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Update on the Trade Bar Store (Xbox One)



  • lethalacezxxlethalacezxx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I won't spend another penny on this game
    It cost a fortune.... The only thing that was good was the col wards when you roll alot of box's.... So they have killed the game
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    I see some arguments that we won't be able to afford to upgrade stuff without wards in the trade bar merchant. I don't understand why people think the wards from the trade bar merchant even at a reduced price are a good deal. From what I have seen, the average drop rate of the trade bars is about 4-5 per lockbox, and opening boxes costs zen in the form of keys, if you have to open about 15 boxes (give or take) to get 75 trade bars the cost is actually more zen than buying the ward from the zen market.

    the boxes have other stuff in them. sometimes it's junk often it's either resellable or useful for upgrading other things. the bars were a failsafe for many of us. even if the box was junk it's contributing to a coal ward. so it's not more expensive. it's bonus money.

  • grreeeenmachinegrreeeenmachine Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Why do you keep deleting posts that refer to a lawsuit and refunds? I will be talking to Microsoft about this. They don't like you guys very much right now.
  • kriptical1kriptical1 Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    Hear that?
    The sounds of a meeeeliiion wallets slamming shut.
    Seriously though, id rather a monthly subscription rather than this garbage
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    I'm in the minority, but I get why this is being done. Can't say I'm thrilled about it, but I understand it.

    However, $10 per coal ward going forward is way too far out of wack. We should be able to get something like a 5-pack for $10 at least, considering how necessary they are to ranking up anything. Either that or that 1% chance of success needs to change to 25%-30%. Or failing that, scale up the enchantments already on sale in the trade bar house from rank 7's up to 10 or so (even with scaling trade bar prices). I also like the idea someone mentioned earlier about adding wards to tradeskills (even if it's a slow, once a week process). Hey, use this opportunity to make leadership worth something again.

    Every new artifact or new piece of artifact equipment we get going forward starts out at green (unless you're lucky and pull something out of a lockbox). That's $30 just to get each artifact item to Legendary ($40 to mythic for artifacts themselves) multiplied by two weapons, a neck, belt, and 4 artifacts. And that's before you even start talking about enchantments or runestones (at 12 ranks multiplied by however many slots you have on your character/companion). This completely kills the free to play concept because you NEED coal wards to refine anything worthwhile, and the only real way to access them in game is at $10 a pop (or a large chunk of AD that the Xbox economy doesn't have).

    You've got to see that the current price structure is way too much. Maybe they were going to be too easy for us to get with the new trade bar store, but this has swung the pendulum way too far in the other direction. It's essentially cutting off everyone except for the biggest spenders, because no one is going to attempt a rank up without any kind of security on a 1% chance to succeed for minimal stat gain, and no one is going to pay $10 a pop to rank up one enchantment one time.

    Unless you find some way to fix the lack of AD in the Xbox economy, no one will be converting to zen, and no one will be able to afford any enchantments over rank 7 (which you can buy in the trade bar house now). This isn't going to work.

    this this a thousand times this.

    (although as a FYI preswards do work for artifacts. I have three orange and one blue and never once used a coal on them. )

    but all this does it makes it so the haves have more and the havenots have nothing. this isn't going to help our economy at all. it's a really HAMSTER move on their part. I hope they man up and fix it.
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User

    Yep, done. Not even close to satisfied with this response. You guys lured people in with trade bars and the trade bar store changes. The biggest of which were the blood rubies and coal wards. This game is going to crash and burn, and you deserve every bit of it.

    yeap...they can't deliver what they promise as prior of the underdark release they promise that coal wards and rubies is going to b available at the trade bar store. the worst thing of all is for those honest individual that spend thousands of hours playing this game and abide by the rules for the devs to screw them over and crash their dreams of making their gear and artifact to mythic because the devs decided to use the cheapest strategy which is bait n switch and just use a very lousy reason to justify their decision not to put the coal wards n blood rubies on the trade bar store.
    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
  • farmerreg#0580 farmerreg Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    "The Division" is starting to look better and better with each passing hour........... :(
  • grreeeenmachinegrreeeenmachine Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    s4v10rx said:

    Yep, done. Not even close to satisfied with this response. You guys lured people in with trade bars and the trade bar store changes. The biggest of which were the blood rubies and coal wards. This game is going to crash and burn, and you deserve every bit of it.

