Neko's Guide to AD and Refinement~ ^_^
Simple Guide for those who are having trouble figuring out how to make AD and refinement to increase IL and so on. This guide isn't for everyone, but Im sure you'll be able to find something new or old that will help you progress further into the game. Pick out a few that suits you.
Requirements: You’ll want to be level 70 since well that should be very clear to you that, that’s when you’ll make the most AD and refinement at once, other than that they're no real requirement depending on how new you are you'll be limited on some of these. ^.^
Recommendation: You have either a group of friends you play with everyday or a guild willing to farm such things to help not just them, but you as well.
Astral Diamonds Tips
There is a lot of ways to make AD we all know that and the ways that I'll go over will be the bigger ones.
First, let’s talk about the 2x AD on the Calendar that you can find in-game, yes this will be one of your biggest money makers since well any salvage you use during it doubles its value, note don’t use any salvage on your main unless for some reason you really need to, we’ll cover that in a bit. Now you might ask what do I farm to gain this salvage and where do I store it? Well my personal opinion that you should farm is T1 Valindra’s Tower since if you make a Valindra’s keys everyday from your Dread Ring Campaign and use your epic dungeon chest key on the end chest you’ll have a chance to get two rare chest plates from the end chest and the Valindra key chest, as well as a chance to get two more(one from each) from each boss, meaning you have a chance to score 6x Rare Chestplates worth 10-11k during 2x AD depending on your VIP situation . For skirmishes this may vary since well either kessell’s or ESoT will do nicely as long as you have a key for each gaining you even more salvage, around 1-3 salvage items. Those will also cover “most” of your daily salvage on your main character as for the rest you can run a quick pvp match and get the rest if you win which shouldn’t be a challenge if you’re with your friends. So just from running at least two VT’s and one of each of the skirmishes and the PvP match will cover your daily AD on your main. Plus you can use any spare glory for more salvage or feeders if you still need them. Now if you do this you’ll have a decent amount of salvage in your inventory and I recommended you store it in your bank and on your alts I highly recommend you have around 8 alt toons with at least their first three starter bags. After you do this if you're doing the Underdark campaign use you keys in PoM or Throne and demo or Edemo and this’ll pack you a bit more salvage you can store for later. Once you’ve done all this and if you're not sick of farming for today go farm the skirmishes if you are not at your daily goal, if you're like me I have a goal of at least one runic bag of holding (36 slots I think) full of salvage a day. If you do this you’ll have around 5 million ad to use on yourself as long as you salvage your daily amount on each alt during the 2x, plus you can keep remaking one of those alts and salvage on him and repeat if you're impatient.
Remember to save everything don’t let it go to waste. Now another way to make a bit of cash during the week and on weekends is doing your Dread Ring campaign daily and or buying the keys and farming it, but remember it's RNG so it won’t be a 100% chance, but it’s decent enough to farm. ^.^ I also would recommend you do all the weeklys try not to forget because that’ll nail you a bit more AD you can use. Now here’s a little exploit I guess you can say, the last time I checked if you buy Preservation Wards on the Zen Market when you have the no posting fee from VIP on the AH if you sell the Wards 1x at a time you can make a small profit by repeating the process over and over, but I can’t confirm if this is still a thing, but it’s worth a shot if you are willing to try, trust me your fingers will hurt after a while of doing that though . Remember if your ever feeling Lazy the Non-epic dungeons still give you Rough Astral Diamonds, people tend to forget that.
Plus you have that small chance for a "special" Transmute items worth around 500k-2mil.
You can also make and sell the Dragon Hoards and Fey Blessings after your done getting your own for profit. c:
With the trade bars you earn from lockboxes you can buy n' sell the fashion sets for a decent profit.Going on each and every character everyday and Invoking will give you a tiny bit of Rough AD as well as giving you Ardent Coin from your first and Celestial Coin from your first and last, in which if you save them up(360 days) you can sell [Angel of Protection] for ad, one last thing the more characters you are doing this with the more your going to get. : 3
There are more methods, but i've mended myself around these and it seems to work nicely.
Refinement Tips
As for refinement never say it’s hard to get since well it’s obviously not depending on your know how to earn it, if you don't know well then here you go. :3Now we all know that the exploit farm was patched in Reclamation Rock and now people try to find other places to farm, personally I recommend you have at least two Dragon Hoards equipped and two Fey Blessing’s equipped and go to drowned shore and head to the castle structure with a bridge leading inside and rotate under the bridge and around that area always returning to the bridge, sure it isn’t as much as the old farm, but it also isn’t anything patch worthy since you not getting an huge amount for doing no work like some used to. Now if you’ve decided to go with what I said above about the personal dungeon keys then you’ll find that you’ll also get some more refine out of those as well. Here’s something I highly recommend to more of late game people is going to Icewind Pass and make a rotation between the heroics since the refinement will definitely rack up nice and quickly depending on your group, plus you’ll have a chance at Elk Tribe weapons which depending on you class they’ll sell for a pretty penny too.
