Why is there no cooldown mechanic on lockdowns? Who thought it was a good idea to let people spam lockdown after lockdown after lockdown rendering me unable to use any skill, run, or do anything at all? Seriously who's job is this this guy need to come play a game with me.
I Dropped out of school but i never leave the hall. I grab kids, drag 'em in between the walls. They call me the ghost of the badlands, but i'm really just a killer with big hands.
Notice he states he has a tr.
Notice again he starts off complaining about tr.
Now notice the total number of posts..
What are the posts about?
Tr are not the focus of this preview feedback and this is not the proper way to beg for a nerf to a class.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia