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Share Your Memories on Xbox One!

strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
On March 31, Neverwinter will have its one-year anniversary on Xbox One! We’d like for you to share your favorite memories with us and perhaps win a prize.

For details and prizes you can win, visit our announcement blog here: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/xbox/neverwinter/news/detail/9882503-share-your-memories-on-xbox-one!

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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  • rhadamathysrhadamathys Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I remember saving up all my tradebars so that I could finally upgrade my enchantments...I saved for weeks and weeks with giddy delight. The anticipation of the new release was awesome, I was so engaged, I was euphoric...on top of that, double xp was promised...I planned my real life calendar (I have 2 kids and a wife and they were nice enough to go have a mom daughter day) around it as I had other classes I wanted to explore. I stocked up my items and had a solid day of gaming planned...then the release happened and no wards could be found in the store and double xp was removed without warning...No explanation, no nothing...
    This is my favorite memory because of the lesson it taught me. The lesson being that I just don't count and my contribution to the game is non existent in the minds of the creator. Furthermore, why should I invest anymore time or money into a game that just trolls me. Yes PWE tried to make amends, but given their history of screw ups and only fixing bugs that are directly related to their earning potential, and completely ignoring gameplay bugs, this altered every memory I have of the game both in the past and moving forward. Damage was done that is likely to linger for quite some time.
    Ney - HR (max item level)
    The Legendary Outlaws

    PvE and PvP - Pathfinder Combat
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    Though I have only been playing on Xbox about a week, I still have some pretty good memories already. I think one of the best ones so far was the time Team Fencebane killed 3 dragons at once. :D Our first attempt at it failed at the last second because we had some balance issues to work out. We literally had Katatheo dead on the ground but it was a fail. :( After that, we moved a few people around, and were able to successfully slay all 3 dragons (red, blue, and black) without any issues. :D It was great! We are planning to go for all 4 dragons very soon. :D That's gonna be fun too! I have an amazing guild, both on Xbox and on PC. :D
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • creepything#7687 creepything Member Posts: 3 New User
    I love dungeon crawler type games and Neverwinter has been far and away one of the coolest my best and favorite memory SO FAR and I say so far because i plan on playing this game until the servers shut down and so I'm sure there will be many great memories to come when i first started playing i think it was about A month after the game came out on Xbox one I have been subject to many boot and loot dungeon runs (thank you ARC for fixing that problem) and I had never really been into the guild thing but I figured if I was ever going to get through a whole dungeon it was time to find myself a new home so within a week or two I found myself a guild and I committed myself to being the best player I could for the guild to help out in anyway especially when it came to the junior characters now after months and months of playing with this guild our current guild leader had started to flounder in his attention to the guild committing his time to other games and other endeavors this kind of left hole in our guild as many people relied on him to put things together being that I had been so helpful and friendly many people started to turn to me to get things running and keep things going which I was glad to do upon taking up this mantle however the owner of the guild decided that he would come back and start playing and he brought some new friends in who he decided he was going to hand feed and promote to senior positions though they had not been playing for more than a week this further frustrated and angered many of the guild members and though I tried to take it in stride I realized that after all of my hard work I was being stepped on and decided that perhaps it was time to build my own kingdom I sent a very gracious letter to all of the guild members including the current guild leader explaining why i felt I must go off I did not ask for support nor did I encourage anybody to mutiny this is not my style however shortly after sending this letter out I received many letters back some just said it was fun playing with you and some expressing to me that when I start my new guild many people would like to come and be a part of it immediately I was able to start my guild as four of the other top players all of whom out gearscored me by a mile wanted me to lead them and help me start the guild<-----that is my fondest memory so far as it showed me that my commitment to my people did not go unnoticed and that rank didn't matter to them they call me the moral anchor and that I was respected for taking care of them and that i don't consider any problem they have small and treat them with respect I currently run my new guild GUARDIANS OF TRANQUILLITY and we pride ourselves on being a people guild not a power guild don't get me wrong we endeavor every day to build our stronghold but not at the expense of fun our focus is on having fun and making new friends and remembering that the monsters are the enemies and that we as players are all one United team fighting in the same struggle so thank you to ARC and all my guildies for the good times

