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[PC] Gateway Closing Down



  • pharaxpharax Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Hi, Im a new player and i planned to stay at Neverwinter longer. One of the main reasons for me was Gateway and feeling to be connected to the game whenever i want.

    PWE, you were one step from cross platform game, now you are two steps behind DigitalExtremes and their WF.
    With your logic next step is shutting down aucion house, than shards of NW.


    -1 VIP
  • mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User

    For a very long time, players haven't given a second thought to playing Foundry quests because "the loot sucks." Perhaps transferring the drops from SCA to eligible Foundry quests, (using the same 15+ minute requirement as it was for the old Daily Foundry AD,) as RNG drops would create an incentive for players to participate in Foundry content. Perhaps some of the higher end drops, the Lightfoot Thief for example, could be tied to one of the Foundry Community Achievements in the same fashion as the Book Imp companion is tied to the Foundry Authoring Achievements. Perhaps the Damaran Shepherd could be attained after playing a first Foundry quest, since it was attainable in the SCA tutorial. These are just ideas, but they make sense, (which might be the problem.)

    Foundry sucks. It is also easy target for bots, as everything is predictable. We don't want extra lag caused by bots running foundry quests.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Like most here I feel 'Due to Botters' is a lame excuse but can undetrstand that it had 'some' impact on live but not the way it was mentioned. I feel that it was they were not getting a return from the gateway and it became a leak in the ship so they had to plug it/ remove it actually in this case. Sadly I feel the companion while cute is a poor gift in return of several weeks of false promises that the gateway would be back up along with no information in those weeks. This seems nothing more in an attempt to push people to the zen market in game along with a small portion of the gateway resources going to actual live issues. As for the 'Botters' why not do what other MMO's are doing and that is actually looking at the spam report and blocking the names when you get tons of reports on them or heck just go to the live shard sit in Protectors Enclave and watch Social chat and see that they are in droves and start blocking them I counted in the last four days a total of 20 different accounts spamming their 3rd party this was in a span of an hour.

    As for the things in Gateway companion gear, dog, thief and so on how about putting them in tradebar cheap or in the wonderous bazaar as for the Gond companion its going to make a wonderful free botters gift

    move damarian shepherd to the gold companion merchant or wondrous bazaar
    make lightfoot thief farmable from any dungeon that requires 2k item lvl or more
    move companion gear to seals vendor or make an npc we can buy the gear form for the gold we have

    tbar is annoying and too hard to buy anything from.

    companion is still a joke green blue purple or legend. thanks for making it blue but it's still a joke
    Post edited by genjundead on
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User

    I would like to add some "Constructive Criticism" here if I may. Here is the primary issue as I see it. Your botting problem is primarily done through the professions and probably SCA. Why not just remove those functions from the gateway. I have 7 toons in total and I found the gateway extremely useful in inventory tracking. It was so much easier to stop out there see which toon had my greater mark of potency than it is to sign into every toon I have and check there bags. Honestly I never really got the reason for SCA anyway. It had some good rewards, and I enjoyed getting the extra experience for my companions, but I thought it long outlived it's "usefulness". The thought of getting rid of "ALL" of the gateway seems to be the wrong option to go in my thought process. It may take a "revamping" of the gateway but I loved having the auction house, being able to see inventory, see what my toon had on, and other functions. I can't see where those few options could or would cause an issue with the "livelyhood" of the game. I ask that you please bring those functions back in a revamped way.

