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Update on the Trade Bar Store (Xbox One)



  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    It's a first step if you don't open your wallet until they take more steps.

    There is no such thing as an unregulated economy on earth. Interest rates from the Federal Reserve regulate ours here in the states. As someone with roughly 4.5k tradebars I am disappointed, but as a reasonable human being who recognizes that players who don't shell out for keys or packs often deserve to have some value for their buck if/when they elect to buy a coal ward for Zen, I realize that just cause I might be getting the short end of the stick doesn't mean someone else isn't getting the long.

    I've been about as vocal as you, only most of my posts have been deleted.
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    @yetweallfalldown @strumslinger

    In this Trade Bar / Event Calendar debacle casual gamer in me feels hurt in two ways:

    1) Ruined expectations. Combination of promised 2x Enchant event and CW price drop made people expect that they would be able to finally afford some very expensive Enchants at a reasonable price. I personally saved enough Trade Bars, Companion Fortification Kits (gives a lot of RP), Vorpal/PlagueFire/Terror shards, and GMOPs to get a few rank 9/10s. I have also sold several of my enchants knowing their price is to go down. With all the last moment undoing I'm proven wrong and stupid and now have to liquidate my saved materials and buy some weapon enchant back from AH.

    2) Unsympathetic GM response. This is where the ruined expectations could have been remedied if the responding person would show a nice and friendly personality, admitting faults and asking for forgiving. Unfortunately the topic starter has chosen to give a fairly cold "official" rebuttal, even though he stated that he would pay the players to make them "whole" based on his own understanding of fairness.
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User
    destrowod said:

    john6522 said:

    LOL? You assume I'm rich and don't work @destrowod 100$ here n there adds up.

    Yeah 100$ can add up, but even 100$ a month since release wouldn't even get to half the price of your 3000$. No actually i think you work, you have a very good job and 3000$ is probably like 300$ for me. Or even less. I promised myself i would never go over 100$ on NW, the price of a game + DLC, and yes that old format where DLC was 30$, not 50 or 60 like these days wich is DLC i don't buy ! lol. Why? Because its still just a game in the end. Its not worth more than 100$, either in a month or a year of play. But thats me... In any case when you dropped that money you knew what to expect and the model those games are made after. No refund possible, i am sure Xbox Customer Support will say the same.

    In any case, personally ill continue playing, but i won't put any more money at all. I only dropped 20$ on the game, and like i said was planning to drop a 10 here and there to max it at 100$. But not unless they get back on there decision and allow something as fundamental as an upgrade tool to be bough with in-game currency, and at a reasonable price.

    I'm unemployed atm and even I can easily afford $3k. Don't judge people by your perceived standards.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I only play Star Trek Online and have never played NW.

    But here's the situation: all of Cryptic's games are on the same servers. Meaning, when NW gets DDoSed, all of Cryptic's games go down. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1211737/sto-holodeck-connection-issues-2-12/p1 (you can read the comments)

    Whatever is going on with you guys is affecting ALL of us.

    Back around September 2015 you guys had some change to astral diamonds I think it was. Apparently someone wasn't too happy about it and took to Twitter to brag about the DDoS we had at the time. And now it seems this person on Twitter ain't too happy about this tradebar doohicky change you guys just had.

    The DDoS Star Trek Online is having seems to coincide with that change to your tradebar doohicky change. http://massivelyop.com/2016/02/12/neverwinter-refuses-to-add-items-back-into-trade-bar-store-offers-apologies-and-compensation/

    Strangely, looking through your news section here, I see no announcement that NW is having server issues though.
  • speedokillzspeedokillz Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    I still feel scammed. I have never bought 3rd party AD, put real money into the game, and saved over 7k trade bars to be able to purchase enough coal-wards to reasonably equip my 8 (one of each class) characters to be really useful to my strongholds guild.

    You can imagine how many lock box keys I have purchased to accumulate 7k trade bars and have used at least 5k before the announcement for wards and an ion stone that I do not even used any more.

    Bottom line, what you offer as a "gift" is really just a consolation prize... 'thanks for playing a couple thousand hours, but we don't care what we promised...'

