The biggest problem with the foundry is that it is Down most of the time, the developers need to fix whatever problems that they are having with it so that people can use it to start making quests. Another issue with it is the ridiculous idea that you can't return back to a map to reuse it after, switching to another. Another major fault with it is the lack of objects in making new quests. I could also mention various other faults with it, but I really don't have the space to do so in this one comment. One last issue that I'd like to mention though is the really bad idea of not being able to interact with an object more than once. Whatever issues can be fixed right away should be dealt with right away so at least players like me can create new quests and when solutions to known issues are found they should be dealt with ASAP, so that players aren't kept waiting forever
I can't even open or access the foundry. This means on job boards they are blank, on the opening screen the link is greyed out. I subitted a request to arc support for help and they sent me here. What am I missing because I would very much like t use this feature. On Pc if that helps. Thank You :)
I can't even open or access the foundry. This means on job boards they are blank, on the opening screen the link is greyed out. I subitted a request to arc support for help and they sent me here. What am I missing because I would very much like t use this feature. On Pc if that helps. Thank You
Probably not gonna happen. Foundry has basically been unusable/down for many months and they just removed it as one of the four "key features" on the game info page -- they are probably completely removing the functionality. Pretty sad as it was the only real draw for a lot of people and was the only thing making NWO stand out from every other WoW wannabe.
It's a big fail! seems like you added HP for mobs but you forgot give them DAMAGE. they damaged 0 pionts to my 1.5k GWF. big red devil damaged 18k against my 70k HP! They just cant do anything to me.
also NO DROP. just ANY. and green item in the end...
I don't see ANY reason to waste a time for foundy but early it was really interesting. No AD for daily quest, no ANY usefull drop for quest, no hardcore mode, NOTHING.
"sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"
You're missing some information, and I'd like to share, so you can be better informed and maybe be less angry.
1) One of the modules, or when the level cap went to 70, at least a year or more ago, the mobs leveled too. So if you're level 70 running foundry, so are the mobs. Foundry's that were previously balanced for difficulty now weren't, and sometimes unplayable because of it. Keep in mind too a lot of authors have left over the years. So you may have ran a quest where the mobs were never rebalanced for the difficulty and never will be, because the author is gone. Also keep in mind featured quests cannot be edited by their author, no matter how much they wanted to fix the rebalancing problem.
2) You were running a foundry, right? Did you know that you can pick a creature, say a goblin, and dress him up like an ogre, but has the stats of a goblin? Yeah. So that big red devil was probably something balanced/scaled for the player to beat, like a goblin in disguise. Stuff like that is what a good author does, because they want the quest to be beaten, not the player.
3) Drops. They took out drops, a year ago I think? One reason I think was because to curb people creating foundries just to farm item drops. I'd have to search the forum for the exact explanation. Drops found in quests now are quest items the author created.
4) The loot in the end chest? Been a green item since beta in 2013. Authors have no way to change that or have power over it. It stinks, but I think it could upset the game economy if authors could, i.e. exploit foundries to farm the end chest.
5) No hardcore mode? You forget, the author has control over almost every aspect of building their quests. Some authors DO create hardcore versions of their foundries, couched within the one foundry, so that the person playing can decide while playing to take it easy or hardcore. Read #2 again to understand one way of how an author can do that.
6) Waste of time to play the foundry? Well, if your only incentive to play foundry is for item drops and AD, I'd say you are missing the point. But I am biased. Sadly, that is true. There aren't any real incentives for the average player to play Foundries.
Hopefully, some of the problems and a way to incentivize for players and for Cryptic will be figured out when they start fixing and updating the Foundry next year.
Meanwhile, if you would like to learn how to build a foundry that is challenging, perhaps even fun, or just want to learn more about the foundry in general, you can always ask authors.
Hidden Valley Ranch - NW-DPNGENL6E D&D Adventures Part I House of 1000 Corpses - NW-DIEYVLCML D&D Adventures Part II Well of Dragons - NW-DTPJEKZCT Third Place Winner CotD Foundry Contest
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 1 - NW-DM8GHAME2 Monty Python!
