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Developer Letter: State of the Game



  • izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    Thanks for the letter. Nice to hear that you take players feedback seriously.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    i may having hard time believing them since mod 6 mistakes and chains of nerfs, and lot of bait and switches.

    2015 a biggest contents?, not in my view, many old classic dungeons got pull away, too many zone copies of older zones.
    dont forget, devout clerics cant handle icewind's corrupted dwarvens when trying to access to black ice nodes alone, they depends on other players, but way too many of healers get ignored, and still cant do some quests since too many black knights get buffed up and one-hits and excessive spinnings by torturers moving along where you try to move left or right as if they read your mind, blocking give those blackknights time to buff up, some players need to be unpredictable. these guys seem to have a ability to detect our movements before we make a move.

    no message regarding about Tarlumine Bars vendor? many players are still upset and still furious since mod 6.

    elemental evils doesnt seem finish yet, where is the "final" location, and we all know what is missing, "Temple of Elemental Evil", the source of planar nexus.

    most of all, i am not concern about class balancings, since you announced, that will take time and still in process.

    you guy Devs really forgot all about CTA events, you just mention one of them, are you aware of those prizes and rewards, and loots are outdated by 3 years?
    you announced pre-summer event, 3 year anniversary, but i do remember it was released in late jan/early feb of 2013, why 3-4 months late for anniversary?
    ok, back to CTA events.
    i have post lot of ideas for upgrades and updates in my older posts, nothing too drastic.

    another issue many players faced on every mods released, we only have limited bag slots and all those new mods dump us with loads of junks, and i had to fight what to keep.
    moving the mounts to new tab "Stable" was the right move and very much needed.
    we need better bank vault system, and also would be nice to do a new packpack upgrade per mod, to allow to add 6 slots into player's main original bag as part of quests. Adventurer's Stachel are outdated and cant remove since newer bags are lot bigger.
    few inventory updates would be nice, we need appearance tab, potion tab (alchemy bag), and new seperate "quest items" tab, and the vouchers made it lot harder to control.

    and one last items still my pet peeve, oh yeah, the companion pack, you devs still doesnt get it, we dont need any more of those bundle of xp scrolls/xp books, they are useless when companions are at maxed or capped ranks, we need much quicker upgrade tokens. you need to review auction house and see how much overflooded with unsellable xp scrolls that almost no one buys.

    before i finish this post, i am sick and tired of those clutters of "Bound to C/Bound to A, and unboundeds" that is massive mess of runes, enchants and refine stones. they need to be clean up and more consolidated.

    by the way, i have the rights to refuse to buy C-wards from Zen, prices isnt ideal cost range, will be watching for changes of prices to be more fair and win-win for both players and programmer teams.
  • edited March 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    I had a good laugh reading it, not gonna lie. Your "big" sneak peak to NW of 2016 was... underwhelming, to say the least.
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    Before people start bashing GF's I want you to realize the ONLY buffs a GF has ever gotten to increase damage.

    1. Capstone was changed from a pure power bonus, to 25% damage 10% crit (not a big difference at all in terms of total dps)
    2. Crushing Surge was increased in damage (again not a big deal it was garbage)
    3. Dev that will not be named (he was fired) - upped our weapon damage 45%!!!!!!!! and threw all our **** out of balance.

    Tone down GF base weapon damage 20% and you have a balanced class. Don't believe me... find the damage formulas and see what a 20% decrease on BASE weapon damage would do... and don't let multiple damage multipliers stack as much... you need to look into that, GF's are great at using little things to increase damage... that is fine. If they get more damage from other people... it gets nutty. Just watch my last video, I hit a tenacity'less rogue for over 300k without knight's challenge or a cleric lol... and it all boils down to that weapon damage increase.

    Not to mention when there were still actual premades around. Villains, ITF (+15% from temp hp), (inside an astral shield) with hallowed down and any other DC buff he wanted to do... Yeah GG... Won't even talk about combat sup damage, or the 10% after you bull charge someone that you and company get... do I go on? but that goes for any damage dealing class with hallowed down.. just look at a TR with a DC bugging out the 2nd pvp boon (the heal one on the top) so top middle... you use that and .... whatever that DC feat is that gives AP... ugh sorry I don't really play anymore b/c of all of this.... so forgive me