    SCA is the reason most are upset... we want to preserve this huge piece of fun.

    its mostly done through professions and ah and mail on gateway.
    botters love the mail in gateway.
    they used professions for convenience they didn't need it.
    the auction house is were the botters house is. they live their basically, lowering prices for us sometimes.

    if you want to get rid of anything remove the mail and ad. it wont remove botting but will slow them down. you cant kill botting, that's like killing the game; but you can slow them down.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    My main concern right now is: i have 50 chars (yes, i do have an "alt army") to do tasks. Will i be marked as "botter" for doing all tasks and by opening 1000 thau bags on some chars? What should i do to avoir this?? rec videos and turn on my stream to leave proof of my doings manually and so on?

    my friend knows how you feel.
    he is also a closed beta player with several account (not 1 or 2 but a lot)
    he has more characters then i cant even count right now. but he is probably gonna end up mailing a ton of the items on many of his alts to his main and delete most of his alts and accounts.
    he will probably have one account now and maybe 20 characters.
    most people are just moving stuff to one character and deleting most of their alts.

    i was planning on making an alt army, but would require too much work for me.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Silvergriffon's Holistic Suggestion Agency

    OK, so Gateway is gone. We've lost some QoL stuff, and some items no longer have a home. Here's all my suggestions on the topic, many of which echo or resemble those that others have already given.

    Short Term Workarounds

    Add Companion Gear and Lightfoot Thief to the Trade Bar store. If you don't want to make them that easy to get, then create a recurring event instead of leaving them in there all the time. " The Lightfoot Thieve's Guild has been hard at work again and some of their best loot is available in the Tradebar Store for a limited time. You could even obtain the services of one of their members if the price is right!"

    " Tbar store already makes it hard to get "

    A Double RP event would be appreciated as well.

    Long Term Suggestions

    Professions Re-work: It's time to add some serious QoL enhancements to Professions. It's also a good time to encourage the use of ALL Professions again.

    " i agree it would be nice to benefit from getting all professions to max "

    Professions and Bound RP

    There has been a growing fear lately that you are going to make all Profession RP BtA. I offer a compromise. Make the BtC Containers that the stones come in usable as RP directly, but you can choose to open them to share or sell the unbound stones inside. The catch is that using the character bound container will be a better return on average than you will get out of the stones inside. For example, I suggest that a Resonant Bag could be used as 4,000 refinement points. Opening the bag has a chance to give you a blue stone worth 5,000 RP, but is much more likely to give you a green one worth 2,500 RP or a gray one worth only 500. This will, on average, increase the amount of RP a character can gather for themselves while still making a supply available on the AH or to share. Artifact Paraphernalia bags would grant 4,000 to any Artifact whether it be Power, Stability, or Union.

    " a very interesting idea +1 "

    Nodes and Resources

    • Remove Mount Insignia from resource nodes. See Leadership, below.
    • Remove rare (blue) and epic (purple) profession resources from resource nodes.
    • Add bounty and campaign currency items appropriate to the zone the resource nodes are in.
    • Add uncommon (green), rare (blue), and epic (purple) profession resources to the bounty, campaign currency and maybe seal vendors (based on zone or content level).
    " that will make nodes useless then, i like having a reason to buy the kits for the nodes (first bullet) "
    " i don't quite understand what are you saying here (4'th bullet) "

    All Professions
    • Add "Collect All" Button.
    • Add "Repeat" checkbox next to the Collect buttons, including new Collect All. This would attempt to re-queue the same task using the same assets. It would require interaction with the button though, not be an infinite repeat button.
    " +1 to this, make accepting and restarting the same tasks a little easier "


    Revamp Leadership to actually reflect being a leader. Rewards should be relevant to those you lead: your mounts and companions. Leadership should not be the primary way to upgrade your gear when we have other Professions that are specifically about gear.
    • Remove RP tasks from Leadership.
    • Add tasks that reward Companion XP Tomes.
    • Add tasks that reward Companion Upgrade Tokens.
    • Add "Mounted Combat Drill" task that rewards containers with random Mount Insignia inside.
    • Add "Dead or Alive" tasks that send soldiers into various Zones to collect the Bounty items for that zone.
    • Add a "Recruitment Drive" task that rewards a container that holds a random Event Companion, including a chance for the Lightfoot Thief.
    • Add tasks that reward the same Bags of Goods that drop from Quartermaster's enchantments. (Donate to stronghold or open for goods.)
    " add a way to gain a tier of rewards so that higher tiers can earn higher quality rewards. like if you have enough for tier 3 you have a chance for epic mount insignias, tier 2 for rare, tier 1 for common "
    " would be nice to improve the ways to gain the companion upgrade tokens "
    " not bad but i think this should only be active when the event companion is up, perhaps a way to improve would be... rare task: event. chance to drop event companion, drops medallions of battle, and a rarer chance at lightfoot thief and damarian shepherd (make shepherd a blue drop)"