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 2 - NW-DFADOS4EX Monty Python!
1) Isn't problem of players it's problem of some foundy administration ti see what's quests broken, i guess.
2) I know that devil, he's true, i create him by myself. Lesser mobs doing around 300-2400 points of damage.
3) I know. but some drop should be.
4) ...
5) I known one good mission, I run it sometimes just for fun or when nothing to be. Yesterday I played it with my not main GWF (1.5k with green arts and so) and it was just long because of many hits you should do, but not hard so last rooms I goed around mobs just to left quest without fighting because it's BORING. What should i do with main 2.8 GWF with healing mounts?
So the trouble is.
- No damage from creations. I think they just forgot it. - Bringing back AD quests for foundy at least. - I think would be good to add some peridots or aquamarine in chest. Maybe for quest in 20 minutes it would be good.
"sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"
We need Hunter -rangers items, Warlocks items! Fashion dress for NPC... We need friendly fighting NPC's like HR, SW, OP and new NPC's like Drizzt Do-Urden and Jarlaxle We want new maps! I need a background for maps with Menzoberranzan, pleaseeee ((( just like in new missions
And also need a maneken posture for Archer (!) with uppen arrow! (and for warlocks he-he)
"sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"
I would like new features also. They have stated, though, that they are not working on any new features for the rest of this year. Before they do that, they need to fix the bugs in the present features.
When using the 3D editor, the assets window blocks about a quarter of the window. You also can't use add any assists from it. It is just in the way.
When setting both the Interact option and the Dialog on an asset, you will get the dialog but it doesn't complete.
They need to fix transporter issues also.
I would prefer to have the ability to set campaign quests so that they must be played in order. In other words part 1 or a campaign be played before part 2 can be played, ect.
Need to be able to set all dialog so that it ends a dialog tree and not just those that are created with story line objectives.
It may not be perfect - YET - but loving Neverwinter's Foundry just the same.
Ya know, every once in a while I check back on this forum too see if they had decided to hire competent devs. Obviously they still haven't. Too bad, this game really could have been something with a dedicated dev team for the foundry! Saddening isn't it? I had spent so much time on making fully custom foundry maps, that I still want to come back and finish them. However... not much of a point to that now is there? Considering nobody would even play them due to lack of rewards.
I'm definitely not gonna bother re-downloading the game and logging in just too be further ignored. Meh... final beta for Albion Online starts on the 1st.... guess I'll just skip looking back at this game for 2016. Maybe next year? (not holding my breath).
"I attack the darkness!"
Foundry Author of Arselu'Tel'Quess (NW-DDQ6P4IKQ)
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
close this thread. every time its bumped it makes me sad.
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
I started neverwinter yesterday just to find out that is a land of ghosts. Forum is barely alive with some veteran warriors struggling to keep whats left. But soon they will disappear too... The only thing that is keeping them is hope. A false hope in my opinion since you stopped trying to make this game better. Many will accuse me that im inexperienced with the game but the 1-6 lvl progress and this forum gave me some info and correct me (yes i mean you blind royal warhounds that hit max lvl and played since 2013 and now the only thing that still keep you here is the The Sunk Cost Fallacy (google it) and that you can brag about the old days of glory (yup OLD).
1st of all combat system in not good for a game thats says forget autolock abilities and the when u hide behind a wall archers hit you through. Now in terms of frame/ invisible fram/ dodge and hit particles there must rework it
2nd the support is nowhere to be found and when they appear there answers are like talking to a robot
3rd and the most crucial YOU STOPPED THE FOUNDRY even if it was full of limitations. NeverWinter is and will be RP if you cant accept it follow us to the end of this trip and continue to dont care until this game dies.
December 2013 7,187.5 Last 30 Days 1,815.5
Thats the Amount of active players in the game. 5k players left in 3 years and this is a fact not an opinion. At least dont disappoint the other 1,8k including me by neglecting us. We are the power that keeps your engine running.