    yeap...they can't deliver what they promise as prior of the underdark release they promise that coal wards and rubies is going to b available at the trade bar store. the worst thing of all is for those honest individual that spend thousands of hours playing this game and abide by the rules for the devs to screw them over and crash their dreams of making their gear and artifact to mythic because the devs decided to use the cheapest strategy which is bait n switch and just use a very lousy reason to justify their decision not to put the coal wards n blood rubies on the trade bar store.
    I have to agree. I was going to use this to get to legendary as well for the 1st time on my main after 1000's of hours played. I'm very sad that I will never get to catch up to the people who farmed spell plague or the people who bought 3rd party. It makes pvp unplayable and the rest of the game is just getting stale without the old dungeons. Underdark is ok but it is easy and the rewards are not very good.
  • dyukillerdyukiller Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    The truth:
    A lot o of people selled they enchants, rune, mounts and companions to get ready to this mod, if blood ruby and coal became cheap, they could make they enchant/rune again and buy mount and companion. and save some AD to do other things.
    So there's a lot of AD in game, and this is a great problem for "economy" --- nobody buy zen with real money.
    Whats is the plan?
    Make user spend that great amount of AD on Zen market, buying coal and ward to sell or trade in game.
    this makes AD per zen go UP, and new players will think: it worth buy zen with real money,! and old players will spend they ad reserve.
    A believe they can put coal and ruby, on trade in a near future.
  • philfyratbagzphilfyratbagz Member Posts: 14 Arc User

    A: I believe your apology is not genuine or written in good faith.
    You both intended to hide the change due to the marketing bait and switch, and then edit your blog to cover your actions!

    B: The removal of the Wards and Rubies from the store looks more like punishment than anything due to the amount for t-bars that have been acquired in the last month through 3rd party AD sales that went into buying keys.
    So your punishing everyone for it!

    C: You claim the wards can be exploited, but Wards through T-bar store were/and should be account bound.
    If the Wards and Rubies can be exploited, then why wasn't the T-bar store on PC changed as well?
    Again it looks like your punishing everyone for people stocking up on T-bars!

    D: You never addressed the final part to your bait and switch!
    Why was 2xAD, Enchants and XP removed in favor for 2xRP?
    That is as obvious as last time when you dropped Gmops after 2xRP last time, but you were sorry about that too right.lol

    Do you really think we're that stupid to believe anything you say anymore?

    HOW TO FIX THE ECONOMY (and fight the 3rd party sellers)

    1: Remove Zen from the game.

    2: Make AD the one currency, Sell it in the market place for $10>15 per million.

    3: Lower your prices for items across the board, you will make more money long term.

    4: People are less likely to go out of game to purchase items if they were worth less in real money terms.


    While I'm going to thankyou for the gift of wards and other things, I'd rather you put the wards back in the market.


  • rhadamathysrhadamathys Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    How embarrassing! 2 days to think it over and your response lacks any real meat/metrics...and it doesn't address the events that were cancelled (for which we had planned) ... I'm embarrassed for you guys, I'm embarrassed for wotc, and most off all I'm embarrassed in myself for caring so much about a game...

    For the rest out there, while it's a free to play game, it's not free to make. Those of us who wish to pay do so because we can and we don't mind showing our appreciation for a product we enjoy. Ultimately everyone needs to decide what is right for them. Will that decision have an impact on pwe? Or the game? Perhaps, perhaps not. If enough people complain, quit, or boycott it might but chances are you are the vocal minority.

    Enough time and evidence has been presented that shows pwe doesn't really value player feedback nor care about the social contract they have with us. if that bothers you, then you need to ask why? It's not like they are going to change, so perhaps it is you that needs to change...

    Personally I've spent a good deal of money on the game. Just like I would for any hobby I enjoy. As of right now I need to determine if that hobby is worth spending more on and I'm undecided as of now. This has left a bad taste in my mouth and I can say I won't be purchasing zen this weekend despite the fact that I normally do on weekends like this.
    Ney - HR (max item level)
    The Legendary Outlaws

    PvE and PvP - Pathfinder Combat
  • ancojoancojo Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    After reading up on this its not an ideal situation the NW devs have got themselves into! Why not just bring back what they originally offered even if it was just for a few weeks so that peeps who bought boxes etc could get what they "Paid" For, then take them back out? OR why not just leave them in and make the game better to play than what this situation is causing? The game doesnt have to be a "Pay to play" Fest which its sadly seems to be becoming more and more?


