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Update on the Trade Bar Store (Xbox One)



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    nortonlnortonl Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    All I see is people crying about the issue instead of coming up with a suggestion to fix it. This is what I think......

    1.put the items back in the bar trade house but account bound

    2.your excuse for not doing this can only be people will simply sell the use of the items, again simple fix make the item these account bound items are used on have a timer before they can be sold. Say 30 days....that way people can still sell their items but just not right away.

    Personally I see this as a fix to please everyone, unless you made the change simply to force people to spend money
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    mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    nullThat suggestion has been made numerous time on the treads here and elsewhere
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    I wonder if they are no longer responding because in their mind the issue is resolved. They've done that to me before in regards to different issues, so I guess it shouldn't surprise me. I wonder how missing out on a few thousand a day will make them feel, whether they will reconsider or not.

    At this point, I'll buy the c wards for cash. Every day I'll set aside $10, the price of one cward. When the wards get added back, I'll turn my cash into zen. If they are dumb enough not to fix this, then when I have enough saved I'll just pay off a bill instead (getting ahead on car payments is never a bad thing)
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    z1769z1769 Member Posts: 10 Arc User

    • Finally, we are going to consider our community goals for Neverwinter on Xbox One accomplished.
    Call me weird, but that's my favorite part of the whole thing. The forum equivalent of a mic drop. B)
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    unitedweevil679#9682 unitedweevil679 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    A mic drop after a bad preformance. Like Hitler and Bieber perform gangnam style, then mic drop.
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    *although the I'd be more likely to pay to see Hitler and Bieber do Gangnam style than drop money into this game while there is no c wards in the trade bar shop.
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    lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    z1769 said:

    • Finally, we are going to consider our community goals for Neverwinter on Xbox One accomplished.
    Call me weird, but that's my favorite part of the whole thing. The forum equivalent of a mic drop. B)
    Thats because the community goals were to get people to say nice things about NW in community channels, twitter, facebook, etc. How many of you are going to go out and talk them up?

    All of the freebies in this community goal thing were already approved for distribution before the trade bar issue is my guess. So it didnt require a bunch of oomph to give this to us, just logistics. The whole offer was incredibly arrogant and handled just like I expected, prior to a weekend. This limits the amount of abuse against their employees, slows the rage everyone had over the situation and gives people plenty of time to think..."Maybe I should log in just for a bit, whats the harm"

    It has been a well played hand, because people in this day an age are more and more willing to settle for HAMSTER, than the stand up and fight. That and most people playing this game life in part of society with disposable income. So while most have an appreciation for the freebie they instead should be fighting to hold this company accountable but less and less of society is willing to do such a thing.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
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    darthneutrondarthneutron Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I agree, society today is just to afraid to offend anyone thus everyone just running a muck. As military veteran it sickens me. I still havent logged in and played underdark. The handling of trade bar store, the removal of double enchant/runes, exp and astrial in the shaddy manner has caused me to lose trust and faith in gaming industry. Havent played any game platform since so pissed and depressed. Should have a ton of more money to spend on another hobby.
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    Don't get me wrong with your statement of being happy with garbage. Did I take the free wards, and use them? Yup. Just like most of my friends who spend money on this game. Am I spending another dime prior to c wards being available for purchase with 75 trade bars? Nope. Just like most friends who spend money on this game.
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    As another veteran, I don't think lack of command has anything to do with it. As a parent and teacher, I think half of it is lack of cause and affect care taking (kid does bad, kid gets punished, kid does good, kid gets rewarded) and the other half is simply no thought process. The people who don't spend any money on zen, then use adx, ate still supporting neverwinter because someone is still buying to convert to astral because they can. If you remove astral offers from the adx, zen will quickly become useless to the "whales" who will then stop buying it. Then no one is buying. Then neverwinter caves.
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    zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I am most likely going to relax with this game, play it casual until The Maze Engine emerges Mod 9 where supposedly 4 dungeons re-enter the game. Now am I also to assume that due to parity between communities and the lack of commitment to your current cash cow that we also will (not) be getting these back as well? If you want parity for us develop a Xbox gateway App, get us sword coast adventures, fix our tradebar market, fix ill advised tooltips, create better balance in characters, quit releasing broken content, fix your FPS issues, repair goodwill with your wallet warriors. Just be aware everything happening with your shenanigans in game is being viewed by your up and coming release on PS4 and I am sure they are very (cough) eager to just delve with wallets blazing. This is just wrong how we have been treated, plain wrong and no bribe of lackluster concern will sway my opinion here. I have promoted the heck out of this game and worked with my leader and officers to build a thriving guild community of unity and prosperity through group progression and I even devoted days of time to build a website for our guild to better inform our members and teach our knowledge. Now with the boot on our throats and being forced to drink the Kool-Aid if we continue to play is plain and simple horse doody. This bottlenecked community is literally the brave Spartans 300 facing their certain death at the hot gates holding onto the only advantage they have left, batteries in the controller.