A story by a 6lvl Rogue who had storytelling dreams...
One of the main reasons I stopped using the foundry, when it was operational, was time. As I advanced in the game, everything became more grind oriented. The more time I have to spend grinding, the less time I have to explore. I loved some of the longer foundry stories. It would take as long, or longer to explore them as a dungeon. When the game forced me to choose between doing something fun & collecting rewards... I chose rewards. When the game forced me to choose between the foundry & campaign advancement... the foundry fell by the wayside. I am not happy about this, but I didn't have much choice in the matter.
"Cryptic wants your feedback on the Foundry"I doubt that very much Here is my 2 cents, not that anyone cares. Fix all the MASSIVE bugs, add more content, give people SOME KIND OF REWARD for playing foundry quests. This is a broken record from me but, Neverwinter Nights is still going strong, why? User Generated Content. Make foundry quests worth players' time!
FOUNDRY is of no use .. no fun , no benefit .. 0+0=0 .. kill it ... i play this game since mod 5, entered foundry 3x and it is BORING .. pls , KILL IT
No benefits and of no use because CRYPTIC won't write 5 lines of code to FIX it and make it NON EXPLOITABLE and have treasure and experience equivalent to their content.
Otherwise you would have...
Alternative to Cryptic boring GRINDING
INTERESTING adventures instead of MINDLESS fetch-it/kill-it
UNIQUE Foundry exclusive Rewards
Ever improving Player created PvP maps
Challenging player made DUNGEONS
INFINITE end-game content
"HUNDREDS" of Content Developers instead of a skeleton "maintenance" crew of Cryptic Developers that only seem to recycle and regurgitate old tired content and come up with entirely new ways to break things while promoting grinding.
The Foundry was the only reason I started playing this game, the whole idea implemented on a MMO sounds pretty awesome as I've always found player-made content really interesting and sometimes even better than the vanilla content, sadly I play on X1 and we've never seen the Foundry
Alright. I'm a pretty old player and It's been a long time since I've actually played, honestly. I always felt the Foundry was a good edition to Neverwinter, because it allowed for pretty awesome user mad content to be implemented through there adventures. But honestly what I think it needs? Much more customization, talking the customization of monsters, allow us much flexibility to give them the exact look that we want. Even allow us to create new ones from scratch. As a former DM myself in the Tabletop gaming community, I feel more players would be attracted if the Foundry somehow offered a form of limitless freedom, true customization to create any environment, using the editing tools to give it just the look they want. Like scultpting our own monuments, buildings etc.. I can't say much on what all too add, because some of these things might already be implemented, seeing as I've been away for quite sometime. But another idea is to allow us to reshape, and structure the monuments already in the list, aside from being able to start from scratch. A true Roleplayer loves flexibility and customization, because it truly allows them to unleash their imagination and bring it to life in an online virtual world. I'd be really impressed if Neverwinter became much like the original table top, allowing such differences depending on the DM, or in this case the foundry editor. And what I mean by this? Allow us to somehow produce skills and custom armor, weapons to our campaigns, make the possibilities nigh limitless. Of course I'm not saying to make these permanent, because obviously after completing the long quest chain they'd return to Neverwinter and back to the actual game. So far I think the development team has done a fantastic job by far. Though just take a moment to see through my eyes, the eyes of a younging who loves RPG games. They all want something different, and want to be free. If the Foundry was somehow given all of these qualities, aside from the -many- great things they already have? I'm plenty sure Neverwinter would be one of the #1 top RPG MMO games to date.