    • Add a task that rewards Thaumaturgic Bags.
    • Add a task that rewards Artifact Paraphernalia bags.
    • Add tasks that reward "Gemstone" RP (Sapphires, Pearls, Rubies, Peridot).
    • Add a task that rewards Resonant Bags.
    " move the artifact paraphernalia bags to jewelcrafting or make the artifact paraphernalia bag gained frmo weaponsmithing and artificing "
    " i think weaponsmithing and artificing should give a bag that has a chance drop for cubes of augmentation and a guaranteed drop for resonance stones "

    Longer Term Suggestions

    Account Panel

    Create an account panel that shows all your characters, like the guild roster. Select any character to do all of the following:
    • Manage the professions queue of any character.
    • View the character sheet, mail, and inventory of all characters.
    • VIP accounts get a fully functional version of mail as if at a mailbox.
    • VIP accounts get an Account Bank tab.
    • VIP accounts can move items and gold from any character's inventory in and out of the Account Bank.
    • Also add AD to the Account bank for VIPs so they can move or consolidate it without the ZAX.
    SCA Mini-Game

    Make Sword Coast Adventures a mini-game playable in game. Possibly launched by interacting with a Well-Informed Harper since they tend to hang out in taverns where one might play games. If it's too server intensive, maybe make it available occasionally as an event.

    " +1, +1, +1. give us more reasons to get vip, cause right now its not been worth it really, 1 enchanted key a day which always gives me lame loot. "
    " or make 2 npc's in the moonstone mask (one inside vip room and one outside- or none outside and make it a vip treat; you will have tons more players buying vip then.). keep npc's by a counter or table with a board game nearby, let us interact with the board game to teleport us, so we don't stand their using the space blocking others from use it too, can teleport us to one of the spare rooms inside moonstone mask or at the door entrance. once we are teleported a window will open that lets us play SCA. just an opinion " ​​
    " comments in yellow ", +1 to the post

    moving this back to top =D
    @hav0clol i agree that what @silvergryph is saying is very good. and i do agree with him in his subject of matter. its nice to see people like silvergryph.
  • zactorzactor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 57 Arc User
    panderus said:

    will you guys fix crafting so it doesnt take forever to progress a skill since you will not beable to work on it unless you are in game?

    Improving professions is something near and dear to a few of us. I would like to have an update on it within the next few modules. There is nothing planned yet but there is a lot of missed potential with how it currently is in a number of ways.

    @andorrabell We have not yet decided a place for the SCA rewards yet, we still need to review where they would fit and make the time to do it at a time that makes sense. I don't think the community would appreciate waiting another week just to hear where we will put the rewards that they can't get yet,
    How about you just leave professions alone, you've done enough damage already, You've proven time and again that the devs cant be trusted to "improve" things or fix them correctly without resorting to the nuclear option of getting rid of things that are useful to players. I can live with professions how they are now, rather than have the devs try improve them and discover some piddly reason that they might need to shut profs down altogether. No thanks, just leave it alone!
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    ok so i just spent some time researching the apparatus of gond and the embellished version

    make the active power give
    considering it is a blue companion
    210 power (reason why i said power - cause the normal version equip power gives 2k power)
    3% action point gain (reason why i said action point gain - cause the embellished versions equip power gives 15% more action point gain)

    at purple quality
    330 power
    4# action point gain

    the four stats it should have is pretty much the same - hit points, power, defense, deflect
    remove regen from its stats and replace it with deflect (any stat would work really but regen)

    this will make the companion more unique and worth upgrading-people will feel more happy about getting a companion that is actually unique.

