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When is the Maze Engine coming to Xbox?

When is the Maze Engine coming to Xbox? There are quite a few positive changes that may benefit players in general and improve the whole game economy.


  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Shhhh they may hear you (the voices man) if you want it they will remove it......for everyone.
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  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    They have not announced a date or even much of a time frame yet. Last I heard was "Sometime in 2016". So there you go.
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  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Considering Maze Engine is more than just an expension, that it does bring a bunch of fixes, yes it would be great that it would come as early as possible. I am still working on Underdark stuff tough and i do could use a break between the 2 content at some point(im tired of faring fairzness man) but then i see all the fixes and i think it would be very beneficial.

    I hope at some point they can bring the content to xbox almost at the same time as the PC... You always feel like the lesser version when this happen. When i played Titanfall on Xbox 360 i had a similar feeling...
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    the people management of this game has just been so bad. you know, I understand they have to make money. I think we all understand that.. but there are so many ways to do it without pissing of the player base. if they had a subscription model that gave subscribers something good that you had to pay for with actual money instead of zen which you could buy with ad.. I'd have at one time supported the game that way. I think many would have. with that money they could keep their promises. keep things that are beneficial in the tarm store..

    had events scheduled far in advance for people to plan around and kept their promises..

    and if they kept their promises and also had a lot of weekly fun events..

    and if they kept their promisessssssssss

    people would and did have a kind of devotion to this game. but they've lost trust and I think probably about half the player base.

    four months ago we were promised parity. they were working on it.. they were almost there.. now that's a joke.

    I kind of think that maybe the ceo's wife liked xbox more than pc and then dumped him and now he wants to drive xbox into the ground. or something.

    I dunno.. But psychology isnt' that difficult of a concept to grasp.. when do you the things the way this company has done.. I mean, how do they expect their player base to react? Please sir may I have another lash with that cat o nine?

    you can't take away the illusion what what we are doing matters for some reason or another. when people spend hours and hours on something.. working towards something.. something that should be viable.. messing with it in a big way just isn't going to go down well for the coffers.

  • ftrydaftryda Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    In some ways it's better for us to get a delayed release. Maybe not as far off as we have been but considering the horrible bugs they are seeing it may be for the best. It's easier to patch PC and then we have at least some of those patches incorporated in our release.
    4000 iL Scourge Warlock
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  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    that would be great if it worked that way. but often we get the bugs even when they've been fixed on pc.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    @thefiresidecat I 1000000000000000% agree with your posts. They have played us to many times and now look at the state of the game on xbox. It's dead. The Division has wiped this game hard. So many people I have ran with since release has completed gave away all their items and left NW. It's pathetic that so many people for months have been waiting for a game to take them away from Nw. Not waiting for new content for Nw, but a new game to take them away. That just shows you something.

    I really feel that nothing PW will do will bring back these players. These expansions are catering to much to low level players aka noobs. Giving back leveling dungeons is such a waste. Levelinh from 60-70 is not that rough that pw needs to keep bringing out expansions for just leveing.

    The power creep with the new mount system will make the game even easier then it already is. No end game content what so ever. Does pw actually think bringing back a rehashed CN will bring players back or keep bis players? No it won't. Their is nothing to gear for anymore.

    Just a suggestion. Bring dungeons in lots and lots of dungeons. Start giving instead of constantly taking away. We all have payed our fair share into the game. Supported etc. Fix your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is all I have to say or this game will literally be 100% dead in months at least on xbox. It's us veteran players that put the $ into it. Not so much the new players. Cater to all. It's really not that hard to do. Maybe mod 9 does? Not sure since we wait again for it. Best answer I've seen is a vague answer of "sometime in 2016" lol way to put us in parallel with Pc. Doesn't seem that way to me.
  • mrwupazzmrwupazz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    @xrawcarnage You have to remember new players haven't been burned yet so they are the players that might still spend money to catch up so i can see why they are focusing on them with this update
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Basically what I'm saying is pw needs to focus on the entire community. There is plenty of content already out for new players to make leveling from 60-70 less boring. Eventually all players will be in end game at least the ones who stays so end game content needs to be more.
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    how did this thread become a huge rant session? question was answered as best as possible in the 2nd post, lol
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  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Yeah my bad, I was just following suit. Question was answered so I'm out.

