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When is the Maze Engine coming to Xbox?



  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User

    60+20+5+20+10+10-5 = $130 fixed that for you ;)

    Huh its still 120$ dude... lol In case you didn't notice the last one is not a + but a - (minus) for REMOVAL of content included at release.

    Then yes i do understand they want to make money, i never said otherwise, but if something cost you 2$ and you sell it 6$, you make 4$ right? If you sell 2 of those items but for 4$ each, you still make 4$ right? Money income is the same, but more clients are enjoying your product. And the difference is, your likely to sell more of them as there cheaper. But NW ... they don't seem to understand that concept... Im sure if the price would be lower but with more content to get, people would buy more.

    Next point : Why "MMO" always have to be endless grind? Why can't it be simply to play with people and enjoy the environement of playing with many people. I never got that concept. But EVEN if its a grind, it can still be a decent grind. The problem with NW is the pay factor that fog the result. Game can take 2 months to max out if your a wallet warrior so to counter balance that they make the regular blocks waste months and years of grinding...

    Next Point : You don't need to be best to do dungeons sure, but you do need to do decent damage. Its not normal after so much time grinding and playing (months of intense play) my damage is still subpar...

    Next : I have seeing argument like "learn to make AD" . I know how to make ADs... this is not the problem. The problem is there is so much i can bare of playing Lair of Lostmauth in the same day. Thats all people want to farm cause thats all that give the horn that everybody wanna sell.... I spend time playing prophecy of madness or whatever for the achievement and getting my book for boons for exemple, and always in the hope of getting an orange ring but then what, if i do get one, and its not the right one, i can't even sell it !!! Why the blues are not bound but the purple and orange are? If people wanna farm this let them farm and let the other guys pay !!! And not to mention the more i make AD, the more the market up... completely killing the point of making more AD. They give us double AD.. cool, but then what? Everything double price... DUH... so your more or less force to grind the crazy out of the double ad cause the market assume everybody will...

    As for giving us content for free... yeah ok cool, but then its like "pay up for that coalescent ward you need" ...

    I may seem like a complainer to some, but im actually a critic spirit thats all. I expose flaws where they are. When all is good, of course im not gonna make 10 post saying "this is awesome, this is great, oh thank you thank you" on every game i play.. lol

    So yes i seem to point more the negative but thats what people do... When its not broken there is nothing to fix, and to me there is nothing to post about... ;)

  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Damn man didn't even notice the minus sign lmao. My bad dude.

    Mmo part- it is a grind but you can have fun doing it. We run everything all night and have lots of laughs while doing so. My party chat is normally full all night with people coming in and out of party and runs. 16 people telling jokes and having fun. For me that's what it is all about. The grind can be mind numbing but with good company, it makes it easier.
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User

    They gave you content for free and all you do is complain.

    Exactly this^

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  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Lol ^^^^
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User

    Damn man didn't even notice the minus sign lmao. My bad dude.

    Mmo part- it is a grind but you can have fun doing it. We run everything all night and have lots of laughs while doing so. My party chat is normally full all night with people coming in and out of party and runs. 16 people telling jokes and having fun. For me that's what it is all about. The grind can be mind numbing but with good company, it makes it easier.

    I don't have 16 friends connected at the same time personally lol. I am not one to develop a chemistry easily, it need times for that and with the roster of guild changing often its even less easy.The cultural difference also play a factor probably, That does not mean i don't apreciate them as people, it just mean im more game focussed in chat etc. But I do enjoy people's company sometimes (2-3) in party and sometimes i just put music and do my stuff, its true it will pass faster this way, but thats not always possible.
    They gave you content for free and all you do is complain.
    Its a way of seeing things. They give just enough to make us want to get more, and therefore paying for it. I am just one to not fall for that, but there some peoples that do not have my sense of logic and restrain. Well some people also do have more finances than me obviously. Trust me there decisions to give it for "free" was well tough and they knew they would probably get more money that way than releasing it for 60-70$ as other games.

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Stay afloat really. That kind of thinking is probably why your complaining about the prices. They designed the game to make money not stay afloat and micro transactions won't keep players past two years. They gave you content for free and all you do is complain.