    Sorry, not enough. At the very least I those of us should be able to use our trade bars at time of release the way we planned to and then after those trade bars are gone, I wouldn't mind you shutting down the promised trade bar store.

    I will probably play with my guild mates regardless what you do because of the time and money invested, but it will be so h a heavy heart and a bitter feeling.
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User
    Well I suppose I should say my piece.

    But I'm not going to do that at length because it is a waste of time on all fronts.

    I spend money on this game, how much and why is my business, I have been playing this game since its creation on PC and am well aware of what is and isn't worth the expense.

    I am not satisfied with the response we have been given, as I should be but I am going to be taking full advantage of the free items I will be receiving.

    I am experienced in the ways of the game and the nature of the developer with their methods of doing things and have developed my own methods. I make use of everything I buy to it's maximum potential.

    I play this game for the experience and as a D&D fan, I can and will cease playing at any time I decide to do so.

    Next week?
    Next month?

    Who knows. When the interest vanishes, so will I.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    I only play Star Trek Online and have never played NW.

    But here's the situation: all of Cryptic's games are on the same servers. Meaning, when NW gets DDoSed, all of Cryptic's games go down. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1211737/sto-holodeck-connection-issues-2-12/p1 (you can read the comments)

    Whatever is going on with you guys is affecting ALL of us.

    Back around September 2015 you guys had some change to astral diamonds I think it was. Apparently someone wasn't too happy about it and took to Twitter to brag about the DDoS we had at the time. And now it seems this person on Twitter ain't too happy about this tradebar doohicky change you guys just had.

    The DDoS Star Trek Online is having seems to coincide with that change to your tradebar doohicky change. http://massivelyop.com/2016/02/12/neverwinter-refuses-to-add-items-back-into-trade-bar-store-offers-apologies-and-compensation/

    Strangely, looking through your news section here, I see no announcement that NW is having server issues though.

    the announcement is understated and at the top of the page. they state they're looking into it.
  • batdriven#5792 batdriven Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Okay - if you think that selling wards and rubies through the tradebars shop would ruin the economy, then why not make them bound to account when buying from there? That would solve your issue with being afraid of AD farmers, right?

    But you refuse to do it. And I can tell you why. The reason is money. You realized you'd lose too much money, if people can get these attractive items through the tradebars shop. So you would only give them to us through the ZEN market. Force everyone to give you money, if they wanna progress in game.

    You think most players are oblivious to all the stuff going on behind the scenes. But we know.
    We know what is really behind "Look Good Play Good". We know how you control the market.
    I'm just wondering about how you act offended every time, someone figures out a way (a normal, legal way) to make some AD. (For example - putting money into the game, by buying wards from ZEN market, then upgrading enchants and selling them on the auction house is a perfectly fine way to get some AD. It doesn't involve 3rd party websites or cheating on other players. So why would you ban people for that??)

    I spent over 2500 Euro on the game since Xbox start. Just a few days ago, I spent another 20 Euro to get some keys and open lockboxes. As many people already said: It's the only way to get tradebars and you have the chance of getting a nice item if you're lucky. Mostly you're not lucky though.
    Why would I spent money on keys, if I have the snowflakes chance in hell of getting a mount or artifact, and the few tradebars I get, wouldn't even get me anything useful anymore?
    I always spent them on coalescent wards to upgrade my stuff. They were bound to my account and that was fince, since I always wanted to use them for myself anyway.
    (Also - since you announced the changes coming to the tradebars shop, I was getting less bars from the boxes. It used to be 6-12 bars mostly, but since a few weeks only 3 or 4 bars per lockbox... pretty weird, huh?)

    I didn't spent loads of money within the last few weeks just because of the changes coming to the shop. So at this very moment, it doesn't bother me *that* much. However I still feel kind of cheated, because I was counting on it in the future.

    I'm not willing to pay 10 Euro for a single C ward on the zen market. Not even 5 Euro. That's not worth it, in my opinion.

    So like many, many others, I'll close my wallet for now and will not spend another cent on the game unless you fix things in a way, that is fair to the players.