    i know its an augmentation but double any stats it gives. consider it a legendary companion max lvl and look at its stats-now double it. not many players will use it but it will make it more useful to players and as many have said they have plenty of companions they already use and don't need anymore. give the players a reason to actually use this new companion.

    as you see its power and action points gain are doubled from normal companions active bonus. the whole reason i did this was to entice players and make them feel like they got something for something so great lost. an to entice players to actually use it.

    please note that this will not make the companion useful. it will still be considered junk. but at least its junk some people will use.

    augments need to have higher base stats so that the stats the player gets is worth not having a:
    fighting helping the dps
    healer keeping the team alive
    tank that hold threat when you cant.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    the whole reason bonding pets are better then augmented ones is cause augmented are like normal companions stats wise and all but they don't fight or do anything.
    i love my bonded pet so i got no were to really complain here. but i can however complain a bit about augments.

    i see no need to nerf bonding runestones. instead buff the overall augmentation pets or buff the augment effect.
  • iandarkswordiandarksword Member Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    @mmm1001 That's you're opinion. However, in communication with Twitch streamers, other forum users, in-game conversation, and community personnel I've found that they like the concept of the Foundry, they just don't see an incentive to spend time on the content. Foundry quests and authors are varied in their writing capacity and technical experience so the content produced is equally as varied. Respectfully, if you think you can do a better job, create one of your own.
    "I don't know, I'm making it up as I go..."
    Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
    Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,435 Arc User
    urabask said:

    Actually I think they would. We're looking at 2 million AD for a ring of the loyal avenger atm. They used to be 200k.

    It's a nasty market at the moment, I have 2 posted for 5Mil each. I don't really expect to sell them but might get a nice trade out of it :)

  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    No one will read this, but consider makeing SOME items tradeable ONCE.
    Like RP.
    With this you could hinder the gold sellers to transfer items from a "worker" to a seller (which at one point will be banned, but that does not hort the gold seller)
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • superent666superent666 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    zach#3177 said:

    All of PWE games use the same money making formula now. Little endgame/new content, no worthwhile rewards, typical asian style grind fest, and it's all about the rng boxes. It's just a turn em an burn set up. It's sad I love NW but it's just gets worse with each mod because more stuff is taken away. I really hope they get a good influx of cash from the console releases so hopefully they can change this current formula.

    I do not know why they would change the formula if they think it is working for them.
    But IS it...are there seriously enough monkeys here that'll watch them trying to make the blood ruby on the zen store look competitive and still try to refine anything?
    People whining about the removal of a HAMSTER dice game that wasn' t an integral part of the game (items vailable there can be made obtainable elsewhere easily) when they just nuked the games rp economy. GOOD GRIEF. ThAT can' t be repaired easily and judging from the dev's answers there isn't even a plan other than maybe reviewing the profession system in the next fee mods. SERIOUSLY?
  • kalkelrial#8297 kalkelrial Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    panderus said:

    It wasn't an issue of not knowing if we COULD solve the issue, it was more about how much time have we already spent and how much more time will we need to continually put into it. Botting cannot be 'solved' in some ways, you can really only setup more and different roadblocks but at an increasing cost to development each time.

    We have quite a bit of experience in keeping the botters at bay at this point and it wasn't a decision that was come upon lightly at all. The meeting we had went over a long agenda and recounted things we have already tried to resolve this issue as well as weigh all the pros and cons. We even went through the scenario of just keeping up the non botted features of Gateway but there were still some costs that still incurred with little gains (keeping the additional specialized servers up and the fact few people used them).


    So you start driving a car and you crash, killing everyone but yourself, you call that "getting experience"? If you manage to crash and kill your passengers several times, would you then call yourself an experienced driver? I wouldnt.