    I'm doing a giveaway soon to win some AD :wink: Also thinking about doing a mass giveaway to end my time with NW but will wait for the AD to drop again before thinking about doing this.
  • dyukillerdyukiller Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    They looks like want to see us quit, take off most of dungeons, keep teh same 2 maps of pvp, and now
    this is not a comunication mistake, the have time to chage information on web site.
    They annouce, for a long time, everybode believes and get ready to changes, at last sacond they change their mind;
    please.... You arc/criptc LIE TO US!

    GG neverwinter nevermore!
  • pochy03pochy03 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    It kinda pains me to see how such a fun game is slowly going downhill....
  • assassintunkoassassintunko Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Wow, I've never heard so much whining over a free game. If you're putting that much money into it you're a loser, plain and simple. Thank you Neverwinter for such a HAMSTER game. Thank you for the gift as well. Keep up the good work.

    Its not whining it is called sticking up for ourselves. This game is not "HAMSTER" this game is broken and the company who makes it is greedy. A game such as this which relies widely on micro-transactions already makes a metric ton of money so ask yourself why they want to take advantage of their player base even more.

    Please keep your posts civil. Being upset is understandable but you may not be lewd or insulting to any person or group of people under any circumstances.
    Post edited by ambisinisterr on
  • nocturnal#0929 nocturnal Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your issue. The Astral Diamond Exchange in Neverwinter is a player-driven economy. This means that the exchange rate on any given day is the direct result of the supply and demand of Zen/Astral Diamonds as determined by players who are using the system. Perfect World and Cryptic Studios does not control (i.e., inflate, deflate) the exchange rate in this system, we leave it in the hands of players to determine. Whenever a payment reversal or chargeback is initiated by a consumer through their bank it is our standard practice to suspend the account pending resolution of the dispute. If the funds in the dispute are not repaid to us, or the dispute dropped, the account will remain permanently suspended. Additionally, even though the dispute was for payments made to Neverwinter, the same game account was used to play Star Trek Online and Champions Online. Suspensions apply to the account as a whole, not to a specific game the account is used to play on. Please feel free to contact out support team if you have any further questions. Thanks. Regards, Perfect World Entertainment Customer Service
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Neverwinter "Underdark" was announced for PC on May 5th, 2015. (note caveat "with XBox One to follow")


    VIP for XBox was introduced as (IMO) a subscription to this game. 1000 zen/month - roughly a $10.00/month subscription - it was announced on 9/4/15, it went live 9/8/15 (w/ Elemental Evil)


    For that $10 a month, which I gladly paid for the benefits - the most appealing of which were keys - at a substantial value, 30 keys for 1K zen per VIP bundle purchased & various QoL "upgrades".

    Tradebar rework was announced for PC on 10/30/15.


    I bought more VIP (full 12 months worth) in anticipation of the eventual Underdark and in turn, Tradebar rework release on the XBox One.

    It (Tradebar) went live with the release of Underdark on 11/17/15. (note caveat "In terms of systems, the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store has also undergone a massive – and very popular – rework.")


    At no point, up until a ninja edit, at some point after 2/4/16, had there been any indication the trade bar store would be any different with the Xbox One release vs the in place PC rework. Even with the stealth disclaimer, Rubies & Wards are listed with new pricing...

    I'm curious, and I'm sure we will never know.... following the release of VIP on XBox - at $10 a month on 9/8/15 & the announcement of the tradebar rework announcement on 10/30, that was tied to the Underdark release which was to "follow" the Nov 17th PC replease date, what kind of spike in VIP XBox subscriptions there were... 4 months of VIP = 120 keys, typically 4 or 5 TB's a box - 480-600 tradebars per subscriber over the course of 11/1/15 - 2/1/16 that were hoarded by who knows how many VIP subscribers who signed up for multiple months of VIP solely because of the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming tradebar rework we would eventually be getting...

    Also curious, how many people out there decided to ride out purchasing a CWard from the old trade bar store for 200 when up until earlier this week we were all lead to believe on 2/9 they would be available for 75?

