
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