    Actions speak louder than words. Everything you've done in the past year (that's how long I've been playing) under the pretense of combatting bots, has proven that nobody on the team has the slightest idea on how to effectively combat bots, in fact, like everyone else is saying, it shows that the team is mostly incompetent lazy people that'd rather cut things than come up with something that resembles a good idea. No amount of talk here about how good you are is going to convice anyone.

    So just take the free help that is being offered. Its free, for god's sake. Two heads are better than one, you know. Even if their solutions arent perfect, they're still going to be infinitely better than anything you've managed to come up with in the past year (which is nothing except shutting things down).

    People have been saying here that SCA is pretty well protected against bots, with the random rolls, rune combinations, and the very limited amount of attempts (and I agree), and that the problem was a very old profession bot. Even the slightest antibotting feature would remove most of the problem. Or you could try, you know, using a combination of a few features? That would remove about 90% of the problem. You can never completely destroy botting, but decreasing it by 90% is pretty damn good. Hell, event decreasing it by 20% would be a good start, and welcomed by all of us active players. What is not welcomed, is removing so many other useful features. Why should we be denied the chance to play SCA, which is quite fun and actually requires you to use your brain to win, instead of the never ending grind that is the main game... Why should we be denied the companions and gear that drop from it? Why in the world should we be denied access to our in-game mail, to our guilds, to our own characters and our own inventories? We cant install the main game on our phones and tablets, or on work computers for those who can afford to play at work. Why should we be denied access to an AH with an actually reasonable sorting system (the in-game one has no useful sorting). And, after all, why should we be denied access to our professions? Because other people cheat? The profession system requires so many hours, so many tasks, so many resources, that you cant possibly expect us to only use it when we have access to our PCs.

    So, first, implement some actual antibotting features (shutting things down isnt an antibotting feature, its an antiplayer feature).
    Then, redesign parts of the game so that they are less appealing to botters. For example, change the profession system to something that doesnt take months of very active playing to upgrade. What makes you think a single profession should take 3 months to upgrade (or, in the case of leadership, more like 10 months)? And that's including playing via gateway - triple or quadruple the time if you can only do it in main game.
    Nobody wants to do botting. They are forced into it by external factors, which are controlled by you. If you make something unnecesarily hard and grindy for actual players, they are more likely to resort to botting. If professions werent so ridiculously hard, tedious and long to upgrade, you think anyone would use bots to do them? Of course professions need to take some time, but a few months (and a million tasks started and completed) is much too long (unnecessarily so).

    I've seen the bots in-game. The bots that farm RP and AD. You know why those bots exist? Because your game requires a ridiculous amount of RP and AD to get anywhere. What makes you think it's ok to demand over 300 dollars to upgrade a single enchant to max level? What makes you think its acceptable to demand over 10 million RP to get a single artifact to max level, or over 4 million RP for artifact gear? A single character has 4 artifact slots, 4 artifact gear slots, and many many enchantment slots. People play multiple characters. How on earth do you expect them to get enough RP for upgrading their gear, when the actual game content drops maybe 1 R5 enchant for every 10 enemies killed? If someone wanted to farm all the RP to upgrade an artifact to max level, they would need to kill at least 100.000 enemies. That's silly. Depending on your class, gear, and IL (which isnt that high considering you're farming for RP), it would take several months of farming to get that many RP (and in the mean time, you're stuck with your begginer unupgraded gear). And that's for just one artifact. There just isnt enough supply of these items in game to meet the demand. Even with the botting, the supply is still nowhere near the demand. Without the botting, I bet there would be no 4k IL players around, and probably no 3k IL players either, as they'd all still be farming RP to upgrade their second artifact to mythic.

