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emoxredmeptionemoxredmeption Member Posts: 15 Arc User
When will the devs put something in place to prevent rage quitters.

i just spent over an hour on the final boss of V.tower in that time we have 10 freaking leavers..... People expect Epic dungeons to be easy!
There needs to be a penalty for leavers. There just has too.. Putting people at a disadvantage and wasting others time because they can't hack dying a few times. This game is meant to be a team game (dungeons anyway) and look at all the Psy leaver the que. Sorry i'm just really pissed of at this game.

I have to do dungeons to get better gear and then this happens. I know i'm not the first to feel like this.

Think i will delete the game for a second time even though i was finally having fun in this game again.

Also they should make it when you enter a dungeon you can't leave until 3 people agree to quit. People need to stop acting liek their the only once on the game.


  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    When will the devs put something in place to prevent rage quitters.

    i just spent over an hour on the final boss of V.tower in that time we have 10 freaking leavers..... People expect Epic dungeons to be easy!
    There needs to be a penalty for leavers. There just has too.. Putting people at a disadvantage and wasting others time because they can't hack dying a few times. This game is meant to be a team game (dungeons anyway) and look at all the Psy leaver the que. Sorry i'm just really pissed of at this game.

    I have to do dungeons to get better gear and then this happens. I know i'm not the first to feel like this.

    Think i will delete the game for a second time even though i was finally having fun in this game again.

    Also they should make it when you enter a dungeon you can't leave until 3 people agree to quit. People need to stop acting liek their the only once on the game.

    Group chat does not always work and not everyone will join a private PSN chat.

    If you want to run dungeons go with your guild.

  • emoxredmeptionemoxredmeption Member Posts: 15 Arc User

    Group chat does not always work and not everyone will join a private PSN chat.

    If you want to run dungeons go with your guild.

    So i should do a guild just to do dungeons? That pathetic. There should be some type of system in place for people who don't want to be in a guild. To prevent people from running the game for others, because they can't accept losing.

    Sorry the guild thing isn't the answer. It's a bandaid at best. i hate being in guilds. It's not fun for me.

  • nightbare#9304 nightbare Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    real life happens and people have to leave dungeons, its part of the MMO genre ..... some people dont want to waste their time with multiple deaths, when if they have a good group it would be over in one run.... people join these dungeons with too low of gear score BC they can.... let LFG be your friend and quit doing pug groups
  • emoxredmeptionemoxredmeption Member Posts: 15 Arc User

    real life happens and people have to leave dungeons, its part of the MMO genre ..... some people dont want to waste their time with multiple deaths, when if they have a good group it would be over in one run.... people join these dungeons with too low of gear score BC they can.... let LFG be your friend and quit doing pug groups

    I'm sorry, you don't go into a epic dungeon to leave because you died a few times.

    People can join on a whim and leave too. That's the problem here. The dungeon needs to be completely about teamwork and trusting the party your with. Accept that you will die loads. You move on and learn the patterns of the dungeon and conquer it.

    Let's take league of legends. You get punished for leave a game and it should be liek that in Neverwinter as well. Your hurt the players with you. Ruining their game.

    LFG or "pug groups" shouldn't matter though. You enter the dungeon on the sole purpose of beating it and gaining loot and not to rage quit like a little kid because it too hard..

  • mrderpenhowser#7508 mrderpenhowser Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    real life happens and people have to leave dungeons, its part of the MMO genre ..... some people dont want to waste their time with multiple deaths, when if they have a good group it would be over in one run.... people join these dungeons with too low of gear score BC they can.... let LFG be your friend and quit doing pug groups

    Yep, also the playerbase is very new and all the fresh 1600s will come in, realise they're outclassed for epics and leave again. I know I did. Tbh, that will always be the case too with an everchanging growing community.

    Saying that though, I am not a fan of people who queue only to not accept, wasting the time of 2-4 other people needlessly. I do think if they fail to accept they shouldn't be able to queue again until they have waited for every minute of other peoples time they wasted. Then there are people who just go afk or don't pull their weight inside dungeons etc... but that is a whole different issue I have no ideas on how to fix.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    Group chat does not always work and not everyone will join a private PSN chat.

    If you want to run dungeons go with your guild.

    So i should do a guild just to do dungeons? That pathetic. There should be some type of system in place for people who don't want to be in a guild. To prevent people from running the game for others, because they can't accept losing.

    Sorry the guild thing isn't the answer. It's a bandaid at best. i hate being in guilds. It's not fun for me.