    And please stop trying to find bull**** excuses all the time, to cover up what it's really about. Making money.
    It wouldn't hurt to admit, that you wanna make money. Afterall, Neverwinter is a free game to begin with and it looks pretty and it's fun to play. So most people understand that you need to make money one way or another.
    But giving flimsy reasons as to why things are like this and that and PC is different and blablabla - that is insulting our intelligence. Please stop.

    PS: Oh and about the incovation - I play since the beginning and have 6 characters meanwhile. I never ever got a coalescent ward. 2 or 3 times a preservation ward though. Within almost one year of playing. So I'd say, you can safely discard that method of getting wards...
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    Strangely, looking through your news section here, I see no announcement that NW is having server issues though.

    Thats because mentioning there are server issues on NW XBOX is about like little orphan Annie singing about the sun coming up tomorrow. A bit redundant.

    Sorry to hear your game gets taken out as collateral damage when PWE makes the NW players mad.
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • Wow, that weevil guy had a great idea, twice now. First one was that the suits would utilize the word hippopotamus in their response to show that they do read feedback. They did not, the idea of mentioning a word to prove they read feedback wasn't even mentioned. Thus we can assume they are ignoring us.

    The second idea, outlined on page 2 of this thread(at the time of posting, subject to movement or deletion*), was a four step guide on how to make peace with the playerbase while still lining their pockets.

    Now, to clear up a few things for players who don't understand why people sold their expensive gear. I have 10 characters. They are all broke, all the time, in terms of AD. Across all 10 characters I have one character who has a rank 12 gem, just one. I poured all my resources into it, and I would never choose to sell it, even for the 3 million astral it would give me... except, with cheap c wards in the trade bar shop, Rank 12 is easier to obtain. People see that and compare to that 3 million astral, a few hundred tradebars is nothing. They make their rank 12 and go to sell it. The price seems to have gone down a bit, but hey, 2.5 million is still a lot of astral for someone like me. So I post it for 2.4 mil, an undercut for quick sale. Rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat. Eventually the market stops dropping because people want to earn -something- for their work. For the purpose of this, we will say the rank 12s stabilize at 500k. Had you sold your rank 12 before the update, then bought your gem back at market bottom, you gain 2.5 million astral, less AH fees. That's why people sold stuff.

    *this is what a disclaimer looks like when posted with the original content.
  • gitmonay88gitmonay88 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Lets not forget that using the a.d. exchange is making them money too. Theres a number of ppl that buy zen with cash just to sell it to get diamonds. So if you buy zen with a.d. you are making them money because ppl will continue to buy zen to trade for a.d. If no one trades their a.d. for zen then those ppl will not buy zen to exchange. Just an fyi. I know it may be common sense for some but alot of ppl dont realize.
  • yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    Following our statement about the Trade Bar Store update, we have distributed the promised coalescent wards and wards/ruby pack to players. To redeem these, players will have to log out and back in. The items are redeemable via an in-game mail, so please check your mailboxes. All items distributed as gifts will be bound to account. Please note, we are still in the process of distributing the community goal items and will do that at a later date.
    Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
  • volournvolourn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    I have received my bribe. :)
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User
    volourn said:

    I have received my bribe. :)

    But is it enough to buy your silence? :3

    Join the daaaaark sssssssiiiiiiide....
  • crowinblack2008crowinblack2008 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    This was sent to me in my in-game mail box.

    Subject: Your free gifts!


    With a recent update, Coalescent Wards,Preservation Wards, and Blood Rubies were removed from the Trade Bar Store without any prior warning. We failed to communicate this information before we made the change, and for that we apologize.

    To make up for this, we are giving you some gifts! Enclosed, please find 1 Coalescent ward, 5 preservation Wards, and 1 Blood Ruby.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    The Cryptic Team"

    Now to my response to that in game email.