    - You want to learn how to balance PVP - you talk to the people like me who wrote the book on GF's. Been around longer than any of them (besides a chosen few who still log in every now and then, yes we are good). I'm not a genius, but I do have a decent level of education and have played this class more than most have played this game. WE are the people you need to talk to. Not the QQ'ers who moonstone it and think any dungeon in the last year has ever been difficult. The guys who did spellplague and CN with like 3k power and 1k crit.. I mean what were those stats we had anyway back then haha. I digress. Devs... if your past changes are any indication on what is to come. Class balance/adjustments is the last thing you need to be doing on your own. Thousands of bugs are on the class advocate/"special forums" you have. Start there. No more yellow "instagram-esk" filters over dungeons that takes you a year. Go through those lists... and make it happen. And stop using your internal servers... you can't even get the GWF bug to work.. I can do it whenever I want every single time I log in to the game lol.
  • rbroz#2282 rbroz Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    1. No nerfs, bring up the classes to the same power level.
    2. The game needs more ways to generate AD, Not just rough AD. Also, the 36K a day refine cap has got to go or be raised to level that makes sense. 100k or more would be a good start.
    3. Rethink the recent trade bar changes. Revert :)
    4. Reduce all the prices in the ZEN store. They are stupidly high. For a game that says its free to play, the ZEN store shows how greedy Crptic/ARC really is.
    5. Make all items in the game droppable. Even the items in the ZEN market. Give the people who can't afford to purchase ZEN have a chance to get the good/great items.
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    I appreciate the sentiment of the post of "the state of the game". But it also gave me a good laugh. I wish the team well and good luck on the future.
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
  • engineerofevilengineerofevil Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Nerfs are not the answer, reworks are. When a class gets nerfed it becomes non-competitive for 6 months to a year if you do not entirely change your build and playstyle. With CW after the Stormspell nerf, it is only viable due to the Lostmauth set because there is no control. That was nerfed a long time ago and new enemies are mostly control immune. HR is so broken that only a troll PVP build is viable in PVE. TR and GF are close to useless in PVE, but gods in PVP because of one-shot burst damage. But you do not need a GF for PVE when you have Perma-bubble OPs. GWF was worthless from Mod 4 until Mod 6 unless you went Sentinel and had full rank 10s for power. Mod 6 Destroyer gets overbuffed, but still have the same defensive nerfs left over from Mod 4-making us Striker without a secondary roll like Off-Tank. Each class needs a role and should all have 6 viable paths.

    You are absolutely right, many people call for nerfs but don't think about the BIG picture. If you destroy the bubble of the paladin, which is one of the main reasons they are called for in dungeons, you are not left with much. They are not controllers or dps dealers like CWs or GWFs. You might have to compensate in other ways with adding dps.

    If someone out there is calling for a nerf, then help with the re-balance. Don't be one of the reasons that a nerf-hammer is taken to a class, which makes a class near useless. Be part of the solution.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Nerfs are not the answer, reworks are. When a class gets nerfed it becomes non-competitive for 6 months to a year if you do not entirely change your build and playstyle. With CW after the Stormspell nerf, it is only viable due to the Lostmauth set because there is no control. That was nerfed a long time ago and new enemies are mostly control immune. HR is so broken that only a troll PVP build is viable in PVE. TR and GF are close to useless in PVE, but gods in PVP because of one-shot burst damage. But you do not need a GF for PVE when you have Perma-bubble OPs. GWF was worthless from Mod 4 until Mod 6 unless you went Sentinel and had full rank 10s for power. Mod 6 Destroyer gets overbuffed, but still have the same defensive nerfs left over from Mod 4-making us Striker without a secondary roll like Off-Tank. Each class needs a role and should all have 6 viable paths.

    MY main is cw and the stormspell was a rework and not a nerf and they did right. THAT passive shouldnt critical. When i play pve yes i use lostmauth because diffuculty dont let me take it serious. BUT in pvp i use valindra. and IN PVP i kill paladins-damaging hard clerics but somehow they dont freeze when they use elven. i am balanced not nerfed.
  • greyhawken777greyhawken777 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    I appreciate the very detailed letter discussing the state of the game. As I read on, and on, and on, I could not help but think if this is just "too little, too late." I'm very glad that there seems to be a plan in place to address longstanding issues. There was a time when I would have been more excited, or interested, about all this waving and wringing of hangs but my days of min/max are long over in this game. I've resolved to just enjoy the PvE aspect, with a very rare and occasional dip into the PvP pool. I'm saddened by this as I did enjoy PvP back when it still felt as if I had a fighting chance. Nowadays, skills, tactics, and strategy place a far second to players with maxxed out iLvl gear.