Alright. I'm a pretty old player and It's been a long time since I've actually played, honestly. I always felt the Foundry was a good edition to Neverwinter, because it allowed for pretty awesome user mad content to be implemented through there adventures. But honestly what I think it needs? Much more customization, talking the customization of monsters, allow us much flexibility to give them the exact look that we want. Even allow us to create new ones from scratch. As a former DM myself in the Tabletop gaming community, I feel more players would be attracted if the Foundry somehow offered a form of limitless freedom, true customization to create any environment, using the editing tools to give it just the look they want. Like scultpting our own monuments, buildings etc.. I can't say much on what all too add, because some of these things might already be implemented, seeing as I've been away for quite sometime. But another idea is to allow us to reshape, and structure the monuments already in the list, aside from being able to start from scratch. A true Roleplayer loves flexibility and customization, because it truly allows them to unleash their imagination and bring it to life in an online virtual world. I'd be really impressed if Neverwinter became much like the original table top, allowing such differences depending on the DM, or in this case the foundry editor. And what I mean by this? Allow us to somehow produce skills and custom armor, weapons to our campaigns, make the possibilities nigh limitless. Of course I'm not saying to make these permanent, because obviously after completing the long quest chain they'd return to Neverwinter and back to the actual game. So far I think the development team has done a fantastic job by far. Though just take a moment to see through my eyes, the eyes of a younging who loves RPG games. They all want something different, and want to be free. If the Foundry was somehow given all of these qualities, aside from the -many- great things they already have? I'm plenty sure Neverwinter would be one of the #1 top RPG MMO games to date.
Foundry outages are common with new mods. Cryptic should know this, since they built the game. The only criticism I have about outages is this; Why must the editor be used online at all? The editor should function independent of the game until the database is ready to upload the files. The functional editor could be used by the client while the database it reloaded. Thus no outages for editing the Foundry. Once the update to the catalog is complete, authors could submit their work. I really do hope, this title is the truth, "CRYPTIC WANTS YOUR FEEDBACK ON THE FOUNDRY" because I just gave it.
Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. ~ Mark Twain
The person that started this thread was a sound editor for cryptic. He has not been with the company for over a year.. and this thread was started by him personally, not in behalf of the company. So... NO... cryptic does NOT want your feedback. The foundry is NOT supported. There will be NO improvements for the foundry. Deal with it.
You need to let people import their own assets and build whole zones and create there own mobs and bosses with thier own abilities/mechanics. Then have a rating system and the best ones get approved by someone in the company for adding good rewards base on the length and difficulty of the dungeon/ adventure / zone. Do something akin to skyrim but have approval on mods before they go live that way you can constantly add more content to the base game without having to make it all yourselves and have the development team become more about approving and tweaking things and let the community build more of the assets.
Valve does soemthing like this with csgo skins the community creates them and votes and then valve puts them into packages tweaks what needs tweaking and adds the content to the base game without have to develope that content themselves. They make all kinds of money off it too. I know cryptic likes Dat Money!
You need to let people import their own assets and build whole zones and create there own mobs and bosses with thier own abilities/mechanics. Then have a rating system and the best ones get approved by someone in the company for adding good rewards base on the length and difficulty of the dungeon/ adventure / zone. Do something akin to skyrim but have approval on mods before they go live that way you can constantly add more content to the base game without having to make it all yourselves and have the development team become more about approving and tweaking things and let the community build more of the assets.
Valve does soemthing like this with csgo skins the community creates them and votes and then valve puts them into packages tweaks what needs tweaking and adds the content to the base game without have to develope that content themselves. They make all kinds of money off it too. I know cryptic likes Dat Money!
Would you like a real life unicorn? I'd like a real life unicorn.
You need to let people import their own assets and build whole zones and create there own mobs and bosses with thier own abilities/mechanics. Then have a rating system and the best ones get approved by someone in the company for adding good rewards base on the length and difficulty of the dungeon/ adventure / zone. Do something akin to skyrim but have approval on mods before they go live that way you can constantly add more content to the base game without having to make it all yourselves and have the development team become more about approving and tweaking things and let the community build more of the assets.
Valve does soemthing like this with csgo skins the community creates them and votes and then valve puts them into packages tweaks what needs tweaking and adds the content to the base game without have to develope that content themselves. They make all kinds of money off it too. I know cryptic likes Dat Money!