    Ot hopefully sooner then later on Maze engine release.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I offer no apologies. LOL. it was relevant because we were promised parity and it ain't there all these months later. Where is the maze engine? we should have it now. a month or two or three later? what the fallopian tubes.. ... outrage...
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Lol you crack me man. I only apologized cause I did not want to turn another post into a bitching thread ;)
  • ela#5982 ela Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    the people management of this game has just been so bad. you know, I understand they have to make money. I think we all understand that.. but there are so many ways to do it without pissing of the player base. if they had a subscription model that gave subscribers something good that you had to pay for with actual money instead of zen which you could buy with ad.. I'd have at one time supported the game that way. I think many would have. with that money they could keep their promises. keep things that are beneficial in the tarm store..

    There is actually WAY more money in micro transactions, games with micro transactions like Neverwinter make HUGE amounts of money very fast... the problem with micro transactions games, is they almost never last more then a couple years.
  • rumpelstiltskin#6652 rumpelstiltskin Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Yes I agree fully with last post. Ever played an app game for more than a year? Once the craze ends, so does the game. Although I do love the fact that the game is free and that rather than payin 60 bux just to play, you can spend 30 on cool customizations or even gamble with enchanted keys. Lol. Don't do the latter though.
  • rumpelstiltskin#6652 rumpelstiltskin Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Well I guess 18 bux for medium worg is abit much, but 2 out of 3 of theblackice set dropped for me with 3 enchanted keys last week...so I guess it depends on what one consideres valuable
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    yeah, I would not call this game micro in the transactions. they'd be smart to make it micro transactions and add a pay by cash money subscription. the macro pay transaction thing is just not something that the average person is going to drop regular money on.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Nop indeed... I am always tempted to drop money in the game, you know speed up a bit the process... But then i realize even if i drop 10-20$ ... ok so what am i gonna get? I made a funny calcul, i need 2.1 million (roughly) for 1 bonding stone rank 12. Now yes i could get a lower one and up it myself i supose with time and blablabla but since i have 3 to get, and that i still have work on my other stuff, i want them completed. SO lets say 2 millions to make it a round number... it will get me 474 000 Diamonds... Im still not even 1/4 of my objective of gettIng ONE RUNETONE. Does it feel motivating? No... I don't feel like droping a 20. Maybe a 20 is nothing for some people, for me... well thats a nice arcade game, thats 2 movies at the theater with friends, thats more than beer for one cool night of gaming. Thats 2 meals (or near it) at the restaurant... Now am i poor? Well im normal i would say... And i do have another thing i like outside gaming that cost money. But thats not what matter, what matter is a 20 in this game give you nothing. Even just a simple blood ruby, thats 10$ ... :open_mouth: and it will not make your artifact move that much for mythic really.

    I have been playing this game A LOT since i started to focuss on it in august(i was very casual before that but played once in a while) Thats 8 months of grinding, 47 days of play by the xbox guide so do 47x24 to get the number of hours. Thats more than GOW Ultimate Edition, my favourite franchise. A game i got around the same time last year. In fact i got 25d on GOW...

    Its more than any games i ever played exept if you count franchise as a whole. Even GOW1 or GOW2, im sure im gonna exceed soon my time on GOW2 already and that game lasted 3 years before GOW3.

    All of this to say i played a lot... and i have only 2 characters... and the reason why is i had to make 2 for an achievement, granted my secondary became my main cause i have more fun with it, but you get the point that i don't have 10 characters, and i play a lot. The only is ... im not pay to win... i droped 20$ total on the game.