    PvE is where I'm am nowadays. It's not perfect, but hey, it's a game, and I've decided to give up the minute-by-minute churn of what's in or out, what's buffed or nerfed, in an given patch or module. When the game was newer for me, yes, I did that but the luster has faded. Will I still play? Yes, I will, but with the mindset of no longer wanting or needing to be "competitive" or "relevant." Monsters die more often than I do as I complete the repetitive quests. Occasionally, an interesting thing drops that increases my effectiveness some tiny percent. For a moment, the happy times are back. Then, just as quickly, it's back to reality of repetitive grinds, tired content, and puzzling game design decisions...Trade Bars...cough....! Consciously deciding to be above the fray did something wonderful. It freed me from feeling I need to "work" at the game, to always try to "keep up with the Joneses, to feel that I have to spend actual, real life monies. Instead, I just enjoy game for what it's worth.

    There is one thing that doesn't affect game play that I wish was mentioned in the letter, though. WTF are you going to do with all these spammers? It's to the point that /zone is rendered useless, covered by these spammers. If Cryptic can do ONE thing to improve MY game experience, it would be to do "something" about these spammers. I would gladly pay money for that enhancement.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    Cliff Notes Summary:
    • We spent 2015 pretty much ignoring the PC version and copying the code over to the XBox.
    • We were unsure how it would go, but we exceeded expectations and gained a couple million new naive suckers, er, customers happy to buy zen before they hit the 60+ grind.
    • We tried to rebalance all the classes, again, after we rebalanced them a couple times in 2013, and again in 2014.
    • We repainted, er, created all new content that just happens to look identical to existing content and released it and upped the levels from 60-70 so those on PC could buy more zen, er, enjoy grinding, er, adventuring from 60-70.
    • We had to remove almost all, er, only 10 of our existing dungeons because they were a total failure for the new levels.
    • We added almost 2 years worth of updates to the XBox game -- and were completely befuddled, er, some what surprised that ALL the bugs that had been previously reported repetitively on the PC were still in the code we copied over to the XBox. (Xbox users take note)
    • We worked on a tiny little, er HUGE new PVP area called Strongholds and had PC players alpha-test the content for a very brief, er, extensive time and got tons of great feedback.
    • We introduced Neverwinter Combat League, a little PvP experiment that failed miserably.
    • We released Strongholds, completely ignoring all the feedback and, as users predicted, it almost completely destroyed almost all the smaller guilds and we now have very few enormous conglomerates, er, guilds that charge people for inclusion.
    • We are going to be including Acquisitions Incorporated, er, a popular D&D "adventuring company" in a simplistic, er, massive update to Respen's Marvelous Game. (Anyone want to bet the "inclusion" is having images of "the company" in the background as "the players" in Respen's Marvelous Game?)
    • We're going to be recycling, er, working on lots of new stuff in 2016.
    • We're also working on re-re-re-re-re-working the queue system for PvP - Sixth time's a charm!
  • vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    freshour said:


    I agree, if you want to know what is broke or being abused absolutely talk to Dom, he has an in depth knowledge of it.

    GF also got a nice buff by removing alot of the movement penalty when blocking. And I would say that GFs being allowed to keep prone in pvp is a huge win.

    Actually Devs prob need to revisit the idea of having prones in PvP.

    The balance threads are going to be a crapshot like last time, every class screaming that each little nerf is killing their class while lobbying for nerfs to other classes.

  • ionvnegativoionvnegativo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    GF/GWF damage wasnt mentioned, is like they made this post based on feedback given several months/mods ago, GF damage is on top of pvp forums, and they havent said a single word.

    nice to see that SE will have a fix, so those 30k power+shadowborn+first strike 170k damage trolls will have to push more than 1 button to win.

    still pvp wont be fair since 8k+8k boons and 4k mount are not affordable for most of people. :s
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    vteasy said:

    freshour said:


    I agree, if you want to know what is broke or being abused absolutely talk to Dom, he has an in depth knowledge of it.

    GF also got a nice buff by removing alot of the movement penalty when blocking. And I would say that GFs being allowed to keep prone in pvp is a huge win.

    Actually Devs prob need to revisit the idea of having prones in PvP.