Would you like a real life unicorn? I'd like a real life unicorn.
I mean, I was just saying what would be ideal... I don't think they will do it cause at this point it would probibly make better business sense to just move onto the next game and put your development time there but they asked for feedback so ideally that is what I would like to see.
I think what might not be so hard is just the part about allowing some assets to be developed by the community maybe could start with like a tool to do some skins for some monsters or something... they could develope a set of tools that could be used for other games they develope as well. I just think the big problem with the foundry/ the game/ mmos in general is that there is so much to develope assets get reused a lot and it makes the game feel stale and repetitive at times... imo you feel this a lot in foundry as everything is old and reused from other things. It's not like your going to see anything you havn't already seen.
Even without developing anything there are plently of amazing digital artists out there that want recognition and would enter contest and things if they had one, they could do something like a best monster model or skin contest and use the best assets people submit in an upcoming expansion or something.... just some ideas.
You know like start somewhere small and work up to more as you go, I mean skyrim didn't have the 10s of thousands of mods it does now at release.
Do you have any idea of what these software costs?
Not to mention skills in texturing, scuplting, rigging, animation... and the issues with copyrights of textures and some 3D meshes you can find all over the internet.
And oh yeah, you can do everything with blender and gimp, but let's be serious...
You can only work with their assets.
Post edited by valcontar73 on
NWS-DLXTNXRF2 - Angeline von Stein NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Do you have any idea of what these software costs?
Not to mention skills in texturing, scuplting, rigging, animation... and the issues with copyrights of textures and some 3D meshes you can find all over the internet.
And oh yeah, you can do everything with blender and gimp, but let's be serious...
You can only work with their assets.
uhm... you CAN do everything with blender and gimp you do not need maya or 3D max also you can get free trials and student license for almost all of them and also somehow it works for many games so this isn't an issue. I mean it's not the first game to have player made content. Just take a little strole over to csgo workshop on steam or look at the skyrim nexus you'll see that there apparently are tons of people getting by making stuff whether they are using the expensive software or the free software I donno but it's happening..... I mean let's be serious it's not something new, what your saying just isn't an issue at all.
There is no one available to police this. There is no motivation for Cryptic to spend money to either make it happen or oversee it. You cant leave it up to the players because the players are the same morons who keep voting achievement and farm quests to the top of the lists.
You would be swamped with inappropriate textures that would make the deep web cry in sadness.
If Cryptic isn't even willing to allow minor rewards for the foundry, out of fear of how the players might, and have, abused it. Why would you even have the fantasy that they would somehow suddenly change their mind, do a complete reversal, and compound that by allowing completely custom art, sound, or what have you?
There is no one available to police this. There is no motivation for Cryptic to spend money to either make it happen or oversee it. You cant leave it up to the players because the players are the same morons who keep voting achievement and farm quests to the top of the lists.
You would be swamped with inappropriate textures that would make the deep web cry in sadness.
If Cryptic isn't even willing to allow minor rewards for the foundry, out of fear of how the players might, and have, abused it. Why would you even have the fantasy that they would somehow suddenly change their mind, do a complete reversal, and compound that by allowing completely custom art, sound, or what have you?
Yea but you would also theorectically free up some of the artists time... so just follow that thought through. Also I'd be willing to bet that they will at some point enhance the rewards available to the foundry since that would seem to make logical sense... but time will tell I guess and yea making sure the system is not abused definatly seems to be the core issue.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
It's a big fail! seems like you added HP for mobs but you forgot give them DAMAGE. they damaged 0 pionts to my 1.5k GWF. big red devil damaged 18k against my 70k HP! They just cant do anything to me.
also NO DROP. just ANY. and green item in the end...
I don't see ANY reason to waste a time for foundy but early it was really interesting. No AD for daily quest, no ANY usefull drop for quest, no hardcore mode, NOTHING.
You're missing some information, and I'd like to share, so you can be better informed and maybe be less angry.