    You are missing some really good boons not being in a guild, though getting the boon takes a lot of work.
  • nightbare#9304 nightbare Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    you are on here raging over people quiting so them rage quiting isnt much different.... wouldnt you rather someone quit then just sit there waiting to be kicked..... what role and gear score are you? curious minds want to know
  • emoxredmeptionemoxredmeption Member Posts: 15 Arc User

    you are on here raging over people quiting so them rage quiting isnt much different.... wouldnt you rather someone quit then just sit there waiting to be kicked..... what role and gear score are you? curious minds want to know

    I'm not "raging" i'm extremely frustrated at issue within the game.

    I am a Control Wizard my item score i 1750, bit higher now. But i have no problem dealing damage and staying alive. Helping the team out. But my in game stats aren't in question here. It's the in-game issue of people wasting time for others.

    Sure i might not have gone about saying the issue i have in the correct manner but i was very let's say upset.

    I really don't have an idea to possible fix this issue. This post was more of a.. venting period. but i'm sure others have had this problem as well.
  • mrrkmiller#5591 mrrkmiller Member Posts: 108 Arc User

    you are on here raging over people quiting so them rage quiting isnt much different.... wouldnt you rather someone quit then just sit there waiting to be kicked..... what role and gear score are you? curious minds want to know

    I'm not "raging" i'm extremely frustrated at issue within the game.

    I am a Control Wizard my item score i 1750, bit higher now. But i have no problem dealing damage and staying alive. Helping the team out. But my in game stats aren't in question here. It's the in-game issue of people wasting time for others.

    Sure i might not have gone about saying the issue i have in the correct manner but i was very let's say upset.

    I really don't have an idea to possible fix this issue. This post was more of a.. venting period. but i'm sure others have had this problem as well.
    I feel you. But you have three options pretty much. 1. Join a guild and run with regulars who will work together to beat it. 2. Try and get lucky enough to queue with a guild (or friends in a party) your not in and they like you and run with them from now on or 3. just queue with the unknown! Why would you not be in a guild? Point of a MMO is multi players. If you want people you can count on and have fun with then yeah. You cannot beat the dungeon yourself so stop being a lone wolf otherwise you might as well and go play one player games.

    Joining a guild is not a band aid it is a valid and smart solution. You also get boons too! @mebengalsfan#9264
  • greebo#4371 greebo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    At the same time, I'm not going to stick around for hours on end because the tank doesn't know how to hold aggro
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    If I'm with a pickup group and we get to the boss, I'll usually give it 5 tries unless we are super close on all 5 of the tries. If the boss still has 75% of his life every time the group wipes - I'll head out.

    Then again I'm probably the only person who will PUG a dungeon and not bother to look at the gear of my companions before we head out. I figure either we'll do it or we won't.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • I will admit that I do leave dungeons sometimes but generally its because it didn't put me in the group, not because I die a few times
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    I will quit a group if the text gets nasty. I don't like to be around people like that.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • I PUG 99.9% of the time. I don't inspect people. I don't complain for failures. I don't kick players (unless they are not playing at all next to the entrance) and I don't QQ if we fail to kill something.

    But... Been in a group where we have a Tank but I got all the aggro as a Ranger, I'm out. Been in a group where I'm next to the healer and he's not giving any heals for nobody, I'm out. I see in the chat someone in the group complaining that other player is undergear and everybody is getting in the hate boat, I'm out (you got the item level to Queue, you deserve to play and try your best).

    I like a good attitude in the game, I'm there to have fun, I got enough stress at the office to add stress to a game. If I don't like the group, why make the rest of them having a living hell with a bad attitude, I just got out and pray someone get there in my place and help them finish the dungeon while I'm heading elsewhere.

    My 2 cents.

    GJGBlackDragon - Drow Ranger from The Northdark

  • shontsushontsu Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    Sometimes smashing your head against the same wall over and over is not as productive as you make it out to be. Sometimes you just gotta accept that this particular group isn't going to get a win. Maybe it's gear. Maybe it's that your "healer" is actually DPS. Maybe the tank left and got replaced by a non-tank, but the attitude that if we just keep trying we'll work it out isn't actually correct.
  • bloodshot#9399 bloodshot Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    The problem I've noticed is players go from 3 player hack n slash to 5 man dungeons that require actual teamwork and don't get it. Should really put some more teamwork mechanics in the leveling dungeons imo. Then maybe the transition for new players won't be so frustrating.
  • shontsushontsu Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    Yeah, the amount of people I've seen post/say "I tanked/healed all the dungeons fine until 70", when those dungeons are tuned to be run without either healer or tank...
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I understand why you're not happy. I generally will only quit if a run proves to be completely unviable - i.e. given it a good try but the team wipes at every single mob time after time. If a team can't handle the mobs they certainly can't handle the boss at the end - meaning no loot or seals.