    Also curious how poorly CWards/Blood Rubies sold on the Zen Market following the 10/30/15 announcement of the Trade Bar rework... if I had to guess, VIP sales spiked (I know I dumped cash into 12 month of it right around then) and Rubies/CWards plummeted.

    So now, in Cryptic/PWE's infinite wisdom.... ahhh, got that VIP dough, now we can cash on some more Zen $$$ when people who have paid for months of VIP start getting frustrated with enchants/gear/artifacts they want to refine because they've hit that paywall & we took away a very legitimate way (CWards/Rubies in the TB update they never got) to advance their characters...

    Parity - my HAMSTER

    XBox/PC being the same - my HAMSTER

    Trying to get the 2 platforms as close as possible - my HAMSTER

    A sincere apology - my HAMSTER

    Ramification on the economy - my HAMSTER

    Buy me off with this sorry excuse at making this right - kiss my HAMSTER

    Not another DIME.

  • nocturnal#0929 nocturnal Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I found this response made in defense of your company on the BBB. Basically you will lie in the faces of many to attempt to make yourselves look better while you do the opposite.
  • adelelilyadelelily Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    The only way to get them to do what us gamers want is to boycott the game and not spend a dime on Zen if we do this as a community they will start to listen.
  • s4v10rxs4v10rx Member Posts: 389 Arc User

    On Tuesday, February 10, the Coalescent Wards, Preservations Wards and Blood Rubies were removed from the Trade Bar Store in the Xbox One version of Neverwinter. We wanted to go over why the decision was made and the process of communicating this change to the community.

    First off, let’s discuss the communication. We as a company failed to distribute this information before we made the change. For that, we apologize. It has always been our desire to be transparent with the community in an effort to ensure that you have the necessary information for our game. However, this change wasn’t something that was planned and withheld. Both the PC and Xbox version operate in different ways especially in regards to their economies. Similar to real-world economies, there are highs and lows mixed with hundreds of variables. In this particular situation, we made the decision to remove the wards and rubies late in the cycle of our communication and after we already communicated the previous changes that were available in the PC version of Underdark. This last minute change did not give us the opportunity to distribute that message to the players before the launch of our expansion. In the future, we will work towards giving a larger timeframe to properly communicate this message to you.

    Similar to the adjustments that we made with the AD economy, our team is in the process of doing a holistic review of how players are interacting with our economy as a whole. Our investigation is focused on reviewing every variable to look for areas of abuse through either exploitation or fraud, whether through paid currency or achievable in-game currency. The removal of these items was due to a large influx in habits that we have been following from exploiters, who have been obtaining these items and redistributing them as currency for other purposes. To be very clear though, we do not want to discuss our economy in absolutes. There could always be adjustments or exceptions based on how players are interacting with the changes to our in-game systems. This is why Coalescent and Preservation Wards are still available through systems like Invocation.

    To speak to this further, one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market. Doing so can create confusion, as well as introduce perceived equivalencies that aren’t actually true. We made a mistake when allowing these items to exist in both the Trade Bar store and the Zen Market. Though Coalescent Wards and Preservation Wards did exist (at a higher price) in the Trade Bar store before, our attempt to make them more prominent and significantly cheaper had a large negative impact on the in-game economy. We really thought this would be a positive change, but we were wrong and we apologize for taking them away now.

    Through this process, and since the launch of our game, community feedback has been paramount to how we perceive our game. We understand that several of you were upset with the changes and want to reiterate that we do not intend to hinder your play experience. We’re gamers too and we review our decisions through the lens of our own gaming habits. We will continue to review our system, but in the meantime we would like to make good on communication. Although we cannot return the removed items from our Trade Bar store, we would like to offer each of our players the following:

    • We are going to look into our player data for those who had 200+ Trade Bars total in their account at the time of our Underdark launch. That means if one character had 197 Trade Bars and another had 3, the account would be treated as though it had 200. For those accounts, we will give out one Coalescent Ward for every 200 Trade Bars that you had in your inventory at the time of launch. The reason we need to use the old pricing is that we are still reviewing the in-game economy as a whole. For this reason, we are also going to cap the maximum amount of wards at 10 Coalescent Wards per eligible individual. You will NOT be charged Trade Bars for this transaction. This is a gift.
    • We will also be delivering a free pack to ALL existing accounts that includes: one Coalescent Ward, one Blood Ruby and five Preservation Wards.
    • Finally, we are going to consider our community goals for Neverwinter on Xbox One accomplished.
    In regards to when we will deliver these items, we are in the process of making them available for accounts as described above. Based on our current estimations, we expect to have all of these gifts go out within the next week. We will be updating everyone on the status of the update as we get closer to release.