    i would also like to share a quick statement I see a lot of people making angry statements about how furious they are over what happened with coalescent wards and other similar types of things that go on in regards to the game I believe that all of this stuff should be taken in stride as in life things change all the time and we as people must learn to cope with the ever-changing world and so I submit to you that Neverwinter is a world constantly growing and changing I had done as many did I saved 3200 trade bars but when the promised coalescent words weren't there I did not get angry it was simply another challenge that I needed to undertake ARC did a fine job of apologizing and compensating people which let's face it this is something they DIDN'T have to do try to remember your playing a FREE game and so no one owes you anything if you have chosen to spend money (as i did) than that was your choice! Let me say that again it's a FREE game and many hard-working programmers Motion capture actors and so forth and so on put a lot of time in to provide it to you just something to consider so don't think of it as there trolling you or trying to tick you off if they don't keep it interesting and challenging what fun would that?
  • creepything#7687 creepything Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited March 2016
    that is my fondest memory so far as it showed me that my commitment to my people did not go unnoticed and that rank didn't matter to them they call me the moral anchor and that I was respected for taking care of them and that i don't consider any problem they have small and treat them with respect I currently run my new guild GUARDIANS OF TRANQUILLITY and we pride ourselves on being a people guild not a power guild don't get me wrong we endeavor every day to build our stronghold but not at the expense of fun our focus is on having fun and making new friends and remembering that the monsters are the enemies and that we as players are all one United team fighting in the same struggle so thank you to ARC and all my guildies for the good times
    > i would also like to share a quick statement I see a lot of people making angry statements about how furious they are over what happened with coalescent wards and other similar types of things that go on in regards to the game I believe that all of this stuff should be taken in stride as in life things change all the time and we as people must learn to cope with the ever-changing world and so I submit to you that Neverwinter is a world constantly growing and changing I had done as many did I saved 3200 trade bars but when the promised coalescent words weren't there I did not get angry it was simply another challenge that I needed to undertake ARC did a fine job of apologizing and compensating people which let's face it this is something they DIDN'T have to do try to remember your playing a FREE game and so no one owes you anything if you have chosen to spend money (as i did) than that was your choice! Let me say that again it's a FREE game and many hard-working programmers Motion capture actors and so forth and so on put a lot of time in to provide it to you just something to consider so don't think of it as there trolling you or trying to tick you off if they don't keep it interesting and challenging what fun would that?
  • creepything#7687 creepything Member Posts: 3 New User
    sorry if i double posted above i wasn't sure if my whole post made it peace and have fun everyone! :)
  • rhadamathysrhadamathys Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    Nothing in life is free.
    Ney - HR (max item level)
    The Legendary Outlaws

    PvE and PvP - Pathfinder Combat
  • quazakaharet#6375 quazakaharet Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

    hope that image works.
    note- im not trying to highlight a glitch, really. this is a favorite moment for me.

    i have been making my character into a headless horseman type, with a pumpkin head and riding a zombie horse and for a few minutes once the texture did not load, giving me this amazing appearance with my fire-pumpkin head.

    it is by far my favorite moment, i was able to ride my horse like this for a while too. if there was a transparent dye i would use it to make this look always. it really is my favorite moment from neverwinter.
    my character is now a dragonborn and i really want it to happen again so i can update the screenshot. here's hoping : )
  • wombraider187wombraider187 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    My favourite moment was getting my mount so I didn't have to use my little legs to get around
  • msmagicstachemsmagicstache Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    One of my most vivid memories from the game is when a group of my friends and I sat down and decided to run Castle Never for the first time. We ran through the whole beginning part of the dungeon with ease. We were all like,"This isn't that hard. Why were people saying this was hard?" Then we got to the final boss. What started out as a 45 minute run easily turned into an almost 3 hour dungeon run. On our final attempt at killing the boss, everything was silent and intense. When we finally beat the boss, at almost 2 am, the sigh of relief was immense. While the loot that dropped wasn't what we were looking for, we still had fun mastering the dungeon.
    ~Syndra Aldaviel~Lvl 70 Devoted Cleric~LGPG~Neko n' Syn~
  • killacoastiekillacoastie Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Hello Andy KillaCoastie@KillaCoastie leader of the Spartans,here are my best memories wow there is sooo many to choose from. I remeber the first time my guild mates and I where able to beat castle never or when Tiamat was taken down with expert teamwork and I earned my first piece of gear that at the time was amazing. Also when I finally got my main and off hands from many weeks of grinding away with my friends. I remember the first time I got a mount from a lockbox tyrannical that is a legendary imperial rage drake and I was the envy of all my friends. I also remember the struggle of trying to get through ECC during what we shall call the OPAP ( over powered armor pen) days lol. I still wish the game properly tracked my dragon kills I sent in a ticket 8 months ago lol but that's fine I'm working towards my 2000 and can't wait to get the achievement. I have loved this game so much over the past year and look forward to what is to come. I can still remember the day when I learned about the campaign tasks lol yes I was one of those players I believe I was a lvl 55 before I knew it existed and it took me some time to get it all done to catch up to others that had known about it from the start lol. Through all the updates, glitches, bugs, server hacks, bad teammates, spammers, and con artists I have stuck with this game why? Because of the amazing people I have met, the wonderful story artwork and gameplay. For the ever changing realm of neverwinter has brought to me friends that I hope to keep for life and gameplay that I will never forget. Thank you neverwinter!
  • wubchubwubchub Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    My favorite memory has to be the first time I ever defeated a dragon! Back when Neverwinter was first released I remember starting the game up and watching the undead dragon in the cut scene and thinking to myself how cool it would be to defeat a dragon! When I was leveling up I came across Charthraxis the mighty dragon of Neverdeath Graveyard and I was in awe as I looked at it from a far. Staring that big green beast right in the eyes for the first time was a chilling experience, now the only thing left was to take on the challenge. After about 3 days of trying to find a group to defeat the dragon my friends finally where all able to come on and we partied up to take on the challenge. After a long 15 minute battle of what seemed to be an endless fight we finally took down the mighty Carthraxis and lived to tell the tell amongst our friends and the community. Thanks for the many more memory's and wonderful opportunity Neverwinter!
    Sincerely, WubChubWalrus
  • unitedweevil679#9682 unitedweevil679 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    Entry one for memory: opening a lockbox to find an orange mount.
  • unitedweevil679#9682 unitedweevil679 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    Entry two for memory: finding out that you can hit harder than 5 digits. First two characters were support, then came the dps to show me the way.
  • unitedweevil679#9682 unitedweevil679 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    Entry three for memory: one shooting a guy in pvp who was telling me how bad my build was.
  • missdayummissdayum Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Well I still remember the first time I completed the tutorial with my Control Wizard back then on 4/13/2015 and now 144d 0h 15m with 864 completed dungeons and 535847 total kills later I FREAKING CAN'T STOP PLAYING THIS awesome game. Believe me I've tried but it ain't possible. So thanks for that and I hope you will bring more stuff for the future! :)