1) One of the modules, or when the level cap went to 70, at least a year or more ago, the mobs leveled too. So if you're level 70 running foundry, so are the mobs. Foundry's that were previously balanced for difficulty now weren't, and sometimes unplayable because of it. Keep in mind too a lot of authors have left over the years. So you may have ran a quest where the mobs were never rebalanced for the difficulty and never will be, because the author is gone. Also keep in mind featured quests cannot be edited by their author, no matter how much they wanted to fix the rebalancing problem.
2) You were running a foundry, right? Did you know that you can pick a creature, say a goblin, and dress him up like an ogre, but has the stats of a goblin? Yeah. So that big red devil was probably something balanced/scaled for the player to beat, like a goblin in disguise. Stuff like that is what a good author does, because they want the quest to be beaten, not the player.
3) Drops. They took out drops, a year ago I think? One reason I think was because to curb people creating foundries just to farm item drops. I'd have to search the forum for the exact explanation. Drops found in quests now are quest items the author created.
4) The loot in the end chest? Been a green item since beta in 2013. Authors have no way to change that or have power over it. It stinks, but I think it could upset the game economy if authors could, i.e. exploit foundries to farm the end chest.
5) No hardcore mode? You forget, the author has control over almost every aspect of building their quests. Some authors DO create hardcore versions of their foundries, couched within the one foundry, so that the person playing can decide while playing to take it easy or hardcore. Read #2 again to understand one way of how an author can do that.
6) Waste of time to play the foundry? Well, if your only incentive to play foundry is for item drops and AD, I'd say you are missing the point. But I am biased. Sadly, that is true. There aren't any real incentives for the average player to play Foundries.
Hopefully, some of the problems and a way to incentivize for players and for Cryptic will be figured out when they start fixing and updating the Foundry next year.
Meanwhile, if you would like to learn how to build a foundry that is challenging, perhaps even fun, or just want to learn more about the foundry in general, you can always ask authors.
House of 1000 Corpses - NW-DIEYVLCML D&D Adventures Part II
Well of Dragons - NW-DTPJEKZCT Third Place Winner CotD Foundry Contest
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 1 - NW-DM8GHAME2 Monty Python!
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 2 - NW-DFADOS4EX Monty Python!
1) Isn't problem of players it's problem of some foundy administration ti see what's quests broken, i guess.
2) I know that devil, he's true, i create him by myself. Lesser mobs doing around 300-2400 points of damage.
3) I know. but some drop should be.
4) ...
5) I known one good mission, I run it sometimes just for fun or when nothing to be. Yesterday I played it with my not main GWF (1.5k with green arts and so) and it was just long because of many hits you should do, but not hard so last rooms I goed around mobs just to left quest without fighting because it's BORING. What should i do with main 2.8 GWF with healing mounts?
So the trouble is.
- No damage from creations. I think they just forgot it.
- Bringing back AD quests for foundy at least.
- I think would be good to add some peridots or aquamarine in chest. Maybe for quest in 20 minutes it would be good.
We need Hunter -rangers items, Warlocks items! Fashion dress for NPC...
We need friendly fighting NPC's like HR, SW, OP and new NPC's like Drizzt Do-Urden and Jarlaxle
We want new maps! I need a background for maps with Menzoberranzan, pleaseeee ((( just like in new missions
And also need a maneken posture for Archer (!) with uppen arrow! (and for warlocks he-he)
When using the 3D editor, the assets window blocks about a quarter of the window. You also can't use add any assists from it. It is just in the way.
When setting both the Interact option and the Dialog on an asset, you will get the dialog but it doesn't complete.
They need to fix transporter issues also.
I would prefer to have the ability to set campaign quests so that they must be played in order. In other words part 1 or a campaign be played before part 2 can be played, ect.
Need to be able to set all dialog so that it ends a dialog tree and not just those that are created with story line objectives.
I had spent so much time on making fully custom foundry maps, that I still want to come back and finish them. However... not much of a point to that now is there? Considering nobody would even play them due to lack of rewards.