    These are all conditions that you control. By creating an environment where the demand surpasses the supply by several hundred times, you are creating the need for bots. People need that many RP, not for some fancy feature, but for the basic purpose of getting their IL up and strenghtening their chars to the point where they can even run dungeons. And since they cant farm them, they will try to buy them, which takes AD. A lot of AD, that also isnt easily earned. And that is why people resort to botting (or buying items that were botted).
    I am not suggesting you lower the needed RP by a huge amount. But it is currently way too high. And the drop rate from playing content is waaaaay too low, it should be much higher (and also the enchants should, at least for solo play, appear directly in our inventories. Nobody wants to pick up 10.000 enchants manually). This disparity is why bots exist. Decrease the disparity, and a lot of botters will go away. Implement a few antibotting features, and more of them will go away. Then get someone (a live person - several people have said here they'd be willing to do this for free or for minimal compensation in in-game items) to permanently ban any offenders that didnt yet go away (and I mean PERMANENTLY and immediatelly after they were spotted/reported).

    Its really not that hard to understand. And it certainly isnt nearly as hard to implement as you make it to be. There are thousands of other games out there that are sucessfully combating bots (evidenced by the fact that they are adding features or at least keeping them, unlike NWO which is removing them, so they must be doing something right). Nobody is going to tell me that NWO has the best antibotting experts, yet is attacked by the even better botters, while the other games are only attacked by noob botters. Therefore, TAKE. THE. HELP. And use it to make the Gateway a worthy addition that increases the value of the game, instead of chickening out and closing it.

    PS: If the real issue is (like many say) that console players do not have Gateway, then I dunno what to say. They chose to play the game on a console, either help them get Gateway there, or let them suffer the consequences of choosing an inferior gaming system that is known to not offer all of the functionality. Either way, them not having Gateway is the dumbest reason for taking it away from us too.
    What a well written post - thank you. And I do agree with what you have said in it.

    I am actually sitting here reading this thread and determining if, after over 2 years and a lot (and for me it IS a lot) of money in this game, which I have loved all this time, if it is really worth carrying on with it. I've left before and been drawn back because this game had the two features which, to me, set it apart from the rest - foundry and the Gateway. Foundry seems to have been made obsolete since they stopped giving you daily quests to do them and they just took away Gateway.

    I'm not sure I can face levelling up other characters to go through the same story line time only to come to another halt because I can't level up artifact gear quickly enough to try the new content - I used to do professions from work in the Gateway to help with this. I just don't have enough game time for that and I am most certainly not putting any more money into a game whose developers seemingly don't give a damn for it's customers.

  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User

    No one will read this, but consider makeing SOME items tradeable ONCE.
    Like RP.
    With this you could hinder the gold sellers to transfer items from a "worker" to a seller (which at one point will be banned, but that does not hort the gold seller)

    i read it and i am criticizing. how would they do that? its not an easy task to make items once traded bound. not even possible by any means i know of.
    when i ask for something from the devs its something either:
    1) we had before
    2) we have somewhere else
    3) its easy to do
    4) players want stuff and so do i =P
  • greyangel13greyangel13 Member Posts: 28 Arc User

    What is going to happen to Loyal Gear? will be moved to an ingame source?

    This, and, will there be another way to get the Lightfoot Thief companion?
    everyone talks about lightfoot thief but no one talks about damarian shepherd =D
    guess cause its a white companion that isn't used. but i still thing people should be able to get it
    I agree about the Dramarian Shepherd. It should be made available in game as well. Not sure why I didn't include that one :/
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User


    zach#3177 said:

    All of PWE games use the same money making formula now. Little endgame/new content, no worthwhile rewards, typical asian style grind fest, and it's all about the rng boxes. It's just a turn em an burn set up. It's sad I love NW but it's just gets worse with each mod because more stuff is taken away. I really hope they get a good influx of cash from the console releases so hopefully they can change this current formula.

