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6 months of NeverWinter and...

Not a single valuable drop, this is including a lockbox or two a day. Best thing maybe SMOP. I can not get a legendary ring to drop either. I run dungeons as well, I would estimate somewhere between 15-20 a week, and this is what I get? A big pile of nothing. I guess my RNG is just trash? Its getting hella discouraging. In these past 6 months I have managed to get to 2.8k, on my main. Been grinding the last month for perfect vorpal.
Is this all I have to look forward too? Running the same dungeons CN ELOL and EDEMO, for some mythical plus 5 ring to drop? Queuing pvp out of sheer boredom and getting wrecked by 4k pre made groups. Grinding forever for such little reward? Cryptic Figure out how to lower the prices on everything in AH. Preferably by raising the freaking drop rates!!!!Some of us have lives, and don't want to waste 200$ on getting my twisted set to legendary ( its probably even more ). I don't mind forking up a little cash if I feel like the game is going in the right direction ( probably spent 100$ in 6 months ). But I feel just the opposite. Fix these issues, for the love of Neverember, fix these issues.


  • livefast1#9341 livefast1 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    And get some new content. Maze engine was pathetic. Diablo two had more detailed mods/expansions, and that came out 16 years ago!!!!! SMH. Lol now I think I'm done.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    +5 rings drop only out of edemo, the underdark squirmishes and CN(its own set). So far i had a +5 ring in thone of the dwarven god. At some point before they fixed the achievement for getting gold and that phase 1 was almost impossible to get silver on, i was farming the hell out of it. Ring ended up being usefull on my GF but what i would truly want is a +5 from prophecy for my GWF and despite having run it a considerable ammount of time, i got none. The drop rate is rare indeed... even lia knowles build etc mention "i refuse to farm for the +5 rings but there best in slot"

    Now for lockboxes... Been around a year i play, lets say i became VIP as soon as the VIP system was installed, think i may have miss 1 key or 2 because i was out of town and couldn't play on that day, but thats it and so far the best i got was epic companion pack. Just once. I got around 4 superior marks, never a diamond, a few blue mounts, 1 couple artifact (1 horn from old boxes for exemple), a couple artifact equipement and 2 purple archons. Thats the best stuff i got. I supa ose if you look for legendary mount, you must be prepare to open a 1000 boxes... Thats why personally i get keys only when i have extra diamonds... And i get my VIP of course, not just for the key but praying anywhere without an altar, no injuries, the sign post/mail etc i use them so much i couldn't play now without them.

    As for PVP yup thats one of the reason why i never touch it...

    As a dude said this game is about the grinding, thats bound to be repetitive. Sometimes like you i wish we could get better rewards tough, but i guess the main point of the game is somehow to make us grind in between expensions to get our character stronger, then when a new expension come out, we can enjoy and discover new content. But after that its back to grinding the same old stuf we always did. I supose building the guild and trying to get the most diamond somehow break a bit the monotony, but thats how the game is designed overall... When you get to 4K you will kinda realize there is nothing much left to do for you... exept continuing building the guild and maybe collecting goodies. Lots of people run multiple characters for that reason.

  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    @destrowod pretty much said it all...I just wanted to add,

    If it's rare to get a legendary drop from 1000's of lockboxes...what do you think you opening 1 or 2 daily odds are?

    RNG is a cruel CRUEL beast...but you will have to increase your odds. Try saving 100 keys and then open boxes all at once. May still get shafted, but you will increase your odds of winning some pretty kewl stuff.

    Best of luck
  • speedokillzspeedokillz Member Posts: 105 Arc User

    @destrowod pretty much said it all...I just wanted to add,

    If it's rare to get a legendary drop from 1000's of lockboxes...what do you think you opening 1 or 2 daily odds are?

    RNG is a cruel CRUEL beast...but you will have to increase your odds. Try saving 100 keys and then open boxes all at once. May still get shafted, but you will increase your odds of winning some pretty kewl stuff.