    We hope you continue to deliver feedback for our team. We are listening to you every time that you post on the forums, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. You are a critical part of our game and your feedback is important to us.

    Well Good Job and Goodbye but before i leave i will be filing a complaint with xbox for fraud and false advertising this is not a solution its an attempt to bribe your players and anyone who accepts this is a fool i urge you fellow xbox players to follow in my example and file a complaint with xbox support they already have an investigation going and will more then likely force theem to give us what we were promised not some HAMSTER excuse and a handshake what you did is fraud and is punishable by law in many countries have fun with xbox's lawyers
    well mayb u can create a website where you are able to provide direct information to those lawyers and attorney for XB1 so that you can help other individuals in filing complain with microsoft for fraud and false advertising.

    Guild: Asylum
    7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
    7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
    7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
    7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
    7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    on the other hand. supply and demand right, maybe so many people will be gone that there will be a glut of enchantments on the market and prices will drop for those of us who remain. (of course, we won't be able to fill a dungeon or kill tiamat or the demogorgon sowhat's the point.... )
  • funkehmanfunkehman Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    People, complaining about not getting trade-bar wards makes you look bad... The zen can be obtained for free... Something called "Grinding". It is a thing mmos have. If you can't grind, you can't play. Stop whining like children and grind for it. Trade bars aren't the only way. People who cared not for the wards are mad not because of the trade bar changes, but that you whinners are acting like you are in kindergarden. If you really hate this game, leave. There are players who do not want to listen to children crying, especially in Protector's Enclave.
  • legendxkillalegendxkilla Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    The other thing that doesn't sit right with me is the fact that you're banning people for using a cheaper service that's being advertised in your game. You do realise that because of your ridiculous pricing structure of $10 for 125-140k is ridiculous? Then, shock horror, a message pops up from the Chinese 24/7, offering 1 mill for $9. You may actually want to spend more time moderating your chat because all you're doing is destroying your fanbase.

    The reality is that mod 4/5 were your high point for this game. You knew this and since the drop of mod 6, on both the PC and Xbox, your numbers have dwindled.

    The irony is, your game is f*****g awesome when it works. But you keep finding ways to shaft people over and over.
  • brett#9746 brett Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Lol funkehman i bet you already have everything upgraded completely so of course it wouldnt effect you, but to the newer players, they are completely screwed. This game is suppose to be a f2p game, but from the way they are conducting there business now, if you don't pay you lose end of discussion, nice bait and switch tatic though. Haha good job perfect world.
  • dyukillerdyukiller Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    funkehman said:

    People, complaining about not getting trade-bar wards makes you look bad... The zen can be obtained for free... Something called "Grinding". It is a thing mmos have. If you can't grind, you can't play. Stop whining like children and grind for it. Trade bars aren't the only way. People who cared not for the wards are mad not because of the trade bar changes, but that you whinners are acting like you are in kindergarden. If you really hate this game, leave. There are players who do not want to listen to children crying, especially in Protector's Enclave.

    dude, silence pls.
    It's not about gameplay. it's about LIES.
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    funkehman said:

    People, complaining about not getting trade-bar wards makes you look bad... The zen can be obtained for free... Something called "Grinding". It is a thing mmos have. If you can't grind, you can't play. Stop whining like children and grind for it. Trade bars aren't the only way. People who cared not for the wards are mad not because of the trade bar changes, but that you whinners are acting like you are in kindergarden. If you really hate this game, leave. There are players who do not want to listen to children crying, especially in Protector's Enclave.


    President's Day is coming up, and with in annual President's Day Sales.

    Let's say... Best Buy is advertising high end 70+inch 4K TVs for $1000.00 (they typically run for $5K+). You go pick up one, pay for it, take it home and to your shock and horror... you have a 32 inch old school tube TV instead.

    You take your new TV back to Best Buy, because, obviously, there must have been some mistake.

    Best Buy tells you, "nope, this is what we meant, we understand that maybe we should have been a little clearer or communicated our intentions better, but we didn't"... this makes you angry, so you want 1 of 2 things - a refund of your money or the product you thought you were paying for.

