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still trying to find the fun in this game

I hit 70 twice and can't bare to do the same quests over and over again, and end game content is horrible, seriously doing the same quests once a day for months is just not fun. I'm trying to find the fun in end game but where is it, am i missing something?


  • demigodgamer#7121 demigodgamer Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited August 2016

    I hit 70 twice and can't bare to do the same quests over and over again, and end game content is horrible, seriously doing the same quests once a day for months is just not fun. I'm trying to find the fun in end game but where is it, am i missing something?

    No, your not really missing anything at all. I am the same way, when it comes to gaming, as a rule I can never play the same game twice. Because nothing really changes at all. It would be nice IF they made a game like a "choose your own adventure" that would be so awesome. And perhaps you should be playing NW , with other games as well. Because you can get burnt out pretty fast, IF your not careful. I play at least 3-4 other games, at any given time:)

  • firosafirosa Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    nope thats how MMOrpg are. These are not one and done games, repeating and grinding is part of it
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    ive been playing mmo's since eq, but this is not the same.
  • demigodgamer#7121 demigodgamer Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    Well, since your not having any "fun" perhaps you should play a game you do find "fun" ? Because I highly doubt , you'll be changing your mind anytime soon. Gaming should be about having fun, and not be a chore. Have you tried joining a guild? I own a guild and I have a blast playing with my small , but yet very tight guild. DCUO comes to mind , I find to find DCUO to be absolutely boring, I do still play it once in a blue moon. But I have learned , playing with others can make it less boring. But deep down inside, I know it's still very boring:( So other than the grind and the end content , what else don't you like about the game?

  • demigodgamer#7121 demigodgamer Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    And some people find doing "repetitive tasks" fun and enjoying. Not me however.

  • firosafirosa Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    I've been playing mmo since 2004 with ff11 on ps2 and since wow's launch, game devs have been emulating it with their mmo such as dcuo, ff14 which releases content in large patches and catch up content in small patches. It is also a free to play game, with its recources up in the air based on cash shop buying. The devs need money to make content, most mmo get money with sub fees now with higher production cost mmo get it with mix of sub fee's and cash shop buying. but ya most mmo since wow does this. I mainly play ff14 and it does the same thing, you log on do the same stuff rinse repeat. Same with ff11, you logged on and did the same endgame content, dcuo logged on rinse repeat.

    what have you playedmmo wise anyway? saying "since eq" doesn't give much info. Anyone could say that.
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    Everquest, e.q.o.a, eq2, wow, dcuo, ultima, I've tried ff but couldnt really get into it, but that was before the restart. i know about the daily grinds but this isnt a grind, it's simple fast and over, then there is nothing left to do but wait til the next day. at least with most other mmo's you can start an alt and experience different locations even crafting had something to it, hell the dungeons are just revamped versions of each other i experience deja vu everytime i entire a new location. All im wondering is if this is it. hit 70 do daily quest log off, log back in and repeat. is there anything more to the end game.
  • ileopsoas666ileopsoas666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Are you doing campaign?
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    finished elemental, 1/2 way through with the rest, not paying attention to icewind not really a pvp fan,
  • ileopsoas666ileopsoas666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Tbh, I think most innovative part of this game is pvp...or having fun in tweaking your build and try different interaction...if I don't mind that and you don't like grinding brainlessy I acknowledge your lack of fun
  • ileopsoas666ileopsoas666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Also campaign can immerse u in the lore quite well...but not if u are just rushing
  • maxcook996#4790 maxcook996 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Too much to do to get bored. Being in a great guild helps a bunch I'm too immersed in dragonflight
  • firosafirosa Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    i can't help ya, but all mmo i've played it is the way it is. the ps4 version is new and not up on par with the pc version or xbox version. but all mmo are like this now. you grind the same content for tokens to get endgame gear to get into bigger content ti grind more tokens to get endgame gear...

    i should start linking vass;s deffinition of instanty just to make a point. i see this same argument in EVER MMO I'VE SEEN (30+) and it all boils to the same reply. this is how mmo are with the op claiming to have played them citing how said game(s) is different to what they have seen but it truely isn't. As a person the said games the op usually list have the same topic.

    that is truely the diffinition of insanity.

    basicly i've seen each forum for each game you have listed and in each game this topic exists. and each op lists the same games you listen claiming each game is diffient then the one their post is for.

    pretty much dcuo had this topic, eq2 had this topic ff11 and ff14 had this topic, wow had this topic maple story had this topic mabinogi had this topic aion had this topic. I can go on and on on how often i've see this come up in each mmo i've played.

    aka the definition of insantity.
    Post edited by firosa on
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    Its a game designed for casuals. Anyone that plays it more than casually is going to be a little bored as they outpace the content.

