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Dungeon Key Changes



  • gripnir78gripnir78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 374 Arc User
    OK - now I am cartain. We are not playing a game. We are a part of social experiment.
    Its goal is to gather a data how much humiliation men can stand before he breaks.

    Atm devs seems to HAMSTER on our heads. And to make it worse - they want us to belive its raining.

  • madlemauditmadlemaudit Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Well well well. I'm done : as soon as this "bug" (HAHAHAHA) is "fixed" (re-HAHAHAHA) I hamstering QUIT. And I won't quit for another Cryptic hamstery game, FOR HAMSTERING SURE.

    From now, until this deadline, I'm doing the " Zen-Strike". No more buyings, no more ZAX transactions ( Too dumb, I was thinking about take the VIP for this month ) as long as they keep this position !

    I encourage everybody to do the same thing. ZEN-STRIKE ! Strikes are efficient when they impact MONEY, and I know what I'm talking about, I'M FRENCH you hamsters !

  • elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I agree and understand this decision, because I always thought it was a little strange. However, how dare you call this an bug? and there should definitely be something done about the Underdark rings drop rates and the horribly bugged PoM to counter this loss.

    The cancel button was definitely implemented with the intend to "cancel", what else would it be for... Someone had to design it and put it there, if all it is poor choice or bad communication if in the end it was not meant to happen the way it has done for all these years.

    Imo, NW is probably not selling enough keys because people horde and stack them. Perhaps you should ask yourself why people do this? Which is probably the horrible drop rate and bugs in certain dungeons and raids. I certainly hope that NW will increase these drops rates and fix PoM to name one. Last time I checked PoM was still horribly bugged, the first phase skips if you get an gold reward etc, but I'm sure the bug report section has at least 20 posts on this from over the last year.

    I think what we can learn from this is that NW rather removes a feature to make more money instead of addressing the real issues players cope with. I learned this a long time ago, they're a business. Welcome to the new comers, get used to it.

  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    I still wonder to this day why lm set was needed but bonding is way worse and wai...
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    You guys think they'll put the new weapons in a lockbox behind double or triple RNG?
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • ivandaleivandale Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    There is probably nothing I can say that has not already been said many times over, but I will give it a go even if it achieves nothing more the to increase the thread and get it off my chest.

    This is yet another case of let’s take the fun out of the game and punishing the majority of their customers for the sake of a few who they perceive as exploiting the game.

    If you spend hours grinding for the materials to make a key then 20hrs to forge the key you should have the option to choose not to use it when presented with dross! This is of course much worse if you actually put cash into the game and buy the keys.

    Accept or Decline = Bug? do us a favour! in that case the game is riddled with them :-)

    The number of dungeon runs I make is tied to how many key I have produced, forcing the key to be consumed first time will mean I will make a maximum one run only per day play assuming I can still be bothered to grind for the materials in the first place for a +1 +2 ring I can sell but nobody wants.

    The whole point of the game and why people play is to have fun! and get rewarded for the for the not fun part of the game (hours of tedious grinding). Unfortunately the management seem to think that everybody who plays their! game is a botter and is trying to rip them off, or that’s the way we are treated.

    I know this is radical but they should take it as a compliment that people feel the game is worth trying to exploit because the day they they don't it is DEAD!!! I do not condone botting or out of game purchases in any way, but the fact that it exists is the sign of a healthy want to play game, accepting they are a fact of life and managing botters is the way forward because eliminating them by definition will make the game not worth playing!

    We all understand that the game creators requires a constant cash flow to keep it running but making it harder and harder for the loyal players to have fun and get rewarded for the time and effort will eventually kill the game.

    They need to start thinking outside the box rather than coming to the same conclusion :- Bad botters nerf, nerf ,nerf.

    Long Grinds + No Fun + No Reward = No Players!

    Neverwinter NERF RIP!

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Dirty move. Most items that come from lockboxes aren't worth the key.

    There will be absolutely no motivation to run dungeons and as such, absolutely no motive to play the game.