    You don't have to pay to play. Go enjoy the game and who cares if you don't have the fastest mount. Who cares if your not the Bis. That's not what the game is about. You don't need the best of the best to play or do dungeons. Last I recall you don't need mounts in dungeons and you don't even have to ride your mount to them. So it takes 2 years at most for a casual person to be the bis ok the game is to be enjoyed if it's a grind to you go get a job and grind for something real.

    do you really think they're making money as it stands? my point is they'd make more money than they are now. the evidence that they are currently losing money big time is the AD exchange. it was very low for a long time because people were buying. then they stopped because of the shenannagans. I guarantee this game isnt' making the money it was and may be in danger. the ad went from 127 to 300 (and rising) in like a three or four week span. that means a lot more people have ad than zen. that's because people aren't buying zen and have quit the game.

    it's pretty simple to follow. if you charge less you get more impulse buys by many more people more regularly. if you charge A LOT you get a few people with money to burn buying stuff. charging more is going to make less money not more.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    They gave you content for free and all you do is complain.

    Exactly this^

    they gave us content for free if we never gave them actual money. Some of us have given them money because we appreciate the product. as such we have a right as consumers to demand better. if this were really a free game out of the kindess of their hearts there would be no zen market.

  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    You’re effective in PvE from about 2500/2600 onwards. Everything after that is just gravy. The higher numbers are just something to work on while you wander about doing your thing - paying to skip the grind is pure vanity, nothing else.
    PvP is a different kettle of (pay-to-win) fish, but PvE is really just a free ride.
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  • grandpaxxxgrandpaxxx Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    You gave them money for zen! Did you get what you paid for if so there is no reason to complain.

    You still never have or ever paid for the game!

    You wanted a mount you baught zen you got an account wide mount. If the mount doesn't work or isn't as fast as they said on the posting then you have a complaint.

    It's like complaining to a farmer you just baught corn from and trying to tell him how to grow his corn. Your corn is delicious but I'm going to tell you how you should grow your corn. Because I baught some I have some say so in how you grow it.

    Go eat your corn and sit down and shut it. You didn't pay for control in how they run things. If people don't like there product then they will decide what to do with it, not you!

    This is the best time to actually support them with the exchange so hot for zen.

    Yes they are making money because there is alot of zen for sale
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    I guarantee this game isnt' making the money it was and may be in danger. the ad went from 127 to 300 (and rising) in like a three or four week span. that means a lot more people have ad than zen. that's because people aren't buying zen and have quit the game.

    Not sure I agree with your assessment. It could well be correct (and coal-gate was certainly a catalyst), but I think the situation is perhaps more complex than that.

    The initial wave of people quitting might have pushed it up to where it is now… but it won’t have helped that we’ve had two double AD weekends and a new lockbox since then. Not only has the former led to a glut in raw AD, but the latter is known to spike the price.
    Add to that, this new lockbox drops FAR better loot than all previous ones (dropping rank 9 enchants, dropping more enchants, guaranteed companion upgrade tokens, etc). I'm not a lockbox fan, yet I'm tempted to start splashing out.

    So all that is pushing the price up, and I’ve also seen some interesting behavior in terms of buying Zen.
    People who haven’t spent a penny up to this point are now dropping cash as 300/1 is a great ratio for cashing in… so people are buying Zen and (this is important) refusing to sell for less than 270-300. That expectation is keeping the price high.
    That’s reflected in the auction house, as people are now flinging about MASSIVE wads of ad that they got with real world money – they drop some irl cash and are suddenly richer than they’ve ever been in-game before. These folk with massive AD stockpiles are spending it... unwisely - there's no waiting or good investment, they're just buying everything they ever wanted right now.
    A good example is how an epic mount (which we all know is probably the item that's listed on the top of most wishlists) has gone from 450k-550k to 700k-800k… and that’s despite the trade bars making those mounts MORE common, not less. It’s crazy town.

    I’m not sure about how it’ll look in the long run, but I’m seeing more active players and players returning a tad disappointed from the Division. It has changed the economy, but I’m not sure that it’s hurting PW in the pocket.

    (EDIT: Slight edit for clarity)
    Post edited by telprydain on
    Casual Gamers
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  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Clap clap clap clap......well freaking put! This is pretty much the exact reasons zax is rising. I'll shut up now and again, we'll put @telprydain
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User


    You gave them money for zen! Did you get what you paid for if so there is no reason to complain.