    That said, fangbreaker might be finally the end game challenge people want. Unfortunately it will take casual players a long time to get there.

    I can only imagine right now what a new player thinks when they first hit 70 now...there is an overwhelming amount of campaign stuff to do and its repetitve as all get out. Same goes for multiple alts...i cringe when people say they have multiple alts with all boons....yuck.
  • jedimaster91#2927 jedimaster91 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    As a fairly fresh level 70, yes, it's overwhelming. Right now I'm slogging through the EE campaign because I can get through content without constantly dying. There's no real way to tell what the natural progression is. Another mmo I used to play had a tier system and players couldn't even access content they weren't geared for. It would be nice if Neverwinter did something similar. Or at least a recommended order in which to do the campaigns.
    Kaiya -- Trickster Rogue (main)
    Narcediira A'Dareon -- Control Wizard
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  • derio#3255 derio Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Maybe MMOs are not for you. Or perhaps just this game isn't for you
  • darkandsinfuldarkandsinful Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    Started on day 1 with a SW and everything just flew by fast, was level 66 before i even touched the 2nd tier of elemental campaign. started a OP and enjoyed the leveling immensely, leveling still went fast but i pretty much stayed within the content for my level. Every mmo I've played has held my attention for years. I've never been about getting to end game fast, i enjoy playing the game the lore and just exploring. but this game doesn't really have exploration it's pretty linear for a mmo. And honestly leveling is too easy in this game it's like they want you to be at 70 as fast as possible.

    Maybe MMOs are not for you. Or perhaps just this game isn't for you

    been playing mmo's for around 20 years so it's definitely not the genre.

    All i was wondering is if i was missing something if there was more to end game then what I've seen and apparently there isn't.

    The game is beautiful, the combat mechanics are great, (except for the occasional targeting issues) it just seems a bit toned down and meant more for the casual player.
  • derio#3255 derio Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Well the campaigns are stories that develop over time. So you could do the same mission 2 days in a row and then on day 3 unlock new missions on top of the old ones.

    There is alot to do
  • firosafirosa Member Posts: 83 Arc User

    Started on day 1 with a SW and everything just flew by fast, was level 66 before i even touched the 2nd tier of elemental campaign. started a OP and enjoyed the leveling immensely, leveling still went fast but i pretty much stayed within the content for my level. Every mmo I've played has held my attention for years. I've never been about getting to end game fast, i enjoy playing the game the lore and just exploring. but this game doesn't really have exploration it's pretty linear for a mmo. And honestly leveling is too easy in this game it's like they want you to be at 70 as fast as possible.

    Maybe MMOs are not for you. Or perhaps just this game isn't for you

    been playing mmo's for around 20 years so it's definitely not the genre.

    All i was wondering is if i was missing something if there was more to end game then what I've seen and apparently there isn't.

    The game is beautiful, the combat mechanics are great, (except for the occasional targeting issues) it just seems a bit toned down and meant more for the casual player.
    dude look up the definition of insanity. Or i can link far cry 3 if you wish. But what you typed has been typed before. I have seen this topic before on EVERY MMO EVER.

    i'm wondering if you are the same poster on each of the mmo's i've seen this topic on (but i know you're not) it is how the genre is. ff11, wow, dcuo, aion pwi, mabinogi, several MUD i've played. endgame was a grind, you did the same content repeatedly till you got your gear to do higher end content to get better gear.

    instead of jumping mmo pick one and play it.
    jumping mmo expecting something different is the definition of insanity.

    but yes it is the genre just older mmo were better at hiding it.

