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Share Your Memories on Xbox One!



  • crzydavecrzydave Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    The only memory i have is how you guys bait and looted us with wards and rubies i haven't spent a dime since the release and will not spend a dime. I was up to about 300.00 US and after you guys scammed us out of the wards n rubies 0 is what you get. I'm hanging around to make sure everyone knows how terrible you are to your player base thanks for the finger in the bum guys felt real good when you slapped me in the face as well and adding 1 boss fight and a lame 30 min story is hardly and update the artifacts are weak and had little thought put into them and armor bonuses are still weak.
  • mrdarthbobmrdarthbob Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    My 1st favorite memory of Neverwinter is the countless hours my wife and I have spent together exploring a wonderful world. She tanks and I'm a cleric, so many arguments have been had, her yelling for healing and me screaming about cool down time. We've had so much fun and we love being able to work together to tackle everything from mobs to giant dragons. (2nd) I remember the first time we faced a dragon together we were both just like holy sh*t how do we beat this thing. It took awhile but together with others we were able to bring it down, such an awesome experience and a great memory.
  • henschypoomhenschypoom Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I think my favorite memories are from the spontaneous community happenings and streams that I wouldn't know about if I didn't follow Neverwinter on Twitter.
    During these moments I have meet some really cool people, both streamers and viewers, and in several cases met them on more than one occasion in different streams. I didn't have any expectations going in to watching the streams, but i've been thorougly entertained and while I was worried that my attention to the stream would be bad because I would be playing and doing Dailies at the same time, I actually caught myself having the opposite problem, barely having progressed at all with my dailies, fully engulfed in the stream and the chat!

    So for that I thank you Neverwinter, for letting me meet these new and awesome people and making these connections! Even though I've had to set the alarm in the middle of the night to wake up and not miss these streams, and even though I have yet to win anything there, I don't regret doing it in the slightest, because I've been getting richer in pleasent experiences. Oh and on that note, please host more Promoted Streams for the Xbox! :)
    Post edited by henschypoom on
  • mrsdarthbobmrsdarthbob Member Posts: 1 New User
    1) I have very found memories playing Neverwinter with my huaband. He and I have spent countless hours playing through campaigns and just adventuring across the sword cost. He's a cleric and I tank. We've had many arguments about not getting healed and he telling me about cool downs.

    2) I'm a huge Drizzt Do'Urden fan so when the Battlehammer Quest Arc came out, I was giddy as school girl falling for her first love.

    3) I play table top D&D as well. The first campaign that I played through was the Tyranny of Dragons. I was very excited that I got to play through that campaign on Never winter too.

    I've throughly loved this game and can't stay away for very long. Keep up the good work!
  • mrdarthbobmrdarthbob Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I've been a long time reader of the forgotten realms series of D&D books. I've read all of the Drizzt books multiple times, and have been slowly collecting other series. It was such and awesome thing to boot up Neverwinter and jump into a world I had been reading for several years. The Neverwinter saga was one of my favorites in the Drizzt series, it is one of my favorite memories seared into my brain everytime I'd see an enemy that I had read about finally brought to full life in front of me. Seeing areas that I had read of and how awesome they looked brought to life. Neverwinter is constantly drawing me back in, always more to do and see, still questing to hit 70, and I absolutely adore this game. Thanks for bringing this fantasy geeks imagination to life.
  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Well my memories are why I started playing Neverwinter, and the difficult time it got me through.

    On March 31st of 2015, which also is my birthday, I had to stay home. I had a dog who was 15 years old and battling cancer. The medication she was on, in addition to her condition required her to need round the clock care. So on that evening of March 31st I downloaded Neverwinter to give me something to do. Playing the game allowed me to pass the time while I tended to my dog.

    Then on April 22nd, 2015 I had to put her down. It was a soul crushing experience. My friends in the game were a great comfort on that day, and it really helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life since my schedule revovled around hours taking care of my dog that most of my friends in the real world were usually not awake when I was taking care of her.

    Playing the game with the new friends I had made was a blessing so when that time came, I didn't have to suffer alone. It also showed me what the real magic of the game is about, which is that sense of community and friendships built around playing Neverwinter together with friends.
    Post edited by opalsuns on
    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

  • rapt0rredrapt0rred Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    My favorite memory during year one was acquiring my first 50% mount in Neverwinter -- The Inferno Nightmare. At the time, he costed a whopping 1200 Tarmulane Bars! At that point it wasn't even worth it to get him, and so most people just saved up for the Heavy Twighlight Nightmare. But of course, the red flames caught my eye more... Twighlight Nightmares weren't all the rare in the Protectors Enclave, so I thought it'd be cool to have something different.

    I wanted it SOO bad. Not only did I get him (traded a rage drake for him), but I even trained him!

    Now, a year later, I am one of the very few, if not THE ONLY person with an 80% Inferno Nightmare on Xbox. Although the glory won't last much longer with Mod 9 on the way, it's been fun outrunning the other uncommon mounts :smile:


  • skorts#1599 skorts Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    More great memories. One was completing the NW Campaign with my husband. We both thought it was one of the best campaigns that we've played and wish it never ended. And another great memory was joining my first Lostmauth game with kids with the best gearscore at the time. We defeated Lostmauth quickly (I was definitely not doing much damage) and the Breyer's Draconic Investigations dropped. I quickly clicked 'Need' and so did the other kids. This book was priced close to 200k on the AH (which was A LOT). AND I WON IT. Thank god they didn't kick me. That was a great day. So many great memories playing Neverwinter. Thanks you so much for bringing it to Xbox One! #NWXboxYearOne.
  • rapt0rredrapt0rred Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    My favorite year one Neverwinter memory was acquiring my first 50% mount -- The Inferno Nightmare. At the time, he costed a whopping 2,000 Tarmulane Bars! Due to the insane price, everyone just saved the extra 400 bars and went for the 110% Twilight Nightmare. But noooo, for some reason, I HAD to have the red flames... So, I traded a rage drake for it (bad move, I know), but at the time, the cheapest Inferno Nightmare on the AH was about 2.4mill (Rage Drakes were 600k).