    Well peoples still have the coalescent ward issues stuck in there throat to be honest. When they SAID what they where gonna do and did not.

    Another thing is that this game is a constent influx of changes. Its true to lots of game nowadays cause of online, but NW is a whole new degree of it. Its not "you pay for something and you get THAT" . Prices changes all the time, items too and so on and on.

    Maybe the choice of stopping playing is ours, and we should not make a big deal out of it and just stop, but the fact we want to keep playing and are instead saying to the devs "stop scamming us" show that we do love the game in its core, but we are tired of the bad business decisions and them giving the finger to us. May sound a bit too much but I guess its like a domestic violence case in a video game form, somewhat we love the game just like the wife love her husband, but at some point she can't take the abuse anymore, and so can't we... But deep down we hope it would stop hurting us and be great again just as back in the days.

  • shazza53shazza53 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    I agree with your post, Destro (although a comparison to domestic violence may be extreme, I get your point ). I have taken a step back from the game, playing regularly but for short periods. I want to see what new mods bring, but not interested in stressing over the motivation of the devs, or the apparent disconnect between customer support and customer satisfaction.
  • datorvitas#8631 datorvitas Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    @grandpaxx i assume you way under gear and don't even touch the boards at ending of dungeons. I would rather pay a monthly subscription for this game that this free 2 play scheme if you spend over a $800 in less than 6 month on a game you expect results and this game dosent provide that at its current state. You talk the way you do cause you haven't started the quest and grin to get your character to 4000 item score. No reason I need spend $10 on a c.ward for enchantment. That a total 28 enchantment you need and after rank ten you need a c. Ward for regular enchantment and a c.Ward for each level of weapon and armor enchantment you look at over 50+ c.wards at $10 each that $500 come on that's not cool. And grinding rough diamonds that on 36k a day a key which is only 125 zen is go in for 32k+ so that is only about 130 to 150 zen a day farming and you need 1000 zen for 1 wards that's 8+ days depending if it went up ??? Where the logic in that??? Yes there are shortcut like screaming lower level player but in the end someone paying to do it the right way....
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    So we are getting Maze soon then????
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
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  • kuero21kuero21 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    Most likely not, usually they announce a release date a month before but so far they haven't announced anything for Xbox yet. Also I remember one dev saying that their contract with Microsoft only allows one update every 3 months. So we probably still have to wait for around 45 more days.
  • dkrue84#4876 dkrue84 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Excuse my ignorance but what exactly is the "maze engine"? Is it just an expansion of content like Underdark or is it literally the games engine and gameplay mechanics and controls changing etc?
  • ddem0n888ddem0n888 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    Historically they've always added multiple events before the next mod drop. Seemingly there's a double AD, double rp and then the next mod.

    This is my own little theory but we've got a mass double weekend on the 28th April AD, RP, XP, Enchants and Runes). I'm guessing the next mod will drop within a week or two after this.
    Guild - Excalibur
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    Excuse my ignorance but what exactly is the "maze engine"? Is it just an expansion of content like Underdark or is it literally the games engine and gameplay mechanics and controls changing etc?

    It's the title of Mod 9 and a device the story revolves around while maintaining the Underdark theme. It has nothing to do with mechanics or controls. Most players will spend very little time with it as it is mostly a leveling Mod designed for 60-70 gameplay and to provide needed variation in the 60-70 grind. The new mount system, Stronghold price reductions and Castlenever are the parts more for endgame players.

  • dkrue84#4876 dkrue84 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Awesome thanks for the reply.
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    This is true @ddem0n888 but, I think all the double events is more for the anniversary of the release of neverwinter. Well let's hope they bring maze engine soon cause I'm bored.
  • bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    Hmmm.... Not so sure about that... If the double events was for the anniversary, wouldn't they start today? Since today is the 1 year anniversary for xbox... I think we will get maze engine around the end of april, beginning of may... They stated in the last dev blog they were trying to get mods to xbox within 30-90 days of pc... we all know 30 days is a dream, but I believe with all the complaints and issues with trade bars and such, they are pushing for an early release...