    I want you to know that I deleted that in game email with all items still in it as well as the one that followed behind it with one Coalescent in with the intent that you can not pay me off. What you did was wrong and now you are trying to "make nice" as a way to smooth things over with this offer. That will not work with me. You do not have my understanding and never will. From when this all started out you lost my trust in this game. I think you know where this is going after my VIP is used up at the end of the month.
    Post edited by crowinblack2008 on
  • fierceeyedfoxfierceeyedfox Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    I received my gift in the mail and the message said thanks for understanding, but I don't. What if we don't understand? :neutral:
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Cryptic will just baton down the hatches and wait for the storm to blow over. They appear to have no regard for their long term reputation.

    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • jinxster74jinxster74 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Do the right thing and make it like advertised. It was your mistake so let it run and learn for next time.
    Spreading a small amount of jam on a large piece of bread doesn't make a sandwich
  • bananacustardbananacustard Member Posts: 28 Arc User

    Following our statement about the Trade Bar Store update, we have distributed the promised coalescent wards and wards/ruby pack to players. To redeem these, players will have to log out and back in. The items are redeemable via an in-game mail, so please check your mailboxes. All items distributed as gifts will be bound to account. Please note, we are still in the process of distributing the community goal items and will do that at a later date.

    You short changed me on wards. I'm one short. You couldn't even get the bribe right. I'm not waiting weeks for you to correct that mistake. You can take the other ward and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, I'm pretty sure it's the same place as your 'formal responses' come from.
  • cscriv79cscriv79 Member Posts: 398 Arc User

    Following our statement about the Trade Bar Store update, we have distributed the promised coalescent wards and wards/ruby pack to players. To redeem these, players will have to log out and back in. The items are redeemable via an in-game mail, so please check your mailboxes. All items distributed as gifts will be bound to account. Please note, we are still in the process of distributing the community goal items and will do that at a later date.

    That is great to have a speedy result on this but,

    "one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market"

    The fashion and dyes exist in both the trade bar store and the Zen market............

    I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene

    NevrCene: TR
    Melisandre: SW
    Brienne: GWF

    Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
  • jappethebreadjappethebread Member Posts: 82 Arc User

    This was sent to me in my in-game mail box.


    Subject: Your free gifts!


    With a recent update, Coalescent Wards,Preservation Wards, and Blood Rubies were removed from the Trade Bar Store without any prior warning. We failed to communicate this information before we made the change, and for that we apologize.

    To make up for this, we are giving you some gifts! Enclosed, please find 1 Coalescent ward, 5 preservation Wards, and 1 Blood Ruby.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    The Cryptic Team"

    Now to my response to that in game email.

    I want you to know that I deleted that in game email with all items still in it as well as the one that followed behind it with one Coalescent in with the intent that you can not pay me off. What you did was wrong and now you are trying to "make nice" as a way to smooth things over with this offer. That will not work with me. You do not have my understanding and never will. From when this all started out you lost my trust in this game. I think you know where this is going after my VIP is used up at the end of the month.

    Wow. I don't know about others but I'm happy with what I got. 11 Coalescent Wards, a Blood Ruby and 5 Preservation Wards.
    They still could have not given us anything.

    I sold my Perfect Vorpal Enchantment prior to the update for 1.6 million AD because I was being told by my guild members that they will drop in price a LOT after CW prices are being reduced. Then the update arrives and CWs are completely removed from the TB store... At first I didn't think of it as a big deal. Then after a few hours I remember I had no weapon enhancement at all and went to see how much the Perfect Vorpal would cost now after the update. Cheapest one was 3.7 million AD. I was furious.

    I started to look up more information about it online and oh boy... Hundreds of people making a shitstorm about it in social media. I thought that this is good, they have to bring the wards back because it's making them look really bad at the moment.

    Well, the wards won't be coming back which is a bit of a disappointment. But at least I got Symbol of Air artifact for 1,200 bars and a lot of Rank 7 enchantments to refine my gear.

    On top of that I got the FREE x11 Coalescent Wards so I just bought Shards of Vorpals from the auction hourse and refined them and got my Perfect Vorpal back now. I counted all the costs and it cost me 1.3 million AD to get it back. And I still have 3 Coalescent Wards to use and that Blood Ruby waiting on the double RP event next weekend.

    I've spent a good chunk of money in the game. Probably close to 2000€. I've played on PC since launch and moved to Xbox when it launched.