    The 'decision makers' responsible for this are utter morons.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    They will look back on 'coalgate' like it was Happy Times.

    Edit: Now we know why Andy went on vacation lol!
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    They will look back on 'coalgate' like it was Happy Times.

    Edit: Now we know why Andy went on vacation lol!

    Well, no not really as he will have booked this a long time ago. However, it does explain why he said he would be avoiding contact with the internet while he's away >:)

  • critshot1234#3954 critshot1234 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    "Whiles this may not be a popular change for the community we have decided it is just that we re-address the loot boxes and how keys work. Currently you can "peek" inside and not use your key till you think its something worth taking.

    Going forward we'll be taking away this option and lowering the zen cost for 5 keys to compensate and I've also discussed with the other developers and agreed that each time you open a chest and receive a low tier reward your next chest will have an increased chance of getting a higher tier reward this will help combat the long strings of bad loot drops for the players who work hard to open these chests and will hopefully make the chests meaningful to the players since even if you don't get something you desired the first, second or third time you know if you keep trying you'll eventually be guaranteed the drop you wanted"

    Mr Doofa [PS4]
    4,300 Tankadin
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    Okay Cryptic I am going to try and help you out here as you seem to be completely lacking in first principles of modern marketing.

    Its clear to everyone you are wanting to push revenue, well here is an idea (I sy this as someone who runs his own business).
    Put something the players want in the zen store, Legendary mounts or better a legendary upgrade token for the mounts (gives you all aspects of the legendary mount including attack).

    Increase Fashion choices and armour transmute options, reduce the RNG odds to something achievable, if there was a better chance of pulling a decent reward from lock boxes people would be more likely to spend more on enchanted keys.

    Return to unbound items from Dungeon chests and Increase the reward level with improved chances of decent rewards which can be traded (as it used to be), then very few will care about paying for a key.
    Overhaul VIP bring the rewards into the current reality of mod 10.

    Give us new packs to buy, let people buy Weapon packs directly in the store if they want. Not everyone has the time for the massive grinds built into the game, if f2p community want or are able to spend the time then fine, but your whales and paying players may not have that time available to them and will purchase what they need to make up the shortfall.
    It is lets be frank the basis of the business model you chose to begin with and on console to keep the game there, you have no choice as MS and Sony expect their cut otherwise you have to sell the game and do DLC's for them to be remunerated.

    In other words create value for your customers and step back from inflicting constant pain, If I don't provide value for my clients guess what, they don't give me their cash.
    Its not rocket science its business economics 101.

    Let me give you a personal example, I am a big Star-trek Fan, you just released the game on Xbox, I have been on this since the earliest release on Xbox, I should have piled straight into the new console release, guess what?
    I didn't even download it, why? because of the shabby treatment we have seen in here.
    Your brand is increasingly trash on consoles so what will happen next for any more games you port to console?

    They will fail.

    Wake up and smell the coffee guys we have hung on due to the fact we love the game, but its getting like having a constantly cheating spouse who says sorry every time they are caught out, until the penny drops and you file for divorce!

  • midpoint#3070 midpoint Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    /\ This.

    I stayed away from Star Trek too for the very same reasons. This company is trash. I've invested way too much $ in NW, regretting that I did with such a poor QoL due to RNG. At the very least being able to keep hitting up the chests there was that maybe next time, just got a keep trying but with this keys change the hope is gone....no light at the end of the tunnel. Zero chances of getting reward without more spending. F That.
  • voidgiftvoidgift Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 286 Arc User
    The lack of tradable gear is directly damaging to the economy. If nothing goes into ah, there is no ad filter, and ad keeps clogging up. The only way to get rid of it is by tyrning into ZEN, but why? Investing in keys is a guaranteed loss. Why buy additional mounts after 5 other legendarys. Why buy cosmetics when soulforged?

    We are greedy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as well. Our toons wants to accumulate wealth. Be rich and famous. The way you are rewarding our work, the way you are limiting our wealth, enforcing taxes, no wealth stays with our toons. You take everything. Why should we bother?
    With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man.