    But! 2 days later, I also acquired a Mount Training Book II for 150k (The only way to get them was through the Bizarre for 600k). So... I used it... on my Inferno Nightmare :smile:

    For a good 2+ months, I never saw another Inferno Nightmare. It was just too expensive for a 50% mount. But I got a lot of compliments. People loved to look at it, but nobody was willing to buy it.

    Now, a year later, I am one of the few, if not THE ONLY person with an 80% Inferno Nightmare on Xbox. I know... Mod 9... but for the year that I've had him, it's been very amusing outrunning other fellow, uncommon mounts!

    Go ahead and check the picture. Stare in awe at the incredible 80% Inferno Nightmare! :smiley:
  • sha854#2579 sha854 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Ok so I have to start this out by saying I watched my husband for months playing the game and absolutely just not understanding any of it. So in September he left for business and was gone for some time. I'd log in pray, run around, and just dabble on his character. He come back in October and that's when I finally made my character.

    I knew I wanted to be a compliment to his. He is a cw spellstorm renegade and so I made a Master of Flame thaumaturge. She is different for sure, to say the least. Most people ask me if I would ever change over for more dps but I wouldn't.

    My husband and I play both PvE and PvP and it's so much fun, especially since we're like 3 feet apart from one another. Makes those 10 man edemos easy to que up! And watch one another's backs during pvp!

    I play daily no less than 10 hours! I love my Guild, the people in it, and am very proud to be apart of Evicerate! We've reach GH14 and about to start GH15! I'm very outgoing also very loud and southern. If I see anyone in game (not just guild mates) or on social media that needs help I normally help them. I've met a many people just through the enclave and twitter because they asked for help.

    So for the past 6 months I've picked up a controller for the very FIRST time in my life and haven't put it down! My husband and You, NeverWinter, have turned my 30 year old self in to a Gamer! I'm addicted to you! Thank You!

    #NWXboxOne #NWXboxOneYear #GuildFamily #EviscerateGuild #GamerHusbandandWife
  • ladyxmonk#8906 ladyxmonk Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    My best memory was running pirate king with an old guild of mine, I was a cleric with barely any good gear and was able to clutch after everyone went down. They let me take the greater mark that dropped as well ☺ it was a great moment to me considering I was a very weak cleric at the time <3
  • chelseacellarschelseacellars Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    When I bought the champion of the North pack and my wife came in the room and was terrified at the giant spider mount
  • vesemervesemer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    For me the past year has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I remember the first time I played like it was yesterday. My GWF playing with two buddies of mine. They took me to the tower district, now mind you I was only level 5. I was so pumped, I knew that together we would be able to breeze through the area. Boy was I wrong. I think I was stopped by the first group we encountered. They decided to show me where I needed to go to get the hang of the game.
    So about a month goes by and I've created my second character a TR. Now this was something I could get behind, I was beginning to understand the basics. I began to learn about enchantments and the importance of upgrading your armor.
    You see this was my first time with a mmo, I'd played the Elder..... and Fables. I grew up on FF, Ultima. But this was new to me. I scrapped my TR after hitting level 40, once I realized I had chosen poorly on powers and feats. I began again with a new GWF, and so on and on.
    I now have 12 characters, a GWF (the first), a TR, a CW, and a GF at level 70. Another few in the sixties. I recently introduced my son to neverwinter. He created a Dragonborne GWF, he thinks it's in his words "EPIC".
    The Winter Festival was around the time that I decided I would make the big push for 70. It was not as easy as I anticipated it would be. Still it was cool getting to go to new places and face new foes. Also I received some awesome gifts from the gifts.
    I don't know if I'll renew my VIP, and here's why. While I like the perks, it does seem that since becoming a VIP the lock boxes payouts have become a joke. I haven't received anything worthwhile, I received better gifts from the winter festive.
    All and all its been a blast, I've enjoyed the game greatly. Thank you guys, keep it up.
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    As a recently starting player my best memory was hitting 70 the first time. I joined a guild that a friend is a member of. I had not purchased a permanent mount. One of the guild members bought one of the starting horses and sent it to me. When I hit 70, one guild member sent me a bunch of armor and weapons to build up my item number so I could join them is battle.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Best memory of this game is when I first downloaded it. This is my first mmo game played and was a little timid. I did not know how economies and the overall mechanics worked in an mmo. The devs did a nice job of pointing you in the right direction on progressing throu the game. Made it easy to figure out for me.

    Now to the best part is figuring out ways of making huge amounts of ad was and still is what drives me to play. I love making ad and figuring out new ways to do so. I like to pass on the knowledge I've gained with my guildies to see them strive in this crazy economy. I like the challenge of this and will continge to do so. I like the overall hustle of the economy. This is a big part on why I play.
  • darkend0203darkend0203 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The most fun and exciting part of my time on neverwinter had to be the winter festival! Between the insane amount of prizes from the daily sigil to the free items on the Zen market! I was like a kid in a candy shop! Well played neverwinter, well played
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    First is finally getting to start Neverwinter on day one, after playing the beta every day possible, and waiting for the real deal.
    Best MMO I've ever put time into! :smile:
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    Second is getting the last drop I needed for my Grand Warden set, pure bliss!
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    Aaaand third is after playing every day since release, I've not missed one day in over a year and with 3000+ hours played, I realised that I will probably be playing Neverwinter until it (or I) is dead :D
    That's how fun Neverwinter is!
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