    For being my First MMO RPG, I hope this is not a business model followed by others games.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
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    darthneutrondarthneutron Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Speaking on modern day society and how american youth does not have effective leadership, i am part of a volunteer group that helps american youth with confidence, team building and better members of their communities.
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    boondoc0boondoc0 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    zman81420 said:

    I am most likely going to relax with this game, play it casual until The Maze Engine emerges Mod 9 where supposedly 4 dungeons re-enter the game.

    hate to break it to you, but the returning dungeons are all going to be 3-man leveling dungeons. the only epic returning one is castle never and everything i've heard from preview is that it's resoundingly "meh".

    mod 9 is pretty much the lowest effort they could put in and still call it an update. instead of spending the energy to make them epic dungeons they spent that time making them "prettier". but don't forget the new mount system coming in mod 9.

    "btw look at all these neat mounts you can get from the zen store!" -cryptic

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    At this point I am starting to feel like the game is a chore. Without spending bars (waiting for them to return c wards) I have to grind crabs 100 times to get a weapon with my dc, just to test if it triggers haste (and how much with my build). I may find out the weapon is useless and end up grinding ember claw a hundred times as well. Doesn't help that my inventory is filled with stuff for double enchants, which was removed. Now double refinement is useless to me cause I'm not wasting 2 months of saving on half gems.
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    zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    @boondoc0 aww man I hadn't read they were 3 man. I was also wondering the point of returning if they are the same little rewards such as the epics we have right meow. Players will still opt for the fastest runs since they aren't pursing an item of value or trade value at that.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
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    edwin3010edwin3010 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Just thought I would let the Devs know that I've just spent £150 on xbox store. That's money that I would have spent on Neverwinter if you didn't decide to **** us all over.
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    matiagronxmatiagronx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 251 Arc User
    mental159 said:

    Since this is obviously a business move, lets talk business. How much of an impact to your revenue from the xbox zen market do you need before you realize this is a bad call?

    There are a multitude of scenarios playing out right now that I am sure PW/Cryptic do not want to happen, and it will effect your revenue.

    Players are contacting microsoft for refunds and to lodge complaints. Refunds will be taken from you. Prepare your accounting department for the Microsoft hit. Furthermore, I am quite certain that as a free to play game that microsoft has had prominently displayed on their front page a few times, there is the potential for strict consequences from them, including potentially having your game pulled form the marketplace. That means NO money made on the xbox platform any longer.

    Players refusing to buy zen, but continuing to play. This will result in you hemorrhaging money on the xbox platform until you make another bad decision to force advertisements on the players, at which point you have a mass exodus of your player base.

    Players out right quitting. This means even if you decide that maybe your current course of action is a bad one, and you decide to properly make it right, you are likely not going to recapture this audience. These players will go back to destiny, or go on to play the division, or some other game, and lose their addiction to playing neverwinter. EVERY DAY you see a reduced player count on the xbox platform dramatically increases the odds these players find something else and do not come back as they found their next gaming fix.

    You seem to think we are all idiots. We can plainly see that you are using a key/zen sale coupled with this "restitution" to gauge what the true impact will be. While you play your corporate games, item 3 on my list above is happening, and you are losing dedicated players forever.

    As others have said, restore the tradebar store to match the PC, and make the wards and rubies bind to account if you are that concerned about them becoming exploitable in some fashion. The real problem tho is exactly as /u/rahlquist pointed out:

    Pay close attention here. This is the smoking gun. We made a boo boo by putting things in both stores as this caused items of value X in one place to be of similar value in another market. This prevents us from directly manipulating the value of items easily. For example, Blood Rubies. If they are selling for 80,000 AD (this is a typical price) and we start selling them for 60 t-bars and already sell them for 800 Zen that means that effectively there is an implied value to our currencies of 100AD/Zen and 1333AD/T-bar and 13.333Zen/T-bar and lets face it, that much of an AD crash (brining it down from 140-170 ad/zen) would cripple Zen spending as everyone with AD would buy up Zen. Ooops. So from now on we wont let there be any way for one currency to be compared to the other.

    By having a DIRECT method of seeing ad/zen value, it empowers AD sellers to better price their diamonds, and encourages people to get AD from 3rd parties. Furthermore, it encourages players to earn/buy AD instead of zen because they will want to take advantage of a crashing ADX. When the ADX gets low enough, it is no longer cost effective to buy zen to add it to the ADX, so there are less zen purchases.