    If I'm on my DC or Pally I'll usually hang in there as I can keep things going even if a couple die during the boss fight, but then again my DC & OP are 3k so even with a party of sub 2k that makes a big difference.

    I would suggest you form your own groups in PE - that way you can make sure you get the right mix of classes & if you really want people in voice chat then you can make that a condition for taking them on the run.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • ajemiaajemia Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Playing a healer, dont mind dying if its because of some mistakes here and there. Usually if the DPS is lacking a little the death will start to happen (for example, the DPS tries to stay a little longer in place and do dmg and and dont go away from the red spots --> BOOM!).

    Generally its easy to spot if the group has a chance or if it doesnt. If it goes well until the endboss and then the struggle starts, just give it a few tries and it could very well go through. On the other hand, if the grp struggles with the trash on the way... oh boy... ;)
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    ravenskya said:

    If I'm with a pickup group and we get to the boss, I'll usually give it 5 tries unless we are super close on all 5 of the tries. If the boss still has 75% of his life every time the group wipes - I'll head out.

    Then again I'm probably the only person who will PUG a dungeon and not bother to look at the gear of my companions before we head out. I figure either we'll do it or we won't.

    I do the same.

    What I find annoying is that I am ususally healing, tanking and top DPS in most pug groups.

    When a player does beat me, that have level 10+ enchantments, are IL 2800+ and are in the better guilds.

    The boons for the guild really can make a difference.

    I quit after 5 attempts too. No point in sticking it out if the group is simply not working. Most of the issues I see are with players not paying attention to mechanics and not moving out of strong attack AoE. I do a pick up and again, the player does not move.

    That was pretty much my runs during August. I never beat any dungeon other than Kessel due to the dungeons being bug and most players not be aware of the one shot attacks.

    I gave up running dungeons ATM. Instead I am doing my boons, which now I only have 2 left to complete ToD and Icewind Dale. Once I get my tank to end game, I have another character to run through all the campaigns.

    I'm in no rush to play dungeons ATM. I want to improve my character with the free stat boost from the campaigns.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    ajemia said:

    Playing a healer, dont mind dying if its because of some mistakes here and there. Usually if the DPS is lacking a little the death will start to happen (for example, the DPS tries to stay a little longer in place and do dmg and and dont go away from the red spots --> BOOM!).

    Generally its easy to spot if the group has a chance or if it doesnt. If it goes well until the endboss and then the struggle starts, just give it a few tries and it could very well go through. On the other hand, if the grp struggles with the trash on the way... oh boy... ;)

    One of the worst dungeon runs I have had as a healer was this. Get to last boss and top DPS states, "Best of Luck I'm out of here". We did not even try the last boss, reason being the other DPS were at the bottom. They were getting carried 100% and he simply did not want to pull their weight and get them an award. I was 2nd in damage and had more damage in than the tank, because the tank could hold aggro for the life of him.
  • sparrow#0642 sparrow Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    An issue with the Queue system is there are no roles to select (DPS, Tank, Heals like other games). I only run as a 70 rogue right now. Just the other day it was 2 rogues & 3 hunters, I just left the group since that was going to end badly eventually. Seen 3 other rogues get grouped once (4 if you count myself). Half the time I drop group is lack of a tank or heal.

    Some fights I do have trouble seeing the AoE zones as Melee, especially dragon fights. The hit box pushes you so close that the target box outglows an incoming red zone to move sometimes.
  • asmodeoussasmodeouss Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    If im in a group that doesn't "Get it" Ill leave and join another. No amount of penalty will keep me there wasting my time with you if you're not going to clear it ill even log out and play another game if i have to.
    I Dropped out of school but i never leave the hall. I grab kids, drag 'em in between the walls. They call me the ghost of the badlands, but i'm really just a killer with big hands.
  • zstewar3zstewar3 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Plus, people don't have hours available to complete 1 dungeon and so they have to leave. It isn't personal, it's just life.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    worse are the 1600s who don't realize they are outclassed and stay. LOL. people will stop leaving when they have a realistic cap on dungeons. imo t1 should be 2000 and t2 2500.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User

    worse are the 1600s who don't realize they are outclassed and stay. LOL. people will stop leaving when they have a realistic cap on dungeons. imo t1 should be 2000 and t2 2500.

