On March 31, Neverwinter will have its one-year anniversary on Xbox One! We’d like for you to share your favorite memories with us and perhaps win a prize.
For details and prizes you can win, visit our announcement blog here:

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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This is my favorite memory because of the lesson it taught me. The lesson being that I just don't count and my contribution to the game is non existent in the minds of the creator. Furthermore, why should I invest anymore time or money into a game that just trolls me. Yes PWE tried to make amends, but given their history of screw ups and only fixing bugs that are directly related to their earning potential, and completely ignoring gameplay bugs, this altered every memory I have of the game both in the past and moving forward. Damage was done that is likely to linger for quite some time.
The Legendary Outlaws
PvE and PvP - Pathfinder Combat
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
i would also like to share a quick statement I see a lot of people making angry statements about how furious they are over what happened with coalescent wards and other similar types of things that go on in regards to the game I believe that all of this stuff should be taken in stride as in life things change all the time and we as people must learn to cope with the ever-changing world and so I submit to you that Neverwinter is a world constantly growing and changing I had done as many did I saved 3200 trade bars but when the promised coalescent words weren't there I did not get angry it was simply another challenge that I needed to undertake ARC did a fine job of apologizing and compensating people which let's face it this is something they DIDN'T have to do try to remember your playing a FREE game and so no one owes you anything if you have chosen to spend money (as i did) than that was your choice! Let me say that again it's a FREE game and many hard-working programmers Motion capture actors and so forth and so on put a lot of time in to provide it to you just something to consider so don't think of it as there trolling you or trying to tick you off if they don't keep it interesting and challenging what fun would that?
> i would also like to share a quick statement I see a lot of people making angry statements about how furious they are over what happened with coalescent wards and other similar types of things that go on in regards to the game I believe that all of this stuff should be taken in stride as in life things change all the time and we as people must learn to cope with the ever-changing world and so I submit to you that Neverwinter is a world constantly growing and changing I had done as many did I saved 3200 trade bars but when the promised coalescent words weren't there I did not get angry it was simply another challenge that I needed to undertake ARC did a fine job of apologizing and compensating people which let's face it this is something they DIDN'T have to do try to remember your playing a FREE game and so no one owes you anything if you have chosen to spend money (as i did) than that was your choice! Let me say that again it's a FREE game and many hard-working programmers Motion capture actors and so forth and so on put a lot of time in to provide it to you just something to consider so don't think of it as there trolling you or trying to tick you off if they don't keep it interesting and challenging what fun would that?
The Legendary Outlaws
PvE and PvP - Pathfinder Combat
hope that image works.
note- im not trying to highlight a glitch, really. this is a favorite moment for me.
i have been making my character into a headless horseman type, with a pumpkin head and riding a zombie horse and for a few minutes once the texture did not load, giving me this amazing appearance with my fire-pumpkin head.
it is by far my favorite moment, i was able to ride my horse like this for a while too. if there was a transparent dye i would use it to make this look always. it really is my favorite moment from neverwinter.
my character is now a dragonborn and i really want it to happen again so i can update the screenshot. here's hoping : )
Sincerely, WubChubWalrus
Edit: Hope this works otherwise just click the original one-drive link. One of my favourite screenshots from June 2015 during Siege of Neverwinter.
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic)
Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level
RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
second entry.. finally getting a lockbox key. those darned elusive lockboxes? what did they have? Everyone said how worthless they were.. but I wanted to find out for myself. I saved and saved for enough ad to buy zen to get some. yeah. I got nothing but I was very excited to finally open one of those durned things.
3rd entry was the time after all that farmiing that I finally got a artifact to fall from lostmauth! that was SO awesome. gave me a high for the next few days.
PS. Here's the link for the photo. Hopefully it works!! (had to space it out since I'm not allowed to post links)
http: //tinypic.com/ view.php?pic=2akfl83&s=9
***Please ignore all spelling mistakes if present***
This is one of my favorite memories. Soloing Hrimnir from half health because the rest of the group wiped (the xbox dvr wouldn't record the whole thing) as a squishy 15k CW and all the randoms in the group watching with amazement. You can see the one guy even said "omg" in chat. Everyone in the group really complimented me afterwards. Just one of those epic moments you can never forget. Once I reached 18k I was able to solo almost every boss if the group wiped. All except cn.
I have lots of awesome memories of NWXbox and I'm making more everyday. I love this game and the community. May NW last forever.
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Arc, fix your game, this is no one else's problem but your own.
PS- don't ask me for my stuff, I can't log on even if I wanted too.