    Rise to POWER with <House of Power>.

    The Exterminator - (NW-DLNXF3BGG)
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    This is a paradox. I like the game - I hate the studio management. Hell, if this was a simple sub with 15 bucks/month Id pay a year's worth of time without even blinking (Id also pay a lot more for cash shop QoL stuff and transmutes ).

    But there's nothing simple here, its quite elaborate actually, the ways to milk players they have devised and keep devising. The only thing I can come up with as explanation is that they are actually making quite a bit of money this way. More money than a sub would make and so they continue forward.

    Perhaps Im a bit of a m/a/s/o/c/h/i/s/t for I keep getting back to Neverwinter. That or Im a bloody fool.

    Ps: why is the M word censored?
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • voidgiftvoidgift Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 286 Arc User
    It is funny how heroes that have done all kinds of crazy things, killing dragons, traveled dimentions, turned back time and whatever, gets stuck trying to open a chest. xD
    With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man.

    Rise to POWER with <House of Power>.

    The Exterminator - (NW-DLNXF3BGG)
  • ddem0n888ddem0n888 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    No interaction from a Dev, CM, Team Leader etc on this yet?! I fear the more silence the more people will join the exodus.
    Guild - Excalibur
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User

    are the rewards given by the chest at edemo, ndemo, pom, todg and CN, gonna get better drop at the same time these key changes go live?
  • shazza53shazza53 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    Is The Mimic King on vacation, too? It is amazing we've seen no official response to this issue. So sad to see many people leaving, including some who have made great contributions to the game.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    shazza53 said:

    Is The Mimic King on vacation, too? It is amazing we've seen no official response to this issue. So sad to see many people leaving, including some who have made great contributions to the game.

    His honeymoon is well and truly over lol

    He came back with much fanfare sold us on his intention to make qol changes and by god do we have a Qol change coming at us.

    Feel free to go back to what you were doing before if this is what you meant!
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    burn a key for that +1 ring!..

    I am now nearing 15k runs of cn/ edemo/nemo/tod and pom, still not +5 ring I want.. its ridiculous. Of course my other option is .. riding around in circles getting lanolin and relics.. because somehow that garbage made it into the game. (5 toons in twisted set, 8 toons getting through underdark in nemo.. countless CN runs and pom ones to boot) plenty of the +4's, RNG is harsh in this area.)

    Neither option is great.. however , I might as well keep going after the rings, as I can save the salvage for the event later and its doesnt decrease my brain matter quite as fast.. (IE its less boring)

    Thew new mods dont even matter to me, neither does this key change that much, considering the new RNG/gate/grind level is stupid as well.

    Your tipping yourself way past where we can stand to be, its not just the keys, this has boiling over for weeks, this is why you are seeing such vehemence in your game.

    Refusal to adjust lanolin /vblood levels.
    Removal of Gateway and its servecies.
    Gating more Zen purchases to finish regular content.

    ITs all too much and you really havent giving any sort of review and update on QOL of issues since sometime like 6 months ago or more and clearly without Gateway it has to be done.

    MY SUGGESTION 1-2 free legendary keys on a new VIP rank 13 .. daily . (as the suggestion of others before me)

    This would give some value back to a ever decreasing return on VIP.

  • swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User

    They are providing a QoL change however...youll be less inclined to farm dungeons for hours now....

    The perverse logic of Cryptic
  • beadinbeadin Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    We had to wait five days for an official response after Gateway unexpectedly came down. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a response on this issue.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    beadin said:

    We had to wait five days for an official response after Gateway unexpectedly came down. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a response on this issue.

    Yeah drag it out until the weekend then sneak on, Monday morning lol
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,259 Arc User
    arcanjo86 said:


    are the rewards given by the chest at edemo, ndemo, pom, todg and CN, gonna get better drop at the same time these key changes go live?