    Best Buy tells you, "not going to happen, but... here's a shiny new VCR player, it's really nice - and it's FREE!"

    Now, me personally, I would be furious. I would NEVER shop at Best Buy again, I would let anybody who would listen to avoid giving Best Buy any business going forward.

    Perhaps you would just take it & grind....

  • boondoc0boondoc0 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    funkehman said:


    President's Day is coming up, and with in annual President's Day Sales.

    Let's say... Best Buy is advertising high end 70+inch 4K TVs for $1000.00 (they typically run for $5K+). You go pick up one, pay for it, take it home and to your shock and horror... you have a 32 inch old school tube TV instead.

    You take your new TV back to Best Buy, because, obviously, there must have been some mistake.

    Best Buy tells you, "nope, this is what we meant, we understand that maybe we should have been a little clearer or communicated our intentions better, but we didn't"... this makes you angry, so you want 1 of 2 things - a refund of your money or the product you thought you were paying for.

    Best Buy tells you, "not going to happen, but... here's a shiny new VCR player, it's really nice - and it's FREE!"

    Now, me personally, I would be furious. I would NEVER shop at Best Buy again, I would let anybody who would listen to avoid giving Best Buy any business going forward.

    Perhaps you would just take it & grind....

    more along the lines of BB telling you "hey buy this stuff and we'll give you coupons that will let you buy this TV on this date. then when that date rolls around they tell you "oh no, not you we were speaking to those people over there. why would you expect us to give YOU people this amazing deal. here, take these dvds and be happy you're getting anything from us. but keep shopping here because you're a valued customer."
  • volournvolourn Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    Still haven't received my bribe yet. Countdown begins. :)
  • ancojoancojo Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    awrex1977 said:

    funkehman said:

    People, complaining about not getting trade-bar wards makes you look bad... The zen can be obtained for free... Something called "Grinding". It is a thing mmos have. If you can't grind, you can't play. Stop whining like children and grind for it. Trade bars aren't the only way. People who cared not for the wards are mad not because of the trade bar changes, but that you whinners are acting like you are in kindergarden. If you really hate this game, leave. There are players who do not want to listen to children crying, especially in Protector's Enclave.


    President's Day is coming up, and with in annual President's Day Sales.

    Let's say... Best Buy is advertising high end 70+inch 4K TVs for $1000.00 (they typically run for $5K+). You go pick up one, pay for it, take it home and to your shock and horror... you have a 32 inch old school tube TV instead.

    You take your new TV back to Best Buy, because, obviously, there must have been some mistake.

    Best Buy tells you, "nope, this is what we meant, we understand that maybe we should have been a little clearer or communicated our intentions better, but we didn't"... this makes you angry, so you want 1 of 2 things - a refund of your money or the product you thought you were paying for.

    Best Buy tells you, "not going to happen, but... here's a shiny new VCR player, it's really nice - and it's FREE!"

    Now, me personally, I would be furious. I would NEVER shop at Best Buy again, I would let anybody who would listen to avoid giving Best Buy any business going forward.

    Perhaps you would just take it & grind....

    lol this was funny!

    So theres the CoD Bops3 debacle with the Cod points to buy supply drops which now include weapons! Then this happens with NW!

    I just dont get it, COD as a franchise had it all but over the past few years Activision are royally screwdrivering players over and NW as a game mode is one of the best I've played, I love the fight system but they seem to be doing what Activision are doing!

    Its all simply based on one thing, GREED! Its nothing else, none of the changes they implement are more to the benefit of the players its more to the benefit of the share holders/bosses of the companies wanting more and more bonus cash in their paypackets!

    The sad thing is its not just CoD or NW but many other games and not only games but society as a whole, we have a now what seems natural urge for more and more! This is what the likes of game makers now prey on, they know many people want it all and want it now so they use it to their advantage!

    Any wonder why the state of the economy/world is in the mess its in! The sooner it all crashes back down to earth the better but the sad thing is, who will suffer more? The rich or the poor? My analogy went a bit astray but I think you get my point? Greed does no one any good in the long run, its just ruins things for the many and only rewards the few!

    I was in a happy chilled mood!
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    I'm just going to drop this right here. The Extra Credits guys do a decent job of explaining the problem with f2p these days.
This discussion has been closed.