    Best of luck

    Would you please explain the math of how opening 100 at once vs 1 per day for 100 days increases odds? I am very interested in this because I would like to buy 100 scratch tickets today.

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Heh, I don't think it actually improves your odds but you do get a bunch of things at once and it feels better xD
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • spookymoo#7778 spookymoo Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    I only get random junk from lockboxes like companion fortification kits or profession packs or randomly and most recently sets of x2 level 7 enchantments (yes, seriously!) And purple refining stones. Like the last 50 or so - I open one a day. Opening 1 a day to get jabbed in the eye with the great big pointy stick of disappointment is one thing - I don't think I could take being jabbed by the great big disappointment pointy stick 100 times in one go. I NEVER get gear. I NEVER get companions. And mounts - ha not even the whiff of one charging away from me. I swear if I get a mount I will never play this game again because I will obviously have broken it.

    Most times when I run throne or prophecy, I get the ichor seals, etc. Whereas I often times used to get a random blue ring drop, sometimes even a purple +2, now I get nothing dropping at all. Chest- always blue rings. So I get some salvage - lucky me. Demo - ha don't get me started on that. Can never get in most times last three days pointless queuing. At the moment I am doing dailies, cos I am sick of all the random rubbish that I achieve in getting after grinding dungeons, most of the time I spend queuing for and never getting in anyways. I am still stuck at 2.5. It hurts. Every single day. *bangs head against console* someone put me out of my misery. Please. RNG hates me..............
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I got a legendary mount pack with a daily key. It can happen. Getting mad about it will not get you anywhere. I've been upset with this game plenty of times and all it really shows is nothing for our venting.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    I would say this RNG is more in lines to a slot machine than a roll of scratch off tickets as a scratch off ticket is predetermined. With the analogy of the slot machine, you absolutely increase the odds by simply multiplying the effort. The more times you can roll a 100 sided die, eventually the odds are you will hit 100.

    Whether it's correct or incorrect...I typically see more results from lockboxes when I can roll through 100 at a time.
  • satniteeduardosatniteeduardo Member Posts: 136 Arc User

    I would say this RNG is more in lines to a slot machine than a roll of scratch off tickets as a scratch off ticket is predetermined. With the analogy of the slot machine, you absolutely increase the odds by simply multiplying the effort. The more times you can roll a 100 sided die, eventually the odds are you will hit 100.

    Whether it's correct or incorrect...I typically see more results from lockboxes when I can roll through 100 at a time.

    If the odds on 1 spin is 1/100 they are the odds for every spin no matter when that spin occurs eg 1 per day for 100 days or 100 in one session.
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    In any event...I FEEL better when I gamble in bulk.
  • thedramacusthedramacus Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    I do have to agree RNG seems screwed up, I have a guild member that has all kinds of luck getting epic artifacts from lockboxs, though he does spend more than me. But then again his luck was with the lock box that dropped the heart of the dragons, latley he hasnt had the same luck.

    As for getting nothing but trash I am guessing your just not thinking about what your getting. Everything is worth something, sometimes its a matter of making it into something worth more. The only thing I see that is complete trash is that cult of the emblems thing (could it atleast confuse cultists into thinking your one of them for a second or something)

    I agree with pvp being whack, could the either make it so you que in with similar ILs (I.E. 2k, 3k, 4k pvp brackets) or make a PVP without guild boons. Leave the guild boon version, but make a seperate que so people can stand by thier IL alone...

    But complaining about the grind? isnt that what MMORPGs are for? I cant remember a single one that wasnt designed for the grind.
    Dramacus 3.1 SW, Raven 2.9 HR, Aurora Shadowbain 2.7 GF, Mirduatas Vras 2.5 DC
    Si Vis Pacem 2.5 DC, Jade Shadowbain 2.4 CW, Para Bellum 1.5 GWF, President Not Sure lvl 69 OP
    Faith Shadowbain lvl 69 DC, Toof Fairy lvl 68 GWF, Arnie Shadowbain lvl 63 GF

    Your Credit Card Has Been Declined
  • swurvyswurvy Member Posts: 10 Arc User

    In any event...I FEEL better when I gamble in bulk.