    I would have no problem droping up to 100$ canadian on that game, cause i enjoy it, play it a lot, and i downloaded it for free, so paying the price i would had pay for a brand new game is ok. But make it worth it to me??? Give something for my money...

    The compagnies that do micros understand that small sum mean more buy... Whats 2-3$ right? Not much, so hey if every week you get yourself a couple new cool skins and such, you do not realise it but down 3 months thats still be 72$.... But somewhat it seem easier to drop 6$ a week than 24$ a month to me... and i would like what i bough to be cool, not nessary items for my progressions. Like a new exclusive cool companion that i can only get with money, that may not do the most damage etc but look really cool. Stuff like that you know. What about pieces of armor? Man this game... so much character look the same since the end of mod 5, everybody is either gueared in dragonflight/lionsmane or they use cloathing. The choice of armors for your characters is ridiculous. Give me as much armors as in diablo 3.. even if i have to pay 2-3$ per armor..

    Thats how you do micro transactions. As much as some people think its the devil, i don't think so. Sure i would like to be able to unlock in game everything as in 1995, but its not the reality of current gaming. But the thing is, i know to control myself. I got 1 title cards back in BO2 era, i loved that one so it was enough for me. I got one gun skin in GOW3, one armor skin in judgment... i droped 3-4$ on each game more than the price of release, i didn't needed the rest. Some people are compulsive tough and will drop money to get everything. Those are your cash cows... And those people are the problem of NW as well.

    Pay to win players... they kill the game for us... Cause the devs realisticaly expect us to drop money on the game to get to the ultimate level. Whats the fun of being finally a bad HAMSTER after 2 years of play? When your tired of the game... You want to be a bad HAMSTER in reasonable time... 6 months do not seem out of reason for me. But the reality is, if you don't pay, you will take 2 years to get there, while the pay to win guys will be already better than you due to new content that will have drop.

    Pay to win is also how SH get upgraded... No way any guild could be GH rank13 or something like that without at least some pay to win guys in it.

    Anyway i feel i am rambling too much now, but more or less, the devs will need to find a way to keep us interested in the game. There current way of pruchasing stuff to me is not good at all... There so much of a grind before it get discouraging...
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    I agree except for your last point. My guild is at GH 14 and we don't pay to upgrade. Everyone one of us run dailies, do dragons,run influence daily etc etc. If you have a guild of 150 ish people constantly looking out for the guild and stronghold, it's not hard to do. Set goals for what you need most. Group up and get what you need done. Communication is key between the leader, founder, and officers to organize and prioritize what is needed.

    As for 2 years to get "bis" is not true either. I have spent a couple hundred in the game awhile back and tbh, it really didn't do <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for my toon.I mainly used it on lock boxes lol. I have my ways of making ad and I can easily make 3-10 million ad a week. I've been playing since day one and it took me months on end to figure out different ways of making good ad. Anywhere from nickel and dime to big profits. It's quite easy if you put some thought into it and monitor the market frequently. So with that being said, I am bis and haven't spent much into this game. Just have to be smart about it and take the time to learn how to make ad. Professions can be your best friend ;)

    All honesty this game does not require you to put huge $ into it to be bis. Learn the gsme and what to do to make profits. It also doesn't require you to put 100's of days into it. I have only played this gsme since it's release (well until the division ) and I'm at 65 days. That's it. Bis toon, level 70alt, 2 level 67 alts, level 60 alt, and 2 lower level alts. Just utilize your time when on.
  • googootsgoogoots Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Don't be in a rush to get The Maze Engine. I decided to start playing my PC toons to preview up coming mods. At the moment the new queue system is not working properly.
    The new campaign is there to persuade you to buy mounts because you have to travel to the far reaches of a map (Pirate's & Icespire) to kill a few enemies, so if you don't have a fast mount you'll find yourself spending 5 minutes travelling and 30 seconds fighting. On the day of release you can complete 3 chapters of the Maze Engine campaign and then you have to complete a daily, the daily has to be completed 5 times to unlock the next chapters (4&5), then you have 10 dailys to complete.
    The new mount system is fine, but transparent. It's only there to tempt you into buying more mounts.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Raw : Well i am NOT gonna play the market even tough i know its how some people make there money. Its boring and uninteresting to me. As for professions, well probably you could make a few ADs in there too, surely. For exemple if you are geared up already selling the stuff you make in leadership could be one. Then i could probably make shirts and pants in jewels if i was patient enough etc etc. Im not... lol. I grind dungeons and stuff and overall every 2XAD i manage to get around 2 Millions AD ... Not bad but still not crazy.