    That is not our problem. It is a problem you inherited by having a player driven economy instead of a static economy. You are punishing us for your lack of creativity in driving the value of zen up through a diverse and desirable zen market. You started down this path by changing the zen market to have everything available at all the times instead of coming in and out of stock on cycles. You have further destroyed your own zen market by not adding fresh consumable bind to account content that gives us a reason to keep buying more.

    Swallow your pride/discard your hubris. Apologize, give us the damn tradebar store we were promised, take your hit to profits for a couple of months, and take that time to plan for and provide innovative diverse content to your zen store and watch how quickly players start buying zen.

    Just quoting a very thoughful and smart post. You should print this and stick it above each office and have everyone there read it once each day for 1 month.
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    darthneutrondarthneutron Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Great post mental159
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    darthneutrondarthneutron Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Sad turn of events on my phone more reading and communicating on forums since not playing neverwinter. Too much time on my hands. At least bank account happier, lol.
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    zwaany6zwaany6 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited February 2016
    Today I just gave away what I had to the guild members we have left. Most of them are playing till the division. Most of them who are staying has not spent any money in the game. There are to many other games to play and time and money to spend on developers who keep their word and shows the community they care.

    To those sticking around I wish you all the best!
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    mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    Well for the first time I did not buy any Zen in the sale, no purchases nada No stronghold packs no keys squat. I have some residual Zen which I will use sparingly however while this debacle rumbles on I will not spend a dime.
    Further action will depend on whether they correct this mess they have created for us all.

    I am also spending way more time in other games now, instead of 8-9 hours a day in the game over a weekend about 45 minutes is my maximum now. Devs you need to sort this put them back as BOA (even at 200 if you must) and let us all move on.
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    kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I'm sorry for you guys, but as one of the previous PC players dropped here to say, we've been screwed many times before lol.
    This company is known for these kind of practice and you guys were just another part of the plan to milk you to the last drop.

    Some of things happened on the PC were called "mistakes" or even "being lucky" yeah lads I still remember the Nightmare day!!
    The thing that makes it even worse is that you guys play a different game, it's not possible to compare PC nad Xbox , seriously.

    Many of those who still remain on the PC do not need to drop a dime on the game. I myself didn't pay a single peny for a long long time. There was a time when I did support the game but that was way back when it was much much better than it's nowdays.

    PC players do have ways to earn the in game currency so yeah, our wallets are shut for a bit now.

    This is all due to Cryptic failing to deliver a proper content and periodically doing things that discourage their players to spend anything on whatever was left of the initial great game. So again....best advice you will get is not to spend money on the game if you're feeling (and rightfully so) robbed.

    Crying rivers of tears on the forums means nothing :) they're doing their job and that's that.

    Another thing is it's not Strum's, Ambi's or whichever dev's/mod's fault of course. They're just folks that happen to be in a bad spot having to take the hits that's all.

    I'm quite shocked reading someone dropped few thousands dollars on the game, like...wow! As long as anyone plays this game as a true FTP it can be quite fun. But as a paying person I do feel your pain.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
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    codenie#3846 codenie Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Still no word from de dev's after the 'missings' they make?
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    darthneutrondarthneutron Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Unknown you post anything? Still spending more time on phone and forums with no time in game. Sad launch for the gaming community, sets a bad precedence. At least the developers set the bar low so next time they can just trip over it and be more successful, now just how many gamers will be around to see it. I am willling to bet the paying gamers will be cut in half.
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    darthneutrondarthneutron Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    So speaking of the mic drop, this reminds me of SNL skit of kyle versus kayne, where kyle thought he won, lol. Mic drop after bad performance.
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    farmerreg#0580 farmerreg Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    zman81420 said:

    For being my First MMO RPG, I hope this is not a business model followed by others games.

    No, this is not the standard business model. Blizzard does a great job of not only providing a great gaming experience, but their customer service is fast, friendly, helpful and genuinely seem eager to help you with what ever your issue may be. Yes they charge a monthly fee, but they do a great job of providing you with very attainable in game items as well as paid items. The paid items are either vanity items or mounts. No pay to win tactics such as seen in Neverwinter. All items/enchants/crafting materials can be not only bought in game (via AH), but farmed for as well. Meaning, I don't have to pay $10 in real money to buy an item that will upgrade my current enchant level. I need to upgrade my enchant to the next level, I see what ingredients are needed then either go and farm them, or buy them from the AH, or see if my guild bank has the needed items.

    I have a PS4 and this is one of the F2P games that I won't be playing on there......
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