    Edit: Hope this works otherwise just click the original one-drive link. One of my favourite screenshots from June 2015 during Siege of Neverwinter.

    Post edited by missdayum on
    Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
    My past guilds: Guardians of Midgard/HazardousNation/SomewhatSerious/JesusHadSoulforged/ImperialLegion/LadiesofNeverwinter/OutKast
    My past alliances: LookGoodPlayGood/Eviscerate/JesusHadSoulforged/Ruthless/TheLegendaryOutlaws

    GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic)
    Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level
    RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021

    Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
  • idontgiveaduck#7768 idontgiveaduck Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I'm a new player to the world of Neverwinter and love it so much. I totally "embrace the grind" to get my character level higher. Everyday I play, I'm continuously still learning new things in the game world. Before Xbox One game I used to play dice games and read as many D&D books I could find. Still love to throw my legs up and relax to get in a good read. But these days I'm enjoying the interactions while playing on my game console. Congrats on one-year anniversary on Xbox One! There are some fantastic prizes, including those adorable Purple Owlbears. Love to win something. Thanks Neverwinter for providing me with lasting memories and wishing you much success in future. GAME ON!!
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Back in the summer festival I was pretty new to the game. and I wanted the armored boar very badly. I wanted the pig companion badly too. I spent HOURS farming the events. my favorite was the water balloon fight. learned some tactics.. every time the score came up I was extremely hopeful of getting a rare reward. My play style evolved and I started getting devious. I started to recognize people playing a lot and their play styles. it was a good time all around. It was what hooked me on this game. that and

    second entry.. finally getting a lockbox key. those darned elusive lockboxes? what did they have? Everyone said how worthless they were.. but I wanted to find out for myself. I saved and saved for enough ad to buy zen to get some. yeah. I got nothing but I was very excited to finally open one of those durned things.

    3rd entry was the time after all that farmiing that I finally got a artifact to fall from lostmauth! that was SO awesome. gave me a high for the next few days.
  • fireefly#3353 fireefly Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I remember being lucky enough to find the Game on PC. When I heard Neverwinter was coming to Xbox I was SO excited. I bought myself an Xbox (because let's face it, who wants to share her husbands xbox?!) and waited patiently. I got into the Beta and experienced pure console bliss! The minute Neverwinter went Live I was in heaven and have been every day since. Neverwinter has been without a doubt the most fun I've had gaming. I love love love this game! So here's to you Neverwinter and to many more expansions to come! Cheers! <3
  • skorts#1599 skorts Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I have a photo, but i don't know how to attach it. Now it's story time :) ....There are kids on Neverwinter Xbox One who have 'Booted N' Looted', Scammed, found exploits, or just have the money to spend on the game, but then there are kids who work hard. I had just refined my rough daily AD, 24k(i believe that was the amount at the time) and decided to buy two Earth-Aspected Strongboxes of Enchantments. I opened the first one... got nothing special.. then the second one made me look twice. There was a LEGENDARY BRILLIANT DIAMOND!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the best thing I've ever received on Neverwinter. To this day, it still is my first and only Legendary (and I've been playing Neverwinter since the summer of the release date). Well that's my story! Thanks for reading! Have fun grinding Adventurers! :*