    As for SH, well if your 150 members are motivated enough to run sharandar and such again and again, and are already fully geared and completed all there boons, then maybe, but most of us regular players do not want the game to feel like a chore. Damn dailies ain't fun anymore, not at all... even with the refinement as incentive im not motivated enough to run them all on my 2 characters let alone if i had more. People like to run dungeons and hope for great loot you know...

    GooGoots : Huh ok... certainly does not look super fun to me from what you say... lol

    I had a feeling there would be something slowing your progression like they did with Underdark (processing each ammount per day) but i was hoping it wouldn't be a "daily system" again. I hate so badly this system... Let me play as much as i can in one day, then if they next day i can't play then i won't waste time. At least with underdark you can farm the fearzness as much as wanted. All you need to do is activated it each day, wich take 2 secs... :/
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I played the market for a long time but I'm staying out of it just now. I don't trust it or understand it. it keeps going up. is it sustainable? will it drop suddenly? will it keep going up? after it settles out i'll start playing it again but at the moment I'm not touching it.

    I also agree running the dailys is like pulling hair out. I do the influence on a couple to a few characters daily but I have a hard time bringing myself to run the dailies on the toons i have that still need the boons even. I have one character pretty much done.. that's my main. the dailies are just so so so very boring. for the most part I do things randomly and sporadically.

    I've been playing every day since july and I'm still not bis for my main. I have a long way to go on enchants. mostly rank 9 and only greater bonding and only greater vorpal. If I had buckled up and done it a few months ago it would be easy but I just started getting serious on it a month or so ago and now it's so expensive it seems insurmountable before I move on to another game. Especially so now that coal wards are so expensive.

    they need to make stuff cheaper. I'd give them money if they weren't so ludicrous with their price points. I'm a middle aged person with a comfortable amount of spare cash. but I'm not stupid. LOL. It needs to be a dollar here and a dollar there.. not ten dollars here and 50 dollars there. If buying a mount and companion costs the same as a weeks groceries there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with their expectations.
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User

    I played the market for a long time but I'm staying out of it just now. I don't trust it or understand it. it keeps going up. is it sustainable? will it drop suddenly? will it keep going up? after it settles out i'll start playing it again but at the moment I'm not touching it.

    I also agree running the dailys is like pulling hair out. I do the influence on a couple to a few characters daily but I have a hard time bringing myself to run the dailies on the toons i have that still need the boons even. I have one character pretty much done.. that's my main. the dailies are just so so so very boring. for the most part I do things randomly and sporadically.

    I've been playing every day since july and I'm still not bis for my main. I have a long way to go on enchants. mostly rank 9 and only greater bonding and only greater vorpal. If I had buckled up and done it a few months ago it would be easy but I just started getting serious on it a month or so ago and now it's so expensive it seems insurmountable before I move on to another game. Especially so now that coal wards are so expensive.

    they need to make stuff cheaper. I'd give them money if they weren't so ludicrous with their price points. I'm a middle aged person with a comfortable amount of spare cash. but I'm not stupid. LOL. It needs to be a dollar here and a dollar there.. not ten dollars here and 50 dollars there. If buying a mount and companion costs the same as a weeks groceries there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with their expectations.