  • felonioustub#9502 felonioustub Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    If you need convincing that the game is fun, then choose a different game. Not everything is for everyone. There's lots of games out there.
  • superxmario128#6678 superxmario128 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Even if the quests don't seem fun you do them to build up your character to become stronger and do the end game dungeons to continue getting even stronger which is how MMOs work. I've only played a few MMO games since i'm a console person but i'm pretty sure nearly all MMOs work about the same way as DnD with how often you need to do the same quests/dungeons to grind to get the better gear to move onto the next tier even though i think DnD could handle it on some campaigns better because yes having to do only one quest a day to get the resources you need for 10 days just to move up in the campaigns really draws it out.

    But as some others have said if you aren't enjoying it now to even get through the EE campaign which you pretty much have to do to even get up near the required item level to do the high teir dungeons then you just aren't enjoying the game and should move on or take a break from it since you're probably just burnt out from it.
  • firosafirosa Member Posts: 83 Arc User

    Even if the quests don't seem fun you do them to build up your character to become stronger and do the end game dungeons to continue getting even stronger which is how MMOs work. I've only played a few MMO games since i'm a console person but i'm pretty sure nearly all MMOs work about the same way as DnD with how often you need to do the same quests/dungeons to grind to get the better gear to move onto the next tier even though i think DnD could handle it on some campaigns better because yes having to do only one quest a day to get the resources you need for 10 days just to move up in the campaigns really draws it out.

    But as some others have said if you aren't enjoying it now to even get through the EE campaign which you pretty much have to do to even get up near the required item level to do the high teir dungeons then you just aren't enjoying the game and should move on or take a break from it since you're probably just burnt out from it.

    every mmo pc or console is like this. as i've stated on here. this thread pops up in every mmo pc or console.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Step 1 - Build character
    Step 2 - Build Gear
    Step 3 - Build Guild

    My second character is almost to 70 and I have several more in the wings... perhaps you just haven't found a good guild to play with.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • drathmor#2709 drathmor Member Posts: 113 Arc User

    Started on day 1 with a SW and everything just flew by fast, was level 66 before i even touched the 2nd tier of elemental campaign. started a OP and enjoyed the leveling immensely, leveling still went fast but i pretty much stayed within the content for my level. Every mmo I've played has held my attention for years. I've never been about getting to end game fast, i enjoy playing the game the lore and just exploring. but this game doesn't really have exploration it's pretty linear for a mmo. And honestly leveling is too easy in this game it's like they want you to be at 70 as fast as possible.

    Maybe MMOs are not for you. Or perhaps just this game isn't for you

    been playing mmo's for around 20 years so it's definitely not the genre.

    All i was wondering is if i was missing something if there was more to end game then what I've seen and apparently there isn't.

    The game is beautiful, the combat mechanics are great, (except for the occasional targeting issues) it just seems a bit toned down and meant more for the casual player.
    there all the same as far as the grind and even in this one it varies by campaign. and all mmos are for the casual player now there is not hardcore content as that limits players and why would they do that when it means less money. the only hardcore games are ones like Dark souls and that type of game play isn't meant for MMOS they a different animal. you would think people would understand that by now and stop asking the same repeated question
  • mrrkmiller#5591 mrrkmiller Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    firosa said:

    i can't help ya, but all mmo i've played it is the way it is. the ps4 version is new and not up on par with the pc version or xbox version. but all mmo are like this now. you grind the same content for tokens to get endgame gear to get into bigger content ti grind more tokens to get endgame gear...

    i should start linking vass;s deffinition of instanty just to make a point. i see this same argument in EVER MMO I'VE SEEN (30+) and it all boils to the same reply. this is how mmo are with the op claiming to have played them citing how said game(s) is different to what they have seen but it truely isn't. As a person the said games the op usually list have the same topic.

    that is truely the diffinition of insanity.

    basicly i've seen each forum for each game you have listed and in each game this topic exists. and each op lists the same games you listen claiming each game is diffient then the one their post is for.

    pretty much dcuo had this topic, eq2 had this topic ff11 and ff14 had this topic, wow had this topic maple story had this topic mabinogi had this topic aion had this topic. I can go on and on on how often i've see this come up in each mmo i've played.

    aka the definition of insantity.

    I could not disagree more with your opinion of "That all MMOs are like this". Yes there is grinding. But this game is do a couple of dailys and your done. Other MMOs have way more content. Each Race has its own starting point usually and then professions are more then setting a task and log off. This is more like a phone game. This game's professions are choose an 8 hr task and your done. The only thing worth staying logged in for is invocation.