    I'm gonna keep playing the game and will probably buy even more zen in the future. Looking forward to Maze Engine later this year!
  • Thanks for the 11 coalescent wards, it'll go a long way upgrading my 10 characters. Oh wait, no it won't. You know what would? Having them available for purchase in the trade bar store. Is even shell out some money to start opening lockboxes again. As is though, I have the snail, the strider, the axe beak, and the team rocket koffing balloon. No need to open those boxes if I can't use the bars for desirable results.
  • dyukillerdyukiller Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Why you guys just do it?
    Put the damn coal and ruby as you said before, and everybody gonna be happy.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2016
    cscriv79 said:

    Following our statement about the Trade Bar Store update, we have distributed the promised coalescent wards and wards/ruby pack to players. To redeem these, players will have to log out and back in. The items are redeemable via an in-game mail, so please check your mailboxes. All items distributed as gifts will be bound to account. Please note, we are still in the process of distributing the community goal items and will do that at a later date.

    That is great to have a speedy result on this but,

    "one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market"

    The fashion and dyes exist in both the trade bar store and the Zen market............

    They are different fashion items and different dyes in both stores. Simply put they don't want directly comparable items in each store. This means that they don't want Coal Wards in both places or items which act directly the same as Coal Wards in the opposite store. The point is to keep the stores from being comparable.

    "Why would I buy a coal ward for this much when I can buy it from the in game store for this much."

    Just to be clear I am in no way trying to get involved in the debate of whether Coal Wards should be in the Zen Store or the Trade Bar store but simply explaining that there is a difference between having directly comparable items in each store and saying there are similar items in each store.

    Certainly dyes are in both stores but you can not get the exact same dyes from either store. If you like a specific color scheme you will have to buy it from whichever store has that color scheme. Just because they both change the color of your items does not mean it is directly comparable. :)
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    When unbound coals came to the TB store on PC, enchantment prices did not drop. The whales just raised the prices of the Marks and Shards to make up for the loss.

    Lesser enchants used to be 400k+ and trans enchants were 9+ million. Now they're ~140k and 3.5million.

    A lot the drop in price happened prior to the change when the tradebar store changes were announced.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    Coal Wards have been in the Trade Bar store for what seems like forever. In fact I had forgotten whether or not they were ever actually even added and if they were then it was likely due to the reduction of frequency from daily invoking.

    It really isn't right to try to look at the PC economy and mirror it or gauge how events will play out. There were just so many differences between the two games as many of the initial economic blunders made on PC did not have any effect in Xbox.

    I am really not talking about exploits as much as changes to fundamental designs of the various systems such as not receiving a coal ward per week upon release, not charging 300K AD to remove a rank 1 enchantment, not having to remove enchantments in order to upgrade enchantments, vastly increased chances of the success rate of upgrading enchantments, much lower penalties for failing to upgrade an enchantment...

    Xbox was released with many fundamentally different systems than PC was. It is really hard to look at PC and say the same will happen on Xbox. The only exception to that was the deflation of AD's values because both Xbox and PC were having players generate far more AD than was being removed by the system.
  • slagbottomslagbottom Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I was short changed on wards by one, as well. From what I saw on Twitter, looks like a lot of people were.
  • antoscorvusantoscorvus Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    There is something I have always come to expect in the world and that is to never expect anything ever promised (more so when it comes to mmo patch notes). Sure it sucks for those of use that wanted to buy the wards for ourselves but, I do see they have to be careful with the xbox version as some of those who are mad is more because hey thought they had future insight (from the pc notes) thinking they had a sure thing to make cash off a sure thing and easily get there item back. It interesting thanks to there foolishness and the so called bribe item I got what I was gonna buy anyway and I get to keep my bars.
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User

    I was short changed on wards by one, as well. From what I saw on Twitter, looks like a lot of people were.

    Are you surprised?
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • edwin3010edwin3010 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I am amazed that some people have sold into this shallow attempt to bribe us off with a couple of wards. Things may be okay for the short term, lower prices enchantments, a few upgrades in hard, adx still within low ranges. Now fast forward a month when everyone's wards are gone.
This discussion has been closed.