    The balance threads are going to be a crapshot like last time, every class screaming that each little nerf is killing their class while lobbying for nerfs to other classes.

    a thousand times this!!!!!!! How do you think GWF's in pvp feel when takeDOWN is a stun haha. I mean seriously. "But CW's have a prone" - oh you mean the one you nerfed into the ground and back because the few CW's who could actually use it (it is not very easy to pull off in a competitive match) were wrecking people... so obviously it was a bug... HR's have a prone.. oh but it doesn't go into their spam rotation with no cooldowns... MAKE IT WORTH IT. You took every last bit of their damage away. Why else do you think HR's spent hours and hours seeing what offhand feats worked w/out the active on? B/c they were so gimped they had to find bugs to be useful lol. DC's... are...tooo.... tanky.... Make an incentive for DC's to go heal spec. Put an ICD on the capstone so DC's aren't buff bots who have a capstone. Remember when they actually healed. I imagine a DC as more of a toned down pally. But guys, damage is too freaking high... the only way you kill someone is by having 2 people do 300K+ damage in less than a few seconds. That is it. Mod 1-2 was more of a... what is that word.. fight! SW's have a prone sort of, lower its cast time, lower its cooldown, fix the buggy sparks mechanic that plagues SH pvp. And either delete pally's or reword them... they just don't fit anymore, especially after you nerfed dungeon mobs from everything being a 100% one shot. B/c once bubble is gone, A. pvp will go back to normal but B. they have nothing left to give. You nerfed their only damaging daily by like 290% or something. But you managed to buf their auras so they go full darks, have 20k armor pen and 30k+ power... what?! If you want to balance... go back to mod 1-2... those mods had maybe 1-2 things wrong with them, usually it was an artifact that you tried to get money off of. have that on the far left, have where we are now down the street somewhere as it is wayyyyyy off. And get it back to checks and balances. B/c those promote this thing called "teamwork" "tactics"... what is the word... SKILL. not.. Q...E....R... he's dead.. next! or if you're an HR then it is qwetabwertabqertabqer... dangit.. I just did 3k damage..
  • wintertwo844218#9572 wintertwo844218 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    I love that everyone wants to nerf other classes. I hope a lesson learned is not to nerf. Class balance doesn't mean you take away from another class. As a DC, TR, and CW I've seen multiple changes. And I've learned to adapt. Improvements are welcome, nerfs just end up with the balance shifting another direction.
    I have one suggestion this letter lacks though. Customer service, because we are a customer as well as a gamer. And the game seriously lacks in treating their consumer base with much concern or integrity when issues arise. I've seen a lot expressed regarding cheats, third party buying, and game exploits, but not so much regarding the gamer, consumer, loyal customers when issues in game arise from the glitches within neverwinter that harm the player.
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    There is some real positives in this post. There is however a few things that bother me.
    • GF and CW will continue to be neglected
    • They mention they want to improve the end game, but then mention that the ZERG grouping system will kill off epic Demogorgon and Tiamat to all non 3k+ players.
    I am 3k+ on 3 characters so not really going to miss out on much but it will be a problem to get linus favor for upcoming players especially doing Tiamat due to full zerg grouping.

    The class balancing they mention :
    we are going to be reviewing the Paladin and Warlock as well as creating some targeted fixes to the Hunter Ranger and Trickster Rogue
    The most neglected class in the game Guardian fighter is completely ignored, since this implies OP will be weakened it makes no sense that the other tank that have been neglected for years are ignored.

    The CW have not been up to the other classes since the previous 2 nerfs. It is still playable, unlike the GF, but the danger lights are flashing.

    As a GWF player I am also shocked that this over powered class is not being brought down a peg or 2. especially after it has been proven that a GWF can solo all content in the game Including a DF dragon and epic Cragmire (search youtube for proof). I have not been able to find any GF, CW soloing epic Cragmire.

    Even though it might seem I am complaining about the new queue system I am not I really like it. I just want to warn that it will create a HUGE hole in the game for players with Item level less than 3k.

    EDIT: Almost forgot It is interesting that new guild mod is coming(probably due to guilds maxing out) when small guild still have no chance of leveling their Stronghold. I know the maze engine is bringing changes, but will it really be big enough to help a 10 man guild or even a 20 man guild. If it does I am very happy, but if it does not I think making stronghold playable to all guilds would be a wiser option than creating a greater divide in player base.
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • klayl771klayl771 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    zman81420 said:

    Not buying it, even from a Xbox players point of view. I will never trust this company again. I will play the game as I see fit and never investing toward Neverwinter again. Thanks for the long explanation that will most likely or luckily be half followed through with.

  • triflentriflen Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    Another key area for us is communication with our community. We are looking at additional ways to show our progress or create direct lines of communication back to our players whether it be through additional dev blogs or in-game activities. We will be working on a way to give the community a clearer picture of what we are working on and what we understand the top issues to be.