    PS. Here's the link for the photo. Hopefully it works!! (had to space it out since I'm not allowed to post links)

    http: //tinypic.com/ view.php?pic=2akfl83&s=9

    ***Please ignore all spelling mistakes if present***
  • spike#4133 spike Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    This is one of my favorite memories. Soloing Hrimnir from half health because the rest of the group wiped (the xbox dvr wouldn't record the whole thing) as a squishy 15k CW and all the randoms in the group watching with amazement. You can see the one guy even said "omg" in chat. Everyone in the group really complimented me afterwards. Just one of those epic moments you can never forget. Once I reached 18k I was able to solo almost every boss if the group wiped. All except cn.
    I have lots of awesome memories of NWXbox and I'm making more everyday. I love this game and the community. May NW last forever.
  • bladedge12bladedge12 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    A story still in my mind eh? Well there is the one that really got me loving the game. Sadly I do not have a screen shot or anything but I remember it so well. I was in cragmire crypts fighting my way down to the boss my great sword in hand. Fresh out of training me and the 4 others (it was when we had a 5 team even for the non epics.) We fought hard but one by one they left saying it was too hard. But I did not give up. We got to the boss with only me (a human great weapon fighter) a dwarf guardian fighter and a demon warlock. The warlock just left not wanting to fight after dying the first time as we stayed strong with steel in our blood to win the fight. We got him so low and then one lucky shot from the boss sent my friend flying and killed him. With out him defending we thought it was lost. But I did not give up. I fought hard did not give in let the unstoppable rage of the great weapon fighter lash out at the boss and in the end one final blow. One last attack everything slowed down. Time was not there as my attack and the bosses came close to hitting. When we struck he got pushed back and I got sent flying defeated. But we saw him. The fight was over. The last blow got me killed but it also killed the boss. As I lay there on the ground dying the boss fell to the ground dead. I was picked up by my friend and with my blade and his shield we fought what was left of the enemy then turned our look to the next one. The next boss that would fall to us. The next boss that we will show they can not stop us. To this day we still team up and jump into a fight to defend the land from cultists, orcs, and the like. And so far no one has beat us yet. My blade and his shield so far are unbeatable with the two of us together. And together the two of us stand.
    ✋☞ ✡⚐
  • buffalo#6075 buffalo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    My best moment was 3 days ago I had 3 enchanted keys and collected 2 of the new lockboxes with the cubs. I open 2 and got nothing...i was about to go to bed but i decided to play a little longer to get another lock box to use my last key when i finally got one and use the key i couldnt believe my eyes my first ever big something out of a box.....a purple cub box. Now im the father of a beautiful purple owlbear name Pepito and he loves to follow me around and just be cute while i fight the evil monsters...lol.
  • luigipr31luigipr31 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    One of my favorite moments in Neverwinter was the first time I saw Respen's Marvelous Game. As a previous player of tabletop DD it was an amazing and different kind of game. I love battling the d20 dices and the comedic relief of the narrating.
    Post edited by luigipr31 on
  • rumpelstiltskin#6652 rumpelstiltskin Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I remember making my first character, then deleting it many times and as a last ditch effort, going out of my comfort zone of cqc, picking a control wizard. What a wonderful class it is. Vivi the Vexed is my favorite character and as a CW he has so many cool attacks. Using no guides I leveled him and chose every stat point with much joy. He's not perfect dps or anything, but the imperfections somehow make it more like DandD of old. Lovin this game. Lol
  • surtosssurtoss Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Raceing tricksters with my scourge warlock. Battle horn and shadow slip
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    My favorite when my guild Cold Blooded had 150/150 members with 50-60 people online at a time. I had to create a wait list to keep track of interested players. Then my least favorite, when Colgate killed our guild and 50+ people quit the game over your parity. Thanks for the memories too bad your company keeps creating negative ones for us.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • phraqphraq Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    I remember when I first heard that Neverwinter was going to xb1 I was pretty excited. Playing the beta I was actually impressed at how good the game felt. I then took a break due to work but have recently came back and joined the guild Rise from the ashes and it has been a blast ever since and has been my primary game.
  • phraqphraq Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Also looking forward to mod 9 and behond
  • dustcrow11dustcrow11 Member Posts: 2 New User
    My most memorable moment was when Neverwinter did maintenance just before x2AD weekend, then I could not connect to shard afterwards. Despite trying everything suggested by their support, and suggested by others online, nothing worked. So I uninstalled the game leaving behind a 3300GS TR, a 2600 OP, about 2 million AD in salvage, and 90 days of VIP and will find another game to play. Good luck to all of you.

    Arc, fix your game, this is no one else's problem but your own.

    PS- don't ask me for my stuff, I can't log on even if I wanted too.
  • txgremlinxttxgremlinxt Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    getting to level 70 for the first time
This discussion has been closed.