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RUTHLESS GH20 Mature, 18+ PVE/PVP guild and alliance



  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Hi @soupaphil#5825 probably the fastest way to get to 2.7k is to get the drow set for armor (4 weeks), get some +4 rings (+5 if you get a lucky drop - run throne of the dwarven king), level your artifacts to purple and get your enchantments to rank 8. that should leave you just shy of 2.7 - add an armor enhancement kit or 2 to your armor and you'll be high enough.

    Longer term you should be aiming at getting your artifacts to orange by using the feeder method during double RP & getting some Dragonflight where appropriate. Also, don't forget gemmed elemental shirt & pants, with the gem slots they add quite a bit - as do the double slots on the +4/+5 rings.

    Hope that helps!
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    We are currently at 149/150, so anyone that wants to join will have to be put on a waiting list since there is a bug that prevents alternate characters from being invited to the guild if you are at 150 members. We will keep a close eye on activity, but 90% of our members log on everyday at some point (just a guess). I wish they would increase the capacity, but it's hard enough keeping up with 150 honestly.
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Also, I'm not a fan of the crit severity boon because crit severity diminishes severely at a certain percentage. Not worth it IMO. I'm hoping for explorer's, but we shall see.
  • iscariot44iscariot44 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Damn, Im too late, huh?

    The story of my life, haha
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    I'm not on the game at the moment, but I will check for sure when I log on in a few hours. The other leader messaged me about the bug for having 150 members.
  • iscariot44iscariot44 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Well for future reference:

    Name: Kismet 70 TR IL 2970
    Boons: Underdark 2, ToD 4, Sharandar 2, Dread Ring 5, Icewind Dale 3
    Weapon of Earth 30/100 motes currently using epic level Dagger of Elemetal Fire. Full Dusk gear minus gloves. Crafted rings.
    Max crafting in all professions minus Weaponsmith (between all toons)
    Companion is Legendary Stone of Radiance

    Alternate toon is a level 70 Haste DC IL 2518 and almost the same setup as my rogue. Companion is Legendary Stone of Allure.

    Im looking for a mature, active guild, 18+ preferrably that also uses voice. (I hate the chat feature in this game). I just retired from the US Army and have spent about 6-10 hours a day playing but getting the itch to do more in the game.

    If your full, thats ok, maybe another time.

  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    We have room for 1 so message me on xbl if you want in.
  • iscariot44iscariot44 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Awesome! Currently logged off but will be back on in the morning and looking forward to contributing right away.
  • sax1993sax1993 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Have been in the guild a little over a week and can say I'm quite pleased, great group of people very active. Soon to be Level 16 and there's no absurd AD entrance fee?? Yes please.

    We were murdering 4x dragons this weekend with ease and it was a fun time. Also, just unlocked Epic Demo yesterday and saw a group looking for one more (it was also another members first EDemo) and ran through five times for five golds almost effortlessly.

    If I were you and looking for a guild I'd try and get your name in on the waiting list I see individuals leave guild every now and then (why I have NO idea!), maybe there are some inactives, and even lazy individuals not contributing to our daily influence grind to free up some spaces.

    All in all this is a great group of players and I'm glad to be a part of them.
    Main: Sax Cleric (Arbiter) [Xbox and PC]
    Saxy Healz Paladin (Oathkeeper) [Xbox and PC]
    Saxon Ranger (Warden)
    Yuri Wizard (Thaumaturge)

    Member of the guild: Legacy (Xbox) and Strawberry Yakuza (PC)
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Thanks Sax, we're glad to have you. I don't think anyone has left in quite a while. You most likely saw an inactive member or troublemaker kicked. We don't put up with drama, hence the maturity requirement. :)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    My vote would be crit severity too.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    We are currently full but if your main character is over 2.7k and you'd like to join, please message one of us with your charactername@gamertag & we'll get back to you.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    GH16 complete! GH17 will start after the update tomorrow. All of the boons will be rank 8 tomorrow as well. We have 3 open spots for those interested.
  • eractic#9186 eractic Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I'm interested in joining your ranks if positions are available, 3,3k GWF high crit build. I'm very active, play everyday (only game I seem to play now lol) and always down to run dungeons and skirmishes along with Dragon Flight events. Was a member of a less active guild and was one of a few members that did the daily influence run. I'm 29 and in the UK

    Chatacter and GT Thorak@EracticFanatic

    Post edited by eractic#9186 on
    Guild : Straight Outta Neverwinter
    Main : Thorak (GWF) 4,1k
    Alts : Eractic (HR) 2,8k
    Ragner (CW) 2,7k
    Rico (DC) 2,6k
    Leo (TR) 2,4k
    Maus (GF) 2,7k
    Lucifer (Sw) 2,4k
    9 other scrub lvl 70s(mainly AD farmers and banks)
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Send myself or adambomb348 a message on xbl.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    Ruthless now has a guild forum thanks to Armadeonx To sign up for the guild please visit here.


    if you are already a member of the guild and have somehow missed out on hearing about our new forum please head on over there and check it out.

  • wintersleep#1507 wintersleep Member Posts: 5 New User
    33 year old male from Canada. Looking for a guild with active and mature players. I log about 3 hours daily.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    Hi Winters, we're currently recruiting support glass with a marked preference for GF. What is your class and IL? If you don't fit that we can put you on the waiting list. :)
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    GH17 finished! GH18 will hopefully start this weekend! :)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    Ruthless has had a great Dragonfest 2016 this weekend! I don't know how many times the dragons have died but it's been RUTHLESS for them! LOL
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    It was full on xD We got our last boon structure ranked from 0 to 8 in the space of 1 weekend. This was almost entirely paid for by dragon runs and proves that you absolutely do not need to charge members and new recruits to be effective.

    GH 18 now pending, just waiting for the mines to give us more metal :D
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    This past weekend was intense, three stacks of fangs. Wound up buying cheesy dyes to make room for more fangs. Great job!
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    It was a great weekend of dragonflight! I am burnt out after roughly 50 runs in 3 days. It was worth it though. The new gem, surp eq, inf and AD boxes really help. Stone and metal vouchers seem to be hard to come by. It's all good though. Our mines are cranking out about 33k metal per day. Should start GH18 Thursday or Friday.
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Updated original post to entertain potential alliance offers.
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    What are we pushing for this weekend?
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Nothing special. We'll run dragons and tiamat on Sat and Sun.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    wish I could be there more for it. I might get one or two runs in this weekend but we are starting in seriously on the remodel. weekends are going to be pretty much non existent for me online for awhile.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Just got 23 fangs from todays dragons, almost got my last DF piece on my SW :smiley:
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    We have 2 spots open for GF's or DC's.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    gh 18 finishes this friday!
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