    This is the largest blunder of them all. There has been little to no meaningful conversation here at all between the two (i should say three since xbox is another beast entirely) I get some of the things are important and should be placed in a scale of important to least important. Class balance is a great idea (how is this a revelation on a new focus is beyond me) BUT LETS BE clear.. class balance means a hill of beans if there is no Content in which it applies. You not only removed content by the droves due to your internal changes as a dev team but believe somehow that returning some of the most bugged and complained about dungeons as a testament to you listening is a poke in the eye. Cloak tower (how many patches went into place to repair the.... door will not open to allow you to progress) Caverns OMG can we say particle density of the fire effects LAAGGGG and these are two of the 5 you are returning HAHAHAH listen to that community throw their voices up in a chorus of AMENS we can die now that we get those two lvling dungeons back in the game.
    I will restate what most feel. You lost my trust , as a EDUCATED developer and believing or appreciating anything you do as devs has a long up hill climb to restore any sense of "YOUR CONCERN FOR THE COMMUNITY"

    In the scene from field of dreams "IF you build it they will come" trying to recall how this is supported by destroying the game content choices and implimenting rare drops (that .02 percent chance at +5 rings to a .04) as a viable trade.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    No word on a new class yet. That's what I was really hoping to hear about.

    This game doesn't need a new class especially with the balancing issues plaguing NW. Maybe in a year when they attempt to introduce balancing.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • hyst3ricpon3shyst3ricpon3s Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Balance PvE and PvP seperately. Literally the FIRST thing that needs to be done right now.
  • This content has been removed.
  • arcticblitzarcticblitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 126 Arc User
    Just finished reading, I have to say the spin doctoring in that letter is first class. I think Rob must have had a past life selling used car's.

    Whilst some things have been improving albeit slowly ( and others going backwards at a rate of knots *cough* tradebars) it is no where near as rosy as being portrayed in that letter and is basically another marketing hype program to get the fresh spenders in. It takes a true leader stand up and admit they were wrong with out sugar coating / spin doctoring and then demonstrate how they are going to fix it both in terms of clear truthful transparent communication and more importantly action.

    I really hope things improve but i refuse to be taken in by hype, until such time when true improvement is evident i will continue to show my displeasure with the state of the game the only meaningful way I can, with my wallet.
    Blitzy : PVE only Barbarian
    Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger

    Guild Founder: -HunterS-
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    I appreciate the thoughts listed in the letter. I'm sure it went through several iterations before it was cleared for posting. I do think the Devs get it but a lot of the decisions made are "above their pay-grade". A for effort.

    If you do nothing else over the course of 2016, as many have stated over and over (including myself) - SPLIT PvE and PvP SO BALANCE CHANGES ON ONE SIDE DO NOT EFFECT PLAYABILITY ON THE OTHER SIDE.

    I don't care if a TR is so OP in PvP that the class needs to be nerfed into a wet noodle holder. I DO care that nerfing the class in PvP causes it to suffer tremendously in PvE (don't even want to talk about HRs in PvE due to PvP "balances"). Not everyone plays PvP but nerfs (or buffs) to PvP DOES effect everyone.

    Keep up the communications. While we may not always like what you folks have to tell us, we do appreciate the information.
    I aim to misbehave
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    lirithiel said:

    No word on a new class yet. That's what I was really hoping to hear about.

    This game doesn't need a new class especially with the balancing issues plaguing NW. Maybe in a year when they attempt to introduce balancing.

    The balance changes they attempt will be a mess so I'd rather just get a new class instead of waiting for them to "fix" things that they're really bad at "fixing".
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2020
    empty freaking words, or like the last update with the removal of the tradebars. Butter us up with lots of 2x things, gifts and what not. try to make us think you really wanted to make it up to us (i'm sorry baby, I won't hit you no more!) Promise us some awesome changes and then without warning, remove the thing we'd all been waiting for, as well as the events we'd all been waiting for, and then give us a slap in the face with a few token wards. Now we're supposed to get excited because you admit you made some mistakes? Sorry, trust is gone. I'm here.. I got no where better to be.. but empty words. Seriously empty words.

    Bring back the coal wards and bring back the announcements of what is going to happen more than two weeks in advance. Stick to your freaking word. Don't lie to us.