    You are correct that the question does come up with every game, but not days into it!! I hit 70 in one day, oh what fun. It was. But then going back, took another day to do all mission up to 70. This should take weeks or months. It is at MOD 9 (dont quote me lol) and has content of just a basic game without its first expansion. I think the voice chat and Epic Dungeon bugs are destroying most if any fun there maybe. It sucks to be in a guild and PS4 only allows 8 in a party. My guild at least does dragon flight and we can kill all 4 dragons. That is pretty fun. But sucks that everything is type chat instead of voice.
  • txsnowman#9359 txsnowman Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I played EQ and if you will recall, that game was an epic grind of monumental proportions the likes of which have never been seen before or since. Perhaps you've forgotten. And you mention the rinse/repeat nature of this game and it's quests, yet in EQ you literally farmed the same group of mobs for hours, days on end, for nothing more than experience. Loot sucked.

    I also call shenanigans as you can't level from 1-70 in a day without the assistance of a PL. So if you chose to rush through all of the content, you shouldn't complain when you feel under rewarded.

    Are you the type of person who sucks the fun out of every game you play? A person who can find fault in any situation? Perhaps this is just a personality trait and not a fault of the game.

    To say, as you did above, that this game lacks content... I just... Seriously? This game has so much content that I really have trouble keeping up with all of the myriad of things you can do. Unlike many other games that are released as unfinished demos, I wholeheartedly disagree with your take on Neverwinter.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    you know that various classes and race combos give you different missions as you level. There is that variety.

    Do not forget this is a MMO first and foremost than it is a D&D game. If you enjoyed the D&D game that had various interaction based on changes to class or race, this game really won't have it, because of the fact it is a MMO. Also, why would there be much variation to the game, we are all headed to NW to protect it or claim glory for our selves. Play and enjoy it for what it is worth. It is a free game after all.

  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    If you power leveled from 4-70 in your guild stronghold, then you really cant complain because you skipped a huge chunk of the content.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • titan#3770 titan Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Just thought I'd come and put my 2 cents in. To the OP. I have been an playing MMO's for 20 years myself (not in any particular order); the likes of Everquest, Asheron's Call, World or Warcraft, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Aion, Star Wars Galaxies and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Firosa is correct, every MMO game you play is repetitive. It's the Genre, not the game.

    Lacking Content? I can't say the game is lacking content. Since this was just released to the PS4, we are what, 3 years behind release of this game. We are getting everything at once: the campaigns and the dungeons that were released in each MOD over 3 years.

    I am typically doing all my daily quest in each campaign (except Elemental). That's Dread, Icewind Dale, Sharandar, Well of Dragons, Underdark and Tyranny of Dragons. I'm also running 2 dungeons and 2 skirmishes to maximize RAD gain. Then, when I can, I am also doing the quest in our Guild Stronghold.

    If anything, I feel overwhelmed. Is it repetitive? Sure. But every MMO is that way. There's not 1 MMO that I listed above that was not the same way.

    These games are about getting to max level, then farming whatever it is that you are after. And we all know we have to farm because that one item you are after has a .01% chance of dropping off the last boss of that dungeon that no one wants to run or can't run for obvious reasons.

    You mentioned crafting. The game is a little different in the crafting department than some of the other MMO's I've played, but it is what it is. It's been awhile since I've played some of the ones I've mentioned, and I don't actively play any of them anymore, but the crafting in this game reminds me a little of the way that Star Wars: The Old Republic crafting worked. You actually had your companions doing your crafting for you. You assigned them a tasks and it would complete after so many hours.

    This game might do some things differently, but there's one consistency through them all. They are Repetitive in that you will do the same things over and over again.

    It's the genre, not the game.

    The fun in this game? It's different for everyone, but for me personally, it's progression. Doing the harder and harder dungeons or events with a group of people I personally know, or that I grow to know in my guild. But in order to get there, you have to put in the grunt work or doing the dailies and running the dungeons to get the items you need so you can do the harder dungeons/raids.

    Anyway, rambled on long enough. Hope you find the fun sooner rather than later.
  • demigodgamer#7121 demigodgamer Member Posts: 194 Arc User

    Maybe MMOs are not for you. Or perhaps just this game isn't for you


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