    True, it does give the impression that your odds of winning are better. It's called the Gambler's Fallacy, quite an interesting topic. Unfortunately, 1 in a 100 is just that, the first or the thousandth time.
  • pr3stigexpr3stigex Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    I rather have 100 tries vs 1 at any odds.
    Lash Urzoth 3.7k GWF, Pr3sTiGe 3k SW.
  • swurvyswurvy Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    pr3stigex said:

    I rather have 100 tries vs 1 at any odds.

    Absolutely, I doubt you would find anyone who would argue that point. The misconception is when people believe that 1:100 odds means that 1 in every 100 has a guaranteed winner.
  • speedokillzspeedokillz Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    The problem here is the true cost of the "tries." The 20-sided die isn't charging you 125 Zen per roll for 100 more tries to hit the number that you need, is it?

    As far as having 100 tries vs 1... the scenario from what I see was saving your keys for a bulk opening. So if you save 100 of your daily VIP keys over 100 days, you are guaranteed that for 99 days you will get absolutely nothing, 100% chance of zero. Then on the 100th day you open 100 boxes and you are still not guaranteed to get what you want. I saw a post a while back the suggested 1:2000 chance of a legendary item based on a very big box opening party by some wallet warriors.

    All in all, VIP seems to be the best value for keys and while I just open a box every day I would like to practice my delayed gratification skills and save up 100 and do it all at once... if only I thought there would be some gratification at the end of it :)
    Post edited by speedokillz on
  • mrroofer#2455 mrroofer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    If you have vip just take your free key and be happy save it if you want but if you feel the need to buy them wait for 50% off all items day in just under a year I've gotten 2 epic mounts that's it opening thousands of boxes but it amazes me how some people can get 3 or 4 legendarys in 10 mins last 50% off day I watched 5 people get legendary at least 5 times in 10 mins and opening different boxes not the same one how the hell does that happen? Best way to go in my opinion to get what you want and pretty fun is professions make good stuff and sell it I've made almost 2.5 million AD this week alone. hate the people who try to undercut you by 1 diamond tho grrrrr lol
  • thedramacusthedramacus Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    Id rather be undercut by 1 than 10k, that just drops market values.
    Dramacus 3.1 SW, Raven 2.9 HR, Aurora Shadowbain 2.7 GF, Mirduatas Vras 2.5 DC
    Si Vis Pacem 2.5 DC, Jade Shadowbain 2.4 CW, Para Bellum 1.5 GWF, President Not Sure lvl 69 OP
    Faith Shadowbain lvl 69 DC, Toof Fairy lvl 68 GWF, Arnie Shadowbain lvl 63 GF

    Your Credit Card Has Been Declined
  • mrroofer#2455 mrroofer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    True about the market value dropping and besides if they undercut me by a diamond I just undercut them right back and usually sell my stuff before them lol
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    Just so everyone knows...undercutting by thousands or even 10s of thousands is not a way to make quick AD. Sure you may get a snipe sale, but if everyone drove the market down with that ideology...we would all be losing profits.

    Perfect example...Bard companion that was available via IGN was going for 4M when it first came to market...after as little as days later it was under 1M, why? Why literally destroy a 3M profit margin, for what? A quick 1M? It's slowly crawling back but it's been several weeks...and that's only listed for almost 2M. We may never see the 4M it was originally placed for because those that severely undercut each other, have destroyed the market.

    Unfortunately there are FAR less of those that don't need immediate AD due to poor planning & bad investments trying to keep the AH honest.
  • kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I seen 1 legendary drop from an estimated 1500 boxes. And zero +5 rings from 100's of runs. I dont even try for the +5 anymore. 4's are not much worse really. I can still put two r/12's in them, thats all that matters to me.
  • speedokillzspeedokillz Member Posts: 105 Arc User

    Just so everyone knows...undercutting by thousands or even 10s of thousands is not a way to make quick AD. Sure you may get a snipe sale, but if everyone drove the market down with that ideology...we would all be losing profits.