    I'm angry with this company. I'm angry with the way we've been treated. I'm angry you've chased away so many good players. I'm not stupid enough to go, "awww, that's nice they've made a few superficial announcements, that they are aware they've made mistakes! because translated all it says is.. "ouch, you hit me in the wallet feels!"..

    but you know what? We're going to keep hitting you in the wallet feels unless you actually SHOW us you care and want to make things right with your player base.

    edited for readability 4 years later
    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    That blog post is a normal marketing hype: nothing really unexpected.
    Unfortunately the real experience in game tell us another story: 2105 was a sad year for NW.
    Imo, talking about class balance is premature: I would like to test the results of the devs' work before commenting.
    The feedback from the players are posted here for a long time: let's see how the devs will take them into account.
    Please remember that the overall balance should take into account new and still unreleased contents, like the new mount system: that has not been tested live yet.
    Looking how the previous modules have been managed, I expect:
    - 15 march: release date
    - 16 march: 20+ bugs reported
    - 20 june: 10 bugs fixed and nothing more -> Only at that time we can have a better understanding on how to balance the classes.

    PS: I'm not blaming the devs, I'm sure they always want to do the best. But the experience shows that often the priorities are not managed as expected by the players, i.e $ targets vs player/customer expectations.

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    etelgrin said:

    Im sincerely, directly, looking forward to Scourge Warlock rework.

    I'm not, at this point i fear they will mess up the Soul Puppet, and we end up with all the paths more or less broken.

    "We will treat life steal differently for the Scourge Warlock."

    On state of the game:
    + PE is overrun by AD seller spam bots.
    + outside of PE, several areas are also overrun by enchantments farming bots.
    could someone in charge please recognize this issue and start doing something against it now?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    "It’s been a crazy ride since launch and through the past year, but we are looking good and are preparing for another great year with some big updates." - Rob

    My own formatted response:
    .. On the console launch: Congratulations. Now shift that Xbox money to R&D.
    .. On Level70 and Elemental Evil: It was a downright mess.
    .. On Strongholds: No system for Small vs Large guilds. "Make the large guilds pay up, then lower costs for small guilds" is not a system.
    .. On Stronghold Siege: Laggy piece of garbage. Make it 1 or 2 lanes. Lose the 'interactions' w wizard + the gold pile + dragons + golems + ballistae. The "swing" mechanic doesnt work.
    .. On NCL: Fix the classes, fix the leaderboard, bring it back. Ladder PVP should be a staple of any competitive PVP game. (see: eSports)
    .. On Alpha Feedback making things easier + better: Duh.
    .. On 2016: Ha. Foundry?
    .. On the AD economy: Leadership bots have transmogrified into Prayer bots. I wish someone could have told you this was going to happen. Oh wait. I did. http://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/discussion/554936/4-hour-login-play-reward/p2 <- So did many other players in ***MARCH 2015.***
    .. On the Gear/Power Loadout switching tool: Oh we've ALL BEGGED FOR THIS. Botters made their own app to do it! I wish someone could have showed you what we wanted. Oh wait. I did. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/comment/12736436 <- AND TAGGED *YOU* IN IT! Slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
    .. On Mounts: We'll see. Seems like another chicken chase.
    .. On the new Queue system: Will it work for PVP? Setting up Pre-mades? Private lobbies for GG/Dom/Siege/ etc? This is an eSports requirement.
    .. On replying to feedback and issues: Hmm. Depends if you read this post.

    Additional Notes:
    On the dev stream John Hopler said "Castle Never still has a problem if two players open the door at the same time"... "STILL." This bug is as old as open beta. Old bugs coming back to haunt us? Must be Cryptic.

    There's a saying in my industry, Fix it in prep.
    Post edited by torontodave on
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    Glad to see most of the ppl responding here haven't been taken in. Just a couple starry eyed people saying "thank you", and a few folks already trying to argue about how the "changes" should go.


    You could make the most persuasive case for exactly how to fix everything wrong with NWO. It could even be an easy fix. But it won't matter, because the devs can't make decisions based on player input. Don't get mad or frustrated about this, it's useless to rage. Just go do something else besides play this game.
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    mynaam said:

    especially after it has been proven that a GWF can solo all content in the game Including a DF dragon and epic Cragmire (search youtube for proof). I have not been able to find any GF, CW soloing epic Cragmire.

    Search again and youll find TRs soloing all T1 and eToS. Youll find HR soloing eCC.
    So they both are overpowered too. So we got theese classes that they have to nerf to hell:
    - PVE = GWFs, HRs, TRs cuzz they can do to much solo (Maybe CWs too, cuzz we got vids from eLoL solo from a CW?)
    - PVP = GFs, TRs, HRs, OPs cuzz they can do things that other classe cant do

    Copy that. Or....you search again. Cya
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