    Totally, the IL requirement is way too low. If they made the T1 req 2k then people would take the time to work on boons whilst getting gear that can handle the run. As a person who likes to start new characters, I never run one in a T2 until they are 2.5k anyway as it's not worth it.

    I was on an ETOS yesterday where 3 of the group were around 2k and they kept dying due to either standing in the red or going into aggro before me (on my 3k pally). We only had one reasonable dps - a 2.8k TR, but the 2k DC quit halfway through. Funny thing is I only saw him use HG once and no AS - which is a must on low geared runs. I asked the others to NOT stand next to me as I attract all the aggro and we made it through to the final door, by that time a replacement had arrived - not a healer, another protection pally.

    We got through the first phase with no deaths but lost two on the 2nd part (including the decent dps). It took us about 15 mins but we finally killed the boss. I came top on paingiver and kills with the TR second but they were just happy it wasn't a waste of time.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • bandrashubandrashu Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Yes, that happens quite often. People leave. To be honest I leave too when the group has no chance to complete the dungeon. It is either because noone knows the tactics or lack of dps/tanking/heals. You can fix the first issue easily by explaining the fights.

    It helps most of the cases and then the group starts functioning and you can beat the dungeon. If no one listens and they keep standing in reds, or especially in VT, they do not hit valindra whe she grabs one of the team members and no one is there to prevent her dropping the portals then it is just a waste of time.

    On the other hand, people are impatient. People do not like speding hours on one thing anymore. They join the group, die once, leave the instance and join another. That might be more successful.

    The third thing I would mention ere is gearscore. Ok, it says 1600 is needed for the T1 dungeons, that is fine but imo Valindra/Malabog require higher GS, 1800- 2000.
  • sevendust387#5375 sevendust387 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I agree 1600 wouldn't be ideal for Valindra/Malabog/Kessell/Shores and even lostmauth I'm 2300+ right now and I can get by if I'm in a good group to beat those dungeons I still have a ways to go still I'm enjoying the grind ride lol
  • jedidgjedidg Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    > @greebo#4371 said:
    > At the same time, I'm not going to stick around for hours on end because the tank doesn't know how to hold aggro


    Currently running a level 70 DC Healer and the amount of times I've quit epics because the tank is unskilled (or the queue has matched us without a tank at all) is way too high. If people are going into epics they need to understand their role AND the tactics for the run - neither take long to research.

    Yes, people rage quit, but there's definitely another side to your argument. Why would I stick around with a party that is only going to cost me time and injury kits?

    If it's a close run thing (i.e - minor mistake creates a wipe, or end boss gets a cheeky one-shot in at low health) I'll stick around. If it's obvious from the off that the group isn't going to work, I'm out and I make no apologies for that.

    As many other people have said - Run with your guild, or at least run normal dungeons until you're familiar with your role and have acquired some reasonable gear.


    **EDIT** - I would also point out that good gear isn't hard to get by simply running The Well of Dragons dailies and heroics for a bit - Drow Gear bumps up the gear score pretty quickly!
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    The other day I ran LoL 4 times in a row with my crew and we trucked through with only a single wipe at Lostmauth on our second run (he did a jig we hadn't seen before). So later I decide to PuG a dungeon just to test my ability to heal people I can't talk to. (I'm never sure if I'm actually a good healer or if my group is just really good)

    I get in there and it's a disaster - Two guys keep dying and are begging injury kits off the rest of the group, The tank at least admits he doesn't know how to tank and it's his first dungeon, and the two TR who are supposed to be DPS are running around in a panic - dodging but not hitting anything. They ALL died multiple times while I slogged toward the end. We get in to fight the beholders and whats his face - and clearly they don't know what they are doing. I end up somehow taking agrro and running in circles around the outside of the room with everything chasing me, trying to drop heals on the run. I look around and my team is somehow still managing to die from the slow-motion black balls of death and the next thing I know I'm alone in there. Being a Healadin with no DPS I considered just wiping, but decided to try to show them what to do before I went down.

    Then back at the campfire they went to run in again and I didn't step into the circle. I typed (slowly at that since I don't have a keyboard hooked to my PS4)

    "I'm not a tank, I'm a healer"
    the tank replies "First time in dungeon, don't know what to do"
    So I replied "Goal is get golems to blow up by bad guy"

    So this group that took over an hour to even get TO the boss, walks in and plays their roles and we finish the fight in less than 10 minutes.

    Needless to say I was done on my healer after that for the evening.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

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