    The problem with this logic though is your thinking of something as a total price you have to pay. This is just not the case, you can earn the AD in game and eventually get the item/items that way, or if you so chose use your earned AD and pay a little real cash towards the total cost of the item.

    People should just stop thinking oh a mount is 30 bucks, just think ok that's 20 days of game time saving and paying 5 bucks... Or if your like me just save everything until you get the item you want. Hoarding for a double AD event nets you lots of items, this is how I have done things. For instance I saved little by little for green tools/people for every profession, converted them to purple over time and I have all that done now. I saved all I earned until I had enough for Packs in the Zen store for content etc etc... Saving and selling earned items in game gets you a ton of currency.
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  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Yeah but you see a mount should NOT be 20 days of grinding worth...

    I don't mind paying here and there like Raw says, a 2$ micro transaction here, another there, a few bucks a week. This is how lottery do there money, they keep it low so people pay that 5$ or so a week and says "well it only cost mr 5$ and i have a chance at millions(or more if your in the states lol)

    With NW the basic of the companion on the zen market is 10$ ... and those are usually bad ones stats wise. Or mounts... some are cheaps, but so slow there useless...

    Micro Transaction should remain micro. And you can always argue the game is free, but trust me the peoples that put 30$ a week in the game would still put 30$ in the game even if stuff is cheap. There addicted to this kind of game and want everything. All they would have to do is release more stuff more often. Think of many cool different companion they can come up with. The hardcore would want them all, the other people like me would buy there favourite and and the cash would keep arriving. The difference would be they would need to be creative and release new ones on a monthly basis... Something they don't wanna do.

    There is a ton of companion i find nice in the zen market, i would like to have them, but no way im paying 10-15 or more $ for one of them... I already have to save all these diamonds for essential stuff like the coalescent ward and other things to get stronger...

    Thats the whole problem. Im sorry im still not over it, making such an essential item as the coalescent ward an item you more or less have to pay real money, and 10$ on top of it, is purely ridiculous. The grind to get 1000 zen is now insane too. This item should not even be in the tarmalune trade bar shop, but rather the wondrous bazar like the superior mark at a fixed price.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    wdj40 said:

    I played the market for a long time but I'm staying out of it just now. I don't trust it or understand it. it keeps going up. is it sustainable? will it drop suddenly? will it keep going up? after it settles out i'll start playing it again but at the moment I'm not touching it.

    I also agree running the dailys is like pulling hair out. I do the influence on a couple to a few characters daily but I have a hard time bringing myself to run the dailies on the toons i have that still need the boons even. I have one character pretty much done.. that's my main. the dailies are just so so so very boring. for the most part I do things randomly and sporadically.

    I've been playing every day since july and I'm still not bis for my main. I have a long way to go on enchants. mostly rank 9 and only greater bonding and only greater vorpal. If I had buckled up and done it a few months ago it would be easy but I just started getting serious on it a month or so ago and now it's so expensive it seems insurmountable before I move on to another game. Especially so now that coal wards are so expensive.

    they need to make stuff cheaper. I'd give them money if they weren't so ludicrous with their price points. I'm a middle aged person with a comfortable amount of spare cash. but I'm not stupid. LOL. It needs to be a dollar here and a dollar there.. not ten dollars here and 50 dollars there. If buying a mount and companion costs the same as a weeks groceries there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with their expectations.

    The problem with this logic though is your thinking of something as a total price you have to pay. This is just not the case, you can earn the AD in game and eventually get the item/items that way, or if you so chose use your earned AD and pay a little real cash towards the total cost of the item.