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User

    I agree that things are too expensive in game and there is too much replay of content to rank up characters after level 60. I feel like there is more playable content in the NW story line than other games, so maybe your $120 is a reasonable number. Either way it is an interesting concept to me, I wonder if they make more or less than pay up front or micro purchase games.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Shaza : Yeah the domestic violence analogy is surely a stretch, im not trying to dismish the gravity of that, but really just to compare to something simple so people understand the point of view ;) Cause i do get any dev/publisher want to make money, i am not asking them to work hard for just our enjoyment but the current pricing is way too high. And everytime something good appear, then a bad thing happen to counter balance it. I will thrill to see rank 7 enchants and mounts in the trade house, hell i was waiting for that patch so badly as i had saved all my tradebars so far before that. Then i realize oh the wards are not there? WHAT??? This is just one item change, but its one that literaly change the whole game and time consume. No way i am paying 10$ a pop for an item i will need multiple time to simply upgrade my character. If im to pay, give something "cool" for my money, not "needed".

    Datorvitas :
    I would rather pay a monthly subscription for this game that this free 2 play scheme if you spend over a $800 in less than 6 month on a game you expect results and this game dosent provide that at its current state.
    Exactly. Normallya subs is around 10$ a month, maybe 15 at most. Considering i rarely play those kinda game for more than 1 year, it would make it 120$ to 180$, still resonable. The only problem is it may shy away some players to keep there subs as the beginning of the game is rather slow and nothing off the hook(despite enjoyable). I think a free month would be the best to do to make sure people are interested and then want to keep going. But yeah as you put it, spending 800$ is wayyyy too much. The simple fact that if i drop 100$ tomorow and get myself 10 C.WARD i won't even have enough to upgrade all i need to upgrade really blows my mind... 100$ for just normally upgrading my character... like what??? lol

    sundance :
    I feel like there is more playable content in the NW story line than other games, so maybe your $120 is a reasonable number.
    Depends on what you compare to. Compare NW to Skyrim for exemple, and you will realize there is probably more storyline content in skyrim. More gameplay hours of original content. I mean base game vs base game, and then with DLCs vs with DLCs. But then if you compare to another game like i dunno... one linear 10H solo game, its a lot more. And then you have other games like COD wich are MP and then can also give you hundreds and thousands of hours of play even if there solo content is only a few hours.

    Thing is games are usually all the same price at release. 60$ american normally. Here in canada, maybe due to the crappy exchange rate of later years, they are 79.99$ now. But in any case, thats the price of a game. That NW is based on grinding and repeating the same quest 100s of time does not mean it should demand a bigger price.

    In any case no matter if its 120 or up to 150$, we are still way lower than what the average wallet warrior pay to enjoy this game... :/

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User


    You gave them money for zen! Did you get what you paid for if so there is no reason to complain.

    You still never have or ever paid for the game!

    You wanted a mount you baught zen you got an account wide mount. If the mount doesn't work or isn't as fast as they said on the posting then you have a complaint.

    It's like complaining to a farmer you just baught corn from and trying to tell him how to grow his corn. Your corn is delicious but I'm going to tell you how you should grow your corn. Because I baught some I have some say so in how you grow it.

    Go eat your corn and sit down and shut it. You didn't pay for control in how they run things. If people don't like there product then they will decide what to do with it, not you!

    This is the best time to actually support them with the exchange so hot for zen.

    Yes they are making money because there is alot of zen for sale

    not true. the game is not performing to standards that other game companies adhere to. bugs are never fixed. concerns never addressed. things we were promised officially (and zen purchases were based on these assertions) were reneged upon too late. there is NOT a lot of zen for sale. that is why the prices are so high in the zen exchange.

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    I guarantee this game isnt' making the money it was and may be in danger. the ad went from 127 to 300 (and rising) in like a three or four week span. that means a lot more people have ad than zen. that's because people aren't buying zen and have quit the game.

    Not sure I agree with your assessment. It could well be correct (and coal-gate was certainly a catalyst), but I think the situation is perhaps more complex than that.

    The initial wave of people quitting might have pushed it up to where it is now… but it won’t have helped that we’ve had two double AD weekends and a new lockbox since then. Not only has the former led to a glut in raw AD, but the latter is known to spike the price.
    Add to that, this new lockbox drops FAR better loot than all previous ones (dropping rank 9 enchants, dropping more enchants, guaranteed companion upgrade tokens, etc). I'm not a lockbox fan, yet I'm tempted to start splashing out.