    Yes they will TRIPLE the rewards, from 0,01 to 0,03 :)
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
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  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    This thread is better than Netflix!
  • thevaliant#9250 thevaliant Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Nova has a great video on this issue on U Tube

    Video removed due to profanity. Sorry.

    Yes , but not as profane as the announcement was that started this thread....
    Post edited by thevaliant#9250 on
  • swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Maybe we need to use keys to unlock the truth from the devs with a Rng drop of 0.000000000001% otherwise we just get mushroom treatment.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    I am a steady spender, until recently, that means every month for like the last 3 years, you got 10-20 bucks from me.. All told, Ive spend around 500-600 bucks , is this game breaking.. no.. heck no, but im done spending any more money, you are driving away steady customers with this greed and avarice. This is my detail statement via the last year or so. It wouldnt let me pull back to when I started unfortunately. Good God, apparently only whales matter to you.. but at least know I am a actual spending customer, who is sick and tired of this bull HAMSTER. I SPEND money on your effing stupid trash game and I am fed up to here with this nonsense. You are not answering your customers .. Sure one whale will outspend a steady spender by 10 to 1.. but your JOB is to figure out how to retain both. YOU ARE DOING a HAMSTER poor job of it. TERRIBLE job of it. As you can see , I already took 2-3 months off from giving you anything recently, as IM so sick and tired of vblood and the HAMSTER poor way you managed that grind/gate.

    You are failing your customers.. FAILING us.

    Date Name Type Gross Fee Net Balance
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  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    dupeks said:

    kreatyve said:

    Merged your thread with the main one. I have also made contact with a dev (not someone in charge mind you, but one of the devs) to make sure they realize how bad this is. I am hoping they will say something by the end of today, but I'm not going to make promises.

    Thanks @kreatyve I saw @asterdahl was active a little bit ago so hopefully he's also helping get the message to the right place (unless he's the dev you're referring to haha).

    At this point, I believe that more important than getting some sort of fast response is getting a thoughtful one. Are they aware that they manner and timing of this communication was inexcusably poor? Or do they think that this is approach is just fine?

    To be frank, it seems unfair to the volunteer mods that they behave this way. You get hit with a majority of angry and sometimes vile community outrage and are forced to defend decisions and a gameplan that you are not kept updated on. It seems like they deliberately blindside the community because they think you can pick up the pieces and soak up the hate. Is that characterization too dramatic?
    Oh, I made it very clear that the communication was very poor. Honestly, it's what has me most upset. The change itself is upsetting, but not nearly as bad, to me, as accusing the majority of the player base of exploiting - again!

    Thanks @kreatyve the post above show exactly what i'm feelin atm, is really nice to know tha Community Moderators think the same as most of us, is a pity that you guys have so little voice, i mean you guys are the developers ears and like is now for us looks like they are ignoring what they are hearing like a small child in bad mood...

    Anyway really tks to you guys (moderators) and sorry for the rage burst you're facing, i hope that showing all this stuff to Devs you can be heard a bit more now and in the future !
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    @rafaelda We're all players, just like you. Our job here is to help manage the board so that players do get heard by the developers, and that there is a place where we can engage in civilized dialog on the game. But on the flip side, this is also something a lot of us are wildly passionate about, and we know when the blood gets up, things can go sideways.

    We're not here to censor or hide feedback. Our job isn't to protect the developers from all the mean things players might say, or some pretty harsh feedback on these decisions.

    Sure, stuff does get moderated.

    Do we need people posting pictures of HAMSTER goosestepping while saluting Hitler, or planes flying into the World Trade Center on 9/11? No.

    But do we feel like your chorus of rage needs to be heard? Absolutely.

    Trust me, we're all keeping a close eye on this thread because it's our commitment as volunteers to this community. I've read every single word typed over these last 29 pages. Some of it was definitely cringing worthy, and there's a lot of stuff I wish the developers didn't have to read. But they should. And trust me, there isn't a single person on these forums who wants to see some sort of explanation or follow up more than your friendly neighborhood moderation team.

    We're just in the dark as much as you guys.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
This discussion has been closed.