    People should just stop thinking oh a mount is 30 bucks, just think ok that's 20 days of game time saving and paying 5 bucks... Or if your like me just save everything until you get the item you want. Hoarding for a double AD event nets you lots of items, this is how I have done things. For instance I saved little by little for green tools/people for every profession, converted them to purple over time and I have all that done now. I saved all I earned until I had enough for Packs in the Zen store for content etc etc... Saving and selling earned items in game gets you a ton of currency.
    I don't think there is a flaw in thinking that way. yes you can earn things in game. but the game does need to stay afloat. and that's the root cause of the all the current drama with the game vs the players. they went all bloodsucking instead of straight up and honest with us.

    I'm saying instead of charging a ton for things they should charge small amounts for those same things. yeah you can play for free and grind it out, but personally, I don't mind supporting a game I play a ton. I do mind supporting it if they lie to me. I'm also not going to support it if they charge ridiculous delusional prices for things.

    the amount of money I've put into the game was 60 for the original content and the first dlc I was here for I put out another 30 on top of that. I'd have continued with that trend of plopping out 30 per dlc but I haven't been happy with the way it's been maintained or with their communication and delivery of goods. If they'd charged a little here and a little there I'd have probably thrown a lot more money at the game. as it is no sane person can rationalize paying 30 for a mount or 150 dollars for an enchant. I know i can't anyway.

    the prices they charge aren't rational. they make no sense. I'm kind of baffled that enough people put out large enough amounts of money to support it.

  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Totally agree firecat. Its all a marketing scheme to make people pay. Imagine, they could probably stay afloat by simply charging 10$ for VIP each month. Sure enough people would be willing to pay it to get the keys and the benefit. Then have micros for stuff.

    I didn't tough i would say this but i would rather see the convertion system completely out, and if you want to buy in the zen market you HAVE to pay real money, BUT a normal decent sum. For exemple lets say the Coalescent can be earned for 100K in the bazaar. They could still charge 2-3$ for one for the people that want to speed up the process... But thats the key word, SPEED UP the process. At the current formula, we NEED to either waste tons and tons of AD or pay way too much money. Just for a vorpal (not taking into considerations armor enchant, other enchant etc) you need what? 12 or so? 12x3 = 36$ if you pay. Thats still money... Thats using my 3$ price. But at current price just a vorpal at maximum is 120$, the price of a game plus season pass... WOW.

    What baffle me is the people that put astronomical sums into the game like 800 to 4000$ ... I will never get that. And don't tell me NW need that much "work". I mean sure they come up with DLCs here and there, but all the rest... i don't think they work that harder than other companies like 343 or such. I would simply be more incline to give them money if they would work for it and release cool stuff at decent ammount. Seriously Underdark to be honest.... thats maybe worth 10$ as a DLC and im generous.. The questline is barely 45min and not that inspired at all. The skirmishes are ok for a couple runs but quickly become very boring and a chore. The epic demogorgon battle is the coolest thing (if no trolls screw it up) but thats it... I don't even call demonic HE as they are the simpliest thing and just rework of existing encounters for the most part. That expension is really worth 10$ to me, not more. Thats an honest pricing.

    Sharandar, Dread Ring and Icewindale : 20$ for all 3.
    Stronhold : 5$ (not worth more than Heartfire in Skyrim, wich is the same concept) It may loose pts for me being such a money making scam with the coffer and all but thats another story lol.
    Elemental Evil : 20$ Loose a couple pts for repetitiveness of the vigiligante tasks but its at least 4 new zones.
    Well of Dragon : 10$ , i hesitated between 5 and 10, its a new zone, but have very few quest, get a few more pts for the Tiamat battle (if it worked properly and was actually fairly doable)
    -5$ for all dungeons removed (currently)

    Now this is my pricing for IN GAME CONTENT, not for items it give, or how it can help characters with boons etc. Just for pure gameplay, new add ons and size of content played, and also time needed to play it all ONCE.

    That mean the game is a 60+20+5+20+10+10-5 = 120$ game. Thats what you would have spend for this game if it was a game to buy. And this is release price, remember games drop on sale quite often after they release.

    If you spend more than 120$ on this game, you have spend too much.