    I do not know why they would change the formula if they think it is working for them.
    But IS it...are there seriously enough monkeys here that'll watch them trying to make the blood ruby on the zen store look competitive and still try to refine anything?
    People whining about the removal of a KITTEN dice game that wasn' t an integral part of the game (items vailable there can be made obtainable elsewhere easily) when they just nuked the games rp economy. GOOD GRIEF. ThAT can' t be repaired easily and judging from the dev's answers there isn't even a plan other than maybe reviewing the profession system in the next fee mods. SERIOUSLY?
    yeah it hurts but we will all get over it and if some don't want to play don't have to, ill take your stuff so you have less reasons to return. but the devs are doing their best and they have to make hard choices sometimes. we should accept and figure out how to improve the game and whats in it instead o continue this cry over whats gone. its ok to cry over whats gone but lets not focus on it, lets turn the gateways death into something that can help others.
    @strumslinger thanks for all the hard work.
    if you want o give me your stuff come find me in game, pretty much on all day. @genjundead or mail me it at Genj@genjudnead. just press O to open social menu, go to social tab, and type it in i should pop up. send me a pm or invite me and just give me your stuff if you want to quit the game.
    best way to quite a game is to remove any reason to return. =P and if you do return at least you will start fresh =D
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    my friend knows how you feel.
    he is also a closed beta player with several account (not 1 or 2 but a lot)
    he has more characters then i cant even count right now. but he is probably gonna end up mailing a ton of the items on many of his alts to his main and delete most of his alts and accounts.
    he will probably have one account now and maybe 20 characters.
    most people are just moving stuff to one character and deleting most of their alts.

    i was planning on making an alt army, but would require too much work for me.

    i can't do a thing right now with my "army" because i'm afraid of it... so, we need to wait until MONDAY, when their office opens, and wait for their answer on how we, "alt army" players, can "handle" this situation as a whole.
    delete characters until you have one of each class. that's what a lot of people are doing. or wait for whatever info you are seeking.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    the only real problem i can actually see if... communication, you did not communicate about this beforehand and over 2 weeks passed.
    @strumslinger please post all of us of future updates no matter how small or how bit. if it has to do with anything neverwinter related we need to know about it before hand. at least a week would be great.cause if we don't know about something that is coming people will become tense or agitated, even over something small like gateway which we all love.

    something like we are taking down gateway temporary to combat botting
    update we are still trying to combat botting please be patient
    update we are removing gateway
    update since we plan on removing gateway we will bring it back up for one weekend please do anything you need to do in that time.

    something simple like that even works and i know the last update is just something i want and some others here, even a weekend would be great just 3 simple days.

    on a separate note @strumslinger @panderus why have i been getting dc'ed more and more per day. and i am not the only one a lot of my friends too. i really love the game so i will continue to play and try to support as much as i can.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    delete characters until you have one of each class. that's what a lot of people are doing.

    Really??? O_oUu . I just don't use more than 10 chars until i read an official answer from them. I think that devs should open a "alt army" registration website for us, players whose have alt armies, register us there and put us into a "white list".
    lol nice idea +1 to this even though it wont happen, i still like the idea though. i only have one of each class. but i saw that they were discouraging having a lot of characters, so i didn't invest in alts when they were 80% off for a character slot.
    when i saw the ad buff (nerf) i knew not to buy more characters.
  • unabletodisplayunabletodisplay Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 61 Arc User
    saddened by another "update" that removes content.

    I didn't use gateway much, but I enjoy it when I can't get to a computer, and SCA gave my 4 stabled gold companions a reason for being ... those 4 stabled gold companions are gonna be so upset when they hear :'(

    Lately, I don't enjoy playing the game so much anyway, I play mostly to interact with friends.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User

    saddened by another "update" that removes content.

    I didn't use gateway much, but I enjoy it when I can't get to a computer, and SCA gave my 4 stabled gold companions a reason for being ... those 4 stabled gold companions are gonna be so upset when they hear :'(

    Lately, I don't enjoy playing the game so much anyway, I play mostly to interact with friends.

    i cant remember the last time i played this game for fun... maybe mod 2.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    mmm1001 said:

    Foundry sucks. It is also easy target for bots, as everything is predictable. We don't want extra lag caused by bots running foundry quests.