I'm definitely not gonna bother re-downloading the game and logging in just too be further ignored. Meh... final beta for Albion Online starts on the 1st.... guess I'll just skip looking back at this game for 2016. Maybe next year? (not holding my breath).
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
I started neverwinter yesterday just to find out that is a land of ghosts. Forum is barely alive with some veteran warriors struggling to keep whats left. But soon they will disappear too...
The only thing that is keeping them is hope. A false hope in my opinion since you stopped trying to make this game better.
Many will accuse me that im inexperienced with the game but the 1-6 lvl progress and this forum gave me some info and correct me (yes i mean you blind royal warhounds that hit max lvl and played since 2013 and now the only thing that still keep you here is the The Sunk Cost Fallacy (google it) and that you can brag about the old days of glory (yup OLD).
1st of all combat system in not good for a game thats says forget autolock abilities and the when u hide behind a wall archers hit you through. Now in terms of frame/ invisible fram/ dodge and hit particles there must rework it
2nd the support is nowhere to be found and when they appear there answers are like talking to a robot
3rd and the most crucial YOU STOPPED THE FOUNDRY even if it was full of limitations. NeverWinter is and will be RP if you cant accept it follow us to the end of this trip and continue to dont care until this game dies.
December 2013 7,187.5
Last 30 Days 1,815.5
Thats the Amount of active players in the game. 5k players left in 3 years and this is a fact not an opinion.
At least dont disappoint the other 1,8k including me by neglecting us.
We are the power that keeps your engine running.
A story by a 6lvl Rogue who had storytelling dreams...
Otherwise you would have...
- Alternative to Cryptic boring GRINDING
- INTERESTING adventures instead of MINDLESS fetch-it/kill-it
- UNIQUE Foundry exclusive Rewards
- Ever improving Player created PvP maps
- Challenging player made DUNGEONS
- INFINITE end-game content
"HUNDREDS" of Content Developers instead of a skeleton "maintenance" crew of Cryptic Developers that only seem to recycle and regurgitate old tired content and come up with entirely new ways to break things while promoting grinding....THE answer should be FIX IT.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Valve does soemthing like this with csgo skins the community creates them and votes and then valve puts them into packages tweaks what needs tweaking and adds the content to the base game without have to develope that content themselves. They make all kinds of money off it too.
I think what might not be so hard is just the part about allowing some assets to be developed by the community maybe could start with like a tool to do some skins for some monsters or something... they could develope a set of tools that could be used for other games they develope as well. I just think the big problem with the foundry/ the game/ mmos in general is that there is so much to develope assets get reused a lot and it makes the game feel stale and repetitive at times... imo you feel this a lot in foundry as everything is old and reused from other things. It's not like your going to see anything you havn't already seen.
Even without developing anything there are plently of amazing digital artists out there that want recognition and would enter contest and things if they had one, they could do something like a best monster model or skin contest and use the best assets people submit in an upcoming expansion or something.... just some ideas.
You know like start somewhere small and work up to more as you go, I mean skyrim didn't have the 10s of thousands of mods it does now at release.
devs, let us make some new textures, if we like it and devs like it, then it could intergrated into main menu in dungeon files.
-. Autodesk Maya/3D max
-. Zbrush
-. Photoshop
-. Substance Painter
-. Quixel
Do you have any idea of what these software costs?
Not to mention skills in texturing, scuplting, rigging, animation... and the issues with copyrights of textures and some 3D meshes you can find all over the internet.
And oh yeah, you can do everything with blender and gimp, but let's be serious...
You can only work with their assets.
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
You would be swamped with inappropriate textures that would make the deep web cry in sadness.
If Cryptic isn't even willing to allow minor rewards for the foundry, out of fear of how the players might, and have, abused it. Why would you even have the fantasy that they would somehow suddenly change their mind, do a complete reversal, and compound that by allowing completely custom art, sound, or what have you?