    So all that is pushing the price up, and I’ve also seen some interesting behavior in terms of buying Zen.
    People who haven’t spent a penny up to this point are now dropping cash as 300/1 is a great ratio for cashing in… so people are buying Zen and (this is important) refusing to sell for less than 270-300. That expectation is keeping the price high.
    That’s reflected in the auction house, as people are now flinging about MASSIVE wads of ad that they got with real world money – they drop some irl cash and are suddenly richer than they’ve ever been in-game before. These folk with massive AD stockpiles are spending it... unwisely - there's no waiting or good investment, they're just buying everything they ever wanted right now.
    A good example is how an epic mount (which we all know is probably the item that's listed on the top of most wishlists) has gone from 450k-550k to 700k-800k… and that’s despite the trade bars making those mounts MORE common, not less. It’s crazy town.

    I’m not sure about how it’ll look in the long run, but I’m seeing more active players and players returning a tad disappointed from the Division. It has changed the economy, but I’m not sure that it’s hurting PW in the pocket.

    (EDIT: Slight edit for clarity)
    the price in the ad was already 280 when the lock box hit. it's only gone up a little since then. there was a massive rise right after coalgate. it just kept rising. I'm quite sure I'm correct. people refusing to sell below that won't keep the price high if there is more zen than ad. I don't think that many people are buying with real cash money (unless it's to the people that run the illegal zen sales) as far as seeing people online more.. I have been seeing more quit. I definitely am not seeing more than I was before.

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    destrowod said:


    You gave them money for zen! Did you get what you paid for if so there is no reason to complain.

    Well peoples still have the coalescent ward issues stuck in there throat to be honest. When they SAID what they where gonna do and did not.

    Another thing is that this game is a constent influx of changes. Its true to lots of game nowadays cause of online, but NW is a whole new degree of it. Its not "you pay for something and you get THAT" . Prices changes all the time, items too and so on and on.

    Maybe the choice of stopping playing is ours, and we should not make a big deal out of it and just stop, but the fact we want to keep playing and are instead saying to the devs "stop scamming us" show that we do love the game in its core, but we are tired of the bad business decisions and them giving the finger to us. May sound a bit too much but I guess its like a domestic violence case in a video game form, somewhat we love the game just like the wife love her husband, but at some point she can't take the abuse anymore, and so can't we... But deep down we hope it would stop hurting us and be great again just as back in the days.

    basically this.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016


    You gave them money for zen! Did you get what you paid for if so there is no reason to complain.

    You still never have or ever paid for the game!

    You wanted a mount you baught zen you got an account wide mount. If the mount doesn't work or isn't as fast as they said on the posting then you have a complaint.

    It's like complaining to a farmer you just baught corn from and trying to tell him how to grow his corn. Your corn is delicious but I'm going to tell you how you should grow your corn. Because I baught some I have some say so in how you grow it.

    Go eat your corn and sit down and shut it. You didn't pay for control in how they run things. If people don't like there product then they will decide what to do with it, not you!

    This is the best time to actually support them with the exchange so hot for zen.

    Yes they are making money because there is alot of zen for sale

    not true. the game is not performing to standards that other game companies adhere to. bugs are never fixed. concerns never addressed. things we were promised officially (and zen purchases were based on these assertions) were reneged upon too late. there is NOT a lot of zen for sale. that is why the prices are so high in the zen exchange.

    TL:DR.. did I get what I paid for? No. I paid for keys>tradebars>coalwards

    the coalwards were taken away.

  • volournvolourn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    "Your corn is delicious but I'm going to tell you how you should grow your corn. Because I baught some I have some say so in how you grow it.

    Go eat your corn and sit down and shut it. You didn't pay for control in how they run things. If people don't like there product then they will decide what to do with it, not you!"

    That's cute.. but farmers an other businesses ARE told how to do things by BOTH the customers and the law. the farmer you spoke of has certain legal standard to meet before selling legally often fought for by customer groups.
  • ddem0n888ddem0n888 Member Posts: 449 Arc User

    This is true @ddem0n888 but, I think all the double events is more for the anniversary of the release of neverwinter. Well let's hope they bring maze engine soon cause I'm bored.

    I'm so bored I'm starting to run PvP lol
    Guild - Excalibur
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