    Perfect example...Bard companion that was available via IGN was going for 4M when it first came to market...after as little as days later it was under 1M, why? Why literally destroy a 3M profit margin, for what? A quick 1M? It's slowly crawling back but it's been several weeks...and that's only listed for almost 2M. We may never see the 4M it was originally placed for because those that severely undercut each other, have destroyed the market.

    Unfortunately there are FAR less of those that don't need immediate AD due to poor planning & bad investments trying to keep the AH honest.

    Who cares! ...welcome to a free market buddy.
  • mrroofer#2455 mrroofer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    I agree I've never gotten a legendary and probably never will never even seen a +5 ring lol
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    Who cares! ...welcome to a free market buddy.


    The market is determined by demand and supply. That's basic economics. You don't get to set a price and assume it's the price your market is going to pay.

    Perhaps the original price was overvaluated. I've got items I'm waiting to post when the market aligns with what I want. That's just the way it goes. I don't complain because someone else sells low. That's their right in a free market.
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    I would agree supply and demand should dictate the market...but it is not supply and demand that has drove the value of various items down. I believe it's AD starved sellers that are desperate for AD that drives down the market. It is not because the supply is high or the demand is low.

    It's a fire sale and the smart players are buying. So no, I'm not complaining...just call it a service announcement for those just looking for quick AD or long term wealth.
  • kclowekclowe Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I feel there are so many factors in play here that in all reality, you are all correct. In one hand if nobody drops the price than buyers are forced to pay the high price. In the other hand value is not what some random person first prices something at but its more what people are willing to pay and what they feel they get out of paying said price. So if the price is 4 million but the community as a whole feel they dont get much value for it, than naturally the price will have to drop untill buyers come in where they feel there getting their AD's worth out of it.
    This economy is so much more complex than most understand. The amount of variables in play is huge. The amount of variables unseen and unforseen is even larger. The later is usually what will dictate a value in the end.
  • speedokillzspeedokillz Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    look, if some yahoo out there decides to sell too low, then they are only allowing you an opportunity to take advantage of the free market. Buy it out and re-post it for what you perceive as the actual value. If you're so smart, then profit 2x...

    Just don't complain because the do not need something at all, but if they sell it for xxAD then they can go buy the other thing their character really wants.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    There is no such thing as a 'right' price, or fair / unfair. Nobody needs any of this stuff to live and the supply is controlled more by the devs than the market.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • mrroofer#2455 mrroofer Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    I'm pretty happy with how the market goes between my two characters I make anywhere between 1.2 + 2.5 million diamonds a week
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    I do buy low If I feel the item is under valued, that makes my happy, not mad. However when 10 to 15 people under value an item and drives down the market when its a high valued item and in limited supply, it bothers me.

    Folks can do what they want and manage thier toon however they like...I'm no genius. At the end of the day, an item is worth what a person is willing to pay for it. I'm just here to voice my opinion to the 1 or 2 that are interested. I'm looking for nothing but my 5 minutes on a soap box that ended 4 minutes ago.

    Viva La Resistance
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User

    Just so everyone knows...undercutting by thousands or even 10s of thousands is not a way to make quick AD. Sure you may get a snipe sale, but if everyone drove the market down with that ideology...we would all be losing profits.

    Perfect example...Bard companion that was available via IGN was going for 4M when it first came to market...after as little as days later it was under 1M, why? Why literally destroy a 3M profit margin, for what? A quick 1M? It's slowly crawling back but it's been several weeks...and that's only listed for almost 2M. We may never see the 4M it was originally placed for because those that severely undercut each other, have destroyed the market.

    Unfortunately there are FAR less of those that don't need immediate AD due to poor planning & bad investments trying to keep the AH honest.

    Who cares! ...welcome to a free market buddy.
    Yeah, free market Vs. dumb/shortsighted market in this case...
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