    I already see people arguing :yeah but i have put thousands of hours of play in the game"

    SURE !! But its all articially. You repeated the same things again and again, its not new content or new quest. I could go on and play resident evil 300 times if i wanted to and put 1000 hours into it. Thats still a game worth 60$ at release... NW just make it more interesting cause you have a feeling of progression. But all and all, its nothing different than a game that have 6 difficulty modes. Do you count all of them as "lengh and replayability" ? I don't. Skyrim is a game i count as a hundred hours game cause you have not only character progression but stories to advance during all those hours.

    And take games like COD, GOW etc. I have over 25 days of play on GOW, for 50 in NW. Does i think GOW is worth more than a 60$ game? NO... Even tough i keep playing it and will play it still until GOW4, i don't feel i should have paid more than 60$ for this game. Well i even paid 40 thecnically. I refused to get the 60$ version cause the 20$ more was for 2 crappy characters and useless guns skin. But you see, some people paid it ... they like that kinda stuff and i don't consider its a rip off, it does not change the gameplay its just cosmetics and its not overly done. Its just something i personally find useless for the gun skins and unapealing for those 2 characters specifically. If they would release a new character tough, either one never released before or a classic from GOW3 like COG Anya or the Savage Grenadier Elite that was a pre order exclusive in both GOW3 and this one, and for 5$, i would probably drop the 5$... Thats how you do micro transactions. People that got characters are not stronger than me? They just look cooler (in there own mind) than me cause they got something that the general public do not have.

    NW should learn from that and actually release micros for cool stuff that do not influence the game, or on a PAY 2 WIN basis, but rather a "for the fun of it" kinda vibe...

    Anyway thats my 2 cents... or should i say my 120$ lol
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    60+20+5+20+10+10-5 = $130 fixed that for you ;)
  • rumpelstiltskin#6652 rumpelstiltskin Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    All I want to say is as follows. The floating disk mount. It's super cool. Coolest looking thing I've seen in the game. Does it affect game play? Heck yeah it does! Looks sweeeeeet! Not only is it almost unobtainable, but the amount of money people have spent trying to get it is nuts! Slight tangent, did I spend money? Abit. 30 bux. Game was already out for almost a year on xboxone and population was a concern for me. Got a mount for 18 dollars I love it, but only 80% speed, and afew enchanted keys with the extra 200 zen I had left and like 100000 ad converted. All in all that bangin mega rare mount shouldn't cost over 20 dollars. Anyone saying it should cost more, or that a cool mount is worth the 40 dollars,dusk unicorn, should be put out of MY misery for being a fool.
    No disrespect to anyone,but how much money has this super glitchy mmo banked really? Anyone played FFXIV? Better graphics, gear, fight mechanics, super hard boss battles and customizable everything! The only reason I like this game so much is because man does it have insane potential.
  • grandpaxxxgrandpaxxx Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    Stay afloat really. That kind of thinking is probably why your complaining about the prices. They designed the game to make money not stay afloat and micro transactions won't keep players past two years. They gave you content for free and all you do is complain.

    You don't have to pay to play. Go enjoy the game and who cares if you don't have the fastest mount. Who cares if your not the Bis. That's not what the game is about. You don't need the best of the best to play or do dungeons. Last I recall you don't need mounts in dungeons and you don't even have to ride your mount to them. So it takes 2 years at most for a casual person to be the bis ok the game is to be enjoyed if it's a grind to you go get a job and grind for something real.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Word^^^^^^^^^ good post! Really mmo's are meant to be a grind. Everything is doable in game without spending money on it. Just have fun, learn ways to make ad, run dungeons etc. It still has huge potential to be an amazing game. They need to add alot more end game and ramp up the diffuculty more. Give us tiers in dungeons. Make tier 1 2k Ilevel, tier 2 2.5k Ilevel, tier 3 3.0 Ilevel and so on. This way it stays up to par with all player bases. Simple things like this can make the gam great for all players on all levels.
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