Remember to do all your daily’s in Sharandar and Dread ring since those will give you a lot of refine. If you’re going for some serious amount of refine you can hold on to anything that give you refinement such as enchantment wise and wait till the 2x to open them and get double same with the heroics you can just let them rack up on the side of your screen till then if you please. ^.^If you have acess to VIP or well... addicted to opening lockboxes then this will be another source of refinement for you don't let those R7's go to waste, so if you don't have it yet think about it. :3If you need to know how to feed your artifacts to mythic go here. : 3 Banned link edited out by moderator.
Extra Tips
Try to keep some kind of notebook to keep track of how much AD you need, and refinement you need for such Items.For an example Ive written down all the GMoP's I need as well as how many SMoP I need to Upgrade my enchantments further and progress faster by not wasting my AD or refinement by mistake.
I most likely missed some thing and I'm sorry, but if you really have any questions then why not Message my xbox account?
Im glad to help those in need, just no hand outs you’ll have to do as much work as the rest of us.
Newly Noted/Updated
Working on the Extra Tips and more toward AD and Refinement.
Anything you wish for me to add that I haven't covered don't be afraid to message me, and ill add your name down at the bottom. ^.^Contributers
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
There have been times when I have salvaged not during a double AD event just for a little extra, I do not do it often though generally everything gets saved.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
If you want to play this way, sure. I couldn't care less. I won't do the same, though.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
I tried to have a valid discussion, though your responses do not seem to be very constructive.
So yes you are right, any ruther responses will be null.
How the hell are you able to do all your dailies, run multiple dungeons, fill out a runic bag of salvaging a day and fill out 7 alts like that?? LOL Oh wait ... i know... your character probably is at 4K and does not even need the items now lol
I mean, i apreciate your effort for this guide, but most people know about this. For exemple just running the items needed to make keys (like the arcade keys for lostmauth and such) is time consuming. Valindra ain't run that much, at least not among the people i know, altough i do agree making keys seem a bit faster (getting the items required) but still its like 1 key a day anyway that you can make per character.
Then i don't always run everyday, i don't always have people for that. And the squirmishes like throne and prophecy get very old very fast even tough they give good items. And to open the chest at the end this mean running DHE wich is also tedious very fast...
Obviously i always try to fill my bags before salvaging anything before a 2XAD, salvaging only when absolutely everything is full, but even there, i concure with kuero on one thing, at some point you will have refined everything, and if you wait to fill your bags and wait for next 2xad, you will starve yourself of AD for a little while. I guess it comes down to personal preference. On one hand no income for a while is depressing, on the other everytime you salvage you know that you are missing on so much diamonds...
Guess the choice is yours.
In a perfect world, everybody would have always teamates to run stuff non stop and never get tired of it and see the salvaging acumulating and everything. But in reality on a 150 person guild, there ain't always 40 people connected, and some are already grouped, at times you can't run, or there simply not the right classes to do so (pally/cleric etc) , PUGs are ... well.. pugs. If you ain't a 3K GWF for DPS they may boot you right away on seeing your item level, and the random queue system is horrible... most of the time you won't even be able to finish the dungeon.
I usually make 2 million RAD by 2XAD when there spaced properly like the last 2. It ain't bad, but its a small sum in all you need in NW lol
@Destro - not everyone is going to do all that the Lt has suggested, but it's all helpful advice. I do a lot of solo runs and you can pick up some nice refining by doing Heroics in DR, IWD, and WoD - just get in a good instance and join a group. Sharandar gives good RP and can easily be done by yourself. So, I say just mix and match what works for you.
Yeah that is true, i just wish tough that dungeoning was a bit more optimal. as in the queue system would be working properly, so if i want to run 10 lostmauth and 5 valindra back to back, i could...
Maybe an alternate option would be good, like something in between baby dungeons and epic ones, wich you would get a chest at the end (still requiring an epic keys) with 1 piece of salvageable in it. Or it could be just refinements with a small chance (like the chances of a horn in lostmauth) at something of decent value.
I dunno, its just i feel its weird that my GWF can squash trough dread ring/sharandar etc like its easy stuff, but once i go in a dungeon i barely see the life bar of ennemies move...
...for those that dont, what are you gonna do.
I bought a Purple Owlbear and Re-purchased my Heavy Mystic Knightmare with my savings, I just need to save up for the Newest Pack for the Unicorn and I will be set (already use a Snail).
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
1st post after the main post has a link to a spreadsheet image which illustrates the process.
The only artifacts which can be refined this way are for the four slots in the center of the character sheet. Sigil artifacts (from Vault of the Nine quest) can be refined using the same method, but Sigils cannot be used as a feeder for another artifact.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
although BEFORE I started saving everything across all my alts for 2x I WAS poor. never had more than a 300k if I was flush often less than 20k