    Let's break this statement down. You said, "It is also easy target for bots, as everything is predictable." How is that different from dungeons? The dungeons don't randomize. This makes no sense. Next you say, "We don't want extra lag caused by bots running foundry quests.". Yet dungeon bots run rampant, they don't cause the lag you experience. Lags are the result of bottle necks in the network. Finally you began with "Foundry sucks." which right away tells me you are jealous of what Foundry authors can create. I don't mind someone being critical, but green with envy makes you look foolish.

    @iandarksword I think this option is much better than placing these items in a lockbox, tradebar store, or zen market. I will be optimistic and hope they take the suggestion to heart.
  • empalasempalas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 802 Arc User
    Hopefully the closing of the gateway means that frees up time for other things...like a new class or two or three??
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    empalas said:

    Hopefully the closing of the gateway means that frees up time for other things...like a new class or two or three??

    they havent even brought back the dungeons. the rest of the classes are broken balance wise. what makes you think they can work on new class (least of all plural).
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    SOME foundry quests suck, that's true, but the best foundry quests blow many of the official quests out of the water too.
    having it drop on the foundry would solve 2 problems with 1 change so I'm all for it.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    This has ALWAYS puzzled me. Question: Why do I need to know the name and handle of the player selling anything in the Auction House? Am I suppose to use this to write them a thank you letter? This is how gold spammers pass AD farmed by botting. All you needed to do was remove a name field from the Auction House table.

    I think most people here would agree, remove the name of the seller and AD cannot be exchanged. You didn't need to tear down a website for that, unless you were just looking for an excuse to place free items in the zen store and trade bar store. But then they won't be "free" anymore will they?
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User

    It is with some regret that we are announcing the closing of Gateway for Neverwinter. This was not an easy call. I'd like to remind people to please keep all conversation respectful. Insults, flaming, and toxicity doesn't help anyone, especially in this situation. Thank you.


    Finally some stuffs have been done in fight against bot users. I actually wondered why it took so long time for staff to realize that keeping gateway with direct link to nwo live game economy. Only making easy/shortcut to bots generate stuffs/items/currency. If there would be no direct connection between NWO and gateway economies. Then cheating would be harder..
    Enough would be like, in Gateway dungeons receive certain items which have 0 values in nwo. And after getting x of them, via nwo website exchange to chests, which provide random loot up to rare/epic rank. But items should not be rare within game. Next, no Sell/Trade from chest. So bot using fro gaining and selling become impossible.

    oh well staff decided to close gateway, so be it. But I can assure, there is still lot of security holes in game which allow bot users grind and sell stuffs.
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  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    the only real problem i can actually see if... communication, you did not communicate about this beforehand and over 2 weeks passed.
    @strumslinger please post all of us of future updates no matter how small or how bit. if it has to do with anything neverwinter related we need to know about it before hand. at least a week would be great.cause if we don't know about something that is coming people will become tense or agitated, even over something small like gateway which we all love.

    something like we are taking down gateway temporary to combat botting
    update we are still trying to combat botting please be patient
    update we are removing gateway
    update since we plan on removing gateway we will bring it back up for one weekend please do anything you need to do in that time.

    something simple like that even works and i know the last update is just something i want and some others here, even a weekend would be great just 3 simple days.

    on a separate note @strumslinger @panderus why have i been getting dc'ed more and more per day. and i am not the only one a lot of my friends too. i really love the game so i will continue to play and try to support as much as i can.

    Generally, they do not like to communicate things until they have clearly decided on what path they are going to take. In other words - Andy didn't know a week ahead of time that they were going to do this. As Andy was away at PAX when the Gateway was brought down, I do not think he knew that it was even happening until after it happened. I could be wrong on this, but as someone who has near constant communication with him, I do not think that's the case here.
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  • zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Well, botting was obviously not the problem.
    Now they just move in-game and continue with what they do best - botting. I would laugh my rear end off if they actually added all the gear and such to the Zen store, people screaming about quitting or not playing anymore or whatever... Yet next day you see them happily logging in again and keep playing anyway.
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